The Earth government and the SALT TREATY brain war casualties of the United States and other violating countries
After you read the post below, visit
Information WAR site maps for access to several hundred POSTS that help explain the Unified Theory of Everything (UTOE) .... which includes you, your friends, the region that you live within, etc. The Grand Unified Theory (GUT) 500 year project of Nature's systems from year 1453 / year 1500 makes this possible.
The periodic atomic table government has many formats of expression. One such FORMAT are atomic, bio-physics structures with symbolic brain and an EARTH LAB experimental specimen label: Humanoid.
Humans are extensions of the atomic table. The SALT Treaty/Summit Treaty signed by atomic human representatives was with the atomic table representaive ELEMENT: Salt (sodium chloride molecule) / with sodium atomic weight 23 and 11 protons with symbol Na --> Nation of atomic thoughts.
SALT is really sodium chloride with atomic symbol: NaCl; but we let Na atom represent the periodic atomic table goverment in atomic political science affairs with the human thought species.
Thus we have an important atomic treaty with humans:
-->.... 11 protons of sofium atom of Salt/ with sodium atomic weight 23
--> SKU.11 thought agreements with 23 chromosomes
Thus we have the FermiLAB treaty...the Margaret Mead atomic brain ....nuclear anthropology treaty.
The Margaret Mead nuclear arms, elbows,mouth control SALT treaty is binding on family dinner tables with SALT and Pepper shakers in Batavia,Illi-nois(e) and Summit city treaty, Wisconsin and elsewhere. Violations of this treaty with the element SALT has caused many casualties. SALT has a great influence on human SKU.11 social decisions and human behavior....thus the atomic HUMAN brain can easily manipulate the brain to find atomic SALT TREATY warriors.
Thus we have a list of denial...of existence of SALT WATER, Oceans, and salt metabolism and thought in the human body. Thus the SALT War with wave mechanics physics.....modern EARTH LAB messsages to subset humans and their subset institutions.
--> Search Results USS Cole bombing - Wikipedia The USS Cole Bombing, or the USS Cole Incident, was a suicide attack against the United States Navy destroyer USS Cole (DDG 67) on October 12, 2000 while it ...
USS_Cole_ ocean bombing
USA Cole Hall shooting in OCEAN Class ..DeKalb, Illinois
The common factors of COLE tragedies: Cole, death, OCEAN
Perhaps, someday the Office of Naval Research may fund research into understanding EARTH LAB and Nature's modern SCIENCE WAR war strategy with the human attack upon EARTH facilities.
Understanding the BIG PICTURE is usually considered a prerequiste to military analysis; but Great Britain, Europe, and American universities are so intellectually inbred ...... that their minds are easily manipulated by television and Hollywood. Their hypnotized professors have been invited to join in new research projects; but, the TV Guide schedule is more important.
Try to understand the military math ... linear algebra broadcasts of TV. Thus modern warfare includes .....Linear algebra transformation T --> Vector space .......known as TV ....math television. Music agent Madonna binary announcements: MTV and Argentina .....and we all know that is a symbolic decoy code: MTV = MATH Vectors and Argentina = Argonne National Labs electromagnetic wave broadfcast parameters. So obvious, so simple, so secret. Thanks for the information puzzle. I enjoy mystery puzzles.
--> The astrophysics SALT BRIDGE of the Pacific Ocean and economics.
A chemistry book --> Social economic chemistry ....using the SALT BRIDGE chemistry lab model.
Feature of SALT Bridge:
1) oxidation of a half-cell
2) reduction of a half-cell
The Earth is a living cell.Parallel processing application..
- let North America geography be a half-cell
- Let Asia geography/people be a half cell
- economic REDUCTION of factories/jobs in North America half
- economic OXidation...Occidental/orient increase in factories at America expense
Why is this? Because business leaders have a SKU11 with 11 protons of SALT..that is sending a message to university professors and labor union workers.....none who care about how their SKU11 works and gets atomic brain ideas. Now pizza ideas and beer ideas are their concepts of understanding economic activity and how decisions are arrived at. Are there exceptions that attempt to understand the world of NATURE's intellect?
--> The atomic English language has serious problems with
caltech OR CALTECH in in the Pas = Past
calt a subset word of Salt. graphic symbol S...small c on top an atomic element necessary for life
Computer Earth system 370 geography area
Base 16 VSAM data space...
has a CA = Control area = CA.LTECH intellectual prison.
This information is revealed in the
Professor Richard P. Feynman book:
Six Not So Easy Pieces.
The page 16 Base 16 hex/curse message about the MOB.
