PennState university fails to understand modern society within the context of Nature's social engineering projects and brain engineering projects.
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Penn State and their optical nerve DEFECT .... symbolic wars of the Central Nervous System 370 brain computer

Permalink 12/10/13 23:37, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


Previous blogs have discussed the Molecular Cell Biology social science wars with

Monticello, Thomas Jefferson 1776 thru 2011... subset
Mo....cell --> Molecular cell government social projects

Thus, we had the molecular cell biology constitution and its biochemistry government from year 1776 with social biochemistry humanoid messenger: Thomas Jefferson. Since modern humans fail to respect the Monticello social engineering project of molecules in humanoid format...we have a biochemistry WAR ...with some examples.

First, we must understand the philosophical perspective as expressed around year 1600 by the atomic brain of William Shakespeare:

............... . ." The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".

In modern times "The WORLD is an atomic biochemistry/genetics
...................stage and we are the processing layers".
Thus we look at the modern stage performances, such as the Penn State football theatrical drama.
With the Penn State controversy in year 2011, we have the additional dimension.

At Penn State " The WORLD is a stage and we are the football players".

Pen ...State of MIND "The World is a optics stage and we are the symbolic players".




In year 2011 " The ink Pen WORLD (Pen STATE of symbol MIND) is an English language symbolic stage and we are the optical nerve .... symbolic data processing layers" ....

with 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the WHITE HOUSE really a physical representation of the symbolic WHITE HOUSE of the white elctromagnetic spectrum and its optical information content. Thus the true nature of government is the English language nouns,verbs, concepts along with with mathematical social engineering process control systems ..... all using the human bio-optical computer.



Thus the ink PEN and Sylvania light bulb photons/electromagnetic waves have a fantastic STAGE performance via atomic bio-physics human actors ..... the Pennsylvania university with a cast of thousands of students, professors, and administrators.

The modern intellectual and the modern legal system is interested in such performances, their messages, factors that caused the performance to exist, etc. A very intricate puzzle that provides many opportunities for a new generation of lawyers and scientists interested in the INTELLECTUAL WARS and their various casualties .... damage to reputations, incomplete and biased accusations, decoy conclusions, etc.

In the more serious case of the Virginia TECH tragedy.... the English department symbolic war was with the federal Department of En (Energy social science languages of the atomic brain cell nucleus). The eye/retina/pupil/iris optical system of NATURE and has am independent symbolic life of nouns,verbs, math equations, physics formulas that resides on the human optical computer platform.


This bio-computer system has been around for thousands of years ... and since the development of printing books (year 1453 and the Gutenburg press) and public high school education (started on a grand scale around 1930) ... the optical brain system has become very important. Universities and Madison Avenue marketing and advertising are proud of their manipulation of brain cells .... sometimes okay and sometimes NOT. The NOT okay results in symbolic wars.

The symbolic war at Virginia TECH was transformed into a physical battle(shooting). Lawsuits can be filed against the Department of Energy, Virginia Tech, etc. for their cover-up schemes of the TRUE, deeper NATURE of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer war.
Thus the Margaret Mead nuclear family .... atomic social anthropology conflicts, the HIERARCHY PROBLEM of physics life, and supersymmetry war would be the probable context of such lawsuits.

The new legal view would include information provided from the atomic/ astrophysics communications continuum along with a sequence of tragic events ignored by government agencies and their funded research institutions.

Such tragic events and their incomplete reports include:
--> Janet Reno and the Waco,Texas Renormalization equations battle

--> The 1943 Manhattan Project and the secret 1943 S-1 project. That atomic anhtropology project failure resulted in the Manhattan Project event of Sept. 11, 2001. Thus we see S-1 project + Tensor space/time war --> S-1 + Ten --> S-11 --> giving its manifestation on Sept 11, 2001.
Tricks and manipulation of news has been well known for many years. Lewis Carroll (around 1865) wrote Alice in Wonderland....Who Stole the Tarts....the serious LEGAL revelation of those times and practices .... that continues in modern times.

Who Stole the Tarts?
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll:
Who Stole the Tarts? ...
In the very middle of the court was a table, with a large dish of tarts upon it: they .... Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the ...

11 - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. (As that is rather a hard word, I will just explain to you how it ...
Brave New World -
Brave New World is Aldous Huxley's fifth novel, written in 1931 and published in 1932. Set in London of AD 2540 (632 A.F. in the book), the novel anticipates ...

Brave New World
Brave New World
Brave New World
Brave New World
Brave New World
Brave New World

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers - Wikipedia,
Members include private criminal defense lawyers, public defenders, active U.S. ... Groups such as the American Bar Association, American Civil Liberties Union ...
Brave New World Defenders?
Brave New World Lawyers?
Brave New World Law Professors?
Brave New World Judges?
Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll
Jan 11, 2011 – 'You're a very poor speaker,' said the King. Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. ...
Guinea-pig list ..examples:
- Mr.CHO at Virginia TECH
- Major Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood
...and more
one of the guinea-pigs cheered,

Kollár, J.: Lectures on Resolution of Singularities (AM-166).Nov 6, 2011 – Description of the book Lectures on Resolution of Singularities (AM-166) by Kollár, J., published by Princeton University Press.

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