The biochemistry Heme group Fe(ii) ion LANGUAGES and their social science conflict expressions

The 23 chromosomes battle at Virginia TECH - - - > the blood-plasMID - - > MID-Atlantic States biology war map

Permalink 12/11/13 19:44, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

After you read the post below, visit    
Information WAR site maps for access to several hundred  POSTS that help explain the Unified Theory of Everything (UTOE) .... which includes you, your friends, the region that you live within,  etc.   The Grand Unified Theory (GUT)  500 year project of Nature's systems from year 1453 / year 1500 makes this possible.


Rd-blog-2020    Concepts to  a puzzle for you to complete.


The Virginia TECH experiments in advanced awareness ......
Delaware ...STATE of MIND

The geography map of the inside of human body /brain   .....that is the internal goverment and its city/states ....that sometimes  mirrors the external geography map of the surface of EARTH.   

The  EXTERNAL concrete Interstate Highway system parallel is
the INTERNAL  blood vessel highway transporation system.

The INTERNAL  city of Liver in North America  is represented by
the  EXTERNAL city of Livermore and the LAW of Liver Labs, California and the
non-communicating interface  physics agent/author "The Power Of Alpha" Woman: An Intimate Geography (9780385498418 ...

  1. So when a book comes along as beautifully written and endlessly informative as Natalie Angier's Woman
    Intimate Geography, it's a cause for major



blood-plasMID   internal map VIA the external


Mid-Atlantic states

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mid-Atlantic Region
US Mid-Atlantic states.png
Regional statistics
Composition Delaware Delaware
Maryland Maryland
New Jersey New Jersey
New York New York
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Washington, D.C. District of Columbia
Virginia Virginia
West Virginia West Virginia
- Total

191,308.5 sq mi (495,486.74 km²)
- Total


57,303,316 (2008 est.)[1]

299.53/sq mi (116/km²)
Largest city New York City New York City (pop. 8,246,310[2])
GDP $2.962 trillion (2007)[3]
Metropolitan Areas New York–Newark
Norfolk–Virginia Beach


The Mid-Atlantic states, also called middle Atlantic states or simply the mid Atlantic, form a region of the United States generally located between New England and the South. Its exact definition differs upon source, but the region often includes DelawareMarylandNew JerseyPennsylvaniaWashington D.C.New YorkVirginia, and West Virginia, though the latter two, especially Virginia, are generally considered Southern states, as are occasionally Maryland and Delaware.

The Mid-Atlantic has played an important role in the development of American culturecommercetrade, and industry, yet it is one of the least self-conscious of American regions.[4] It has been called "the typically American" region by Frederick Jackson Turner. Religious pluralism and ethnic diversity have been important elements of Mid-Atlantic society from its settlement by DutchSwedesEnglish Catholics, and Quakers through to the period of English rule, and beyond. After theAmerican Revolution, the Mid-Atlantic region hosted each of the historic capitals of the United States, including the current federal capital, Washington D.C.


The above extertnal MAP, helps us  undertand the symbolic thoughts and expressions of internal biology systems and their symbolic descriptions  ( internal geography maps)  of themselves VIA humanoid messenger  output writers for the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic bio-computer processor.



  1. Central Plasmid   Antisense Administration Reduces Blood Pressure ...

    File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
    by H TRIANTAFYLLIDI - 2006 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
    fed SHRs, while a control group received plasmid alone. Results: There was a significant fall in blood pressure, by an average of 31 ± 12 mmHg, within the first ...


Below  we see ......Washington, DC   biology Foreign DNA represenatives are Foreign DNA = Dipolomats North America.
They belong to a ELITE secret communiations society ..... hence, they  do not acknowledge the SCIENCE WARS and the Europe rope/string theory casualties at UTOEYA and  Liege.      These people just describe external REALTY events using  a mixture of  partial REALITY mixed with Hollywood style creative writing class techniques ......... which appear in local newsapers  for  IDIOTS  and FOOLS.  Universities promote these  incomplete explanations.   

Thus one must think beyond BRAVE NEW WORLD, 1984, Future Shock.  Those authors warned us.   I ignored their book advice until recently.....then I awoke after I reviewed CLIFF NOTES and  other  publishers sensible explanations about symbolism and indirect  writing techniques.     HOLY COW!     What's  happening?



Foreign DNA = Dipolomats North America.




Thus we have Nature and its genetic/biochemistry molecules at WAR  with the  those that refuse to help fix the various social engineering policy errors of civilization. Step number 1 in that process   is to accurately understand Nature's control systems and the relationship to subset humans and subset human institutions.

  1. Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    The Virginia Tech massacre was a school shooting that took place on April ..... 

    The shooter was identified as 23-year-old Seung-Hui Cho




  1. VA Tech massacre survivors, family press US lawmakers | AlterNet,_family_press_us_...Cached
    Mourners hug during Virginia Tech's Day of Remembrance honoring the 32 people ... 
    23-year-old Virginia Tech student born in South Korea, shot to death 32 ...


VA technology     age 23 ---> bio-physics mirror  --->  32 dead VirginiA  = VA
VA technology --> Valentine's Day,  Cole Hall  Oceania classroom shooting



VA Tech massacre survivors and the Depart(mental)  of Energy atomic brain cell experiments,


  1. PDF]

    VA: Universal Theory of Weak Interaction
    The story of the discovery of the Chiral V-A interaction in the classic weak processes of .... shak. in Frontier Physics: Essays in Honour of Jayme Tiomno, World ...
  2. VA: Universal Theory of Weak Interaction - Sudarshan: Seven ...
    Chirality Invariance and the Universal V-A Theory of Weak Interactions; with R. E. Marshak. Frontier Physics: Essays in Honour of Jayme Tiomno, World ...
  3. A modern introduction to particle physics - Google Books Result, Riazuddin - 1992 - Science - 656 pages
    CHAPTER 10 WEAK INTERACTIONS 10.1 VA INTERACTION In analogy with electromagnetic interaction JA , Fermi proposed for pVdecay the interaction JJ ...
  4. High Energy - Physics at the University Of Virginia - Similar
    The Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics group acknowledges that the fundamental task of physics is to learn the rules of the basic interactions governing the ...

VA interaction the Department of EN = Energy
VA = Virginia the Deaprtment of EN = English





Thus we see bio-physics string theory in action....that is social science expressions/actions .... with various  CONCEPT elements intertwined ...that are needed to undertsand modern EVENT feedabck signals...that is engineering ERROR feedback sigmals  in the format of TRAGEDY to get newspaper attention get scientists and math attention.

Thus we have the WAR with the
UN G  = Unconscious  humanoid bragging Group in that meets in Manhattan...
UN G  = UniteD NAtions Group......sample space statistcal test countries /tribes
....................eDNA = extended DNA engineering DNA, symbolic DNA ...


