How atoms express themselves via atomic bio-physics human agents

The Los Angeles violations of the Salt Treaty (NaCl) signaled by atom component Na = sodium atom with atomic mass 23 and the integer 23 continuum

Permalink 12/11/13 20:37, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

After you read the post below, visit    
Information WAR site maps for access to several hundred  POSTS that help explain the Unified Theory of Everything (UTOE) .... which includes you, your friends, the region that you live within,  etc.   The Grand Unified Theory (GUT)  500 year project of Nature's systems from year 1453 / year 1500 makes this possible.



The periodic atomic table has many formats of expressions. One such FORMAT are atomic humans with an atomic brain symbolic computer  that expresses messages on behalf of the atomic table of life and thought and feelings. Humans are thus considered as representatives or messengers or business LAB partners  working with the atomic/astrophysics continuum, its life,  and  the thought formats within it.



The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.


Therefore some political protests, crimes, shootings, wars, etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/ the human atomic feelings expressor/ the human atomic messenger.




Atomic social anthropology families are listed in beginning college physics and chemistry textbooks. The families comprise vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of life and thought. Thus we have the atomic family ... social anthropology shootings at EARTH LAB geography sites. Let's look some at some of the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ...... and let's identify some atomic elements and their messages to atomic humans at EARTH LAB geography locations. There are 18 vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of intellectual life .... a few elements will be covered in this article.


The periodic atomic government representatives for the dinner table salt molecule are  the Clinton's from Arkansas. Margaret Mead atomic anthropology and the salt molecule treaty with with atomic humanoid structures is best expressed by the social science chemistry formula signal.


NaCl = sodium chloride
NaCl = North america Clintons
NaCl = North america Clinton, President in 1994
NaCl = North america Clinton, Secretary of State

NaCl = salt molcule and the state of ARK.ansas   .....
......state of sound/audio/phonetics:  ARK can salt  such as the
atomic brand name: 
Morton Salt --> Mort =  Mo + ort = Molecular orbit

The lead atom of the salt molecule NaCl (sodium chloride) is  

Na = sodium Na= Nation




Thus we have the Pacific Ocean salt water signal for  California and the advanced intellectual city of Los Angeles.





We have  the University of California, Caltech, and Stanford chemistry  message  of


Avogadro's number = 6.0221415 × 1023

Avogadaro's number with exponent 23 ...
a mole of  Na= sodium atomic  mass  23  and the 
LINK to  23 chromsomes and the year 2000  human biological clock  Y2k failure  and the education system failure  to upgrade the brain symbolic  bio-computer and its  instructions and  programming actions.


Thus we have the math  integer continuum messages  of integer 23 ...which included the 23 integer student hostahes at Marinette High School, Wisconsin.

What are some other CLUES descibe the atomic human brain educational ERRORS?




Thus we see the chemistry  MOLE  signal (subset of word molesting) to 10...would involve
elementary school elementary physic elements ...........





Thus above, seven to 10  gives signal...starting with
Atomic Number 7 = Nitrogen nightclubs in LA 

8 = oxygen atomic number for the   LUNGs of 
O = Oxygen agent --> Obama  at   16.00 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Obama = O + ba + ma = Oxygen base 16 map

Citizens do not recognize  the existence of solid  state bio-physics physics  and atomic gases in Washington, DC  .......the gases and words they emit from their mouth omit vital details.   

Then we have the Quantum state war with the Federal government and the  approved ommsision /LIES of the Office of Science .......regarding the more TRUE Nature of the  atomic state  O = Oklahoma = Oxygen atomic mass 16 with atomic computer base  16.

We see   16 oxygen 8  brain dead signal   of   the  168 dead in Oklahoma City tragic Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology event.      It is nice to know  that no one in the entire world of  SCIENCE, INDUSTRY,  and EDUCATION   recognizes the description of the oxygen atom  VIA atomic human agent McVeigh(t)   or the  bio-computer WAR signal of Base 16,   8 data bits.     Perhaps, some university science departments may break their  programmed brain cell state of hypnosis  ...television and radio are very good at hypnotic techniques for the intellectual unawry.

ALSO, above,
we see the  Charles Darwin atomic table equation  P   S   Cl   Ar 
with  Darwinian formula - - ->Presidential Selection Clinton Arkansas

with the vice -president element Al  = Al Gore ....also, known in
Nobert Wiener  bio-cybernetics 
as Al Gore = Al.Gorithms ore= oribtal electrons


Thus we see CLUES to atomic political science of the Margaret Mead nuclear family.....atomic expressions VIA humanoid structures with a symbolic bio-computer brain.


