Herb Zinser's analysis of the symbol brain .... language wars

George Orwell 1984 and the wave mechanics physics propaganda war: Oceania - the Cole Hall shooting

Permalink 11/23/13 19:25, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


George Orwell --> Nineteen Eighty-Four occurs in Oceania, one of three intercontinental ...... " Orwell's 1984: the future is here: George Orwell believed the stark ...

George Orwell --> Among the seminal texts of the 20th century, Nineteen Eighty-Four is a rare work that grows more haunting as its futuristic purgatory becomes more real

George Orwell --> 1984 George Orwell's 1949 novel decries a totalitarian government bent on total manipulation.

George Orwell --> Propaganda in 1984 .... examples of propaganda in 1984, besides the 3 obvious ones (War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength, etc. ...



Nineteen Eighty-Four is a rare work ....in math terms 

Nineteen (80 - 4 DNA nucleotides of TIME).......

1976 ..... the 200 year project started in year 1776......  is a rare work of the living English language and the  1776 Constitution  


The English language WAR ZONES over Book 1984 and Oceania.

==> 1984 + base 16 hexadecimal (HEX of April 16,2007) = Year 2000 mess/message for Virginia TECH university...regarding the Y2K biological clock ....symbolic brain computer failure in students.



==> Oceania battle over atomic brain...atomic mass communications ERRORS.

The battle report comes from Cole Hall .... oceanography class .....at Northern Illinois University with the DR. Robley D. EVANS physics textbook "The Atomic Nucleus".

The Margaret Mead nuclear family...atomic social anthropology battle was near EVANS Field House
in DeKalb... Illi.noise(e)......with Enrico Fermi and his successor FermiLAB.
Thus the Earth geo-physics LAND..Landau atomic soil battle parameters:
EVANS (DR.Robely D. Evans) Field House (Einstein's Field Theory)




...VA interaction bio-physics experimental ERROR on the
ST.Valentine's Day atomic mass massacre ....a bio-physics message with components of


Fe = Ferrous oxide atoms in the iron Hemoglobin protein month /day
Fe = February 14 in the geography region of Northern Illinois area
Fe = FermiLAB atomic social engineering policy errors of the OFFICE of SCIENCE ...which includes atomic social sciences and atomic poltical sciences....based on the THEORY that the human brain might be composed of atoms that think and have SELF-awareness........







as opposed to

the EM = Electro-magnetic life formats of EM = Employees with bio-brain television and bio-brain radio skulls. The music group..RADIO HEAD and others correctly suggest that many humanoids are in this EM species people group.

Brain electron circuits (radio HEAD structures) have apparently evolved with brain neurotransmitters bio-physics transmissions (along with the North Pole magnetic field flow lines) that PARALLEL copper wire devices. Thus the explanation given about the COLE HALL shooting is very incomplete....and the students and graduates of NIL are involved in a nasty Carl Jung collective
unconsciousness ..cover-up. They like to play dumb in serious matters that require serious thought. The entire social engineering system of manipulation...some okay and some of it needs adjustment.

But no one cares....no one is helping me work on this. Students, professors and officials are concerned about their next dinner party and what line of BS their Carl Jung collective subliminal mind can verbalize. Who are the exceptions...that can think beyond BRAVE NEW WORLD?

Nature's intellect has other ideas and I am pleased to help Nature accurately explain its social engineering systems and the system FEEDBACK SIGNALS...the tragic signals and their probable meaning ...that suggest adjustments to the social engineering vectors used for family and societal navigation into the future.....Nature's future project plan for civilization and the TREE of Knowledge.


Nature needs more intellectual warriors....Bertrand Russell, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and others paved the way.

Nathaniel Hawthorne and the astrophysics secret CELESTIAL RAILROAD

Permalink 11/23/13 18:38, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

Herb Zinser's English literature clues to the symbolic war for control of the human brain symbolic computer with the optical nerve symbolic life of proper nouns: authors, titles, and characters that are alive and well inside your skull.

Herb Zinser's English literature clues to the symbolic war for control of the human brain symbolic computer with the optical nerve symbolic life of proper nouns: authors, titles, and characters that are alive and well inside your skull..... and influence our daily thoughts, behavior and decisions. Are you an eye/optical nerve..(photon /electromagnetic)..symbolic data processor OR are you an ear/mouth noise processor?