_ UNG  
LUNG  = LU + UNG = Logical Unit  bio-computer UNG ......Darwinian selection of  
age  ....23 ....representing 23 chromsomes English language VS  school bull-stories

LUNG  = Locate eligible    UNG candidate for sacrifice to the  VIRGIN Universe......

Cho Seung  Hui ......English department subset alphabet  letters.....
Cho se...n --> The CHOSEN  ONE  for  Virgin TECH  parallel/supersymmtry  physics project.

The   Department  of Energy and Office of Science   parallel atomic humanoid...the Chosen  ONE  =   FermiLab  oddONE.




The University of Chicago,   IIT,  Circle Campus,  Northwestern  atomic subliminal MIND of  professors is  so impressed with the social psychology experiment  in Einstein's brain DATA FIELD theory at Field  Museum  ............that is the Egyptian mummy displays....... and the concept of embalment Field Museum, Chicago   .....that the  professors and graduate students  try to emulate the   MUMMY experiment .....that is ..

they SHUT-UP, remain silent..... 
they think about the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.....
they think of Pilgrimms ......pills and Grimm diseases ....
they think of Sleepy of Snow White(House) and Dwarfs

and will not inquire about the 
Science wars,
Brave  New World,
George Orwell  1984  Oceania shooting at Cole Hall oceanography class ...... and  
Karl Marx class warfare  in the classrooms of grammer schools, high schools, and universties.

Thus we have some CLUES to an interesting puzzle .....that requires more thinking and  some action ....starting with communication action to clarify the precise Nature of  Margaret Mead atomic anthropology ...nuclear family  WAR signals.



What school will the next 23 chromsome battle take place?

23 student hostages at Marionette High School as the BOY Scouts of America are under the chromosome attack for their  policy  ERRORS regarding their Social Contract with Nature as orginally outlined By JOHN LOCKE.   The  Boy Scouts don't care to understand the modern world.  The FFA doesn't care care about the Matt Anderson bio-computer subroutine driver error.

Do you care?  
Spread the word about the Science Wars and the human chrosomome battles......with football game gamete command errors.

FermILAB suffers huge intellectual defeat in the Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics brain THOUGHT HEME group Fe(ii) BLOOD war.

Permalink 12/10/13 15:48, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized
The ferrous oxide IRON atom communications problems with FermiLAB  atomic human SYMBOL MACHINE processing layers.




FermILAB suffers huge intellectual defeat in the Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics brain THOUGHT  HEME group Fe(ii) BLOOD  war.  EARTH  iron core and the gravity and magnetic DATA field components are  omitted from the HIERARCHY Problem.



The   incompleteness of analysis in violation of  TOE philosophy ...the THEORY of EVERYTHING.
Consequently, the biased intellectual policies of the Department of Energy ...has resulted in major Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family tragedies and disasters.   The atomic bio-physics Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer of NATURE's  system  .....  that is used by  many adult  humanoids  for amusement and  information distortion .... is in violation of the SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature outlined  by John Locke and others.

What  is the EARTH signal?


  1. 2007 Balad aircraft crash - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
    2007 Ba + lad  --> Batavia lad(s) in air/mouth/talk  craft  of BS crash - Similar
    The 2007 Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at the U.S. ...





An - 26  --> Atomic number 26 
Iron atomic mass ..rounded is  integer  56


The Earth iron core SIGNAL about geography surface events routed to ST.Charles Darwin geography regions VIA news reports .....






An-26 airliner  --> 26 letters of the atomic English alphabet with airliner =  LUNG air + line of words  + errors.

Thus we have a SIGNAL that ought not be ignored.


Above,  we see HIGHWAY 56 and the region  of WAR  ...identifer ....Warrenville with the argument/fight of Arg --> Argonne National Labs........and HIghway 38 = 38th Parallel signal  to 56th Street at the University of  Chicago.
Thus the modern Margaret Mead atomic brain war zone  ...... over accurate atomic social science and atomic political science descriptions.    Apparently, no one cares  ABOUT the MARCH of Dimes project of string theory physics...that is ..... Jerry March Advanced Organic Chemistry and the military   march of new dimesnions of  existence and  understanding and thought.



Since these institutions do not communicate outside their inbred circle of thinkers .....Nature has  bypassed their myopic views of world social science systems  .....and uses other individuals  that are NOT constrained by the world-wide CULT  mentality of the
Professors are intellectually afraid to violate the Carl Jung atomic collective unconscious CULT groups  that control the social science and political science polices of universities .....hence, the disregard for accuate descriptions of  situations  and events; instead, creative writing class 101  is used to explain Watergate,  Virginia TECH,  and dozens of other major events.

Even Hollywood  can't match the inventive writing used to  explain Virginia TECH,    Cole Hall, Waco (Texas)   and the complete omisssion of many details regarding the deeper causes behind the tragedies.




En --> the Energy levels of the Schrodinger equation and the violations by the Department  of  En ....... ( agents assigned by Nature to the Department of  Energy) refuse to consider the  living EARTH cell messages   has resulted in the shooting at the Department of En at Virginia TECH.  

Virginia TECH ought learn the basics of the atomic English language of the periodic atomoic ...... and the Department of Energy and FermiLAB ought learn some basics of atomic social sciences.

Northern Illinois University, Cole Hall oceanography class and the U.S. S. Cole  in oceanography class in OC = October, 2000 ought consider that their elite, supreme perceptions of REALITY are really  EVENT subsets of the 11-dimensions of string theory physics and the GRAND Unified Theory of Nature VIA  mathematical-physics professors.





Thus ..the Departament of Energy ought notice that the  bullets used on April 16, 2007 at Virginia TECH and the bullets used at Cole Hall,  DeKALB, Illinois   are  constructed of atoms  ...thus metal  bullets are composed of protons, neutrons, and electron shells..  The electron shells express their Margaret Mead atomic social science anger VIA  the larger construct ...... a bullet shell comprised of electron shells  ........ and then the Darwinian atomic bio-physics selection  ...of the CHOSEN ONE.

The CHOSEN ONE equation of symbolic evolution ....

CHO + SEN + ONE --> Mr.CHO   SEND message to director  oddONE.

Obviously, the government has probably told FermiLAB and other scientists at universities and research labs to LIE about this order to keep their jobs and government research funds.   Consequently, the big LIE shooting at Liege, Beligium, Europe.....'that is the ROPE of euROPE is part of a STRING of LIES  ........and   scientists  and math and corporations  PLAY DUMB..

Other signals from Nature   ....about  the world-wide SCIENCE WARS ....