The next SECRET  undercover  signal from Pink Floyd ...the WALL  and the  WSJ newpsaper . . . . . .





Above words:   tape,  blind, 3  M ........... regarding
IBM and COMPUTER EARTH system 370 double-blind statistical experiments which include social engineering bio-computer experiments.   Los Angeles region computer programmers and their companies  refuse to recognize  the system 370 main frame America project with the 37th President of the 
device  UNIT = magnetic NIXON tapes of 
the UNIT = United States of North America brain computers......and the Central Nervous System 370 abstract grain symbolic processor.

California universities and corporations have had since 1972 thru 2012  to acknowledge the empircal data of President  Nixon and  have choosen to PLAY DUMB ......insulting the  DNA  Consitutional foundation of the United States and its intellectual awareness mission.


news article  words   "three- inch M"    --> 3 M  signal from  the atomic table of life  ....   the  3M  signal starts with the  3-Mile Island  incident  to 3M corporation scientists in Minnesota and the Univeristy of Minnesota ... to   pay attention to   EARTH LAB  news signals.
Now  the signal is repeated in  Los Angeles.

 Technical Bulletin, 84-9811-2085-4, "Magnetic Tape RecordingForever?"
 ... Geller, Sidney B., Care and Handling of Computer Magnetic Storage Media, ...


File:Magnetic-tape hg.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Description, Magnetic tape3M, 6250 CPI for computer tape drives, used as storage media between 1970 and 1990. Date, 12 December 2006(2006-12-12) ...






Then we have the  another magetic tape signal from bio-computer proper noun  identifier Dan Scott --> Code Scott  to Scotch tape agents.




- Dan s = Data answer  
- Dan S = DS = IBM Bal program Define Space ......signal to

Computer Earth city of Bal region = Baltimore and the BAL geography program DATA FIELD of Einsteins's data processing DATA FIELD theory of  political science...with

Washington, DC = Define Constant  .......and the G = Government  of  the Gravity constant and the universal graviational constant population laws with the atomic element  
Na = Sodium on behalf of NaCl (sodium chloride)  with the
human interface agents  NaCl = North america Clintons ....
........ who may wish to have the University of Arkansas acknowledge the existence of the periodic atomic table someday.

Sheriff's special--> Einstein' Special theory of Relativity and  Relatives

ims  bur children --> bio=computer IMS  database buffer with human bio-computer  children data records   ......   prisoners of  COMPUTER EARTH  in the intellectual wars of the SCIENCE WARS   regarding with university arrogance . snobs, and bull-stories...that ought be fixed.

Karl Marx class warfare --> the class room shootings .....has been ignored by philosophy and social science departments.
Citizens do not care for accurate explanations of  tragic events ......caused by social enginneering  policy ERRORS.


Welcome to BRAVE NEW WORLD, 1984, and Future Shock.  Many authors have warned us of the possibilites. 
The Stae of Wisconsin and its farmers and  city dwellers could care less ...about the FUTURE SHOCK lesson learned by Matt Anderson of the FUTURE  Farmer's of America experiment  in awareness  and concern about farms and the agriclutute community. The University of Wisconsin does not care to help understand the  
BASE 16  hexadecimal ......
accidental murder of HEX 'FFA"  member Matt Anderson

...signal  for
Mathematics ...algebra subset word 
M at........t  ........

Hence,  Darwin selection of an appropriate  bio-math humanoid  whose name: Matt   is a  symbolic representation and subset of the mathematical dimesnions ...from Galileo year 16 16  --> base 16 HEX space and Base 16 HEX time.

The FFA and the university deny the existence of Base 16,    Wisconsin hexadecimal Highway  16,  Galileo the DEFENDER (of EARTH) in year 16 16 , and a variety of other projects of Nature.   They are aware of eating pizza and watching sports and listening to music.

Are their serious intellectuals ..... that can look at situations from a different angle?

Please help solve these puzzle  problems.   You have some CLUES ......please improve upon them help us understand the BIG PICTURE  of life and events and how the various atomic and biochemistry forces express themselves in social FORMATS.

As William Shakespeare stated over 400 years  ago:

"The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".

