Lawrence Livermore Labs atomic analysis of Norwegian Cod Liver - - - - - - -> Code Livermore project.. . . Norway violations of the salt treaty of salted cod fish results in Utoeya tragedy.
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European violations of the periodic atomic table government SALT Treaty with 2-legged humans is a major factor in the particle physics anthropology war. The Niels Bohr Institute and the modern European theater of war ....Margaret Mead nuclear family war.
UTOE = Unifed Theory of Everything message processing region of
UTOEYA ...known in SIGNAL PROCESSING as a ROC = Region Of Convergence.
We have the Margaret Mead cell nuclear arms, elbows, mouth control SUMMIT treaty; also, known as the dinner table SALT TREATY with the periodic atomic table government elements of life. The SALT treaty involves NaCl = sodium chloride and the presidential atomic human MR.NaCl whose became North american Clinton. The sodium chloride treaty is with atomic human structures who use SALT. Thus we have the Margaret Mead atomic anthropology war over SALT treaty violations by civilian populations .....atomic humans who have no respect for the treaties signed with NATURE.
American universities deny the atomic bio-physics NATURE of President Clinton from Arkansas.
EMERITUS professors believe that CLINTON is an EM = ElectroMagnetic life format like themselves...since they represent
EM = ElectroMagnetic EM = EMploy.ees of the university....
the social education system of ploys/ scams/ schemes/puzzzles.
EM television nonsense shows provide many clues as to this educational process..... used for social manipulation and business marketing.
Math, physics, biochemsitry, etc are still serious subjects and help understand the social science ploy --> song and dance programs for the human brain computer.
Hollywood movies like those by GENE Hackman explain the social gene commands ....along wiith the GENES textbook by Benjamin Lewin.
Gene Hackman | |
![]() Gene at a book signing, in June 2008.
Synopsis: This title offers an integrated account of the structure and function of genes in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Provides the most current and comprehensive information available in genetics. Incorporates the latest news in the field and presents topics in terms of the approaches used by researchers, integrating information from molecular biology, cell biology, development, and cancer research.
Gene Hackman .....
INTERNAL source code
Thus the supersymmtry/parallel processing/ double -helix of Sarte existentialism with
- Benjamin Lewin ....laboratory of gene physical processes
- Monica Lewin (sky) clinical research trial with President Clinton on social genes....such as Gene Audrey cowboy movies, Gene Kelly dancer, Gene Hackman ...etc. These audio/ voice/picture genetic commands are broadcast via movies/television to millions of people ......thus input gene symbolic commands to the Central Nervous System via optical data entry for the EYES computer processor OR sound data entry for the EAR input data port.
Thus Hollywood gene commands via GENE Hackman .....are known as:
Genetic manipulation -
definition of Genetic manipulation in the ...medical-
Scientific alteration of the structure of genetic material in a living organism using recombinant DNA, employed for such purposes as creating bacteria that ...
Genetic manipulation definition of Genetic manipulation in the genetic engineering, the use of various methods to manipulate the DNA ...
Gene manipulation - definition of Gene manipulation in the Medical ...medical-dictionary.the
Scientific alteration of the structure of genetic material in a living ...
Thus The UTOEYA children and their GENE structure was hacked / destroyed by bullets.
Great Britain and the British embassy are familiar with this public knowledge.
Norway and Denmark and America won't help understand anything. Europeans have superior knowledege over NATURE's vast intellect. America includes those lazy thinkers with their Hollywood surface answers that lack deeper data foundations.
Thus we study the symbolic wars in the internal BIOLOGY government of the human being.
Some SYMBOL MACHINE wars later become physical
--> an Internal disease or headache
--> external conflict like domestic violence
The human is perceived as comprised of 2 their internal structure.
1st ....the physical biochemistry processes
2nd ...the internal government symbolic expressions and messages. The internal governemnt uses the atomic English language of the 26 protons of ferrous oxide atom...and its 26 atomic English alphabet letters.
Thus iron Hemoglobin protein humanoid structures at Livermore and FermiLAB provide data on how to manipulate this atomic symbolic language .....for better and for worse (Utoeya, Cole Hall, Virginia TECH).
This gives lawyers the oppoprtunity to understand those atomic anthropology crimes and those atomic accidents that may occur in our daily life. Research labs and government funded universities do not attempt to discuss this SECRET of life. These groups have violated the atomic social anthropology laws of NATURE ...specifically, the required communication disclosure and communication cooperation laws of NATURE.....that would have exempted them from severe penalties.
Nature's social engineering systems needs help to understand, clarify and fix the problems that arise. Universities have declined to help NATURE in the SCIENCE WARS. Thus universities and other institutions have lost their immunity to lawsuits, accessories to murder, criminal conspiracry, pre-mediated schemes,etc.