BP = Base Pairs of  the  multi-faceted genetics/biochemistry   of  Sartre existentialism  and the SIGNALS.
The SIGNALS were

a) 1984 and the George Orwell SIGNAL from BP region = Bho Pal

  1. Bhopal disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    It occurred on the night of 2–3 December 1984 at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. A leak of methyl ...

b) BP = British Petroleum and the Gulf of Metabolism incident in the  hydrocarbon geography  region of the Gulf of Me = Mexico and the DEEP-undercover operation  known as -->


  1. Deepwater Horizon oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (also referred to as the BP oil spill, the BP oil disaster, the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and the Macondo blowout) is an oil spill in the ...


The word --> orbital  has the algebra subset symbols --> oil ......
The word spill --> sp + Interface  + 11 --> Sept interface 11, 2001

EARTH  geo-physics battle of  the iron  core  AND

physics equation 
Force = Ma           VERSUS

Force = Manhattan  and the

WORLD Trade Center of MASS errors      ......... 
as per Manhattan project year 1943 
thru Manhattan project 2001 be explained by the Department of Energy and the Department  of Justice


Who is OSama bin Laden?

Ask Fermilab about the OSAMA element ...atomic number 76.

Ask Computer-scientists about bin --> Binary systems like  the EXTERNAL Base 2  iron Towers in Manhattan that are mirrors of the INTERNAL   base 2 Heme group Fe(ii) ions ......a system outlined  by Herbert Spencer in year 1872  ...and  FermiLAB and Washington,DC     never heard of Herbert Spencer,    never heard of  iron ....... but they do hear  about   Democratic dinner parties and Republican birthday parties.

Ask the Boy Scouts about  word:  LADEN --> Computer Earth system 370  LA = Load address  ....Pierce Avenue,   Mationette Theater  in  Wisconsin  and  LADEN -->Load Address BOY SCOUT DEN with Uncle Sam victim of Sample Space wars  --> Sam Hengel.

Thus we see some very interesting puzzles  that NO ONE is curious about.






Let's establish a point of VIEW ........ that is a well kept secret.
Graduate students in math and science  .....are not EVEN told this secret.


Their professors are em = electromagnetic em=employess of the university.
EM humans use the  biology body/structure they occupy as  a processing platform.

The concepts are well-known in copper wire computers  AND 
the same concepts are  used for bio-computers.

EARTH LAB has many experimental projects and many types of   specimens .


LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?

The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:

"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."


In modern terms .....Nature's atomic selection of bio-physocs structures ...that best fit the EARTH LAB parameters of

"guinea-pigs cheered " ......would be the good gentlemen from PERU near Columbia






alias ..the LAB speciemen ...Fer--> Ferrous oxide Heme Group FER --> FermilAB specimen


"guinea-pigs cheered "

"guinea-pi     cheerful "

How are these things and processes  explainable?.







The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.
Therefore some political protests, crimes, shootings, wars, etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/ the human atomic feelings expressor/ the human atomic messenger.
Atomic social anthropology families are listed in beginning college physics and college chemistry textbooks. The families comprise vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of life and thought. Thus we may have the atomic family ... anthropology shootings at EARTH LAB geography sites.

The periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ...... uses mass communications.

Mass communications is known as television, radio, newspapers, print graphics, etc.
This really ought be named atomic mass communications VIA atomic bio-physics humanoid messenger vehicles.

Let's look at the basic message from NATURE the news of year 2007 ....
about FermiLAB atomic bio-computer humanoids with iron Hemoglobin communications problems, 
the EARTH military COMPRISED of the geo-physics IRON CORE of Earth and the gravity field interaction with such IRON CORE  mass/weight (with  number 8= eight data bits of the gravity data field ....thta is weight = we + eight = west 8),
the North Pole magnetic data field and its interaction between the EARTH iron core and the FermiLAB brain cortex thoughts of the ferrous oxide 26 proton atomic English alphabet letters.
Thus lets look at the tragic EVENT of Balad --> the lads that work at the labs of Ba --> Batavia.
As we known  .... FermiLab has all kinfs of alias names  ....from the televison show BATMAN we have Chief O'Hare (O'Hara airport of Chicago) and the  science BATCAVE  = Batavia and Cavedish.
EVENT news...see the INTERNET or an old newspaper or old magazine.
DATA --->The 2007 Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at the U.S. military base in Balad, Iraq.[3] The crash killed 34 people aboard and left one passenger critically injured. Officials claim the crash was caused by poor weather conditions, but other sources claim that this is a cover-up and the plane was actually shot down by a missile.[1][2][4]


DATA translation of words--->
ANTonov --> Ant --> Anthropology ..... Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology

An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at the U.S. military base in Balad, Iraq a missile.

-->An-26 = Atomic number 26 Fer = Ferrous oxide atom message

--> military base in 
Balad, Iraq  ......
Ba...d Irac   q-variables

1925: Paul Diracq-number theory of general quantum mechanics ... 
1926: Wolfgang Pauli, derivation of spectrum of hydrogen atom by matrix methods ...

Thus evolution to the Earth version of Ba + q-variables --> Base variables...( IRAN --> Independent Variables and Syria = Symmetry atomic physics  as amplified and displayed in EXTERNAL format on the geography surface of EARTH countries ......mirrors of the INTERNAL   Margaret Mead atomic anthropology WAR of  thoughts of  protons, neutrons, and electrons).........

...base variable evolution to  the  geo-mathematical region of  Bavaria , Europe  AND the transferance of the Germanic mathematical-physics language heritage to the Badger State ....Highway 26 Wisconsin..

-->land at the U.S. military base in Balad, Iraq a missile ......

land at the U.S. bas in BA --> Batavia Illinois Dirac

by the  missile = Miss + Il + e --> Mississippi River Illinois earth region

Dubuque County, IA 
DuPage  County Batavia IL

  2. Distance Dubuque IA - Batavia IL, total distance, average speed, travel time, calculate costs and fuel consumption, calculate when arrive to Batavia IL.

Thus we see the living EARTH cell ...Du=  Double-helix regions ...with Computer Earth system 370  .....composed of geography surface ...geo-computer PAGES   or address spaces called Counties......such  the   example --> DuPage County  and the EARTH iorn core  and nearby  FermiLAB  ferrous oxide mind LAB specimens .

FermiLAB = Fer + mi + LAB  --> inFER Ferrous oxide mind LAB of Nature and the Earth magnetic field and the geology iron core.    Geology professors have kept this experiment a secret  from the  Ferengi and Odo ...Deep Space Nine site.

DuPAGE -->  Geo-computer PAGE with data fields and data entities  comprised of humanoids and houses and other data objects.   From the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth)  VIEW

Dubuque --> Du + bu + que --> DuPage buffer Queue in IOWA 
--> Earth I/O Work Area --> Eatrh Input?output Work Area.


