Earth mathematical-geography war report --> Area of surface of revolution expressed in the Syrian revolution
Astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) has been the Solar System 370 data processing site of various types of battles. A study of the Computer Earth system 370 data records produced by Einsteins's data processing DATA FIELD theory of human activities on the geography surafce of EARTH ...provides some interesting possibilities for understanding ourselves and society.
The newspapers in year 2011 and 2012 have been reporting the SY battles of SYmmetry physics as they are played out on the Margaret Mead nuclear family...atomic anthropology war zones of Syria, Middle East and Syracuse University, New York.
From Syria........
Thus we have the Sy rebels of Symmetry theoretical physics at various European and American universities....and the empirical data war in Syria using atomic bio-physics humanoid messengers.
Thus we have a base 2 view...a parallel view of some events and happenings on EARTH.
The modern Margaret Mead atomic anthropology ....."Tale of 2 Cities " theory and applications.
Princeton, UC, Stanford .....deny that it is possible for Nature to do this......because the universities CLAIM thought supremacy over all thought poccesses that can exist and may exist on EARTH .......contrary to the wisdom and experience of many scientists who lived in prior times.
Thus we see the secret data reports ...that need to been translated into words ..that help us understand the complex situation.
The message is directed to President Bashar = Base Harvard ...but they have the Hollywood view of this.
The humble periodic atomic table government of elements has its version of the U N ..
that is Margaret Mead nuclear family anthropology elements....
U = Uranium element 235 and 238 and
N = Nitrogen 14 and the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet ...
whose Buddhist advisors deny he breathes nitrogen into his bio-computer LU=Logical Unit = LUNGS AND deny he symbolizes the nitrogen cycle of the Botany TREE of Knowledge.
They are so busy in trance...trance meditation .......transcendental thoughts....their minds can' t come down to solid ground and communicate about REALITY issues .......including Agent Orange (robes) identity issue of the Vietnam War. Thus EARTH LAB has complex formats of expresson of its social engineering processes with subset humans and their subset institutions.
The math below is from the Calculus and Analytic Geometry book by George b. Thomas, JR 1962 edition page 251 thru 255.
Let's look at the Syria mathematical situation ...from the EARTH geography VIEW as an expression ...AREA
Sun Yat-sen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Furen and Revive China Society: In 1891 Sun met revolutionary friends in Hong Kong including ... presenting his ideas for modernizing China.
So.....we see the above ...that SUN electromagnetic waves/ photons of thought in the EM carrier .......
the human optical bio-computer........ had EM meeetings in the geography-physics RD convergence location of Hong Kong in year 1891......about the same time period as the American physics Michelson-Morly experiment on the symbolic city of the velocity of light.
Thus the current Earth geography war in year 2011 and 2012 Syria is NOT a surprise .....considering the past and now ......the suppression of the current SCIENCE WAR issues by universities and newspapers in year 2012.
Thus the EARTH symbolic universe (nouns,verbs, vowels, equations, formula) ......would consider the above equation ....major symbol components ( S, , y, Δ ) ...... and using Darwinian geography selection .....would find an approximate equivalent geography Sy = Syria near the Nile River delta.
Thus we have the ....
symbols <---- symmetry/mirror ---> earth representations
Thus the Surface of Revolution ...can effect human political science behavior ...VIA
people society Revolutions on the surface of the EARTH in year 2011/2012 in Syria and Egypt regions.
Surface of Revolution
Revolution on the Surface
We already mentioned the SUN/Solar System events of year 1891 in China.
Other BLOGs discussed other math and physics war expressions.
Older readers of this blog ........remember the student algebra radicals DEMO at the 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention of math-life politics.
Columbia University in New York City had student organic molecule radicals DEMO via the social chemistry sit-in of university administrative offices.
