Category: Background
News .....November 2015 .. the electron circuit city of electricity war in the parallel city of Paris, France
RD-blog-number-6743 by Herb Zinser reviews several situations …. including the Emile Zola DEATH ….. the revenge in Paris in November 2015.
Paris Prosecutor: 129 Dead, 352 Injured in ISIS Terrorist …–death-toll-1… more »
Site Maps to C.P.Snow and Alan Sokal SCIENCE WAR theory and applications - SCIENCE WAR battle analysis
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Recent posts
Germanwings plane crash LINK to Principia Mathematica Iron-56 warsFrom HerbZinser Proin Herbert Spencer, Russell, Whitehead,Snow (6 days old)
RD-blog-number-4992 by Herb Zinser reviews the Earth ir… more »
Project Plan Z - Part 1 introduction
The SCIENCE WARS are a hidden war, occasionally mentioned in books. The SCIENCE WARS are really a extension of the 1898 book by H.G.Wells (The War of the Worlds) supplemented by the warning signals of the authors of: Brave New World, 1984, Future Shock,… more »
Welcome to Project Plan Z
RD-blog-update-022 by Herb Zinser
The Margaret Mead nuclear family anthropology ZINJAN project and the ZINO particle physics project together are the master/central focal point for different PLAN Z projects. The proton property intellectual trust fund… more »