Herb Zinser's analysis of the United States science wars in the various dimensions of existence and their battlefields. The mathematical-physics component of HUMAN daily life reveals the astonishing secret world war of the intellectual HONOR CODE.

Category: Uncategorized

The silent Dane intellectual battle list --> introduction to the Dane County, Wisconsin awareness TEST site

Permalink 12/04/13 18:29, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
DANE  universities trapped in Science Wars The DANE University of Copenhagen in Europe is   trapped in parallel processing, supersymmetry physics war with University of Wisconsin , DANE county, Madison, North America ---> Something is rotten in th… more »

Advanced Polish science research - introduction to the secret mathematical-physics subconscious MIND of Chicago Polish society

Permalink 12/04/13 20:05, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Poland and the Chicago Polish SCIENCE Wars The Polish in Europe and Chicago reveal secrets of iron hemoglobin protein social life. The Polish role in the Godzin project , the Iron Man project, and complex math POLES and their life. The Chicago Northe… more »

Atomic anthropology secrets of Enrico Fermi and FermiLAB. CLUES to the Margaret Mead nuclear family - atomic SOCIAL SCIENCE WAR . What is your secret life?

Permalink 12/04/13 20:14, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
Italy,  Italian-Americans  and the Italian language SCIENCE WARS Italy, the atomic English langauge, and  the Italian language SCIENCE WARS       RD-blog-800 Margaret Mead nuclear family theory has evolved to the year 2011 atomic anthropology… more »

FermiLAB physics tales taught atomic human children - - > the 3 Little Pigs - - > atomic electron mass ....... social education communication signals

Permalink 12/05/13 21:05, by HerbZinser, Categories: Uncategorized
FermiLAB secret signals  The communications problems with FermiLAB atomic human processing layers RD-blog-number-2156-update The human is composed of atoms. Humans have thoughts. Thoughts must have an origin. Therefore atoms are the origin o… more »

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