The MOB infiltration of the university system...
described by equation 1.13
ma = F --> expanded is ma = Fia --> maFia physics SCIENCE WAR code
Since the PENTAGON doesn't care about MOB control of universities
...brain war equation 1.13 SET-UP an tragic ATTENTION SIGNAL
ma = F OR rewritten as -->
F = Ma expanded by Texas bio-physics applications
Fort Major
Fort Hood Major Hasan with EVENT parameters
of equation 1.13
1 shooter and 13 dead at
the Fort Hood SOLDIER Read Center with physics books for soldiers ...symbolic food for thought.
And the university MOB gives the Pentagon a lot of biased information about the EARTH LAB Science War zone.
Newspapers ignore these factors in the CAUSE --> EFFECT equations of tragic EVENTS.
The Pentagon is aware of William Shakespeare's symbolic military decription of
world affairs. For 400 years it has been known that
"The WORLD is a stage and we are the actors"......
thus we have modern brain television with TEXAS cowboys and western style shoot-outs at FORT HOOD. Thus WEST POINT points their finger at the WESTERN style actor HASAN.
The situation of the SCIENCE WAR battle is a more complicated puzzle.
The Pentagon orthonormal math SCIENCE WAR battle at Fort Hood
Mathematics President Eisenhower in 1961 spoke about the Military Industrial Complex (variables) project of the American Mathematical Society and their math life friends thru-out the world.
Modern SYMBOL MACHINE political power expression VIA Eisenhower.
Since then mathematics WAR tools have evolved ...from physical applications to Central nervous System 370 abstract brain symbol processing ..brain defense using symbolic math TOOLS.
An example of brain math errors by Washington, DC has created problems for the Pentagon.
Vector space or LINEAR ALGEBRA math errors by politicians and their advisors has become a serious problem for Nature. Arrogant social engineering decisions based on nonsense explanations ...violate the mathematical-physics continuum of Nature....a continuum that we live within. Thus we have the SCIENCE WAR math casualties at Fort Hood.
The Earth government choose the message processing region of Fort Hood, Texas for the battlefield message and its symbolism.
Fort Hood and subset symbols
..ortho ...expanded
..orthonormal math fuctions of bio-MATH life
..orthonormal math fuctions
........honor CODE battle....Darwinian ..selection of agent Major Hasan
Thus the WORD of HONOR math shooting at Fort Hood with Virginia Tech agent: Hasan
Thus the WORD of HONOR English shooting at Virginia TECH with agent: Mr.CHO
Thus Nature send a mess... a tragic mess....message to university and corporate scientists about communication theory does not include vast amounts of BS and social science nonsense ....and cellular phone dribble. Nature warned DARPA and the PENTAGON to improve the accuracy of their intellectual consultants and their GESTALT View of world events.....biased/incomplete reports are not acceptable in year 2011.
Difference between orthogonal and orthonormal matrices - Math ...
Orthogonal matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An orthogonal matrix of order n is a matrix
orthonormal vectors [¦ȯr·thə¦nȯr·məl ′vek·tərz]
1959 US Army Vietnam War Motor Transportation Operations 122p.pdf
M-theory mathematical-physics and 11 dimensions explain EARTH Magnetic Field war with 2 Iron Towers in Manhattan of Sept 11, 2001 - - - -> Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic WAR versus the world Fe(deral) governments and their CITIZEN errors.
Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of ... Physicist
Applied physics M-theory 11-dimensions EARTH WAR report.
Some empitical data clues that may help physics and astrophysics explain significant EARTH LAB social signaling events.
The Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic secret puzzle is provided by the CODE of SILENCE of Fe = FermiLAB, universities with iron Hemoglobin bio-physics humanoids, and Federal governments around the world. These puzzles are good .... a high school education and freshman college textbooks in chemistry, physics, math, and biochemistry provide the reference materials needed. Curious about secret intellectual languages and the challenge presented by the:
A typical experiment was in 1976 the CAM communications bridge test in CAM region = Cambodia.
Cambridge, England and Cambridge, Massachusettes had a new brain computer programming theory on communications bridges ...that needed human specimens for testing; hence, the appropriate choice of Cam atomic bio-physics structures in Cambodia.
The experimental results affected world school systems ...with classroom shootings,etc.
Now, the modern model classroom in the United States magnet schools and places like Virginia TECH and Northern Illinois University violations of the North Pole magnetic field....hence Cole Hall.
The English word ....
SKU11 has algebraic subset letters ...
S..11 implies Sept 11 signal for IVY League universities. .
Does atomic element Fe (Ferrous oxide = iron) exist?
Iron (Ferrous oxide atom)
Dec 13, 2002 – The magnetism of the iron group of metals is a rare and remarkable property. It is not due to any inherent magnetic propensities of the atoms, ...
Introduction - Properties of Iron - Mineralogy and Natural History ...
Elements Periodic Table of the Elements | Iron | Essential Iron metal is a silvery, lustrous metal which has important magnetic properties. ... Atomic orbital properties: effective nuclear charge; electron binding energies; ...