DATA ---> Contents



DATA  translation

Islamic --> IS + L = amic --> Information systems Langauge atomic  (Via atomic humanoid  messenger vehicles).

Thus we see the NATURE of  evolutions and Nature's method of expression ...and the hierarchy of  development of atomic social thought ....

a) the founding of Islamic messengers BY a

b) molecule agent named MO = Modus Operandi of Nature's moelcules giving messenger Mohammed.


  1. Mohammed and Mohammedanism (Islam) - New Advent 

    Mohammed, 'the Praised One', the prophet of Islam and the founder of Mohammedanism, was born at Mecca (20 August?) A.D. 570.


Thus Nature .....project PERU and the Praised One  --> P + raised ONE  ---> raised up into the intellectual world  AND then he  denies his EARTH atomic heritage   of Peru = Per + U = periodic  atomic table Uranium and the  Margaret Mead atomic anhtropology awareness project.






The aircraft was an Antonov An-26B-100, registration number ER-26068.[5] It made its first flight in 1981, and was powered by two Ivchenko AI-24VT engines.


An-26B-100 --> Atomic number 26 B-100 = B100 --> Bl00D signal

ER-26 --> Emergency 26 ferrous oxide atom at FermiLAB life forms with iron Hemoglobin refuse to acknowledge signals and Highway 26 Wisconsin

1981 --> the IBM bio-computer known as the BLOOD sysmbolic processor ......that is year 1981 and
IBM 8100 DPCX  ..copper wire computer and the  parallel  
IBM  B100D  PC = Person Computer with x-algebra chromsomes.

powered by two Iv --> Base 2 Intra-veinous

AI-24VT engines --> AI =Atomic Intellect -  with  24 hours and   24 = base 2 expoent 4 = base 16 .

Vt-engines = VTOC symbolic engines




The aircraft, which took off from AdanaTurkey,[6] at about 0400 GMT,[7] was owned by the Moldovan companyAerianTur-M, and on the day of the accident had been chartered to a Turkish construction company, Kulak,[3] who had been contracted to build a new hangar at the air base.[8] The aircraft hired by BSA Aviation Ltd (charterer) was carrying both cargo and passengers

The Turkish Foreign Ministry stated they have been shipped to Antonov's Kiev headquarters, but Turkish Minister of Transportation

Turkey --> Tu + ur + Key = Turning math building uranium 92 key electrons

build a new hangar --> Isaac Newton new gravity messages for  string theory  ...from North Pole magnetic field brain subroutines...
hang your stockings with  care  ..because rope was used in
hung theory in year 1956 in hungary, euROPE theory uprising and 
......then the atom mass 56 ..........gary, Indiana  iron industry was hung/screwed  over  ....for not paying attention  to the BIG PICTURE of  atomic economic BS that comes from American universities  that spend to much time in bedroom intellectual accomplishments .....the Schrodinger cat in box  ....biology experiments.

The aircraft hired by BSA Aviation  --> Boy Scouts Association cover-up of the Sam Hengel atomic bio-physics tragedy at the string theory theater ....Marionnettes of Marionette HIGH SChool, Pierce Street , Wisconsin ..Pierce the layers and levels of BULL social science and economic nonsense systems.






Reaction from the Islamic Army in Iraq


Reaction from the Islam --> I + SL + am = Indexed SequentiaL  access method

Reaction from the Islamic Army in Iraq
Reaction      m the--> mathematics  --> Army Math Research, Sterling Hall, year 1970 thru 2012



Reaction from the Islamic Army in Iraq
Reaction from the     amic --> atomic Army

Thus we see ..the modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .....atomic social anthropology messages ..and the inaccurate atomic English translations from Washington,DC and their intellectual party friends  at   universities.  Consequently, the wave mechanics battle zone along  Lake Michigan   at the DR.Robley D. Evans atomic nucleus ...EVANS Field House (Evanston and DeKalb, Illinois) and Oak Creek Wisconsin and the shooting of  EARTH ATLAS  undercover agent in training    ...the Milwaukee  mechanics student Jake Gerard.


Thus we have a  few CLUES to help serious individual understand the complex and subtle signal from Nature to various educated  societies in the world.  The   surface veneer  data /information  is  available   ...thus  we must understand the Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung , Maslow , Eric Berne  subtle, hidden levels of the tragic EVENTS.

Thus we see the process of the physics department at the Univeristy of Chicago...ELLIS Street   and theiratomic mass communication agent/writer signals

  1. Invisible Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    Invisible Man is a 1952 novel written by Ralph Ellison. It addresses many of the social and intellectual issues facing African-Americans early in the twentieth ...

Ralph Ellison. It addresses ---> the real words......
Ral  + alph + ph + Ellis + son ...addresses

Real + alphabet +physics +  Ellis + symbolic sons


  1. Department of Physics - University of Chicago - Similar
    Dam T Son joins the physics department as University Professor. ... 2012 The University of Chicago | Department of

    Physics | 5720 S. Ellis Ave, Chicago, ...

    Faculty Directory - Department of Physics - University of Chicago › About › ContactCached - Similar
    address (except as noted): University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637 ...Professor (emeritus), Department of Physics and the College .   --> thus the atomic families ......columns in the periodic table  use leg electron structures  as amplifiers of the primordial atomic family signal  to the   more visible humanoid level of consciouness.



Directions - Department of Physics - University of Chicago › AboutCached
Sep 22, 2008 – Follow the links below for directions on how to reach the University of ... southwest corner of East 57th Street and South Ellis Avenue at 5720 ...
American Nightmare: Ralph Ellison's “Invisible Man” at 60 - The ... Jun 28, 2012 – I recognize no dichotomy between art and
protest,” said Ralph Ellison in his 1955 Paris Review interview, but it is impossible not to recognize ...

at 60  and  his 1955 Paris review  ...Paris= Parallel information systems
between 60th stret and 55th street exists  the Ralph Ellison building  .. ...a symbolic building in the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsious level  of the  contiuum ...that he (one of few) have information access to.

I recognize no ..... subset symbols
I r  ...o.n --> iron Heme group BLOOD thoughts  interaction with NO --> North Pole magnetic field and agents NO --> NOBEL scientists  and their  bi-directional relationship to the Santa Claus of good ideas.

Perhaps, someday NOBEL scientists may have the diplomatic  courage to acknowledge they live on EARTH and interact with various entities, forces, and fields  of EARTH ...and that they breath Nitrogen and Oxygen.
NO --->NORWAY ought learn  the intellectual rules of conduct someday ......regarding  the Unfied TOE theory battlefield at UTOEYA  with chemistry symbols the  snob,arrongant intellctual  parents of the   molecule  Children ..refuse to acknowldge and discuss  and fix the  REAL world and the  atomic and molecular SCIENCE WARS..

