Math contradiction a cause of shooting battle between English and Math departments at Virginia TECH. Mathematical-physics denies existence of Nature's 24 hour Clock . . . .TIME equation. » |
Standard Model WAR - the physics Double-helix dilemma
The double-helix ...double message for British physics and others is the war in Afghanistan and the political conflicts in Pakistan. Thus we have the Cambridge University DOUBLE --> Double-stan ==> the physics Double-Standard intellectual treason problem with the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family anthropolgy rackets. The result is the atomic brain WAR message:
AfghaniSTAN ................Pak.STAN
...Left...STANDARD + Right side STANDARD model
The super-symmetry ... parallel mirror ... geo-physics region on EARTH LAB is ...
The above EARTH geograohy map ....... may be perceived as a information display projection of the STANDARD MODEL symbol map conflicts and errors .. regarding the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family and its atomic social science MODEL errors.
grand unified theory - The Free Dictionary
and views the known interactions ...
grand unified theory
grand unified theory with Margaret Mead atomic anthropology , Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, and its Hierarchy Problem includes
Map codes ...... Taliban --> atomic word subset symbols ---> TAL --> Tallahasee with Paul Dirac physics intellectual standards.
The religious identifier of the 18 families of the periodic atomic table of elements ..... VIA Paul Dirac and his "ALLAH" Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family messages from FSU = Florida State University.
Thus we see the atomic bio-physics conflicts of the STANDARD MODEL and the
intellectual violations of the 20 STANDARD amino acids with the brains of scientists.
Think of the 20 STANDARD amino acids as having a LINK to
20/20 optical vision of the 2 eyes and symbolic life of nouns/verbs within the brain symbol bio-optical computer. Thus conceptually the 2 eyes imply a double-helix this case ..
the 2 eyes and their 20/20 LINK to the 20 standard ANINO acids suggests 2 their existences:
1) Physical biochemistry,etc
2) symbolic, intellectual, the symbol mavhine, symbol engines