Herb Zinser's analysis of WORLD WAR 3 --> the Science Wars as predicted by the C.P.SNOW 1959 Rede lecture " TWO CULT Cultures"

Tags: psychohistory data

Isaac Asimov , the Foundation series, psychohistory PROOF --> the mathematics equation of the Fort Hood shooting --> multiparticle potential scattering

Permalink 11/23/13 23:22, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized , Tags: isaac asimov, psychohistory data
RD-blog-number-2322 Psychohistory   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychohistory_ Psychohistory is a  theoretical  science in Isaac Asimov's Foundation universe which ... etc., andmathematical statistics to make general predictions about the future ...… more »

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An accurate analysis of the various dimensions of existence and their battlefields. Mathematical-physics life within bio-physics HUMANS reveals the astonishing secret world war of the symbolic universe....as displayed by human behavior and thoughts. Shakespeare stated around year 1600..."The world is a stage and we are the players". In year 2010...the WORLD is a mathematical-physics stage and humans are atomic numeric actors....playing concept roles...like President NIXON representing N x N square matrix life on EARTH.


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