Nathaniel Hawthorne
Nathaniel Hawthorne by Brady, 1860-65.jpg
Nathaniel Hawthorne in the 1860s
Born July 4, 1804
Salem, Massachusetts, United States
Died May 19, 1864 (aged 59)
Plymouth, New Hampshire, United States
Alma mater Bowdoin College (1825)


CALTECH and the University of Cambridge

Hawthorne ...... SYMBOL LIFE


Hawthorne ...... SYMBOL cell / proper noun


Hawthorne  ..... MITOSIS / cell division

Haw  +  thorne  .... evolution to

Hawking   + Thorne ... brain cell life forms







Hawthorne – The Celestial Railroad | Harper's Magazine


Sep 18, 2010 – –Nathaniel Hawthorne, “The Celestial Railroad” (1843) in the Complete Novels and Selected Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne, pp. 1070-1082 ...

Not a great while ago, passing through the gate of dreams, I visited that REGION of the earth in which lies the famous City of Destruction. It interested me much to learn that by the public spirit of some of the inhabitants a railroad has recently been established between this populous and flourishing town and the Celestial City. Having a little time upon my hands, I resolved to gratify a liberal curiosity by making a trip thither. Accordingly, one fine morning after paying my bill at the hotel, and directing the porter to stow my luggage behind a coach, I took my seat in the vehicle and set out for the station-house. It was my good fortune to enjoy the company of a gentleman--one Mr. Smooth-it-away--who, though he had never actually visited the Celestial City, yet seemed as well acquainted with its laws, customs, policy, and statistics, as with those of the City of Destruction, of which he was a native townsman. Being, moreover, a director of the railroad corporation and one of its largest stockholders, he had it in his power to give me all desirable information respecting that praiseworthy enterprise.

Our coach rattled out of the city, and at a short distance from its outskirts passed over a BRIDGE of elegant construction, but somewhat too slight, as I imagined, to sustain any considerable weight. On both sides lay an extensive quagmire, which could not have been more disagreeable either to sight or smell, had all the kennels of the earth emptied their pollution there.

"This," remarked Mr. Smooth-it-away, "is the famous Slough of Despond--a disgrace to all the neighborhood; and the greater that it might so easily be converted into firm ground."

"I have understood," said I, "that efforts have been made for that purpose from time immemorial. Bunyan mentions that above
twenty thousand cartloads of wholesome
......INSTRUCTIONS had been thrown in here without effect."
==> Thus we have the evolution of Hawthorne into the modern day secret
astrophysics double-helix HAWTHORNE agents =
Haw + thorne --> Hawking + Thorne --> Stephen Hawking and Kip S. Thorne.
These gentlemen work and think within the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Computer Earth system 370).






Specifically, we have galactic undercover agent Hawking with the galactic computer communications BRIDGE (data processing REGION of Earth Computer Lab)
located at the CAD/CAM geography area labeled:

Universe of CAM-->bridge; in humanoid English language is:
University of Cambridge.

Stephen Hawking
Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA is an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the

Universe   of Cam +  bridge. Wikipedia

Max Born bio-physics : January 8, 1942 (equation 1942 = 1 solar system 9 project plan planets  (8 data bits + 1 pariry bit)  and Base 4 exponent  2),
  Oxygen geography location of  Oxford, United Kingdom

Hawkings 1992 paper on astrophysics Darwinian evolution of the Standard Model bio-physics HUMAN authorization Hierarchy Problem ....explains the identification
codes for message processing agent: HMZ ...who is known to David H. Clark as agent SS433.

The Hawking paper on Darwin "Selection Rules for Toplogy Change" ...was a message disregarded by FermiLAB atomic bio-physics researchers of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family project.

The Hierarchy Problem | Of Particular Significance

Aug 14, 2011 – What is the Hierarchy Problem? An important feature of nature that puzzles scientists like myself is known as the hierarchy, meaning the vast ...

Atomic social anthropology violations by Batavia, Illinois and the Office of Science is a problem --> their failure to recognize the existence of atomic life. The orgin of thought is the atom within the brain.

Atomic SELF-awareness is a fact denied by the humanoid magnetic field structures in Batavia. However the periodic atomic table government is well aware of the tricks and schemes of mass communications (television and publishing)..because mass communications is REALLY atomic mass communication on atomic social science issues,etc.




