Category: Uncategorized
The Earth government and the SALT TREATY brain war casualties of the United States and other violating countries
The periodic atomic table government has many formats of expression. One such FORMAT are atomic, bio-physics structures with symbolic brain and an EARTH LAB experimental specimen label: Humanoid.
Humans are extensions of the atomic table.… more »
The Pentagon orthonormal math SCIENCE WAR battle at Fort Hood
Mathematics President Eisenhower in 1961 spoke about the Military Industrial Complex (variables) project of the American Mathematical Society and their math life friends thru-out the world.
Modern SYMBOL MACHINE political power expressio… more »
M-theory mathematical-physics and 11 dimensions explain EARTH Magnetic Field war with 2 Iron Towers in Manhattan of Sept 11, 2001 - - - -> Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic WAR versus the world Fe(deral) governments and their CITIZEN errors.
Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of ... Physicist
Applied physics M-theory 11-dimensions EARTH WAR report. Some empitical data clues that… more »