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Avogadro's Number - - > Psalm 23 - the Lord is my Shepherd
The periodic atomic table has many formats of expressions. One such FORMAT are atomic humans with an atomic brain symbolic computer that expresses messages on behalf of the atomic table of life and thought and feelings. Humans are thu… more »
Nature's periodic atomic table government and Nature's biochemistry government question the 23 human representatives of Nature's SENATE Banking Committe.
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION ( Planet EARTH) is Nature's test site for various social engineering experiments with various collections and formats of atoms and molecules. These experiments include the Margaret Mead nuclear… more »
The Avogadro's Number battle for control of the city of Los Angeles molecular containers known as : Humanoids
The SCIENCE WARS require a new VIEW new be properly understood.
As a example..the modern Margaret Mead nuclear family composed of atomic humans that express atomic social anthropology and atomic economic… more »