==>The other component of the Hawthorne astrophysics project on EARTH LAB is SPACE/TIME agent PST send to investigate SPACE and TIME on Earth Lab.

Agent PST = Pacific Standard Time agent for the
...... PST.......... Standard model physics extension
.........................(Beyond the Standard Model).
KI.....PST.....horne ...in the atomic/astrophysics alphabet is:
KIP.... S... Thorne ...in English language proper noun identifier.


The agent PST book:
Black Holes and Time WARPS .. Time extrapolation ..reveals
............... Time WARPS(T)..and reformating his universal mind
LINK giving: Time WAR PST = Pacific Standard Time ...
..............thus the TIME WAR Pacific Standard Time.

Pacific Time Zone
  Pacific Time    Z     one
UTC offset
PST UTC−8:00
PDT UTC−7:00
Observance of DST
DST is observed throughout this time zone between the 2nd Sunday in March and the 1st Sunday in November.




The war zone on the west coast on the United States...space/time region.

Computer Earth system 370 VSAM data space CA = Control area
--> CA = California galactic control area (geography surface control area) ...
with CA = CALTECH --> Control area Language Tech.

The FACE of the PST ...... interFACE agent ... Thorne for the
haw.THORNE astrophysics Celestial Railroad.....
which ties into the Viking  God: Thor
...with his Norse version of the mystery Celestual RailRoad message.

The book " The Future of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology" on page 571 and 573 hints about the RR= celestial RR --> celestial    Rail Road relationship...in the article " De Sitter space in non-critical string theory".

Thus Hawthorne's Celestial RR becomes--> astrophysics RR fluxes and RR fields....and EARTH is a subset of astrophysics dimensions...therefore astrophysics theory finds application to EARTH human daily life. Ask your university science department professor for the secrets of galactic life on EARTH.




The city of dreams.....Pasadena California and Cambridge, England.
The town of more accurate reality...Watertown, Wisconsin and the down to EARTH ....WEST ROAD parallel to the WEST ROAD of University of Cambridge with Hawking
(and and galactic intellectual military agent G.I. Joe = GIBBONS Job order entry).

These are interesting astrophysics EARTH LAB military puzzles....simple puzzles with many pieces...that together form a picture of society on Earth. Each person is given different pieces to the puzzle by NATURE; and careful thougths and abstract studies over days, weeks, month, years will provide the additional clues needed to reach a symbolic critical mass ....for the picture to fall into place.
The Intellctual wars and Science wars are inter-related. Most Citizens have already LOST the intellectual war for failing to TRY to understand their INSTRUCTIONS.

The ferrous oxide atomic English Language messenger - the IRON LADY

Permalink 11/23/13 18:29, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


The Ferrous Oxide Atomic WARRIOR – The IRON LADY
March 6, 2010 by zinjan


British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is an agent for the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology family.
The IRON LADY represents the 26 protons of the ferrous oxide atom of the periodic atomic table of life.

The 26 protons of iron communicate using their ironic English alphabet of 26 symbols.

The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters –


Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)


Thus we have the atomic English language of ferrous oxide atom via the iron Hemoglobin protein –> and the social science expressions of Hemoglobin human female structures.






The IRON LADY has a history of battles involving symbolic military tools and/or physical military tools in various media.

Example 1 – Computer Earth battle zones HEX ‘FA’ = 250
Year 1982 – Base 16 Hexadecimal War FA.lkland Islands
Year 2006- Dec. 6 WAR . Falk IRON GEAR with the IRON LADY.
Hex ‘FA’ lk = lk data gas pipeline ERROR at I/O PORT of Milwaukee. ABEND per COMPUTER EARTH system 370.

Example 2 - YEAR 2001, Sept 11. The IRON Lady and the IRON Towers of the World Trade Center. The Computer Earth battle with the NORTH POLE magnetic data field interaction with the IRON TOWERS and the biological read/write TAPE HEADS within the Base 2 binary towers. The cortex computers within the iron structure have serious data errors. The hemoglobin HEME group Fe(ii) ion economic reports are nonsense. Computer EARTH system 370 device UNIT = North Pole magnetic (Nixon) tape with a cortex READ/WRITE tape HEAD.

