Quantum astrophysics battle confirmed at Fort Hood. The Pauli exclusion principle helps explain the Pentagon / DARPA / Texas universities experimental errors.
After you read the post below, visit
Information WAR site maps for access to several hundred POSTS that help explain the Unified Theory of Everything (UTOE) .... which includes you, your friends, the region that you live within, etc. The Grand Unified Theory (GUT) 500 year project of Nature's systems from year 1453 / year 1500 makes this possible.
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test site.
On EARTH LAB, various multi-facted dimensions of Sartre existentialism can be tested ..... either in physical format or symbolic format. Thus we have the physical structure known as atomic bio-physics humans and then we have Nature's social engineering experiments with algebraic subset humans and their subset institutions and subset governments.
The Darwinian evolution of physical human structures is being phased out. In the past 400 years we have the Darwinian evolution of symbolic structures ...such as mathematics, physics, and English language and their bi-directional interaction with the atomic symbolic brain of human bio-computers.
On EARTH LAB, we live within an atomic / astrophysics continuum; consider ourselves as intermediate structures within the Nature's physical and symbolic continuums.
Here we are interested in one of the several components that converged at the Fort Hood, Texas; the astrophysics site on the EARTH LAB .....laboratory hood --> Fort Lab Hood.
Thus, with the help of President Eisenhower's military industrial complex math variables we gain some insight to the Texas ROC. The universities in TEXAS have the intellectual resouces to explain all of this in more detail.
Let's consider a hypothetical theory ..... that earthly atomic humanoid astrophysicists have a super-symmetry /parallel .... a virtual entity .... millions of miles away from the EARTH laboratory. Thus, we would have Hawkings, Gibbons, Thorne as virtual entites VIEWING Earth Lab ..... comprised of the EARTH and the moon.
Thus the Bohr model of early physics ...would be useful to these gentlemen. From the vast dimesnions of astrophysics.....and Einstein's theory of relative sizes and viewing positions .....the EARTH would be like the hydrogen atomic nucleus and the moon would be an electron. Humans and other entities on the surface of Earth .... would be atomic life social forces or sub-atomic particles ....that may or may not have atomic thoughts.
In atomic physics, the Bohr model, introduced by Niels Bohr in 1913, depicts the atom as a small, positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons that travel in circular orbits around the nucleus—similar in structure to the solar system, but with electrostatic forces providing attraction, rather than gravity. This was an improvement on the earlier cubic model (1902), the plum-pudding model (1904), the Saturnian model (1904), and the Rutherford model (1911). Since the Bohr model is a quantum-physics–based modification of the Rutherford model, many sources combine the two, referring to the Rutherford–Bohr model.
The Bohr model is a primitive model of the hydrogen atom. As a theory, it can be derived as a first-order approximation of the hydrogen atom using the broader and much more accurate quantum mechanics. Because of its simplicity, and its correct results for selected systems (see below for application), the Bohr model is still commonly taught to introduce students to quantum mechanics, before moving on to the more accurate but more complex valence shell atom.
The hydrogen atom ..... and the parallel astrophysics atomic structure (Earth/moon).
Pauli Exclusion Principle (Internet sources)
One expression of the Pauli Exclusion Principle is that “no two electrons in the same atom can be in the same quantum state.” [1] This means that no two electrons can have the same set of quantum states of:
1) energy,
2) angular momentum magnitude,
3) angular momentum orientation, and
4) orientation of intrinsic spin.
Pauli's Principle is based on the fact that any two given electrons are indistinguishable from one another and thus changing the designations between two or more electrons in different quantum states should have no observable effect.
Electrons, protons and other so-called spin-1/2 particles to be anti-symmetric. Thus when two electron designations are switched in the same atom or molecule, the total wave function of the atom or molecule changes sign.
This apparently esoteric principle is the very basis for the existence of the Periodic Table of the Elements. The Pauli Exclusion Principle allows for the distinction between different elements. Furthermore, the Principle also effects the way molecules form in the bonding of atoms, for the way molecules interact to form gases, liquids, or solids, and/or how the molecules aggregate themselves in living organisms. In effect, the Pauli Exclusion Principle “is the basis for the observable order of the universe, including the existence of life.”
In year 1925, Wolfgang Pauli stated the exclusion principle. This made quantum theory cocnsistent with experiment. The exclusion principle: No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers -->
This principle leads to another conclusion: No atomic orbital can contain more thsan two elctrons.