Nature has existed for millions of years ..and the periodic atomic table and it's government has existed for billions of years. Millions of years ago the atomic government built dinosaurs and cellulose trees.
In the last few thousand years there exists on EARTH various formats of humans.
They are Fe = Ferrous oxide agents with Fe = Federal governments; however, their party citizens have forgotten their atomic heritage ...and enjoy insulting intellectuals who seriously study such matters.
Thus the periodic atomic table considers such diplomatic ERRORS a problem.....known as the Hierarchy Problem with the Margaret Mead nuclear families ......atomic table families and their atomic social anthropology expressions VIA human messengers.
FermILAB and Cavendish Labs refuse to make atomic anthropology announcements ...thus the consequences of violating EARTH government agreements with iron Hemoglobin protein structures. The Social Contract of Nature described by John Locke has been violated .....hence, the philosophy AIR/Mouth casualties as deomonstrated by the AIR crash in Lockerbie Scotland ...... the bombers studied the philsophy of agency. The problem with philsophy departments is that they approve of alot of nonsense dribble that is on televsion,etc. Inaction, talk, and passive professors ought be more concerned about the television broadcasts of input data commands to the Central Nervous System 370 brain computers.
In addition, N = Nitrogen and O = Oxygen LUNG humanoids in NO = NOBEL scientist format ...also refuse to give diplomatic recognition to Nature's vast intellectual expressions.
Thus the NOBEL Problem and the Hierarchy Problem gives
NOBEL --> No + BEL --> science war Base Pair shootings with
NO = NORWAY. Utoeya, OS = OSLO = Office of Science Europe
BEL = Belgium, city of schemes and lies --> LIEGE
Does the EARTH exist with magnetic field?
Magnetic Field of the Earth
Magnetic Field of the Earth. The Earth's magnetic field is similar to that of a bar magnet tilted 11 degrees from the spin axis of the Earth. The problem with that ...
Earth's Magnetic Field
Dipole Field. best-fit (tilted) dipole field, at r = a (radius of Earth); B0 is strength of best-fit dipole at magnetic equator; axis of dipole is tilted about 11 degrees to ...
Earth's Magnetic Field
Note that this means the Earth's north magnetic pole is a negative pole, because the .... as mentioned above axis of dipole is tilted about 11 degrees to spin ...
Earth's magnetic field -Earth's magnetic field (also known as the geomagnetic field) is the magnetic field ... the field of a magnetic dipole tilted at an angle of 11 degrees with respect to ...
Thus we see the magnetic WAR signal .....11 degrees tilt -->
iron towers tilt of September 11
Given the periodic atomic table (small structures) and the Earth's large magnetic field we have a continuum. Human life and daily activities are embedded within the continuum.
atomic level <-- human intermediates --> North Pole magnetic field
Did the Two Towers exist in Man --> Manuscript symbolic format?
The Two Towers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Two Towers is the second volume of J. R. R. Tolkien's high fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings. It is preceded by The Fellowship of the Ring and followed ...
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers ...
Did the Two Towers exist in Man --> Manhattan solid format?
Meanwhile the scientists working on the Manhattan Project were developing atom bombs using uranium and plutonium. The first three completed bombs were ...
The Manhattan Project: The Birth of the Atomic Bomb ..
Starred Review. More than 60 years since WWII was ended by two atomic detonations, the Manhattan Project that made them possible still carries iconic weight, ...
The Manhattan Project
This Manhattan Project predecessor, code named the S-1 project, was ... with graphite and uranium was transferred to a new secret project, ...
--> Tensor space/time update of the approved Manhattan project of SEPT 11, 2001.
S-1 project + TEN (decimal number) = S-11 --> September 11 project of the world government elite, supreme thinkers in Margaret Mead nuclear family .... atomic anthropology policy.
code named the S-1 project
code named the S-1 project
code named the S-1 project
code named the S-1 project
September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The destruction of the twin towers caused serious damage to the economy of Lower ... Early on the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers took control of four .....
World Trade Center - Wikipedia
The twin 110-story towers used a tube-frame structural design. ... On the morning of September 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda-affiliated hijackers flew two 767 jets into ... The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC), established in November ...
World Trade Center - Wikipedia
The twin 110-story towers
May 23,1942: The S-1 Executive Committee recommends that the project move to the pilot plant stage ....
--> The September 11,2001 pilot stage
Early on the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 hijackers took control of four ... Reports indicated hijackers stabbed and killed pilots, flight attendants, and one or ....
On September 11, 2001, four commercial airliners were hijacked and ... spotted American Airlines flight 11 twenty miles north of Manhattan, just two or three minutes ... At 8:14, the pilot of Flight 11 failed to respond to an instruction to ascend ...
Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of ... Physicist and author Michio Kaku has remarked that M-theory may present us ...