Thus many opportunuities exist for scientists,  corporations, and lawyers   ..... to help clarify the situation.
The Department of Energy   and the Treasury has  billions of dollars   available to fix the  Schrodinger equation   brain electron problems.   Who needs a   house ...when you lack a brain with a symbolic house.

We are reminded of the 
year 1600 PEN  message of William Shakespeare to    the future   Earth address  
of  1600 Pen.nyslvania  LIGHT BULB  Avenue  known as the WHITE HOUSE  ---> of the White optical spectrum  + symbolic HOUSE of words and equations  that

"The WORLD is a stage and we are the atomic bio-physics math-life players (processing layers)."

Thus ...the WHITE HOUSE represents more that just the human agents that work  there  .... the WHITE HOUSE  represents white blood cells and white photons of  the AGE of Enlightment and Nature and....gravity data fields and magnetic   data fields and oxygen atom Base 16 hexadecimal.

Hence, we see an angry NATURE   and the  battle of



More Images of the Balad AN-26 Crash - Entropic Memes 

Mar 31, 2008 – On Friday, I posted the first images of the 2007 crash of a civil turboprob airliner near Balad, Iraq. The   original plan - crowdsourcing the analysis ...

We are reminded of the strength of IRON 26 .....mathematics of a right triangle ....
2( 3,4,5) 6  ...the embbedded numeric strength of the Pythagorean theorem  and Fer= ferrous oxide  LAST theorem of Fermat's  hemeglobin iron and myoglobin ARM messenger proteins ...for the successor to Fermat --> FermiLAB math and physics.    But who cares about acknowledging our bio-math heritage and such things as diplomatic protocol = proto + Col --> protons and columns of the atomic families of the periodic atomic table government.

Thus we see the  part of Hierarchy Problem as the Office of Science on behalf of the Federal Government wishes to insult and ridicule  the STUPID and DUMB  periodic atomic table elements of life.

Consequently, we see the many SCIENCE WAR battles around the world  .....  and the denial of REALITY people watch sports on televison .....that is the s & p orbits .
SPORTS --> S + P  orbits ...advanced brain elctron technology manipulation  ..NOT approved by the atomic social anthropology laws of NATURE.

The molecular cell biology government level of NATURE explains the brain molecular JAIL cell - - - > FBI prison in the brain iron Heme group Fe(ii) ion ---> RD site = FBI = FermiLAB , Batavia, Illi nois(e)

Permalink 12/10/13 15:43, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


Nature has constructed many structures in the last few million years.

Using math equations,  11-dimensional physics, chemistry formulas,  the atomic English language, and molecular cell biology processes NATURE constructed societies and civilizations   using   Darwinian entities adaptable for such social and economic experiments.   Such entites are extensions of the periodic atomic table government ... a  basic government of existential space/time on EARTH.   

The next level of  government could be perceived as Nature's biochemistry, molecular cell  biology government.

Another  level this sequential evolution ...would be humans ...with Fe =  Ferrous oxide atoms  --> iron Heme group Fe(ii) ions used by their myoglobin proteins and the hemoglobin proteins ...and their respective thoughts.  Let's look at some of the the various expression levels of iron ..the ferrous oxide atom .....with some other ideas.

Let's use the  various languages of  existence to explain  some  levels of symbolic life -->  Fe.

1) Fe = Ferrous oxide atom in the periodic atomic table ...hence the Fe --> Federal government or iron and its North Pole magnetic data field interactions..

The atom of iron is used for metal  automobiles and iron bridges that exist in the  EXTERNAL world ( on the geography surface of EARTH )   AND    the atom of iron is used for metabolism in the INTERNAL world of biology VIA the iron Heme group.   Thus we are reminded of Herbert Spencer.

  1. Epitome of the Synthetic philosophy of Herbert Spencer - Google Books Result Spencer, Frederick Howard Collins - 1901 - Philosophy, Modern - 692 pages
    Herbert Spencer, Frederick Howard Collins. 30. ... definition of Life will be : — The continuous adjustment of internalrelations to external relations. ... as "coexistences and sequences;" and the connection between them as a "correspondence.

2) Fe --> the Base 16 hexadecimal structure ..with Hex'Fe" = 254 ...the the Base 16  Federal  government ...existant on EARTH  with

  • Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory
  • Galileo project of year 16 16 --> Base 16 Hex space and Base 16 Hex time
  • base 16 used for  business data processing
  • base 16 used for human bio-computers and base16  human warfare such as Virginia TECH on April 16,2007

3) fe--> Fertilizer ..symbolic of chemisty logic ...infer ...infer fertilizer  .....chemistry  Fe = Fertilizer   ...a Federal level in Nature's governmental hierarchy....... that   uses human agents to carry out chemistry molecule orders  --> social chemistry events.


  • The Darwinian selection of 4 DNA humanoid agents to use math /physics logic ...infer --> input fertilizer the Sterling Hall bombing ....signaling device  tragedy in August 1970 in Madison, Wisconsin.


  • the Oklahoma City Fe = Fertilizer tool of the chemsitry Federal  government level  of Nature ....versus  the Fe = Federal building of humanoids.
  • Thus we see a battle of  major world systems ...... the gestalt battles ...that requires one to think  in terms of big concepts and big philosophy battles ..between Nature, chemistry data set forces,  and the subset human institution ERROR overflow.
  • The chemistry war equation resulted in the 168 dead signal--> 168 --> 160 + 8 --> 
    partition into 16 + 0 + 8 --> 16 Oxygen 8  --> 16 atomic mass  Oxygen 8 electrons  ordered event VIA the Darwinian selection of Timothy McVeigh(t) -->  Mc + V + eight --> Macro Vector  8   with parallel named  bio-computer agent McVeigh(t).


4) Fe --> Fer --> infer logic --> input fer logic ...mathematical logic and physics amd semantics ...Fe =Federal government and symbolic STATES of MIND .... that is .... 
the brain governmental organization.........
..........................mental organ ....thought systems


5) Fe = the traditional concept of a Federal government on the geography surface of EARTH  ...responsible for a geography region and the administration  of   laws, economics, etc...for the human society living in thet geography region.  This Fe=federal government is concerned with daily activities and events...and long range plans.   The other Fe governemtnts  exist at deeper levels of REALITY  or in different facets  of REALITY......... thus these other levels  in a sense converge to the human act as an intermediate, a  balancer, a partner with Nature.    For example, the human Federal government in Washington, DC   is embedded  within  the EARTH LAB atomic/astronomy   Fe continuum and its  various components.


Does Nature have a prison system?  Why not?

