Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE expressions using BOTANY information display devices. The vegetable equation --> ve + ge + table --> vector get table (symbol matrices)

The evolution of the quantum spin message processing SIGNALS. The EARTH LAB Botany atomic quantum geography address of vegetable spinach.

Permalink 12/11/13 01:28, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


We live on EARTH LAB ....and are guests of MOTHER NATURE; nature provides us with food,water, and air. In return, MOTHER NATURE would like our cortex computer to understand the philosophical context which we live within.

To understand this .... we must view our human self as an extension of Nature's food system.
For example, let's assume that the vegetable spinach contained all the food components needed for human life. If a human, just ate spinach ..... from birth on .... then that human could be an extension of spinach.



Thus we see a CHAIN of COMMAND in Nature.






From the atomic point of view .... we have electron spin ...and the electron spin design team of Nature .... long ago .... decided to build an extension of electron spin --> called   SPINach.

In atomic physics, the spin quantum number is a quantum number that parameterizes the intrinsic angular momentum (or spin angular momentum, or simply spin) of a given particle. The spin quantum number is the fourth of a set of quantum numbers (the principal quantum number, the azimuthal quantum number, the magnetic quantum number, and the spin quantum number), which describe the unique quantum state of an electron and is designated by the letter s.

Thus Nature ....with electron spin .......designed the atomic BOTANY messenger .... the vegetable with electron SPIN .... visible as SPINACH.


Electron spin is +1/2 or -1/2 and points UP or DOWN.

Thus Nature sent 1/2 of the cellulose electrons UPWARD to become spinach stems and spinach leaves and to have electron interaction with the sunlight .... a process kown as photosynthesis.
The electron spin force going UPWARD into the low density air atmosphere a large volume of leaves.



Nature sent the other 1/2 of the atomic electron structure DOWNWARD into the EARTH LAB geography soil ( high density structure )   structure to becomes roots ....and to embark upon a mathematical-physics study of solid EARTH and its mathematical-physics polynomial structure.


The electron spin force going DOWNWARD into the high density ground/soil a small volume of roots .....because the electron spin needs to do extra WORK to pentrate the high density soil...... like an electron spin drill makes a pathway for the roots.

The volumes are different (above and below ground level ..... electron spin frame of reference a copper wire electron circuit has a ground reference point ). The electron SPIN WORK units are probably the same.

Ask a theorists for details .... only those theorists that have eaten the vegetable spinach are authorized electron spin spinach spokepersons. This is because of the Nature's symbolic command...
vegetable spinach -->
ve + get + table + spin =
Vector....get..... (periodic atomic) table ....spin
Hence, the probe by the vegetable (ve + get + table = Vector get table).

We known that that vegetable vectors are basically perpendicular to the earth's flat geography soil surface. The earth's surface is like a high school algebra class piece of paper with the x and y axis of a graph used to help understand an algebra equation the simple polynomials the quadratic equation.
Thus earth algebra functions f(x) = y.

For the perpendicular version, we need the z-axis ......hence, theory suggests that the
mathematical roots of electron spin expressed by the atomic math BOTANY display of spinach .....
that the roots are roots of a complex function of z .... a polynomial in Z.




Complex analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Complex analysis, traditionally known as the theory of functions of a complex variable, is the branch of mathematical analysis that investigates functions of ...

Complex Polynomials
By T. Sheil-Small




are zeros of P. Repeat ...the numbers Z subscript k are the zeros / roots of P.

Polynomial Roots -- from Wolfram Math World
Plotting the roots in the complex plane of all polynomials up to some degree with integer coefficients less than some cutoff integer in absolute value shows the ...



Thus Nature's FORMAT of expression ....we have a graphical plot of the roots of Botany math LIFE polynomials.

Complex Roots and we can formally express the polynomial in terms of its roots as.
Electron spin roots of spinach.
The picture of atomic spinach math roots above is described below.
Thus we have mathematical-physics spinach which is very useful as a theoretical physics tool in studying the Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics structures with iron Hemoglobin protein that work/think at the FermiLAB spin research center. Their subliminal atomic mind is obviously indebted to spinach for helping their abstract thoughts grow ...... as they grew up and ate spinach. That is why their MOTHER an agent for MOTHER EARTH ....insisted that spinach was good.