These processes have been known since year 1600. The William Shakespeare announcement explained many things:
"The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".
Thus ...who is the director ?
If a criminal is just a player in some vast theater of life.....
what role/ reponsibility does the director have?
We can see that universities, citizen communities, and other institutions contribute to the director ROLE ........of a city, a family, and the events within it....both good and bad.
Let's look at the INTERNAL BIOLOGY government and its message OUTPUT system.....which may be words/books or some stupid, avoidable accident or some serious crime. These external EVENTS usually have an internal origin ......and some of them provide CLUES and VIEWS of the structural relationship between Nature and society, etc.
For example, the year 1726 book
"Gulliver's travels" are messages about the
....liver internal entity and its perceptions of the external world.
The author Jonathan Swift.....understood his LIVER's thoughts and routed the messages to his brain computer for conversion to English language symbols and message formatting.....and then such symbols were routed to his arm/hand (a bio-computer output device) ...and the LIVER report was written be used by future generations of scientists and business people.
The influence of LIVER thoughts is so great in the world.....that Jonathan SWIFT thru Darwinian evoution of symbolic life ....became SWIFT FOODS .....and then, Swift LIVER Sausage.
LIVER sausage was eaten by a generation of Americans and
.....the sage/wisdom of LIVER then led to the founding of Lawrence Livermore Labs in California.
Then came the evolution of LIVER messengers (with the SWIFT iron vehicle 70Mev) with the LIVER author from Livermore: Malcolm H. MacGregor and the book --> The Power of Alpha (atomic alphabets).
Then came the next generation of LIVER......the CIA LIVER agent known as O.LIVER NORTH and his role in Central Nervous System 370 data processing system affairs with El Salvador Dali the Spanish artist of Spanned data records.
Newspaper reporters .....printed this under the cover ... FRONT OPERATION ..of Central America and the El Salvador civil war. Thus a true TALE of 2 CITIES......with Nature's master Central Nervous System as the mastermind of the human daily affairs...which uses human actors in the methodology as outlined by William Shakespeare
........." The WORLD is a stage and we are the players".
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Dried and salted cod - Wikipedia,
"salt fish" redirects here. For the dish traditionally made with salt cod, see ackee and saltfish. Salted and dried cod, produced in Norway. Dried and salted cod, ...
salted dried codfish, usually comes from Norway ...
Thus we see the role of SALT COD fish in modern world affairs...especially atomic human anthropology laws of the Margaret Mead nuclear family. Thus the UTOEYA anthropology war over EUROPEAN errors in perception of the SALT treaty ....and consequentently policy errors.
A well-known phrase "You are what you eat".
Thus if one only ate the vegetable spinach ...then such human could be perceived as an extension of spinach........and would probably enjoy reading the correlation to Spinoza philosophy...........which is electron spin philosophy thoughts from year 1670 from his atomic brain. Hence, SPINOZA's brain electrons expressed their philosophy. Today, physics professors write about electron SPIN .......just a different version of SPINOZA.
--> Buy Norwegian Cod Liver |
....Buy Norwegian code
...cod liver = code langauge interface vector
Thus we see the secret, ancient computer programming world of Norway and the BAL region countries of the BALTIC SEA. BAL = Basic Assembler Language..which has existed for hundreds of years and since 1955/1960 .....has been available in copper wire computers systems.
Thus the input of Norwegian cod fish into the human bio-computer input device/ data entry ... MOUTH. Thus we have Base 16 hexdecimal HEX'FO" = 240 as in word FOOD. Thus food has 2 components.....its physical aspect and its symbolic Base 16 hexadecimal values......which correlations to the mouth COBOL computer language word of 32 teeth. .
Thus eating Norwegian cod fish is REALLY stating ... more scientifically ..
Noregian code fish is input data entry into the input device = mouth.
Thus ...we see that IBM engineers of 1960/1970 young men in 194O/1945 were given cod liver oil by their mothers......under the pretext ..under the auspices that it was GOOD ......but we all know what it tastes like.
Thus our mothers .....were part of a subliminal mind secret project.......really a secret project to create a new technology ..
thus the cod liver oil.......
became COD LIVER ...
CODE de.LIVER the base 16 symbolic goods....
the goods and oils American business such as IBM Watson (parallel to DNA Watson) Thus the 1955/1960 double-helix / supersymmetry of atomic business affairs.
Thus we have IBM base 16 hexadecimal
LU = Logical Unit fish.....known on COMPUTER EARTH as...
Lutefisk is made from dried whitefish (normally cod in Norway, but ling is ..
Salt Codfish Balls - A Scandinavian Recipe
Torskebuller, salt codfish balls, are an excellent way to use one of Norway's most ... Salt codfish, a common Norwegian export, is a popular ingredient throughout ...