As we all know the calculus integration intellectual war was played out in 1957 at Central High School, Little Rock , Arkansas. The University of Arkansas math, engineering, and physics departments still deny the existence of intergration. The existence of university football cheerleaders provides them with all the math curves they need to understand. In REALITY they need to fully understand the Brave New World social pscyhology wars of today.
Let's continue with EARTH geography...math equations expressed via human countries and politics .....
thus below SY ...Syria and Sy = Symmetry.
The Sy = Syria equation ....
Above...we also see U.S.ARMY math lab experiemnts in geography region dS ...that was Iraq/Kuwait in 1990/1991
with dS = desert Storm.
The math religions of the region are very old...from ancient math studies.
The Jewish religion their ancient studies of bio-math circumference of bio-cylinders
..... named their male math ritual circum. decision.
Not to be out-done in those ancient bedroom math learning rituals ......
the slant height now the Golan Heights.
And the official bedroom spokesperson are the Beudions of Jordan ...well today........... social psychology nomads have evolved .... and Chicago has the Michael Jordan bedroom male tribes that play bio-basketballs with their wives.
Sigmund Freud and FermiLAB .....a wide range of knowledge ........ gives modern atomic, bio-physics humans with symbolic processors ....... and atomic brain behavior such as atomic social psychology and atomic political science.
Below we see the EARTH sin math function ..the
EARTH is the generates the entire sphere
The Earth math geography .... sin function region is below..
Thus the Sinai Peninsula subset words
..............Sin Pen .........
Thus the Sinai Peninsula physical geography region
.....has parallel Earth symbolic geography region in math books
with professors.......sin pen = sin functions + ink Pen
An interesting world we live in year 2012.... and more interesting is trying to understand the EARTH puzzles.
Thus the math book concept:
Area of the Surface of Revolution .....becomes applied math ..
geography AREA of the earth SURFACE of a society's Revolution
Hence the Earth ...the living Earth cell can express itself indirectly VIA the human messenger vehicle ..such as yourself.
Anybody curious about their secret EARTH mission?
Earth mathematical structure news reports of the WORLD mathematical-physics evolution into different dimensions. Base 2 exponents and the Tale of 2 Cities.
We have a vast amount of Base 2 binary historical information on the structure of Earthly existence. The precise Nature of this is being reviewed, but research suffers from the lack of resources. What are some historical clues?
--> Galileo the DEFENDER (of EARTH) made the 1st major announcement with his book ....
"Two Chief Worlds" in year 1632 ...and the world-wide message was repeated in year 2001 with
"Two Chief World Trade Centers" tragic astronomy battle in Manhattan .....providing information for the astronomy CHIEF prosecutor's to study.
Does astronomy wisdom exist on EARTH?
Biased,distorted astronomy exists and this bias is encouraged by hypnotized universities and astrophysics research centers.
Anyhow, Nature's intellect continues to evolve to new levels of complexity ....regardless of the limited views of professors and graduate students who take BRAVE NEW WORLD orders and are atomic human puppets as predicted by string theory physics. It is easy to escape these social psychology traps understand the Science Wars.
--> The book " Tale of 2 Cities'
--> World War 2 axis powers ........ 2 axis powers in math terms is:
.....geometry axis is a high school algebra class graph of an equation
.....powers refers to exponents
.....2 refers to the exponent 2 the more TRUE NATURE of the war over the quadratoic equation and its graph of a parabola.
What is the current status of Nature's math projects on EARTH. Let's look at the University of Wisconsin, Madison math and computer science Base 2 exponent experiments on EARTH LAB. Base 2 and Base 16 news ...
Ther above math headline ...
...World Dairy Expo .......... with algebra subset letters
...Wo ......Da ..y Expo ......then word ...expands trade show gives
..TWo.....Data y exponents ...............
Thus we have multiple signals from this cryptic message:
a) Base 2 binary bio-computer brain DATA
b) y exponents ....which may be
- the right triangle equation
- a differential equation with exponent 2
- and other applications yet to be discovered
c) in the context of WORLD geography ...we must consider the possible math tragedy in Chicago at the E2 nightclub ..... a dance nightclub on the 2nd floor of a building on 2347 S. Michigan Avenue.
