Category: Uncategorized
The silent Dane intellectual battle list --> introduction to the Dane County, Wisconsin awareness TEST site
DANE universities trapped in Science Wars
The DANE University of Copenhagen in Europe is trapped in parallel processing, supersymmetry physics war with University of Wisconsin , DANE county, Madison, North America ---> Something is rotten in th… more »
Advanced Polish science research - introduction to the secret mathematical-physics subconscious MIND of Chicago Polish society
Poland and the Chicago Polish SCIENCE Wars
The Polish in Europe and Chicago reveal secrets of iron hemoglobin protein social life. The Polish role in the Godzin project , the Iron Man project, and complex math POLES and their life. The Chicago Northe… more »
Atomic anthropology secrets of Enrico Fermi and FermiLAB. CLUES to the Margaret Mead nuclear family - atomic SOCIAL SCIENCE WAR . What is your secret life?
Italy, Italian-Americans and the Italian language SCIENCE WARS
Italy, the atomic English langauge, and the Italian language SCIENCE WARS
Margaret Mead nuclear family theory has evolved to the year 2011 atomic anthropology… more »
FermiLAB physics tales taught atomic human children - - > the 3 Little Pigs - - > atomic electron mass ....... social education communication signals
FermiLAB secret signals
The communications problems with FermiLAB atomic human processing layers
The human is composed of atoms. Humans have thoughts. Thoughts must have an origin. Therefore atoms are the origin o… more »
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