The Pentagon orthonormal math SCIENCE WAR battle at Fort Hood
Mathematics President Eisenhower in 1961 spoke about the Military Industrial Complex (variables) project of the American Mathematical Society and their math life friends thru-out the world.
Modern SYMBOL MACHINE political power expression VIA Eisenhower.
Since then mathematics WAR tools have evolved ...from physical applications to Central nervous System 370 abstract brain symbol processing ..brain defense using symbolic math TOOLS.
An example of brain math errors by Washington, DC has created problems for the Pentagon.
Vector space or LINEAR ALGEBRA math errors by politicians and their advisors has become a serious problem for Nature. Arrogant social engineering decisions based on nonsense explanations ...violate the mathematical-physics continuum of Nature....a continuum that we live within. Thus we have the SCIENCE WAR math casualties at Fort Hood.
The Earth government choose the message processing region of Fort Hood, Texas for the battlefield message and its symbolism.
Fort Hood and subset symbols
..ortho ...expanded
..orthonormal math fuctions of bio-MATH life
..orthonormal math fuctions
........honor CODE battle....Darwinian ..selection of agent Major Hasan
Thus the WORD of HONOR math shooting at Fort Hood with Virginia Tech agent: Hasan
Thus the WORD of HONOR English shooting at Virginia TECH with agent: Mr.CHO
Thus Nature send a mess... a tragic mess....message to university and corporate scientists about communication theory does not include vast amounts of BS and social science nonsense ....and cellular phone dribble. Nature warned DARPA and the PENTAGON to improve the accuracy of their intellectual consultants and their GESTALT View of world events.....biased/incomplete reports are not acceptable in year 2011.
Difference between orthogonal and orthonormal matrices - Math ...
Orthogonal matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An orthogonal matrix of order n is a matrix
orthonormal vectors [¦ȯr·thə¦nȯr·məl ′vek·tərz]
1959 US Army Vietnam War Motor Transportation Operations 122p.pdf
The Physics Standard Model and the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology WAR - Status Report of November 2012
Standard Model Physics-Intellectual War - Cause and effect
Elementary Particle Physics Battle report - EUROPE
Parallel processing events in astrophysics galactic LOCAL test REGION: EARTH LAB with atomic brain expressions. Messages for the few that care to think and understand atomic parallel social science message FORMATS.
Cause/Origin of Supposed Theoretical Error --> PETRA (Positron Electron Tandem Ring Accelerator) at DESY, Hamburg, Europe. At the EUROPEAN site --> electron-positron collisions in which hadrons emerge in the final state are an important class of reaction studied in the MARGARET MEAD nuclear family social anthropology class. The physics anthropology errors ( CAUSE ) --> EFFECT.
DESY - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
TASSO was one of several experiments (CELLO, JADE, Mark-J, PLUTO) which ran on the electron - positron collider PETRA at DESY in Hamburg, Germany. The PETRA collider was approximately 1 km in circumference and effectively surrounded the DESY laboratory.
Part of the rationale for PETRA was to search for new quarks, particularly the expected "top" quark. Earlier discoveries of the J/Psi ("charm" quark) and Upsilon ("bottom" quark) suggested that a sixth "top" quark should be close. The PETRA collider
Effect (Einstein's theory of special relatives and special effects in the Theater of Intellectual WAR --> Brain proton,neutron,electron social expressions).The special effect of DESY PETRA -->DP = General D.PETRA (U.S.ARMY IRAQ). Thus General D. Petraus of the Margaret Mead Military is fighting the modern atomic brain anthropology WAR in the geographic region of the ancient BABYLON civilization.
Babylon --> an ancient atomic bio-physics humanoid city ....... a social and economic expression of the periodic atomic table of elements
Founded: 1867 BC
The PLATO and TASSO detection of electron-positron annihilation events in Hamburg, Europe provide the empirical data foundation for analysis of the parallel MARGARET MEAD anthropology war of the particle physics nuclear family. This is observable with GENERAL PETRA representatives which are U.S.ARMY soldiers fighting the mathematical physics war --> the Baghdad, Iraq war colliders (electron-positron social force collisions).
Above, we see EARTH LAB and the Margarte Mead atomic nuclear family ..... message processing regions with PROPER NOUNs
Turkey --> Theory Uranium 235 isotopes(t) key
Syria --> Sy ---> Symmetry-physics , parallels, and mirrors of atomic humanoids of society
Iran --> I + ran --> Independent random variable ERRORs in mathematical-physics social science and social economic applications
The positron -annihilation event in physics maps to
the positron-annihilation event parallel in the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family conflict zone --> U.S.ARMY in IRAQ --> the CRADLE of CIVILIZATION and symbolic THOUGHT.