Consider the following supersymmetry physics/ parallel mirror of existence of the E2 concrete/wood building as a physical structure.
The 1st floor...the BASE had the Epitome restaurant....
the 2nd floor was like the exponent level ...hence the name E2.
Thus we consider the math geography surafce of EARTH ...with levels ..represented by building levels translated in symbolism. Consider the outline below.
We see the supersymmtery MIRROR in a symbolic building ...that mirrors the physical building at 2347 S.Nichigan Avenue, Chicago with IIT and Leon Lederman atomic physics nearby.
Thus we have a symbolic building above. The E2 nightclub is the exponent of x of the 1st math component ax.
Now inside the human brain of a high school student ....before algebra ...his/her ..... brain synapses/ neurons /axons .....have bio-math primitive symbol ax in the biology molecule ax.
Thru basic math education ..their brain logic circuits ...go from ax to ax + bx = c = o.
Then comes algebra and the parabola, the quadratic equation, and the graph of the parabola of a piece of paper.
Thus thru the University of Chicago quad .......incomplete quadratic equation test ....we understand the E2 nightclub brain deficiency and the cover-up of thge math tragedy by the Chicago universities.
But they lie about the math war of World War 2
They lie about President NixoN
and the N x N square matrices war in Vietnam ..
.......................................rice is a subset of word matrices
.......................................rice fields ...thus become DATA FIELDs ..
.................................matrices data fields of Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory of Computer Earth system 370 geography LAND at ....
.................LAN Dat(a) --> Local Area Network Data.
Universities and their friends are not accredited instutions from the TREE of KNowledge point of view.
So what professors will show some leadership and help clarify these problems with me.
What other news supports the math curiousity ?
--> Above we see CP's entomologists ...reference to the 1959 Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology
lecture by C.P. Snow titled "TWO Cultures" .
This is verified by the above words:
Corn rootworm
black cutworm
--> Also, Earth crop editor .... agent Jane F.... perhaps known in the atomic/astrophysics continuum as a member of Jane's Fighting Ships ........ writes a very complex signal ....
" souhern two-thirds of the state" ..
2/3 implies G = universal gravitational constant = 6.67 X 10 exponent -11 ....... in the southern two-thirds of the state of Wisconsin is Jane .....
and her symbolic gene connection to Gene Motors in Jane ...that is General Motors in Janesville...all connected by the elementary grammer schools......subliminal education of our primordial minds VIA book "DICK and Jane". Thus this common communications foundation ....... gives the Jane communications LINKS.
Continue with gravity .......the gravity grammer network ..... Jane has got the connections to more ..........
of course....
we begin to see the subtle communications from Wi= Wisconsin editor Jane F (y) agent Function (y) .....and the astrophysics signal regarding Jane Wilde (Wi = Wisconsin) Hawking ..... former wife of gravity specialist Hawking ......the signal being about the GM ..Gravity/Magnetic field automotive assembly line in Jane F. economic RD terrority of Janesville, Wisconsin.
Thus we see that Jane Fyksen is alot smarter that it appears from the surface article she wrote .....but women to reveal their secrets about Earth events and structures ...... so we see the James Joyce symbolic voyage of
information data streams of bio-computer human editors this case we have Captain Jane (way) and the Star Trek: Voyager project and its many expressions ...VIEWS from Agri-view Earth undercover agents for Nature.
--> In addition, in EARTH geography amd modern symbolic EARTH literature ...we have signal
Corn rootworm .....
...............two reference to 2 CORN structures:
geography --> Tropic of Capricorn
Henry Miller book --> Tropic of Capricorn
Henry Miller American author ....ate food and expressed Botnay messages
......ry ..mill
......rye mill flour used for making rye bread and feeding author Hen.rye
.......the Bread kept him alive and nourish and he expressed his gartitude by writing
secrets....Bread subset word about the Paris experience of Henry Miller and 11 dimsions of string theory
Paris = Par + Is = Parallel Information systems on Earth in the multi-facted dimensions of Sartre existentism
And she wrote more clues much more in the remainder of the article.