Spinach is characterized by a strong, vertically and deeply penetrating taproot. The root near the soil surface was already 9 millimeters in diameter. It tapered gradually to a thickness of a millimeter at the 10-inch level and retained this diameter throughout its course. Curves and kinks in the taproot were quite pronounced in the harder, second foot of soil. Below this the roots were straighter to the maximum depth of 32 inches. No laterals arose within ½ inch of the soil surface but in the surface foot from 62 to 80 horizontally spreading roots took their origin. Among these usually about 8 to 10 were of distinctly larger diameter (0.5 to 0.8 millimeter) although there was no clear distinction between long and short roots. The laterals originated in two rows on opposite sides of the taproot. A few ran slightly obliquely downward. The greatest lateral spread was 15 inches. As shown in Fig. 26, the longest branches were in the surface 6 to 8 inches of soil. It was in this older portion of the root system also that the most branching occurred. Secondary laterals were never profuse (only 3 to 7 per inch), rather short (mostly 0.1 to 0.5 inch), and only a few of the longest were rebranched.
Quantum numbers are nothing but the address of an electron.It is used to locate an electron inside an atom.To make it clear think of your address.It contains Name,Door No.,Street name and city name.
Accordingly we also have four quantum numbers.
1.Principal Quantum number
2.Azimuthal Quantum number
3.Magnetic Quantum number and
4.Spin Quantum number
4.Spin Quantum number .....extension --> Spinach quantum number

The big mystery of Ferrous oxide atom ..... is about the iron atomic agent at Fer = FermiLAB.
Does he sometimes eat spinach?
Does FermiLAB have a cafeteria and does it sometimes serve spinach?
Does the green background of the picture below, symbolize the evolutionary role of spinach in developing the FermiLAB spin RD center.

The phrase .... you are what you eat .....makes sense.
Atoms 1st exist in vegetable format and then are eaten by a human ......who is like

math Z-transform ...... only in a physics the symbol z = atomic number ..

the the physics Z-tranform. Possibilties.









Let's now consider astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) asd a test site. Hence, Nature and Earth Lab. Let's look at the Earth. It spins on it's axis every 24 hours and has a magnetic field. Consider astrophysics / EARTH LAB/ astronomy/ Solar system as one group of large scales entities ...that I will call astrophysics.

Thus ...given the earlier discussion of atoms...... we have the EARTH LAB atomic/astrophysics continuum. Thus humans and other living things on EARTH are embedded within the atomic/astrophysics continuum.



Quantum numbers are nothing but the address of an electron.It is used to locate an electron inside an atom.To make it clear think of your address.It contains Name,Door No.,Street name and city name.
Accordingly we also have four quantum numbers.
1.Principal Quantum number
2.Azimuthal Quantum number
3.Magnetic Quantum number and
4.Spin Quantum number

It is indicated by n. It tells us the shell in which an electron resides.
As the value of n increases,energy of the electron also increases i.e., energy increases as we move away from the nucleus.

"It is like the city name in your address"

Accordingly we also have four quantum numbers.
1.Principal Quantum number
2.Azimuthal Quantum number
3.Magnetic Quantum number and
4.Spin Quantum number





EARTH STRUCTURE of quantum levels of society

Quantum numbers are nothing but the address of an electron.It is used to locate an electron inside an atom.To make it clear think of your address.It contains Name,Door No.,Street name and city name.
Accordingly we also have four quantum numbers.
1.Principal Quantum number
2.Azimuthal Quantum number
3.Magnetic Quantum number and
4.Spin Quantum number



Thus we are interested in SPIN ..... which exists in the EARTH LAB atomic/astrophysics contiuum.
We have Eistein's theory of relative sizes and positions ... applied to SPIN.

Thus the scale of sizes of electron SPIN with .....

atomic spin --> spinach --> Bendictus Spinoza ---> Earth spin

Thus if physics professors can assign a quantum address to 1 electron ...
then a group of spinach would have a quantum address
and the philospher SPINOZA would have a quantum address, etc.
Note that the liFE of Bendictus Spinoza was dependent upon element Fe.



Thus we outline a theory on the eletron spin of the 26 ferrous oxide particles and their atomic English alphabet of 26 letters .....which eventually expressed itself ... starting in 1929 with Popeye the Sailor man.








CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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