We known that the quadratic equation is a 2nd degree equation .....and often is a cause of 2nd degree murder.
High school algebra criminals ...... may suffer  in  math prison  later in life.

We know that  60 cycles ac / 120 volts HERTZ  may have  parallel effect on life...
...................60 miles/hr  ac=accident ....hurts ...the parallel  sound effect of hertz.
Thus the ACLU legal organization  ...presumably works on legal cases on the
societal tragic consequences  of  ac =alternating current and electromagnetic fields.




Given the above possibilities..... can Nature create a symbolic prision cell within our symbolic brain bio-computers.
INTERNAL thought prisions have existed before in history  ...... with  the Joseph Stalin mentality   and the IRON CURTAIN of his  brain iron HEME group Fe(ii) ion  social organization thoughts.  Being part of a Carl Jung collective unconsciousness goup of people in Russia ...the entire group became infected with  the symbolic language sickness  ... illustrated by the hammer and sick ---sickle symbol  of the 1930's.   The hammer represents the iron myoglobin protein thought about  the intellectually  sick.

The problem has never been addressed,  still exists today in a more gentle format.   IRON and brain RD  continues at Fer =Ferrous oxide headquarters at Fer= FermiLAB.  They ain't communicating.  AS we know by their identifier ..this is not possible for  the Office of Science.....and the  human MIND project.


The atomic English langauge code-->
FermiLAB = Fer + Mi  + LAB

Ferrous oxide MI _ _  LAB --> Fill in the 2 blanks 
Ferrous oxide MI ND LAB --> North Dakota ???
Ferrous oxide  MI ND Lab --> systems communications NODE


The Department of Energy and DARPA  no longer have access to NATURE's  system NODES...consequently, the Hierarchy Problem of  Margaret Mead  atomic nuclear family ..... which can be partially solved by looking around ...... outside their elite  circle of thinkers.  They have forgotten they are guests of Nature.... on the surface of EARTH.  Nature has messages waiting ...that have been ignored by the university system.




The human entities in the Chicago  region  have no interest in  the atomic bio-physics  SOCIAL SCIENCE WARS ...hence, Nature has demoted their myopic  position relative to Nature's systems and project  plans.





Nature ...used to consider the central iron atom  of the world as represented by (Fe) --> FermiLAB  ...and we see the chemistry symbols CH  ..... organic chemistry Carbon/ Hydrogen .....  a reminder to the University of Chicago   ..about the mission.
That has all changed in year 2012 ..... as the University and other colleges have dropped the ball;  requiring more responsible human beings to take over the neglected  multi-billion dollar  brain development projects.

Thus we see the Sherlock Holmes biochemistry mystery story ...the Red-Headed League of red  blood cells ...and their internal thoughts expressed by Sir Art ...Arteries of Arthur  Conan Doyle external format on published cellulose paper ...those stories were  circulated to humans with eyes/optical nerve data processing systems ...the reader....that is the bio-computer human input device ....the reader .... and  year  1891   newspaper boys would HOLLER ... "read all about it" .. 

Years later..... in 1956 ...... the parallel input device reader became the HOLLER cards ...Hollerith cards used with copper -wire computer hardware/software.


  1. Advanced Molecular Cell Biology 

    Jan 12, 2012 – Advanced Molecular Cell Biology.
    Biomedical Sciences and Neuroscience





The Adventure of the Red-Headed League" is one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. It first appeared in The Strand Magazine in August 1891,



  1. Molecular Cell Biology - Advanced Training Tracks - About Us ... - Similar
    Molecular Cell Biology applies biochemical, genetic, molecular, and sophisticated morphological techniques to the investigation of basic cellular processes in ...




Molecular Cell Biology - Advanced Training


Thus ....problems in within the human  INTERNAL iron HEME group  Fe(ii) ion ..... may then be trasformed into EXTERNAL format ...... and result in human messenger behavior  ...... that  places the humanoid in a Fe(ii) ion-like  prison cell.

Structural Biochemistry/Protein function/Heme group/Myoglobin ... 

  1. Jump to Structure‎: Myoglobin contains a heme (prosthetic) group which is responsible for its ... However, when ironoxidized from ferrous ion (Fe2+) to ferric ion ...

Golbular Protein

  1. At the center of the heme group is the iron +2 metaion. The nitrogen atoms bind to the iron ion through what are called coordinate covalent bonds. This means ...
Thus the symbolism  of the 2-hands on 2-iron bars --> the Fe(ii) ion signal.

We see the Margaret Mead nuclear family...atomic social anthropology signal above word:
Behavioral --> subset symbols --> oral --> orbital ...brain electron orbital messages.

Offenders --> subset letters = fe = Ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics offenders.
Who else may Nature have selected for Fe = Ferrous oxide analysis?
What high ranking intellectual life forms   are eligible?
Let's consider  possible atomic/astronomy continuum offenders living on  EARTH.
The continuum concept equation of interest is -->

26 Proton alphabet letters  + Ferrous oxide + Solar Ssystem Orbitals -->
Protons  Ferrous Solar System orbitals -->
Pro  + Fe  + S S ors
These information dat set entities ought offer diplomatic recogniztion to the humble CONTINUUM representatives.
Thus we check...where did the above   picture come from.

We know that all mass communications (televsion, radio, print , websites, etc) is really atomic MASS communications. 
Thus messages originate  in the  Margaret Mead atomic table continuum ..the elements of  life and social life.
The atomic messages ...use the  atomic bio-physics  bio-computer output device known as humanoid.
The original message must travel thru the biological/symbolic humanoid structure  ...along its pathway... the atomic message is intercepted and  usually distorted OR rewritten with bias  ..... before it reaches the external world of magazines and newspapers.
Where did the above   picture / signal  come from?
What level of the Fe = Federal Bureau of Investigation?
What dimension of the 11 dimensions of string  theory physics of life?
Below, Nature's
 atomic FBI --> FermiLab, Batavia, Illinois
What area of the multi- faceted dimensions of Sartre existentialism?
Fe --> Federal Bureau  of Investigation

Fe --> the Ferrous oxide atomic version
Fe --> the Base 16 Hex'Fe' = 254  version  that explains Computer EARTH  system 370 address space 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC = Define Constant  ..
.as per bio-computer  IBM  BAL instruction ..President CLI (Clinton)  Compare Logical Immediate.