Such as the Voyager ...... Seven of Nine signal.
Thus we think of BIG EAR radio telescope that was at Ohio Stae university.
The parallel BIG EAR the living EARTH cell ...hence..
............the BIG EARTH and its geology/geography access to the symbolic EARTH
Microphone ......subset algebra word ............
....crop ....... ops.....what's is the secret of publlishing Earth Ag news ...
....Crop Connection to the State of communication
................... connect to Connecticut.
So, there is much to learn about the secret world of agriculture and message processing systems.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
Earth mathematical-geography WAR and ACCIDENT reports --> Computer Earth system 370 Base 16 hexadecimal signals ---> Africa ONE, Africa ONE to BALAD ..over and out --> Please respond.
2007 Africa One Antonov An-26 crash
2007 Balad aircraft crash
Background context with data of
An-26 --> Alpha/numerica alphabet with the decimal math symbols (0 thru 9) and the 26 English language letters :
The Solar System is a data processing/ information structure. The Solar System 370 astronomy computer
has 9 planets( (8 data bit planets and 1 error correction parity bit Planet --> EARTH).
The Solar Systems 370 model is better visibible as COMPUTER EARTH system 370 ..that exist in it's own predicted by Galileo (Year 16 16 and the start of the EARTH Base 16 Hex space and Base 16 Hex time project ....known today as Einstein's FIELD Theory....more accurately described as Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory of Earth, land address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, oxygen atom 16,etc).
---> int + he + field ........extra ...........est + trial .........explained as
2007 Africa One Antonov An-26 crash
2007 Balad aircraft crash
2007 Africa One Antonov An-26 crash
The 2007 Africa One Antonov An-26 crash occurred when a twin engine Antonov An-26, belonging to the Congolese air carrier Africa One, crashed and burned shortly after takeoff from N'djili Airport in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congoon October 4, 2007. The flight left N'djili at 10:43 local time bound for Tshikapa, a distance of 650 km to the east.
Above computer science signals for COMPUTER WORLD Magazine.
The flight was variously reported as operated by El Sam Airlines or Malila Airlift, with the aircraft leased from Africa One
Above words --->
as operated by El Sam Ai atomic/astrophysics continuum language ...
as operated = astrophysics (undercover) operations
by e1 = (data byte) 1
El Sam = Elementary physics SAMPLE space ...SAMPLE time
The flight manifest stated that there were 16 passengers
aboard, but more boarded the flight shortly before takeoff.
[edit] Crash
Accident summary | |
Date | October 4, 2007 |
Type | Under investigation |
Site | Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo 4°24′S 15°25′E / 4.40°S 15.41°ECoordinates:4°24′S 15°25′E / 4.40°S 15.41°E |
Passengers |
unknown (16 in the flight manifest) |
Reuters reported that an on-board
mechanic survived,
while Associated Press claims a flight attendant also survived , bringing the total
number of survivors to two.
Above, we see the Data processing signals ...
Base 16 hexadecimal
Base 2 binary
File:Tower Kinshasa
International Airport
Map of Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Map of Congress ..... Demo for Republic of USA
Central Africa ---> EARTH geography data processing region
description: Central Africa = Central Processing Unit
Base 16 range of A thru F (AFRICA) --->
Hex'A' = 10 thru Hex''F'= 15 .....
with Earth geography supersymmetry geo-physics / mirrors to
Hex'A' = Arognne National Labs ----> Hex''F'= FerriLAB ......agent Adrica ONE to Peru ONE the Galapagos Islands computer science project done ...Galapagos = Gala + pag + os --> Galaxy (computer ) page OS/JCL --> OS = Office of Science JOB Control Language for human bio-computers and Europe ... OS= OSLO and their IMS biological database CHILD records that were physically deleted ....fix your state assembly/legislature brain bio-computer programming systems on human behavior and symbolic thought.