So, what actor are you playing?
Myself,  for a while ....I played DUMB ..... but something caught my attention ...and  slowly ..over years I emerged from that role.  
Then I played  DUMB again .
Then I switched over to STUPID. 
Slowly I emergered...this time  I fortified my brain with symbolic knowledge  as  basic  algebra,  math and basic college  textbooks in  genetics, chemsitry,physics, molecular cell biology, etc.    Now, my brain is on   solid  BASIC abstract, symbolic ground and correctly LINKS to the Earth physical geography ground  and its  equivalent basic  geography maps .

Today.... " The WORLD is a satge and we are the atomic  P=Processing Layers"

Dr. Robley D. Evans, MIT Physics, and the Atomic Nucleus textbook experiment with Iowa's Evangelical atomic human EARTH LAB specimen

Permalink 12/09/13 16:37, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized




The periodic atomic table has many formats of expressions. One such FORMAT are atomic humans with an atomic brain symbolic computer  that expresses messages on behalf of the atomic table of life and thought and feelings. Humans are thus considered as representatives or messengers or business LAB partners  working with the atomic/astrophysics continuum, its life,  and  the thought formats within it.



The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.

Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.


Therefore some political protests, crimes, shootings, wars, etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/ the human atomic feelings expressor/ the human atomic messenger.


Atomic social anthropology families are listed in beginning college physics and chemistry textbooks. The families comprise vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of life and thought. Thus we have the atomic family ... social anthropology shootings at EARTH LAB geography sites. Let's look some at some of the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ...... and let's identify some atomic elements and their messages to atomic humans at EARTH LAB geography locations. There are 18 vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of intellectual life .... a few elements will be covered in this article.


The periodic atomic government representatives for the dinner table salt molecule are  the Clinton's from Arkansas. Margaret Mead atomic anthropology and the salt molecule treaty with atomic humanoid structures is best expressed by the social science chemistry formula signal.


NaCl = sodium chloride
NaCl = North america Clintons
NaCl = North america Clinton, President in 1994
NaCl = North america Clinton, Secretary of State

NaCl = salt molcule and the state of ARK.ansas   .....
......state of sound/audio/phonetics:  ARK can salt  such as the
atomic brand name:
Morton Salt --> Mort =  Mo + ort = Molecular orbit




Of particular interest are the IOWA particpants in the EARTH LAB atomic bio-physics experiments in atomic brain processor  and its symbol evolution.









  1. Iowa Evangelicals Divided Over Caucus Endorsement
    Iowa Evans Divided  Over   Caucus Endorsement -

    www.ny times.comatose/iowa-evangelicals-divided-over-caucus-endorse... 
    Dec 12, 2011 – Conservative Christian voters cannot agree on which Republican presidential candidate to support, finding faults based on principle or ...

  2. Explaining Iowa's evangelical vote – CNN Belief Blog - ...
    Jan 2, 2012 – (CNN)-- CNN's Lisa Sylvester explains how Iowa's evangelicals became a powerful voting bloc at the caucuses. And don't miss ...

    Jan 4, 1996 – DrRobley DEvans, professor emeritus of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, winner of the 1990 Enrico Fermi Award and


  3. Iowa's Evangelical Rift Could Curb Influence -
    Dec 30, 2011 – The crucial evangelical vote in the state is fractured and uncertain just days before the first ballots will be cast in the Republican presidential ...
  4. Iowa's evangelicals moving to Santorum | Reuters

    Dec 29, 2011 – DES MOINES (Reuters) - Signs that Rick Santorum is suddenly a contender in the race for the Republican nomination for president were all ...



Thus we begin to see the architecture of Margaret  Mead atomic anthropology expressions --> atomic social sciences, atomic religious thoughts,  and atomic political expressions VIA human agents expressors.


William Shakespeare stated around year 1600

........"The World is a stage and we are the players' 
Now,  " The World is a physics stage  and we are the atomic human players".


Let's look at these experimental structures in the newspaper.

First, we must consider Computer Earth system 370 and the Earth government with Nature's intellect and their social engineering experiments
with subset humans and subset human institutions.



Niels Bohr Library



The Niels Bohr Library & Archives and the Center for History of Physics are divisions of the American Institute of Physics that share a common mission: to help preserve and make known the history of modern physics and allied sciences.