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Choose Quality Dried Salted Cod Fish Manufacturers, Suppliers ...
"Ragno” Stockfish and Norwegian Salt Cod. Just a reminder to those customers fond of these two codfish presentations that cold weather makes them even ...
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All About Baccala - Dry Salted Cod
This natural method has been used for centuries, and Norwegian stockfish is still considered .
Did You Know: Food History -
a variety of ships and bringing their salt cod either to Brittany, England, Norway, ...
Did You Know: Fo --> Hex'Fo' = 240
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and the BAL region ......Baltic region COMPUTER EARTH.
Thus we have BAL = Basic Assembler Language fish CODE
Thus we see a BIG Picture emerging.
We have SALT treaty (sodium chloride = NaCl) SIGNALS.
Some SIGNALS are direct and other SIGNALS are indirect.
In all cases the SIGNALS are ignored by a billion educated people and their universities and governments.
ig + nor + ed -->
.....norway education ...lesson 101 in assumptions
ignored bloods cells
Physical signs of Utoeya massacre gone, but island's name Aug 24, 2011 – Physical signs of Utoeya massacre gone, but island's name stained ... Four weeks ago,
the waters of this lake turned red with blood as dozens ...
Thus we have bio-physics SIGNAL PROCESSING ....
with 4 weeks --> 4 DNA nucleotides mess/message ..message
..norway ignores any attempt at deep, complex understanding of life.
Great Britain is the same .....their algebra subset policy Br..ain --> the current British experiment inside the
skull of former Prime Minister Margaret (MEAD) Thatcher's. Atomic brain computer HEAD HUNTER subroutines eat her bio-computer memory London, Paris, Copenhagen, and OSLO ..and their subliminal mind laugh over the SCIENCE WARS and atomic brain torture tricks.
The secrets as revealed by Carl Jung, Maslow, Eric Berne, and many other serious authors.
What are some of the messages? Let us see.
Utoeya island eyewitness: 'I saw two people shot dead' - YouTube
Jul 22, 2011 - 4 min - Uploaded by paveldunghd
... a youth camp run by the governing Labour Party at an island on the Tyrifjorden lake. Emma, 16, a youth leader at the ...
More videos for Utoeya island lake blood »
Gaming-Related Deaths
taxonomy/term/41/allCached - Similar
People offer flowers on a memorial stone in Tyrifjorden lake, near Utoeya island, … OSLO (Reuters) - Masskiller Anders Behring Breivik's favorite writer, ...
Message analysis - advanced SIGNAL PROCESSING....
I saw two --> Base 2 binary computer systems
16 leader --> hexadecimal base 16 hex/curse leadership
OSLO mass Anders -->
O... mass AN --> O = Oxygen mass atomic number 16 hex base
Tyrifjorden Lake and the island U = Utoya = key
Tycho Brahe...key island U = Universe
Tycho Brahe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coming from Scania, then part of Denmark, now part of modern-day Sweden, Tycho ... Tycho Brahe was granted an estate onthe island of Hven and the funding to ... Kepler later used Tycho's astronomical results to develop his own theories of ...
Tycho Brahe Planetarium
The Galileo Project | Science | Tycho Brahe › ScienceCached - Similar
Latinized as Tycho Brahe was born on 14 December 1546 in Skane, then ... Otto Brahe and Beatte Bille, both from families in the high nobility of Denmark. .... D. Humberd,
"Tycho Brahe's Island," Popular Astronomy, 45 (1937):118-125; ...
Tycho Brahe - Danish Father of Modern Astronomyspace.about.
2002 – Tycho Brahe, Danish Astromer 14/12 1546 - 24/10 1601 ... and has had a big significance on the development of astronomy, science in general, and our view of the ...
Tycho Brahe received the island Hven from king Fredrik II. ..
Tycho Brahe astroonomy shooting star message ...
....cho --> MR.CHO at Virginia TECH university....modern astronomy for English professors ....who are high in sky ...the sky attitute of social sciences and newspaper editors and their superior VIEW and UNDERSTANDING of all news events and business events.
Since universities have not helped study the SCIENCE WARS the tragedies continue.
None have cared to help with intellectual assitance or resources; the atomic anthropology tragedies in America were dismissed by OS = Office of Science funded institutions.
Now we have OS in OSLO ......and their European friends will not a more accurate explanation of the gestalt SIGNAL.
Jul 22, 2011 - 4 min - Uploaded by paveldunghd
... a youth camp run by the governing Labour Party at an island on the Tyrifjorden lake. Emma, 16, a youth leader at the ...
Thus we see the astronomy structure of space/time on EARTH LAB.