The 1s orbital of the H atom has the set of quantum numbers
No other set is possible. If an electron is in this orbital, the electron spin direction must also be specified. Let us represent an orbital by a "box" and the electron by an arrow.
A representation of the H atom is then as follows, in which the " electron spin arrow" is shown as pointing upward:
If only one electron is in a given orbital, the elctron spin arrow may point either up or down.
Thus an equally valid description would be:
The two preceding "orbital box" diagrams are equally appropriate for the H atom in its ground state (with no magnetic field): one electron is in the 1s orbital of the H = Hydrogen atom.
Let's outline the Fort Hood situation ...some clues of a puzzle .... that needs more theoretical thought. Thus the sketch of theory and data ...that resaerchers can start from.
Now, the above description is used to understand the parallel astrophysics atomic structure on EARTH LAB with the H atom (symbolized by Fort H = Fort Hood) in the ground state of Texas.
Let U.S.Army soldiers in the standing position vertical position represent an astrophysics atomic electron.... with the arrow pointing upward. The 1s --> 1 soldier in symbols -->
The living soldier is about 6 feet tall.
(approxixmate for gravity G = 6. 6 x 10 exponent -11.)
Gravity law states that a dead soldier becomes 6 feet under.
Thus the situation and the symbolic message of the Margaret Mead nuclear family ......that is the periodic atomic table and its expressions in atomic human format ..... as atomic social anthropology.
Thus the "orbital box" ...empirical data provided by the Texas experiments in atomic anthropology.
The soldier coffins are going 6 feet under ....the soldiers bio-physics electrons can be shown by the downward arrow .....of the orbital coffin box.
Thus we have a brief outline of a new process of Nature and its interaction with subset human institutions .......... a SIGNAL that ought be understood.
In addtion we have a major quantum signal ...VIA atomic humans ...
..... let's repeat some of the above information
The 1s orbital of the H atom has the set of quantum numbers
Lets translate this into the astrophysics atomic structure and Margaret Mead atomic anthropology expressions ...using the concept of William Shakespeare
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".
Now using the communications bridge of Cambridge University we have the address of those who probably know about stage directors:
University of Cambridge Department Directory:
Faculty of Divinity,
West Road, Cambridge CB3 9BS [map]. Tel: +44 1223 763017 ... Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Department of. Centre for ...
Thus modern Shakespeare with the Texas western movie stages-->
" The WORLD of Texas is an astrophysics WEST ROAD shooting stage and Major Nidal Hasan is a player".
Translating the above quantum symbols --> n = 1, L = 0, m ....the human Shakespearan actors that approximates the symbol best is --> niL --> nidaL ...as in nidaL Hasan, major.
Thus we have an atomic H = Hydrogen stage with
Fort H and Major H.
The 1s orbital of the H atom has the set of quantum numbers -->
thus the 1s orbital --> 1 shooter orbital of the H atom = Hasan.
Thus we a puzzle with a physical event and the associated symbolic life of atoms. We know that mass communication (television, radio, print) ought be described as atomic mass communication VIA a human output messenger/writer.
Thus we wonder what Nature's SIGNAL is.
Something is excluded ... in TEXAS and elsewhere and its applies to atomic human beings and Nature's atomic brain quality control standards. Thus perhaps the citizens of Texas are going to excluded from the human race ...because of their failure to meet some intellectual standard.
Apparently, university social science omits the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology class from education courses. University computer science omits the fact that we breathe oxygen atomic computer base 16 hexadecimal into our Lu = Logical Unit = LUNG. Virginia TECH still denies the existence of the April 16,2007 bio-computer HEX shooting .
This has to be studied in more depth ...based on tragic event data;
but no one seems available. Strange ...this lack of curiosity.
Perhaps, Texas brain computer cells have undergone some base 16 mutation. Are there any clues about symbolic brain evolution in Texas?
The Charles Whitman shooting involved a SIGNAL regarding Charles Darwin and symbolic brain computer evolution in year 1966. In addition, the event covered the gravity field interaction with atomic brain mass ..... thus allowing gravity data fields to pick up/harvest atomic brain thoughts. Thus the symbolism of the tall tower.... gravity from above flows thru our brains and interacts in year 1966 --> G = 6.6 x 10 exponent -11.