The Library & Archives serves both as a repository and a clearinghouse for information in the history of physics, astronomy, geophysics and allied fields



Oral History Transcript — Dr. Robley D. Evans  story Transcript —    Evans



Or + bit + al + Evans atomic computer data bit


Orbital  +  Evans atomic biocomputer politics



Niels Bohr Library

Oral History Transcript — Dr. Robley D. Evans



Above key words:  Iowa Evan  --> Margaret Mead nuclear family words.
IOWA --> Input/Output  Work Area  for the MIT/EVANS atomic families of the periodic atomic table government
Some  atomic families of  modern Margaret Mead atomic anthropology are shown below.
Thus the atomic bio-physics human  is like an agent ...gathering  social science activity input data  at the human size level ......and then  the information  gets compressed and down-sized to the molecular level  ...from molecules  the information is then sent to the atomic nucleus and electron orbitals .....thus the  more TRUE  NATURE of the Margaret Mead nuclear family system.....and the system information flowchart.
Dr. Robley D. Evans ...with his aomic bio-physics projects for Nature ...has subset
.....Robley Evans ...........
.....Rob...eye....thus his additional role as a detective for schemes/rob/racketts with 
microbiology ...thus his entity /his atomic subliminal mind  had  symbolic 
mic.rob.iology information filters  .....for  social science integrity issues and bull-stories ......which Nature found useful.
Thus the modern view of words: nuclear family ...exists at different SIZE levels of expression.    The orginal usage of the words involved adult humans,  their children and relatives .....without  consideration of our molecular and atomic nature.
Thus we see the Office of Science modern atomic anthropology  problems   with the year 1776  atomic Constitution as described by Thomas Jefferson. The Office of Science,  the Department of Engery,   and  the Hierarchy Problem of the periodic atomic table  are involved in conflicts ...consequently the shooting at the COLU --> COLUMNS represented by the COLumbine High School in Jefferson County, Colorado.
FermilAB and the Office of Science will not discuss the issues involved in this tragedy...and the wave mechanics battle in Cole Hall oceanography   OR  other SCIENCE WAR  battles.
The above officials seem to be prisoners of hypnosis  . . . . . a world-wide problem  ...a problem  we were warned about by the books of George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and others .....many years ago.    Thus we have the modern application of string theory atomic anthropology feedback signal of Nature's  social process control systems --> giving  a feedback signal in  the FORMAT  of puppet string professors.
Graduate students....please help unravel this atomic social psychology puzzle.  

Welcome to the challenges of BRAVE NEW WORLD    and  1984.
George Orwell  VERSUS   Georgetown  propaganda...the  OCEANIA classroom battle at Cole Hall.
Georgetown, Washington,DC  book 1984 + oxygen atomic mass 16  hexadecimal  --> year 200o bio-computer DATE problems in year 2012.  Failure of humans  to update their brain computer with the required inellectual  Y2K software and its associated quality control of human actions.
Above, we see the 
..............  QUANTUM  State of Massachusetts and a subset MASS ... 
...and it has symbolic atomic Mass  attributes
Gov. Mitt the physics message symbol G M   f or

Gravitational constant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
The gravitational constant is a difficult physical constant to measure to high .... 
The quantity GMthe product of the gravitational constant and the mass of a given ...

Thus...we see Solar System 370 politics on EARTH LAB with  Earth  MASS  assigned to the Cambridge, Mass astrophysics ED centers...who deny everything about such possibilities.  Thus Harvard, MIT, and the Harvard-Smithsonian  Center for Astrophysics center .....are hypnotized  ...since they ignore messages in the newspaper....that is the brain cell WALL --> WALL Street  Journal  news  about events on EARTH.....which is a algebra subset of the universe.
Modern atomic expressions VIA atomic human political expressions  ...the Margaret Mead nuclear family demo
  1. Nuclear fission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    In nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry, nuclear fission refers to either a nuclear reaction or a radioactive decay process in which the nucleus of an 
    atom splits ...


    How to Split an Atom |

    Some fission will occur when stray neutrons impact and split atomic nuclei

  1. UCLA Scientists Finding New Way to Split Atoms : Physics ...
    Apr 7, 1994 – Researchers at UCLA have taken a promising step toward a new generation of the high-energy machines that physicists use to pick the locks of ...

  1. Kidnapper Jesse Dimmick sues his hostages for $235,000 to cover ...

    Nov 30, 2011 – Jesse Dimmick wants $235, 000 in total, including $160,000 for


UCLA Scientists Finding New Way to Split Atoms : Physics ...

