Category: Uncategorized
The 1990 COMPUTER EARTH system 370 quantum computer war of IRAQ / KuWAIT - - - - -> IRQ WAIT --> Interrupt Request Quantum Wait. . . . . . . . . IRQ War continues in year 2012.
The Solar System has 9 planets...equivalent to 8 data bits and 1 parity error correction bit. Thus the original data processing structure of the Solar System and its subsequent evolution to Planet now, viewed as Computer Eart… more »
Computer Earth system 370 hexadecimal air space, the FAA, and the need for Base 16 HEX aviation insurance
The Clifford Lane airplane crash event at the West Road, Watertown, Wisconsin on Sunday, February 5,2006 is an example of a new type of accident. It is important for insurance companies to understand new accident formats for their actuarial… more »