Now these gravity thought waves might be good or bad ..... it probably depends on how you repect Nature's intellect. But universities deny that gravity interacts with mass OR that the North Pole magnetic field interacts with the iron Hemoglobin proteins in human. All these obvious omissions about everyday human life. Okay, I get the joke , everyone is playing the old televsion show " I've got a secret".
The Kennedy assassination by OS = OSWALD was some signal about OS = Origin of the Species and Nature's system 370 processor with OS/JCL.
The OS signal has been repeated ...such as the OSLO, NOrway shooting at Utoeya regarding the Tyr --> see the Norway blog title -->
==> (Tyr) tyrosine polar amino acid metabolism battle at Lake Tyrifjorden, Utoeya, Oslo, Norway. The ancient components of Nature return to Norway in battle with symbolic dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Thus TEXAS may be big; but Mother Nature is bigger and smarter. Nature has been around for millions of years ..... and TEXAS citizens have to face the reality of the SCIENCE WARS ...such as the Waco,Texas shooting with Janet Reno and the Renormalization equations of atomic anthropology, along with the Janet Reno, Nevada subtle message about gambling and probability --> with the Boise-Einstein statistics diplomatic problems with FermiLAB agents for Fermi-Dirac statistics.
FermiLAB will not communicate; hence, a component of the atomic human Hierarchy Problem of the Department of Energy and its violations of the periodic atomic table government agency --> the Schrodinger Department of En .... Schrodinger energy levels ...hence, the shooting at Virginia TECH Department of En .... a signal to English language scientists about atomic mass communication protocol ERRORS in Washington, DC.
Thus lets review this again ..with data from Chemistry textbook by Kotz and Treichel. Other books provide similar data needed to understand the SCIENCE WARS.
Thus above we have
a) Electron shell 1 with 1s subshell --> 1 orbital -- 1s orbital shooter
b) Electron shell 2 with s and p subshells.
The 13 dead soldiers may be perceived as a signal of an atomic problem in TEXAS.
The 13 dead --> integers 1 and 3
Shell 2 --> the s subsell has 1 orbital
Shell 2 --> the p subshell has 3 orbitals.
Thus it seem the periodic atomic table government .... and its electron shells ....has transformed output message to humans and bullet shells.
Thus we consider the important concept .....about human actors .... human selection...human assignments.
Above, we see the words:
"built" by assigning electrons to shells
....transformed to modern tragedy REALITY
"built" by asigned electrons to bullet shells which result in news bulletins printed in newspapers....as atomic social science feedback signals for interested researchers.
Thus we have outlined one of the several components in the signal processing region of convergence in Texas. killeen, Texas thus provides empitical data on shells and sushells for the nearby societal intellectuals in Austin, Texas. However, their most important ideas are centered around ...food for thought.
BRAVE NEW WORLDS was written years ago. Now, we need a generation of brave new thinkers.
Its a puzzle .....and it can be interesting.
Think like Sherlock Holmes would like us to THINK!
We are his symbolic sons and daughters. The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stoties helped train the minds of many math and science professors; I think he would want you to help understand these new mysteries.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com
Website: www.zinoproject.com
Periodic atom table violations by the state of Minnesota cause the I-35W bridge collapse. The Pauli exclusion principle has excluded the people of the state of Minnesota because of their atomic human anthropology errors.
The periodic atomic table government and its elements have many formats of expression. One such FORMAT are atomic bio-physics humanoids with an experimental atomic brain with symbolic data processing abilities. These Margaret Mead nuclear family--> atomic social anthropology experiments have an interesting structure.
The Earth government with Nature's vast intellect allows many experiments with subset humans and their subset communities, institutions, and governments. These entities are algebraic subsets of Nature's continuum.....composed of the THEORY OF Everything (TOE). Thus mathematical-physics life and Earth LAB space/time with the......
atomic continuum--> human intermediate <-- astrophysics continuum
Thus we have the continuum describing daily life and events.
We are subset humans embedded in the continuum and the larger architectural structures of NATURE......which includes physical structures and symbolic structures (nouns,verbs, equations,etc). With such a VIEW we look at an outline of an atomic message processing experiment designed by NATURE with human societal components.
The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.
Therefore some political protests,crimes, accidents, etc. by humans.....are really atomic events ... atomic expressions of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle / the human atomic feelings expressor/ the human atomic messenger.
