Herb Zinser's analysis of the symbol brain .... language wars
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- The Lord of Flies......atomic language SCIENCE WAR in Drosophila region of OOCYTE --> OOC --> Oklahoma, Oklahoma City
- Cavendish Labs TIME mystery --> secret atomic uranium 235 isotope messages by Agatha Christie: The Clocks
- Lewis Carroll language military forces and modern world conflicts
- Virginia Tech advanced English class on symbolic life and death - - - > Hunting in the Alps - - - > becomes Hunting in the brain Alphabets
- Star Trek- -- > Deep Space Nine --> The Search. . . .The atomic/astrophysics communications continuum reveals CLUES to university and high school shootings . . Secrets of university subliminal MIND data streams are embedded within a paperback book.
- George Orwell 1984 and the wave mechanics physics propaganda war: Oceania - the Cole Hall shooting
- Nathaniel Hawthorne and the astrophysics secret CELESTIAL RAILROAD
- The ferrous oxide atomic English Language messenger - the IRON LADY
- H. G. Wells and the Time Machine - the Y2K biological clock.......symbolic brain WAR
- English language anthropology WAR - CLUES
- George Orwell 1984 nuclear anthropology TIME
- Lewis Carroll and the Virginia TECH student experiments
Herb Zinser's English literature clues to the SYMBOL MACHINE war for thought control of the human brain symbol bio-computer processor with the optical nerve symbol life of proper nouns: authors, titles, and characters that are alive and well inside your skull..... and influence our daily thoughts, behavior and decisions. Are you an eye/optical nerve..(photon /electromagnetic)..symbolic data processor OR are you an ear/mouth noise processor?