Example 3
The errors at OXFORD UNIVERSITY in myoglobin protein intellectual awareness. The myoglobin protein has the oxygen Base 16 hexadecimal atomic computer and the iron HEME group English language of 26 ferrous oxide protons. OXFORD is the Margaret Mead test location for OX =Oxygen brain hexdecimal processor awareness. OXFORD University has failed their Y2K year 2000 brain computer test.

Example 4
The British alebgra subset theory war and ALZHEIMER’s brain memory eaten by cortex cannibals. The BATTLE OF GREAT BRITAIN in YEAR 2010 with Margaret Thatcher’s dementia.
Subset = . . EAT BR . . AIN –> Eat Brain
Thus the English command words inside the symbolic brain –> issue instructions to eat the brain. English language professors and authors must be careful ; we have modern symbolic anthroplogy with cortex cannibal computer subroutines and symbolic HEAD HUNTERS inside the brain.

Example 5
The mathematical component of ALZHEIMER’s memory eater involves the ALZ component.

ALZ –> ALgebra Z –> abstract algebra life of Z = ring of integers .. bio-math life inside the brain ...and bio-math illness ALZ (ALZHEIMER's) probably caused by a algebra deficiency or algebra error in the persons life history.

Integer 11 = eleven plays an important role inside the
brain/SKU 11. Those individuals without basic NUMBER THEORY inside their symbolic processor increase the probability of
NUMBER SKU11 errror –> the
NUMB. SKU11 problem which is a type of Alzheimer’s.




Number theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Number theory (or arithmetic) is a branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers. Number theorists study prime numbers as well as ...

Comfortably Number theory .... brain cell wall ... bio-math album report format

Comfortably Numb

"Comfortably Numb" is a song by the English rock band Pink Floyd, which first appears on the 1979 double album, The Wall.

Double-helix social engineering MESSAGES   via   the DNA wave output   transform to harmonic wave music  lyrics ....

 double album ...... 

 The Wall.

 The Wall.

Does your brain produce new cells? | Science | guardian.co.uk

Feb 23, 2012 – Everyone wants to believe the human brain continues to produce new cells ........
 The  brain  cell   wall  
contain wedge-shaped cells that divide near the inner ...

Abstract algebra symbolic warriors can help defend the brain’s health with symbolic integrity and pride.
The song “Comfortably Numb” refers to the NUMB-SKU11 number theory problem with some social science  professors and university students.


Other events involve the newly realized secret history of the IRON LADY. Newpapers and book authors interested in these theories and examples ought contact me.


Contact: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER.

E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com
Mail Address: P.O.Box 134,Watertown,WI 53094-0134, USA


More riddles are covered on WEBSITE: www.zinoproject.com

Additional puzzles:
Blog: www.ZinJan.wordpress.com 
Blog: www.TenZinProject.wordpress.com

H. G. Wells and the Time Machine - the Y2K biological clock.......symbolic brain WAR

Permalink 11/23/13 17:45, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized


The TIME MACHINE -Computer Earth
By zinjan

H.G.Wells wrote the following clues:

» Year 1895 - The TIME MACHINE
» Year 1897 - The Invisible Man
» Year 1898 - The WAR of the Worlds




George Orwell wrote the TIME COMPUTER manual 1984:

Year 1984 + Base 16 Hexadecimal Years = Year 2000

Y2K also involved your brain biological computer.
Did you upgrade your brain in YEAR 2000?
Your Y2K failure components:

» Y-algebraic chromosome biological LIFESPAN clock

» 2K data stream pipeline needed by the new millenlium Central Nervous System 370 cortex data processor. Respect MOTHER NATURE social policy limits and MOTHER NATURE’s intellectual evolution will help you out-think the component of DEATH TIME? It is an intellectual chess game as outlined in the movie ” The Seventh Seal”.



Mother Nature’s biological double-helix clock TIME PARADOX:

» School teacher says:
Twenty – four hours a day = 24 decimal time

» The TIME MACHINE says: 20 minus 4 = 16 hours hexadecimal time.

The HEX/curse of Virginia TECH computer programming CAD = Computer Aided Design of CAD =Cadavers on the system design HEX date of April 16.

The above equation is  20  .... plus of minus 4 ....

That is  ...equation ..20 standard amino acids  ..... plus/minus 4 DNA nitrogenous bases giving  

 16 or 24 hour clocks in one human.