Applied physics -->  the California atomic human brain  reports

  1. Split brain: Books

    Results 1 - 12 of 2780 – The Triune Brain, Hypnosis and the Evolution of Consciousness by Adam Weishaupt (Kindle Edition - June 25, 2011

  1. Definitions of Anthropological Terms - Similar
    Feb 24, 2011 – Also see "extended family," "nuclear family,"
    U.S. Census Bureau definitions. fields of anthropology - physical, linguistics, sociocultural, and
  1. Nuclear Families - Single Parent, Gender, Family, Definition, and ... › ... › Family Theory & Types of FamiliesCached - Similar
    The term nuclear family can be defined simply as a wife/mother, ... Pioneer anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski (1913) stated that the nuclear family had to


  1. First Evans Church 
    First Evangelical Free Church of Ames 
    First Evangelical Free Church of Ames

    Ames. Features welcome message, worship schedule, sermon, FAQs, information about ministries, events, guest FAQs, map and directions.
  2. EFCA Central District - Serving the Evangelical Free Church of ...

    But, as a support organization for churches in Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas and SE South Dakota, our goal is to provide even more than just that first impression.
  3. Grace Evangelical Free Church, Davenport, Iowa and the Quad ...

    Grace Evangelical Free Church in Davenport, Iowa, is dedicated to helping people become authentic followers of Jesus Christ. Bible inerrancy, sermons ...

Hope Evangelical Church | Welcome!

We are a Bible-believing, historically confessional Presbyterian church. Each Sunday we come together to consider our need for God's grace, reflect on the ...
  1. York: In Iowaevangelical church to Queer Studies | Campaign 2012 ...
    Jacob Ellis, left, and Pastor Larry Wagner, both of Keosauqua, Iowa, close their eyes in prayer during an anti gay-marriage rally sponsored by The Family Leader ...
  2. Northeastern Iowa Synod - Evangelical Lutheran Church In ...

    The Northeastern Iowa Synod is the 96000 baptized Lutherans walking together to Make Christ Known. Two colleges of the church, an ELCA seminary, and a ...
  1. Nuclear family - New World Encyclopedia

    Mar 18, 2009 – Margaret Mead, based on her anthropological research, affirmed the centrality of the nuclear family in human society: As far back as our ...
Another group of  DR. EVANS atomic humanoid  experimental specimens with atomic brain  thoughts ...has been discovered...with  advanced intellectual thoughts ......  at the LUNT math building with the pizza equation of complex math life variables  z z   and the circle 0f convergence  ...that  is President Eisenhower's military industrial  complex variables  math and Northwestern's elite thinkers lazy to be polite and discuss the SCIENCE WAR issues ..........consequently  the 
university CAUSE --> EFFECT  at 

a)  the EVANS FIELD House battle at  Cole Hall and the  casualties
b) St. John's  Northwestern Military Academy murder of  Gloria Totzke
The  School's  of Journalism  ought explain how the English language  "Death Sentence" works to  program the human brain bio-computer with instructions to create a crime make newspapers stories  more exciting.
Virginia TECH knows all about English language commands ...and the cover-up of the brain programming  of  Mr.CHO  for the bio-computer CAD = Computer Aided Design experiment  in
student CAD = CADAVERS  ...using the  ....the bio-computer deisgn  parameters   of   
CADBURY cholcolate  -->
CAD = CADAVERS  Bury in a grave  Mr.CHO symbolizing  chocolate.
  1. nuclear family - Memidex dictionary/thesaurus 
    Feb 13, 2012 – "nuclear familydefinition
    a family consisting of parents and their children.
     ... also called elementary family, in sociology and anthropology,

    Computer programmers use copper wire computers and may use the IMS database.
    However, it has become the fashion in manipultion hire programmers  to use   bio-computer humans to create biological IMS data bases with the bio-parent  root record and the bio-child data records ........ this systen is European and NORWAY government   IMS bio-computer experiments in NORWAY accidently issued a  command for a  physical DELETE  of the  biology child records  at  site UTOEYA    IS = Information Systems ISLAND..........the tragic result  of the  bio-computer  authorized murder  in NORWAY   and later in LIE country of the false talking people..LIEGE, Beligium.

    The nuclear family below .....the elementary family studies elemenatry particle physics in Batavia, Illinois, USA.

Thus we have an interesting situation.....many concepts  ...that provide CLUES to modern atomic social  sciences  and atomic political science.


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