Atomic social anthropology families are listed in beginning college physics and college chemistry textbooks. The families comprise vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of life and thought. There are 18 such atomic families. Part of the table is shown below .... atoms have a physical existence AND in modern times, a symbolic life of nouns and adjectives and equations.
The above elements Mn, Fe, Co describe Nature's atomic table warning to the State of Minnesota and their universities. They have not helped to solve the the Heirarchy Problem involving the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear social anthropology component.
The previous warning was the 3M = 3-Mile Island nuclear problem ....Nature's signal to Minnesota scientists at 3M corporation .... since the universities can't be bothered with REALITY messages from Nature. 3M ought consider that the atomic table government provides them with atoms for their business products AND ought not ignore messages from the "Hand that feeds them". But many large corporations have ignored their respective signals. Computer science comapnies are still unaware of the Base 16 Hexadecimal signal of the April 16, 2007 Virginia TECH bio-computer shooting.
Thus we see the Minnesota mileage SIGNAL .....the correlation between 3-MILE Island and the I-35W highway miles Bridge. University of Minnesoata and state officials and Minnesota citizens chose to ignore these signals.... they are busy watching television signals of football games.
In the above periodic atomic table government of Nature we are interested in the atomic messages of elements of EARTH LAB
Mn = 25 electrons Manganese atomic weight 54.94
Fe = 26 electrons of Ferrous oxide/iron weight 55.85
Co = 27 electrons of Cobalt atomic weight 58.93
Below, we see the well-known atomic equation known to the Federal Government agencies, Departments of Transportation,universities and FermILAB, Argonne, Brookhaven,Stanford and other research labs. They will explain how they do it.
Atomic table equation ..... the continguous symbols
Mn + Fe + Co ==> Quantum state Minnesota + Ferrous oxide atomic structure + Collapse
I-35W Bridge in Mn
Aug. 1, 2007 the I-35W Bridge over the Mississippi River collapsed
Aug 2, 2007 - 7 min - Uploaded by wolfy55425
The I-35W bridge which links the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota collapsed during the ...
Pauli Exclusion Principle (Internet sources)
Non-physics readers ought glance at the concepts .... but continue on. Later sections bring the symbolic concepts together for the I-35W bridge collapse.
One expression of the Pauli Exclusion Principle is that “no two electrons in the same atom can be in the same quantum state.” [1] This means that no two electrons can have the same set of quantum states of:
1) energy,
2) angular momentum magnitude,
3) angular momentum orientation, and
4) orientation of intrinsic spin.
Pauli's Principle is based on the fact that any two given electrons are indistinguishable from one another and thus changing the designations between two or more electrons in different quantum states should have no observable effect.
Electrons, protons and other so-called spin-1/2 particles to be anti-symmetric. Thus when two electron designations are switched in the same atom or molecule, the total wave function of the atom or molecule changes sign.
This apparently esoteric principle is the very basis for the existence of the Periodic Table of the Elements. The Pauli Exclusion Principle allows for the distinction between different elements. Furthermore, the Principle also effects the way molecules form in the bonding of atoms, for the way molecules interact to form gases, liquids, or solids, and/or how the molecules aggregate themselves in living organisms. In effect, the Pauli Exclusion Principle “is the basis for the observable order of the universe, including the existence of life.”
Another reference source ...see Chemistry book by Kotz and Treichel. This may be glanced at.
In year 1925, Wolfgang Pauli stated the exclusion principle. This made quantum theory cocnsistent with experiment. The exclusion principle: No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers -->
This principle leads to another conclusion: No atomic orbital can contain more thsan two elctrons.
The 1s orbital of the H atom has the set of quantum numbers
No other set is possible. If an electron is in this orbital, the electron spin direction must also be specified. Let us represent an orbital by a "box" and the electron by an arrow.
A representation of the H atom is then as follows, in which the " electron spin arrow" is shown as pointing upward:
If only one electron is in a given orbital, the elctron spin arrow may point either up or down.
Thus an equally valid description would be:
The two preceding "orbital box" diagrams are equally appropriate for the H atom in its ground state (with no magnetic field): one electron is in the 1s orbital of the H = Hydrogen atom.
Now, let's outline the I-35W Bridge exclusion in the ST.Paul, Minnesota EARTH LAB geography area. The symbolic equation of the Pauli exclusion principle..
The Wolfgang Pauli clues of a puzzle .... that needs more theoretical thought. Thus the sketch of theory and data ...that researchers can start from.