The Lewis Carroll war in Afghanistan - British Military
The Lewis Carroll brain war
in the governmental
base 16 STATE of MIND -- >Afghanistan
Lewis Carroll in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Chapter 1, Down the Rabbit-Hole wrote...
"it'll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downwards. The antipathies, I think - ".
Thus we have the evolution SIGNAL of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer about the status of BRITISH
university professor FA --> FACULTY inverse brain --> AF or in
Base 16 hexadecimal....Hex'FA'= 250 ..... and Hex 'AF' = 175.
The INTELLECTUAL WAR of Hex'FA' has transformed into a Base 16 hex physical conflict Hex'AF' --> Afghanistan. Thus British soldiers die in Afghanistan ... Alice's Adventures in Afghanistan on the other side (downwards) of the earth. British university professors and university students ought TRY to understand the various factors in this INTELLECTUAL WAR puzzle.
In year 2014, the BRitish univeristies and military INTELLECTUALs ignore the Lewis Carroll message and its modern adaptation
Thinking about Base 16 LUNG oxygen atomic weight 16 hexadecimal puzzles are good for your brain bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSOR.
Oxygen-16 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oxygen-16 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The oxygen Base 16 tragedy on April 16 at Virginia TECH.
On that day the Rabbit-Hole became a grave-hole....a message to English departments and Lewis Carroll societies thru-out the world ...regarding their neglect to protect the English language. The English language is a symbolic war component of the SCIENCE WARS.
Does your symbol brain bio-computer have the basic math knowledge for self-defense?
Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered
Norris Hall, which houses the Engineering Science and Mechanics ..
which implies--> the Social Engineering Science and Social Mechanics WAR --->
as explained by the Alan Sokal , the NEW YORK TIMES, and others.
Molecular Mass of Air - Engineering ToolBox for Norris Hall
The molecular mass of a substance is the mass of one molecule of that ... ,
the molecular mass of Oxygen is 32
The Science Wars - Cardiff University
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tries to ... - Physics Today
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tries to ... - Physics Today
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tries to ... - Physics Today
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman tries to ... - Physics Today --
Norris Hall, the Engineering Science and Mechanics battlefield of the SCIENCE WARS and the Social Science ERRORS and MISTAKES
The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow.[1][2] Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures —
the physical sciences, math, and mechanical engineering
the humanities, arts, social psychology, theology
— and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems.
British military defeated in the human atomic brain electron war. Scientists study the electron structure difference between British and Pentagon bio-physics brain computers.
RD-blog-124-updated by Herb Zinser
The Secretary of State for Defence, popularly known as the Defence Secretary, is the senior Government of the United Kingdom minister in charge of the Ministry of Defence, chairing the Defence Council. It is a Cabinet position. The position was created in 1964 as successor to the posts of Minister for Coordination of Defence (1936–1940) and Minister of Defence (1940–1964).
Contents [hide]
1 Minister for Co-ordination of Defence (1936–1940)
2 Ministers of Defence (1940–1964)
3 Secretaries of State for Defence (1964– )
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1949
Hide Yukawa
Hideki Yukawa
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1949 was awarded to Hideki Yukawa "for his prediction of the existence of mesons on the basis of theoretical work on nuclear forces ---> Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ....... atomic social anthropology forces".
Minister for Co-ordination of Defence (1936–1940)The position of Minister for Co-ordination of Defence was a British Cabinet-level position established in 1936 to oversee and co-ordinate the rearmament of Britain's defences.
The position was established by Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin.
The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.
Therefore some political protests, crimes, shootings, wars, etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/the human atomic feelings expressor/the human atomic messenger.
Atomic social anthropology families are listed in beginning college physics and college chemistry textbooks. The families comprise vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of life and thought. Thus we have atomic family ... anthropology shootings at EARTH LAB geography sites ...such as Fort Hood. Part of the atomic table is shown below.
Therefore the modern human atomic brain DEFENSE system is based upon how the Central Nervous System 370 symbolic brain computer uses electrons and electron symbolic maps. S.I.Hayakawa used his brain electron circuits to write the atomic English language book " Language in Thought and in Action". In the book he mentions symbolic maps ..... using today's advanced atomic models ...we can build upon his accurate concepts.
Let's look at the electron structure inside the human atomic brain data processor. This information is found in any beginning collge chemistry or physics textbook .... available at college bookstores or elsewhere. Please upgrade your home reference library .... and then start to upgrade your abstract brain symbolic computer. A brain exists as a biology structure and as a symbolic computer structure. The modern healthy brain is armed with algebra equations and atomic symbols .... that can best defend the brain from the nonsense dribble brain instructions broadcast on televesion, radio, and print.
