Chemistry structure and expression architecture ----> social chemistry
Madison Theoretical Chemistry helps explain the EARTH LAB hydrocarbon dimension CHINA and the Gang of Four --> 4 - H Club of Wisconsin advanced organic farming projects. »

The Jerry March ---> Advanced Organic Chemistry graduate school textbook trial of the Department of Energy LAB experiments at Fort LAB Hood, Texas

Permalink 12/09/13 12:34, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

After you read the post below, visit    
Information WAR site maps for access to several hundred  POSTS that help explain the Unified Theory of Everything (UTOE) .... which includes you, your friends, the region that you live within,  etc.   The Grand Unified Theory (GUT)  500 year project of Nature's systems from year 1453 / year 1500 makes this possible.




Nidal Malik Hasan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nidal Malik Hasan, USA (born September 8, 1970) is a United States Army ... Hasan was arraigned on July 20, 2011 and trialwas scheduled for March 2012.
Nidal Malik Hasan - The New York Times 
...... information about Nidal Malik Hasan from The New York Times. ... The trial date was set for March 5, 2012. The defense had ...

trial was scheduled for March 2012.
scheduled to begin on March 5

March's Advanced Organic Chemistry:Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, 5th
March's :Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, 5th

The carbon 6th electron edition
  1. March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions ... 

    March's Advanced Organic Chemistry:Reactions, Mec Rhanisms, and Structure, 5th Edition [Michael B. Smith, Jerry March] on ...
CAAFlog » Hasan trial set for 12 June 2012 
Jun 12, 2012 – ... for the court-martial of MajNidal Hasan at Fort Hood,

re-set the trial date to June, 12, 2012. Previously scheduled to begin on March 5, 2012...

C   --> Carbon chemistry  Earth LAB HOOD Fort HOOD

carbon 12 atomic mass  and
carbon atomic  12 hour clock


Nidal Malik Hasan - The New York Times 
Nidal Malik Hasan is accused of the mass shooting that took ... Major Hasan began having second thoughts about a military career several years ... and other government agencies in their attempt to investigate the attack.


trial was scheduled for March

March's Advanced Organic Chemistry:
Reactions, Mec
hanisms, and Structure, 5th


Hasan is accused of the atomic mass shooting ......... .the Margaret  Mead nuclear family  war .....the atomic anthropology conflict with the Department of Energy,  Office of Science , and university social science ERRORS. These conflicts are  known since the 1995/1996 Alan Sokal affair the SCIENCE WARS  or World War 3.     The conflicts involve  the atomic bio-physics humanoids and their  brain  symbolic bio-computer problems in  social philosophy clear thinking ;  hence, the  intellectual wars and their  message transformation expression into physical formats of violence.



Another expression of the periodic atomic table  of  Nature's   OS  =   Office of  Science ...was the Nature' Europe OS + OSLO = Office of Science tragedy  ...the above  UTOEYA social chemistry equation ....
C N O --> Children of NORWAY  ...NO longer exist ..... the Sartre  existential philosophy  wars in univerities ...that fail to communicate  and consider  organic chemistry   ideas that explain tragic  social chemistry EVENTS. 

The  King of Norway and his  university and corporate scientists ...are so superior in all matters of knowledge .... that their decisions to ignore basic FACTS of solid state reality  is the CAUSE   --> EFFECT = tragedy in NO --> algebra subset  of word ...KNOW   .....No = Norway  and the rest of the Europe universities ERRORS in perception of subtle, indirect pieces of data.
Does NORWAY understand the difference between YES and NO ?

Other OC --> Organic Chemistry WAR events  were at  geography locations....
OC --> Oak CreeK, Wisconsin  shooting of the Sikh organic life forms at the Sikh temple

OC--> Oklahoma City  bombing of the Federal building using chemistry message moelcules ...Nature's attempt to  invoke  advanced inFER   logic  in  the  human brain organic molecules with English language symbolic molecules

OC --> OC.onomowoc Wisconsin ax muder of the axons/synapses of  the brain of school teacher Gloria Totzke.

Thus we have a history of  chemistry molecule wars  VIA humanoid vehicles, humanoid carriers for the molecule worlds and their  molecule governmental level of existence and thought.   Keep in mind, that  Nature's chemistry molecules built cellulose trees, 4-legged horses, and 2-legged humans ..... and Nature 's vast intellect considers subset humans and subset human institutions as experimental specimens in  social engineering and brain engineering.




The trial date was set for March 5, 2012
The year of 2012 ........

20 standard amino acids conflict with the STANDARD model of bio-physics professors ...who refuse to acknowledge  the Unified Theory Of Everthing    ...... the STAN  geo-physics war regions of the STANDARD model.

.............STANDARD model war zone in ASIA

.......STANDARD model  ...intellelctuals and diplomatic communication errors at the University of Wisconsin . ..result in the Darwinian evolution murder of  Haroon Kahn  ....driver of a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution automobile composed of iron atoms and uses orgnaic chemistry fuel  molecules.   He was killed by Travis Z = atomic number of protons of  Watertown .... the water molecule city on EARTH LAB.


Grand Unified  Theory (GUT)  includes the Margaret Mead nuclear family .......atomic social sciences.
When we view existence.....we nust look at various levels of existence.
A simple model ..would be:

1st existence ) atomic table and its elements of life  
2nd)  chemistry molecules ........  organic  chemistry
3rd level) the existence of humans and symbolic thought

Thus we see a  sequential process of thought .....

1) a few individual  atoms ....... hanging around in the same mathematical-physics region of space/time (say EARTH  LAB) together, communicated, compared  adjectives and attributes .... and constructed  a molecule.

2) Thus came into being molecules

3) A bunch of moelcules got together ...had some committee meetings .....a decided to build something bigger .... like a humanoid.