Hence, Nature's quality control TEST of  a sample space of the Virginia TECH student body ...
student BRAINS and thoughts  rejected by Nature  ...hence, the message

Modern computerized death accident/murder systems with

copper wire personal computers VERSUS
biological PERSON computers.

Do you understand COMPUTER EARTH social engineering systems?
They have existed for thousands of years with bio-PERSON computers.



Why the double-helix TIME PARADOX in college graduates?
Do you have a DNA TIME SPLIT brain-computer VOID?

Are you a TWO-TIME loser?
You are a –> Y TWO K –> two time loser.

For more information ...INTERNET keywords are:

- Herb Zinser's Science Wars
- British Science Wars
- American Science Wars

English language anthropology WAR - CLUES

Permalink 11/23/13 17:37, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized

The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet:


Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)

The English language of the IRON LADY....


The Right Honourable
The Baroness Thatcher
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
In office
4 May 1979 – 28 November 1990
Monarch Elizabeth II
Deputy William Whitelaw
Geoffrey Howe
Preceded by James Callaghan
Succeeded by John Major

Originally a research chemist b efore becoming ........ the IRON LADY.....with

 English alphabet is  consisting of 26 letters of ...

thereby ..  her atomic English language word identifier ......  IRON  ...
ferrous oxide atom symbol   Fe ---> social chemistry  pointer
 --->  Fe + male = Female


Margaret Thatcher <--- super-symmetry ---> Margaret Mead

Thatcher was re-elected for a third term in 1987

The human bio-computer with  READ/WRITE head newspaper reporters --> super-symmetry --> the copper wire computers with  magnetic tape drives and READ/WRITE head

OE --> 

Order Entry Processing Clerk Jobs, Employment | Indeed.com

Jobs 1 - 10 of 603 – for data entry, maintain and/or review inventory data and processing/distributing daily orders to the... must follow these steps in order to be ...

OE --> Old English

 The English language was first written in the Anglo-Saxon futhorc runic alphabet, in use from the 5th century. This alphabet was brought to what is now England, along with the proto-form of the language itself, by Anglo-Saxon settlers. Very few examples of this form of written Old English have survived, these being mostly short inscriptions or fragments.

OE --> Margaret Thatcher explains ORDER ENTRY ENGLISH 

Order Entry Processing Clerk Jobs, Employment | Indeed.com


Jobs 1 - 10 of 603 – for data entry, maintain and/or review inventory data and processing/distributing daily orders to the... must follow these steps in order to be ...


Order Entry Processing Clerk Jobs, Employment | Indeed.com

Order Entry Processing Clerk Jobs, Em = Electromagnetic  optical nerve jobs


Order Entry Processing J, CLERK  Maxwell Jobs in EM equations of  bio-electromagnetic life forms  --> Employment | Indeed.com

Order Entry Processing  ..... human bio-optical computer system JCL = Job Control Language for brain photons and nouns, verbs, concepts and  MAXWELL equations.

Thus we have the English language CITY ...the SYMBOL MACHINE  enbedded within the  velocity of light used by the human  eye. 

Thus we ahve 2 concepts of city ...the physical geography  city like CHICAGO     ...and a city named Chicago in the optical information data stream of photoms/ EM light as it travels at  186,000  miles per second  between  a  standing   professor and his  sitting classroom students ...
the  EYE information exchange  ..... for some students with that Darwinian absorbing feature.

Thus we see many  English language optical  mysteries in year 2103.

Some language mystery TITLES  and their keywords.


326-Lord of FLIES Drosophilia OOC.TYE-->Oklahoma,Oklahoma City
325-Lewis Carroll and Virginia TECH student experiments
324-George Orwell 1984-->Oceania class at Cole Hall shooting
323-Nathaniel Hawthorne CALTECH astrophysics Celestial Railroad
322-Ferrous oxide atomic messenger->The IRON LADY
321-H.G.Wells TIME MACHINE-->Y2k biological clock symbolic war
320-George Orwell 1984 nuclear anthropology TIME projects

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Herb Zinser's English literature clues to the SYMBOL MACHINE war for thought control of the human brain symbol bio-computer processor with the optical nerve symbol life of proper nouns: authors, titles, and characters that are alive and well inside your skull..... and influence our daily thoughts, behavior and decisions. Are you an eye/optical nerve..(photon /electromagnetic)..symbolic data processor OR are you an ear/mouth noise processor?

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