Let's review the situation ...repeating some of the ideas.
1st we had the atomic table government equation ...identifying the EARTH LAB geography region ...... the quantum STATE of Minnesota ...and the atomic humans and their atomic brain problems..... that is their STATE of MIND. Darwinian evolution of the atoms and their thoughts eventually will involve the human atomic brain .... especially the brain symbolic computer.
Thus Nature believes their is a quality control problem in Minnesota. The iron atom has 26 electrons and this represents the 26 English letters ...the ferrous oxide atomic alphabet.
Thus we have an atomic communications iron bridge problem ..... of the iron myoglobin protein used by the arm muscles by professors and newspaper reporters ... that are writing incorrect conclusions on cellulose paper.
Mass communication (television, radio, print) is really atmic mass communications. High quality levels of accurate, deep intellectual perceptions are expected from Nature's humanoid messengers. This is not happening...thus Nature's quality control feedback signal.
Thus we see the pattern of the atomic communication ERRORS by humans who assume that their version of the ENLGISH language is perfect. Thus the correlation SIGNAL that is to difficult to comphrend by the Department of Education and their advanced intellectual pioneers.
English language shooting - Virginia TECH
Library shooting - Columbine High School
Read - Fort Hood soldier READ center shooting
communications bridge - ST.Paul physics class with Wolfgang Pauli
The powers that be at the universities, deny any messsage EXISTS about that the Central Nervous System 370 brain symbolic computer and the eye/optical nerver/ symbolic life and possible conflict.
Now, let repeat some concepts from another author ...see Chemistry by McMurry and Fay.
Electron spin and the Pauli Exclusion principle.
- The three quantum numbers define the energy, shape, and spatial orientation of orbitals.
- The fourth quantum number is related to a property called electron spin.
- The electrons are free to spin around in either a clockwise or counterwise direction.
As a result, the spin quantum number is one of two values + 1/2 or -1/2.
- the importance of the spin quantum number ....
- no two elctrons in a atom can have the same four quantum numbers
- In other words, the set of four quantum numbers associated with an electron acts as a unigue "address" for that electron in an atom, and no two elctrons can have the same address.
- In other words, the set of four quantum numbers associated with an electron acts as a unigue "address" for that electron in an atom, and no two elctrons can have the same address.
We have the
I-35W bridge signal ....approximated by numbers
1 3 5 .....look at the atomic table below
Electron shell 1
Electron shell 2
Electron shell 3 with s, p , d subshells
s subshell 1 orbital with 2 electrons
p subshell 3 orbitals with 6 electrons
d subshell 5 orbitals with 10 electrons
Thus we isolated the area of the problem ...the SIGNAL from Nature.
What is Nature telling us about?
The beginning CLUES to a mystery, that requires more research thought.
To complete this ...... we need another view. This has been explained in other blogs ...we just mention it here.
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is a test site for Nature ...hence, EARTH LAB. Let's consider a hypothetical theory ..... that earthly atomic humanoid astrophysicists have a supersymmetry /parallel .... a virtual entity .... millions of miles away from the EARTH laboratory. Thus, we would have Hawkings, Gibbons, Thorne as virtual entites VIEWING Earth Lab ..... comprised of the EARTH and the moon.
Thus the Bohr model of early physics ...would be useful to these gentlemen. From the vast dimensions of astrophysics.....and Einstein's theory of relative sizes and viewing positions .....the EARTH would be like the hydrogen atomic nucleus and the moon would be an electron. Humans and other entities on the surface of Earth .... would be atomic life social forces or sub-atomic particles ....that may or may not have atomic thoughts.
In atomic physics, the Bohr model, introduced by Niels Bohr in 1913, depicts the atom as a small, positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons that travel in circular orbits around the nucleus—similar in structure to the solar system, but with electrostatic forces providing attraction, rather than gravity.
Thus .... EARTH is like an atom ..... and Minnesota is just like a group of electrons OR perhaps a another particle OR since the EARTH spins on its axis like an elctron ....there may be parallel/ a mirror of some REALITY.
Thus from the vast VIEW of the astrophysics universe ..... humans and events in Minnesota are considered very finite and limited. Thus the importance that human atomic brain thoughts and human atomic feelings ..... humbly understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum context they live within. We have a SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature that citizens have violated .... thus the consequences and signals.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com
Website: www.zinoproject.com