Thus Federal Bureau --> Hex'Fe" bureau --> Hex'Fe' bur + rea + u --> 254  data buffer reality universe ...on EARTH
Fe --> Fermat's Last math theorem ....with Andrew Wiles of Princeton
FBI --> the atomic continuum version = FermILAB, Batavia, Illinois  ....know in CIA television shows as the BAT CAVE  with Chief O'Hare  (Chicago O'Hare airport region) and  Alfred (Alfred North Whitehead).   Secrets of  CIA message systems  ....broadcast to field agents around the USA and other countries that show Batman.
Thus ..the theory ...that the above picture in the EXTERNAL world of cement /iron jails ......acts as a mirror to some nasty process inside the human brain....that Nature is trying to fix.   Hence, Nature's send out a signal violent format to get the attention of newspapers and the readers ....hoping that a reader may recognize the  larger, complex puzzle  and the message piece.  Hence, the  professors in the Chicago region with  Argonne and FermiLAB   are in some   IRON  mental ....STATE of MIND   ..prison.
Thus we see the Herbert Spence theory of INTERNAL <----> EXTERNAL  bi-directional information flow  ...and the various mathematical-physics mapping functions  ...from  atomic  bio-physics internal thought domains to  external ranges  ...and visa versa.   University of Texas math cowboys to think ..that they are home on the range  . .. ... in the world of symbols and abstract math geography maps: but,  Austin has a bad case of   symbolic brain  Au --> Autism communications problems.


Residues crucial for maintaining short paths in network communication mediate signaling in proteins

This is well known thru literature and history signals.

- book "The IRON Mask" by Dumas  --> route to DuPage county atomic mass  RD region
- the IRON Curtain of Joseph Stalin and Europe in 1956 ...atomic mass 56 uprising in Hungary VIA the Heme group revolution
- Highway 56 near FermiLAB 
- 56th Street Physics building University of Chicago
- iron automobile  LEGAL speed limit on many highways   55.84  miles/hour
-Iron Man movie signals  from  Hollywood  Hemoglobin directors genetics /gene movies with Gene Hackman
Thus we have a few clues to modern molecular jail cell theory...
with  the experiments at
Jail = J + ai + il --> Joliet atomic intelligence Illinois

Joliet Correctional Center - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
This is an article about a men's penitentiary in Illinois in the United States. ... Joliet Correctional Center (colloquially known asJoliet Prison) was a prison in Joliet, .... The Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC).

Stateville PrisonJolietIL

Aug 21, 2010 – USAIllinois. 2002. 
Stateville Prison. 
F house. 
There were originally four ... That 135-year-old Joliet prison still houses more than 1,100 inmates.

Darwinian evolution  ....... with parallel universes on EARTH

The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep ... 

Greene, one       of our foremost physicists and science writers, takes us on a captivating exploration of these parallel worlds and reveals how much of reality's true ...
--> secret message ...Greene --> one of 4 DNA nucleotides group...the 4th wise man project of Nature. 
Four --> Fo + ur =  Base 16 hex'Fo' = 240    AND uranium 238 atomic computer  LINK  of even integer space ..that keeps track of events and the  Stephen Hawking EVENT Horizon.

Stateville Prison. 
F house  --> FermiLAB  house 
originall 4 --> 4 DNA nucleotides 
1100 inmates--> binary signal on human bio-computers
135--> the plane geometry angle with Cupid's vector arrow
Statesville--> Quantum states --> statesville  prison

It is an interesting world.   I wonder what other secrets await discovery.
From: Joliet, IL To: Batavia Rd, Warrenville, IL 60555

Driving directions - Print
Joliet, IL
Batavia Rd, Warrenville,IL 
Batavia   Rd, War -->
Research Design War code

47 mins
36.5 mi - I-55 N
Joliet, IL to Batavia, IL driving direction, best route map.

Distance between Joliet, IL and Batavia, IL 29 Miles / 47 Km
Driving distance from Joliet, IL to Batavia, IL 29 Miles  --> 29 electrons Copper atom .... the  secret route of the city of electricity.

Puzzles and mysteries of the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology families in the Chicago region and Peru --> Per + u = periodic atomic table U =Uranium director identifier  of his geography  country  AND his atomic map signal  ..with  the atomic computer 238 --> Base 2 exponent 3 = 8  ...with the BAL language Equate instruction...LINKAGE   to the

EARTH atom model with the Equator  and Bali Indonesia --> Bal interface to geography Computer Earth system 370.


Sherlock Holmes and the Penn State mathematical-physics GRID IRON solve the modern mystery - - -> The Red-Headed League with Alfred North Whitehead and Mike McQueary

Permalink 12/10/13 00:48, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized



  1. The Adventure of the Red-Headed League - Wikipedia, the free ... - Similar
    "The Adventure of the Red-Headed League" is one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. It first appeared in The Strand ...
    Number 56 is a reference to the iron atom in the  myoglobin proteins that existed in the  author's arm muscles. The atomic mass of ferrous oxide atom/ iron is  56 ...... well known to  Fer --> FermiLAB  Ferrous oxide atomic anthropology detctectives at bio-computer BATCH  PROCESSING LOCATION .....Batavia, Illinois.
As he attempts to restore a social order threatened by criminals like those in "The Red-Headed League," Sherlock Holmesembodies the values of intelligence ...

Alfred North Whitehead

The algebraic  subset of the story title
--> Red-Headed Leaguge  key words
......Red ...Head ...........thus Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's respectful reference to
Alf+ Red  North  White  + Head  ......mathematical logic and physics agent ................

Alfred North Whitehead

Alfred North Whitehead 
Alfred North Whitehead ......................head .....................head
Alfred North Whitehead, OM FRS was an English mathematician and philosopher. He wrote on algebra, logic, foundations of mathematics, philosophy of science, physics, metaphysics, and education. Wikipedia
BornFebruary 15, 1861, Ramsgate
DiedDecember 30, 1947, Cambridge


Thus we see the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle  iron atom signal   56 repeated.



Inside the math logic book ...are many, many, pages of    math logic  symbols.



The first edition (see discusion relative to the second edition, below) begins with a definition of the sign "⊃"

✸1.01p ⊃ q .=. ~ p ∨ qDf.

✸1.1. Anything implied by a true elementary proposition is true. Pp modus ponens

(✸1.11 was abandoned in the second edition.)

✸1.2. ⊦: p ∨ p .. pPp principle of tautology

✸1.3. ⊦: q .. p ∨ qPp principle of addition

✸1.4. ⊦: p ∨ q .. q ∨ pPp principle of permutation

✸1.5. ⊦: p ∨ ( q ∨ r ) .. q ∨ ( p ∨ r ). Pp associative principle

✸1.6. ⊦:. q ⊃ r .: p ∨ q .. p ∨ rPp principle of summation

✸1.7. If p is an elementary proposition, ~p is an elementary proposition. Pp

✸1.71. If p and q are elementary propositions, p ∨ q is an elementary proposition. Pp

✸1.72. If φp and ψp are elementary propositional functions which take elementary propositions as arguments, φp ∨ ψp is an elementary proposition. Pp



The above symbols ...existed inside the brain and body of  Alfred North Whitehead ....and of course, existed on EXTERNAL cellulose paper in the math logic book ...written with  Bertrand Russell  in year 1910.

