Understanding the modern world, SYMBOL MACHINE wars, and Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... social anthropology conflicts
« The Universe mathematical-physics WAR enters a new exponential level on EARTH. Universities are surrounded by the new dimension of Sartre existentialism. Universities expected to surrender to intellectual agents that understand reality.M-theory mathematical-physics and 11 dimensions explain EARTH Magnetic Field war with 2 Iron Towers in Manhattan of Sept 11, 2001 - - - -> Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic WAR versus the world Fe(deral) governments and their CITIZEN errors. »

Nature's military tools - introduction

Permalink 12/06/13 01:14, by HerbZinser, Categories: b2evolution
Modern war using Nature's military math and molecules .....messages for universities, the Pentagon and world governments. You have been defeated in the Science Wars


Herb Zinser's Science War reports.


Nature exists. Atoms and moelcules exist. Math equations exist.
These entities have 2 formats of existence on EARTH
a) a physical existence AND/or
b) a symbolic existence..symbolic life

Thus military weapons can occur in various formats.

Example. Humans could use math quations to design and build
a modern jet fighter composed of solid atomic materials.

Example. Nature could use humans as symbols of math equations.
President N x N (NixoN) represented the math life of linear algbebra .... the N x N square matrix ..... thus the math war fought in V = Vector region kown as Vietnam.

Bio-math humans ... an  M x n  --> M a n


Over 56,000 American math-logic  soldiers died in the conflict; while American universities deny such possiblities ..... and continue to teach the BIG LIE to college students around the world.



But university student don't care ......they watch sports and listen to music and like to BS.




Hence, the LIE algebra math battle in year 2011 at Liege, Belgium, Europe with the LIE GROUP of Liege..

Lie algebra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In mathematics, a Lie algebra is an algebraic structure whose main use is in studying geometric objects such as Lie groups and differentiable manifolds.


European newspapers and governments have no trouble in printing incomplete descriptions of the math war casualties.


Vietnam geography and farms with RICE ....... thus another symbolic message identifier ...
matrices linear algebra ....subset word

The math government matrices agent ..

The above proper noun -->

Condoleezza  Rice  ... subset alphabet codes 

Con ...............Rice  ... information pointer  

Wisconsin  Rice Lake shooting by Vang = Vector angle

Documentary Re-Examines Controversial Hmong Shooting ...

Oct 27, 2010 - Hmong immigrant Chai Vang went deer hunting in the woods of northern Wisconsin, not far from the town of Rice Lake in November of 2004.

Belwo, the matrices, vectors, and tensor TRIAL of  the thoughts and concepts of author G.E. Hay   was held in Hayward ,  Wisconsin with the philosophy of agency assigned to Vang.


Agency (philosophy) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In sociology and philosophy, agency is the capacity of an agent (a person or other entity, human or any living being in general, or soul-consciousness in religion) ...

Man who shot hunters found guilty of homicide - NBC News

Sep 17, 2005 - Chai Soua Vang prays during his murder trial Friday in Hayward, Wis. Vang was convicted on six counts of first-degree murder and two counts ..

Chai Vang Of St. Paul (Dirac) matrices agent  - A Cold Blooded Immigrant Killer

He was one of those killed by IMMIGRANT Chai Vang. ... HAYWARD, Wis. ... homicide, each carrying a life prison term, and two counts of attempted murder.

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