Background - Status - See also - References
M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In theoretical physics, M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified. Because the dimensionality exceeds that of superstring ...
String theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Number of dimensionsý: One such theory is the 11-dimensional M-theory, which ... these theories require physicists to insert the number of ...
Thus we have some clues to the Hierarchy Problem as symbolized by the
high, tall towers of the WORLD Trade Center tragedy.
Then we think of TALL Paul Dirac physics and FSU and the Tallahassee messages that are
Clues to the puzzle ..reviewed:
- iron magnetic properties
- EARTH iron core
- Manhattan iron towers
- North/south Pole magnteic field interaction with those iron towers and with the iron Hemoglobin proteins of humans that worked within those iron towers.
- Manhattan project 1943 thru 2001
- S-1 secret project evolution to S-11
- J.R.R Tol book stories the TWO Towers -symbolic world
- Death toll of stories of IRON Towers - solid world
......Solids --> Polish Solidaritry movement, iron ships
......Solids --> Deep Space Nine TV show messages
.................from Odo --> Oddone
.................from Ferengi ---> FermILAB Engineering
.................Bajor --> Batavia Job Orders (secret)
- Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic buil.dings of iron metal
.................................ding/dong signal
..Fe = Ferrous oxide = Federal Building of Oklahoma City
...................................ding/dong signal
.................168 dead --> 16 Oxygen state of mind 8
..Fe = Ferrous oxide biochemsitry Heme Group Fe(ii) ion
.....................Heme group Fe( 2 towers) ion signal
- Manhattan project Trinity test July 16, 1945
- Manhattan project Trinity test Sept 11, 2001
- North Pole magnetic field interatction with iron towers
- Magnetic pole 11 degree tilt
- Manhattan iron poles (called skyscrapers) tilt on
Sept 11 parallel/superysmmetry physics 11 degrees
- Manhattan S-1 project in pilot stage in 1942/1943
- Manhattan S-11 project... pilot project plan of 2001
Thus we just begin to understand what REALLY happened in the EARTH WAR battlefield of Sept 11, 2001.
The Washington, DC approach to a complex situation is to use Hollywood writers and Virginia TECH creative writing class 101 to explain the deeper levels of the M-theory and 11 dimension tragic event to stupid,idiots like myself.
The newspapers describe the surface veneer of the event (date, time, location, sequence of events, police data gathered,etc.) The police, the FBI, and others do a very good job in gathering that data. That is their training, their education, and they can be proud of their database.
These are complicated matters regarding the atomic/Earth magnetic field interaction with human social institutions ...... and involve subtle messages .... that require a certain speciality skill. The governments of the world make their major decisons in restaurants looking at a menu. I am in science and math section of a library trying to figure out what's happening (or I use the college textbooks I bought to study).
Thus the database provided by the detectives and investigators is looked at using various algorithms,etc see if some deeper message exists.
Sometimes ... a signal can be found. That is rare. Maybe a few events per year, at most.
Mathematical-physics, biochemistry, genetics, linear algebra, calculus, logarithms, chemistry, organic chemistry .... are very interesting ...providing simple, basic knowledge for an amateur analyst like myself. They help me understand the incomplete stories I read in newspapers ...stories that universities, think tanks, citizen groups approve of. Interesting........that so much science background data is omitted ..... and that the Office of Science and university professors will NOT fill that intellectual VOID.
But perhaps this is good, That requires my brain to study, think, draw flowcharts, etc .....and slowly over several months ...with the help of textbooks ... I can fill the VOID ..that was kindly left open by newspapers under the subliminal mind guidance of university professors.
Good. A puzsle ...a new type of mental chess understand social science REALITY.
Perhaps, their are exceptions the academic world ....that can evolve beyond the BRAVE NEW WORLD mental barrier. Give it try and escape from the Carl JUNG university collective unconsciousness. The group mentality has its purpose for most people ...but a few individuals must rise above that see the big gestalt picture.
FermiLAB and UC are probably nice guys .....but BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology manipulation of the atomic brain a favorite activity of Madison Avenue marketing and advertising tricks.
They don't stand a chance. George Orwell and others warned intellectuals to be on the alert.
I was reminded of that about 12 years ago .....and it took about 5 years to understand the authors warnings AND to move beyond the mental barriers.
A reminder about the theory of FermiLAB atomic brain prison codes.
This involves the ferrous oxide atom with modern molecular cell biology symbolic technology tricks ....for the brain symbolic computer. Modern jail cell methods --> brain jail cell.
The IRON Mask book by Dumas
The Iron Curtain ...Europe 1960 atomic politics
Enhance your brain with one of Nature's new symbolic brain processors .....
the IRON MAN project of the 26 proton atomic English 26 alphabet letters of ferrous oxide atom .........
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