We consider the periodic atomic table government of Nature and its relationships with subset human institutions. Thus the electron assignment .....the electron shell military --> via atomic humanoid agent -->the British Secretary of State for Defense ..... who then decides about electron shell policy in the FORMAT of bullets composed of atomic electron shells.
Thus we see Nature's chain of command information flow ...from the periodic atomic table to atomic human soldiers.
Now, let's consider the symbolic structure of the British military mind.
let's look at the stomic English language title
..... and take a subset of alphabetic letters:
Secretary of State of Defense
Se....................De..fe .....
thus we have the electron brain codes:
s e --> s electron subshell
d e --> d electron subshell
f e --> f electron subshell
British physics atomic brain specialists are not communicative.
So we propose that the British military brain model occupies the
electron shell 4 (principle quantum number 4)
which contains the s,d,f subshells needed by the requirements per atomic title:
secretary of state of defense.
Thus the atomic humans of Britain occupy shell 4 and .... 3 of its 4 subshells.
Now how does this compare to the United States and the
Secretary of Defense ... who was Robert Gates.
At first, we see the same pattern as above.
Secretary of Defense
Se...........De..fe .....
thus we have the electron brain codes:
s e --> s electron subshell
d e --> d electron subshell
f e --> f electron subshell
At 1st glance the North American brain model seems identical to the British military brain model.
The British brain with atomic English language occupied the
electron shell 4 (principle quantum number 4)
which contains the s,d,f subshells needed by the requirements per atomic title:
secretary of defense.
The British sometimes spell their English military words different.
The Secretary of State for Defence --> hence, Cavendish Labs trick concepts like the
ferrous oxide atom IRON Fence ---> Iron Curtain.
Has Nature provided any more Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family clues about North American symbolic brain structures and brain electron data processing.
Thus we look at the quantum brain configuration with the inclusion of the
Pentagon ..... which symbolizes the
Pe --> p electron subshell.
What happens now?
In the British model we were restricted to the
4th shell or military Principle Quantum Number 4.
With the American Pentagon additional p electron subshell...
the American can occupy ALL of the the shell 4 subshells (s,p,d,f)
Thus the 4th shell or military Principle Quantum Number 4.
The Principle Quantum Number 4 then correlates to
our atomic Constitution with July 4th AND
our atomic biochemsitry with 4 DNA nucleotides AND
the Times Square physics computer signal of 42nd STREET (Base 4 exponent 2 = Base 16 hexadecimal).
I don't think the American milatary gets access to the 1st, 2nd shell, or 3rd shell ...there seems to be a lack of balance. However, the American and British quantum numbers are thus adjacent and overlap .... and as historical data has shown ...they work together.
Thus we have information on the periodic atomic table government of Nature.
This may help understand the atomic physics miltary problems .... one problem is known as the
Hierarchy Problem ..... known to Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family anthropology theorists at universities and research labs.
The question becomes ...what human or group of humans has Nature assigned to the...
2nd shell or Principle Quantum Number 2 ...... if Nature dfoes assign that to a human spokesperson or atomic biop-physics huamn agent with some level of awareness and curiousity about how things work in the world of brain electron decision theory ..... and brain engineering .... and social engineering .... etc.
Below, we see the 38th parallel ...... thinK --> potassium atom mass 39
and the 38th parallel year 1952 and K = Korean potassium war.
Verify the ink PEN writing coordinates below ... 38 52 .... and citizen awareness and intellectual ERRORS.
The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, located in Arlington County, Virginia. As a symbol of the U.S. military, "the Pentagon" is often used metonymically to refer to the Department of Defense rather than the building itself.
Designed by the American architect George Bergstrom (1876–1955), and built by Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, general contractor John McShain, the building was dedicated on January 15, 1943, after ground was broken for construction on September 11, 1941. General Brehon Somervell provided the major motive power behind the project;[1] Colonel Leslie Groves was responsible for overseeing the project for the Army.
The Pentagon is the world's largest office building by floor area, with about 6,500,000 sq ft (600,000 m2), of which 3,700,000sq ft (340,000 m2) are used as offices. Approximately 23,000 military and civilian employees, and about 3,000 non-defense support personnel work in the Pentagon. It has five sides, five floors above ground, two basement levels, and five ring corridors per floor with a total of 17.5 mi (28.2 km)[3] of corridors.
The Pentagon includes a five-acre (20,000 m2) central plaza, which is shaped like a pentagon and informally known as "ground zero", a nickname originating during the Cold War and based on the presumption that the Soviet Union would target one or more nuclear missiles at this central location in the outbreak of a nuclear war.[4]
Thus we see some announcements HIDDEN in the above INTERNET description.
--> The Computer earth system 370 world computer with 23 chromosme pairs ... parallel processing
--> The central location --> the brain Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer and the Margaret Mead nuclear war ....the atomic nuclear family antrhopology war.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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