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Project Plan Z - Part 1 introduction
The SCIENCE WARS are a hidden war, occasionally mentioned in books. The SCIENCE WARS are really a extension of the 1898 book by H.G.Wells (The War of the Worlds) supplemented by the warning signals of the authors of: Brave New World, 1984, Future Shock, etc.
Most newspapers avoid direct discussion of the SCIENCE WAR topic; since they don't have the intellectual desire to explain the deeper levels of REALITY as explained by the modern Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology models of conflict.
The models of daily life and conflict are:
--> the atomic social science Hierarchy Problem
--> the surface veneer problem of the STANDARD MODEL of physics daily life
--> the Earth gravity data field war VIA gravity interaction with human brain mass resulting in thought ERRORS
--> the North Pole magnetic data field war VIA interaction with human iron Hemoglobin protein causing ERRORS
Additional SCIENCE WAR subjects are listed on the above TOOLBAR on your computer screen.
Are you intellectually BRAVE?
If you answer yes, then you may CLICK on those NOUNS for access to the blog post CLUES to the SCIENCE WAR puzzles.
Your mission is to take those few starting pieces to the puzzle AND build a symbolic map of some major tragic EVENT. Thus you have a equation ..... CAUSE ---> EFFECT.
If we are symbolic machines (bio-computers) ...... then what may have
CAUSED (some programmable human bio-computer) to create a TRAGIC EVENT (accident , shooting, etc).