2007 Balad aircraft crash
2007 Bal crash --> IBM, EDS, and others
The 2007 Balad aircraft crash was a 9 January 2007 airplane incident involving an Antonov An-26 airliner, which crashed while attempting to land at the U.S. military base in Balad, Iraq.[3] The crash killed 34 people aboard and left one passenger critically injured. Officials claim the crash was caused by poor weather conditions, but other sources claim that this is a cover-up.
is cover-up = information systems cover-up
Emergency response
the emergency response was supplied by the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force. Ground ambulance response was by the 206th Area Support Medical Company, which is an US Army National Guard from Missouri. Eight ambulances responded with support from the base QRF. Helicopters from the Air Force's 64th Expeditionary Rescue Squadron transported the dead from the scene.[11] Of the 35 passengers and crew members on board the flight, two individuals were pulled alive from the wreckage.
--> National Guard from Mis --> N Guard MIS =Numeric Guards Management Information Systems
--> Mis ... Eight ambulances --> Mgt Info Systems 8 data bits
--> 64th Expeditionary Rescue
..... 64 hex edition ary Rescue --> Doubleword 64 = 32 + 32 hex edition array (linear algebra rows/columns)-
Reaction from the Islamic Army in Iraq
Reaction from the ISLAM Army in Iraq
Reaction from the Islam = I + SL + A + M Army
ISLAM = Indexed SequentiaL Access Method
Messages for Mr. Robert (LOGIC) Gates and Texas A&M = Access Methods ....
ought try modern human being techniques ..... INTELLECTUAL communications theory regarding
the 11-dimensions of possible social science / PHYSICS existential relationships with the symbolic universe and the vowels A, E, I, O, U.
Thus is stranage indeed.....that the entire computer science and data processing industry ...COBOL applications prorammers,
BAL programs , software engineering ,etc ..... never heard about Base 16 events or Base 2 events.
Who wishs to become a member of my CLUB?
I am the 1st dumb, stupid idiot ....who was a COBOL application programmer using CICS on system 370 main-frames.
Now I really liked my work was like solving FUN puzzles and riddles and all that ...and I got paid a good income back around 1980 thru 1995.
So....a few ago .... I woke up ....and began to wonder .... are these BASE 2 and Base 16 events I read about in the newspaper.
The TWO Towers of SEPT 11, 2001 that a world-wide COMPUTER WAR using bio-computer PUPPET humans as vehicles to carry out the mission.
The Federal Building in Oklahoma city with 168 dead ---> Base 16 signal + 8 data bits = 1 BITE (phonetic sound equivalent BYTE).
Okay, what's happening.
Newspapers are printing incomplete reports ...about the big bio-computer war programming the human BRAIN computer,
YOU are programmed. SAD but true.
I was programmed.....but by LUCK.... I realized something was up.....and took the time and effort to figure it out ..over a 15 year period.
The 1st vague feelings/ doubts I had came from watching televsion in 1995 and reading the Sunday newspaper.
2 or 3 time a year ..some news or story was not presented ...RIGHT. Something was different.
So, I sort-of kept track of these oddities..... No big deal.
Around year 2001 and 2004 ...I mentioned them to some friends and others.
One guy working at a bookstore was very helpful ...and provided some philosophy VIEWS about language, TV, and newspapers .....thus reminded ...I returned to S.I. Hayakwa books and had a better understanding of his messages.
Then books like 1984, Brave New World, the Invisible Man ...began to suggest some ideas and concepts.
Eventually, ideas became more clear .....and thus .... eventually SOME NEW events acquired a deeper undertanding ... thus the BASE 16 hexadecimal VIEW of EARTH mathametical-geography signals and the process control FEEDBACK ERROR signals in tragic formats