Thus in year 1910...... the symbols P ---> Q  had an INTERNAL  symbolic biology existence .......probably in the iron atom used by the hemoglobin and myoglobin proteins.   Hence, the  atomic mass signal   56.

The math logic symbols in the book ...look like   symbolic grid   ..or rows and rows of  symbols P --> Q....... in a sense  a GRID IRON ...with the iron provided by the myoglobin protein  data storage abilities of iron/oxygen atoms   and the iron hemoglobin in the B100D  ---> the RED blood cells are a group/ a collective/ a league ....and are   INTERNAL biology version of the RED-Headed League  OR  the  biology known as the RED communist collective. 

The RED-Headed League of blood cells with Alfred North Whithead knowldge are allowed to pass thru the blood/brain barrier update the brain with more accuarate  ... abstract, symbolic  knowledge.


Thus Principia Mathematica a sense ..flowed in the 
B100D   of Alfred North Whitehead  ...and then in future readers  that respected the book.

B100D -->  alpha Numeric bl00d  ....with  integer number 
..100 ......... One-Hundred   ---> one-hundred years  --> year 2010, 2011, 2012  ....


Thus we see the one-year  GRID IRON   message processing SIGNAL emerge    in 2010,  2011,  2012 ...


The modern Sherlock Holmes mystery with red-headed Mike McQueary, Jerry Sandusky, Penn State University, and Cambridge University mathematics life.

"The Adventure of the Red-Headed League" is one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. It first appeared in The Strand in August 1891.


56 Sherlock Holmes --> lock --> locker room signal to the Penn State English department


  1. Wolfram|Alpha: iron 56: isotope element facts, atomic mass, ... 

    Isotope data: iron 56 mass number & properties, neutron number, quantum properties, spin parity, decay mode, specific radioactivity, branching ratio, ...






In this story, Watson takes on a new position, doing clerical work. He found this exciting job through an ad

which specified red-headed men only need apply.

mike football 2

Plot summary -

Adaptations of plot/ scheme / rackett  to Penn State 

Sandusky trial: Former assistant coach Mike McQueary testifies

Mike McQueary - football recruiting
Mike McQueary was an assistant football coach at Pennsylvania State University until late in the 2011 football season. Wikipedia

Born: 1975, State College
Education: Pennsylvania State University
Position: Quarterback

The United States parallel to the Sherlock Holmes story is described below.
What has happened.....according to superymmetry physics and theoretical analysis of the atomic English language ..... is that the original story written in year 1891 AND the Alfred North Whithead math logic version of year 1910   ..........was been converted to REALITY  thru  years 1991  to 2010,  2011,  2012  ..... at Penn State.



Let's repeat those concepts and the language process control system involved.

In year 1891 ....we have proper nouns/concepts printed in the STRAND magazine.
Keywords -->

- word LOCK is a subset of word sherLOCK
- word LOCK ...the story involved a planned bank theft of the safe/LOCK
- Pen --> writing instrument used by Sir Arther Conan Doyle
- Red Headed --> a man with red hair the fictional story

Now in year 1891 .....the human eye/optical nerve read the story ..that was printed on cellulose paper and circulated to the British reading audience. That is ...the EXTERNAL circulation of the words/nouns/concepts of the story VIA the STRAND magazine. The story is input to the INTERNAL bio-computer ....symbolic life within the human biological system and its related INTERNAL symbolic system. Thus the RED/READ blood cells acquire symbolic knowledge ....and the INTERNAL circulation system distributes the knowledge thruout the human body.

As such systems work, we see that all blood eventually converges to the LIVER ...for analysis. In year 1726...the internal LIVER decided to publish its social views to the EXTERNAL world ....using the LIVER of Jonathan Swift to de.LIVER a book titled " Gullible LIVER'S Travels".  We see the modern convergence of human LIVER formats to the EARTH LAB geography site known as "Livermore Labs" in California.

Thus we see the interplay between EXTERNAL circulation of printed ink symbols and the INTERNAL circulation of red/read blood cells and how they learned new thoughts and ideas in year 1891  and in  year 1910.
Thus we have year 1891
B100D ...with the number
..100.... one hundred years .....thus something happens in NATURE's systems ...and then emerges in 1991.

What happened? That requires further study ..and the blog readers can provide that investigative role. They can form some coordinated group to help with the research and the flowchart models that will help explain these things.

At this point.......we see the empirical data situation in year 1991.
Let's compare .....
year 1891 ------> 100 years ---------> 1991

- ink pen of Doyle ---> thin ink --> think pen ---> Penn State
- sherLOCK ---------------> Locker room problem
- story RED-Headed --------> witness Mike McQueary
- League ------------------> football sports leaguage

We are reminded ...of Willian Shakespeare statement
"The WORLD is a stage and we are the players" modern words/example
"The WORLD is a stage and we are the football players at PENN STATE"

What's happening?
What is Nature telling us? Why won't universities help try to understand this process.

Thus we see some PATTERN of human bio-computers and brain social behavior instructions.
Nature is trying to tell the intellctual community something .



Thus we see the important role of Joe Paterno and others.

Joe Patterno --> Job Order Entry Pattern Node

Jerry Sandusky molestation --> mole --> molecular cell biology signal


The GRID IRON  math logic of  year 1910  Principia Mathematica   ...then emerges  around year 2010 ...
the messenger for  logic P ---> Q ...... Pennyslvania  Quarterback

......with humanoid agent  ...the  best approximation for Nature's project....being part of the
RED-Headed League   --> Mike Que + ary  --> information .... Queue array / matrices /linear algebra rows....  
actual precise name MIke McQueary.


Let's review the flowchart ....over    100 years  ...Nature's symbolic molecular cell project plan ...

a) year 1891 ...the   iron Heme group Fe(ii) ions   ....had symbol   T = Thoughts  of Heme --> T + heme --> Theme expressed  as the story by the blood arteries and proteins of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. 
The Adventure of the Red-Headed League" is one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes

b) year 1910 ...


Alfred North Whitehead ......................head


c) year 2010


✸1.01. p ⊃ q .=. ~ p ∨ q. Df.  ...with applied logic  ... p = penn state


mike football 2


Thus we see the Red-Headed  League of humanoids .....exists in several  different formats.
--> the symbolic  life in the name of  Alfred North Whitehead 
--> a person with the physical color of red hair

Thus we see the interesting puzzle of Alfred North Whithead and Penn State.
Alfred --> Al + f (red) --> alphabets, algbera , algorith functions (red, read)

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