Thus we see Nature's process control system  ...... step by step ... over millions of years ....accomplish many things. 
Now,  Nature has encountered a  ROAD-BLOCK.   Nature's  own creation, the humanoids, refuse to recognize these levels  of  molecular evolution.

Hence, we now see, that the organic chemistry LEVEL   is like a stage director .....a concept clearly outlined by  the William Shakespeare  INK Pen .... around year 1600 ..... a message for Base 16 hexadecimal awareness  ..address 1600 Pen --> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


  1. Shakespeare - All the world's a stage - Similar
    William Shakespeare - All the world's a stage (from As You Like It 2/7). All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits ...



At Fort Hood,   Texas and  the University of Texas, Austin ......we have modern Shakespeare

" All the world's a stage, and we are the organic molecule PLayers (P Layers = processing Layers) "

Thus  Virginia TECH biochemistry  Major Hasan...   was an optimal  candidate for Nature's  message project ..... thus Darwinian selection of  an organic life form that had some familiarity with chemisty/ biochemistry/etc.

Thus Shakespeare stated the concept.....we must ask...who is the director behind this tragic play at Fort Hood.
Is the drector a person  OR a concept/school of thought  OR a Carl Jung organic chemistry collective unconsciouness  that uses human vehicles /carriers to carry out the   organic governmental level  project  .....a signaling project.


  1. American Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry - Similar
    May 4, 2010 – This is the Official home page of the Division of Organic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. This site provides resources, information ...


Thus we see a complex system of Nature .....and various levels of expression of atoms, molecules, and math equations..... and these formats of existence are trying to tell educated people something.  WHAT?

Do more signals exist?


March /procession --> Advanced Organic Chemistry ...continue to evolve/ advanced social chemsitry


  1. Carbon black - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    Carbon black is a material produced by the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products such as FCC tar, coal tar, ethylene cracking tar, and a small ...



Three Main Properties of Carbon Black 

  1. www.carbonblack
  2. These three - "particle size," "structure," and "surface chemistry" - are the basic properties of carbon black, and together are called the three main characteristics.



338 × 403 - In a 1956 message, Martin Luther King Jr. reads an


The 1956 message is from  the  iron atomic mass 56  Heme group Fe(ii) ion used by myoglobin proteins of the arm, hand writing muscles of   news  reporters.

"particle size," "structure," and "surface chemistry" - are the basic properties



  • 357 × 487 - Surface chemistryof carbon-blackand silica. View thumbnail images

Thus we see ..that organic chemistry molecules...... can amplify their social  chemistry engineering  messages VIA   the larger  black humanoid objects ...... in a sense, political science representatives for the organic chemistry level of government  of Nature.


Alkene | Encyclopedia
Oct 22, 2011 – In organic chemistry, an alkene, olefin, or olefine is an unsaturated chemical compound containing at least one ...For bridged alkenes, the Bredt's rule states that a double bond cannot be placed at the bridgehead of a bridged ring system, unless the rings are large enough. ..... More Related Images » ...


March's Advanced Organic Chemistry
March's Advanced Organic Chemistry:Reactions, Mechanisms
March's Advanced Organic Chemistry:Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure,


Darwin evolution selma  = sel + mp = selection map

March 16 carbon black agents march
April 16 Virginia TECH organic chemistry molecule agent code --> Mr.CHO





 Fused and bridged bicycloalkanes

Basic IUPAC Organic Nomenclature  (advanced social chemistry languages) 
Fused and bridged bicycloalkanes.
The root name is based on the number of C atoms in the ring structure; The prefix ...
Special Topics of IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic book" describing how to name organic compounds contains over 500 pages. ... called bridged rings share the same designation of ring system. Each of the two ...



  1. Edmund Pettus Bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    It is famous as the site of the conflict of Bloody Sunday on March 7, 1965, when .... "After Three Decades, Selma Sees the Light; Torch Crosses Bridge Between ...



Edmund Pettus Bridge
The central span of the Edmund Pettus Bridge in 2010.
Carries Motor vehicles, pedestrians
Crosses Alabama River
Design Through arch bridge
Total length 1,248.1 feet (380.4 m)
Width 42.3 feet (12.9 m)
Longest span 250 feet (76 m)
Number of spans 7
Piers in water 4
Vertical clearance


Piers in water  4 ---> signal Pier Oddone  director FermiLAB  organic bio-physics life forms
Piers in water   4 -->  Pier  sin  water--> Wisconsin Watertown 4-H Club of 1955 / 1956


March's Advanced Organic ChemistryReactions
March's Advanced Organic ChemistryMechanisms
March's Advanced Social ChemistryStructure,


Edmund Pettus Bridge


Advanced communications bridge ....signal for ....

  1. Edmund Scientific Catalog
    Get Edmund Scientific Catalog
    Find Edmund Scientific Catalog



  1. Edmund Scientific Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Similar
    Edmund Scientific Corporation was a company based in Barrington, New Jersey that ... A few issued catalogs and developed national mail-order businesses.

Barringtom --> Base array ...EARTH geography math surface --> Linear  algebra surface


Thus we see an interesting puzzle the the Pentagon and DARPA  put  Organic Chemsity WAR molecules  on  trial VIA  Major Hasan.    Perhaps,  the Pentagon, Washington,DC   and their university puppets  could better spend their   time and resources  ...trying to understand the basic levels of  REALITY   on  EARTH.

Newspapers deny the SCIENCE WARS  exist.  They are trapped in a Carl Jung organic brain chemistry domain  ...that is a bio-computer domain / region of thought....... similar to the external world of copper-wire computers and the INTERNET Website / blog domains.

Thus we a have a few clues to an amazing puzzle about Nature and the structure of existence.  I could use some help in figuring this out.  Curious?

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