Galileo in year 1616 .....initiated the COMPUTER EARTH long-term project to format Earth existential space/time into base 16 SPACE and Base 16 TIME. Einstein correctly predicted the project was near completion...FIELD Theory.....better known as Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory. Many,many major universities have an inability to understand simple versions of DATA FIELD theory and its applications. Presently, universities deny the existence of FIELD THEORY and its evolution.
Regardless of their incomplete perceptions, Base 2 and Base 16 exists.....and sent a SIGNAL via the UTOEYA event. In addition we have DR.NO = Nitrogen 14 and Oxygen 16 .... atoms in the LUNG .....a message for atomic human agents of O = Oxygen life form in OSLO. Such humans ought condsider polite, civilized diplomatic communications regarding the Utoya SCIENCE WAR anthropology casualties ...and the Signal Processing feedback signals that seem to exist and have significance.
--> Super-symmetry geo-physics ...modern oceangraphy BLOOD
Red tide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A "red tide" off the coast of La Jolla, San Diego, California.
Red tide is a common name for a phenomenon also known as an algal bloom (large concentrations of ...
San Diego red tide eaten alive by single-celled predator | Deep Sea ...
Oct 23, 2011 – The red tide that has lit San Diego for several weeks is ending in a microscopic bloodbath. The above photo was taken by Linsey Sala, the ...
Super-symmetry bio-physics Earth events with the parallel.............
Physical signs of Utoeya massacre gone, but island's name Aug 24, 2011 – Physical signs of Utoeya massacre gone, but island's name stained ... Four weeks ago,
the waters of this lake turned red with blood as dozens ...
Another atomic/astrophysics continuum ...symmetry message about daily existence ....for theoretical physics and their hypnosis state of mind. SIGNALs from NATURE .....important data?
Florida red tides are a natural phenomenon caused by dense aggregations of single .... expected to easily pass through cell membranes including the blood brain barrier, ...... Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute WHOI 93-02, Woods Hole, MA. .... Hua, Y., Lu, W., Henry, M.S., Pierce, R.H., Cole, R.B., 1995. ... San Diego, CA. ...
Thus the Cole Hall oceanographic institute at Northern Illinois University....and their shooting test ....with the blood brain barrier .....HOLE (bullet hole) PIERCE ..Cole Hall arrogant brains.
Thus Darwinian evolution exists in new dimensions, new formats of expression ...with the RED TIDE at Utoya and Cole Hall. Of course, more analysis is needed by some heavyweight thinkers ...if they can be distracted by reasearch funds ....funds that point in the VIKING vector area of social engineering phenomena.
Base 16 gives us the HEX'FO' = 240 FOOD wars .
--> Robert Kennedy assassinated in a hotel kitchen
--> The INOCHINA war region of Vietnam rice paddies
...........CHIN/mouth overflow war .....rice/BOTANY WAR
--> 1990 President for the Soybean BUSH....
....Computer Earth George Bush explains bus hex
....George Bush, SR = System region
....Iraq/ Kuwait error conflict
............waiter.....implies restaurant
....with Desert Storm --> Dessert Storm
--> Cole Hall Oceanography ....salt water treaty war
Base 16 gives us the HEX'FO' = 240 = FOREST wars....with Norway
--> year 1914 World War I with President WOOD(row) Wilson
--> Supreme Court Justice Douglas (FIR tree agent)
--> President George Bush JR --> soybean bush JOB Region
Thus Norway ought be aware to these their attempt to use the food system and their COD Fish CODE fish input to the human bio-computer system. The WORLD is more complicated ...then the European biased explanation of history and world affairs.
Universities ought upgrade their brain cells wiht more accurate symbolic knowledge...instead of taking Virginia TECH creative writing classes in English to write incomplete explanations of the shooting.......omitting ther symbolism ......omitting the relationship to the Depart(ment) of En agents (FermiLAB / Livermore LABS) and the atomic English language ERROR WAR.
Did Norwegian-Americans speak up and help clarify the issues. NO as in NORWAY.
But they are not alone, everyone else is busy watching sports or talking on cellular phones ...they can't be bothered. And now UTOEYA, and Great Britain universities are silent.
The British Embassy can explain to Norway the Lewis Carroll message:
Alice in Wonderland -
Who Stole the Tarts? (by Lewis Carroll)
In the very middle of the court was a table with a large dish of tarts upon it: they .... Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the ...
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Chapter 11: Who Stole the Tarts? - Similar
A summary of Chapter 11: Who Stole the Tarts?
in Lewis Carroll's Alice's ... The White Rabbit, serving the court as a herald, reads the accusation that the ... The guinea pig is immediately “suppressed” by being tied up in a bag and sat on. ...
Lewis Carroll : Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Who Stole the Tarts? ... In the very middle of the court was a table, with a large dish of tarts upon it: they .... Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the ...
Thus the more complete UTOEYA story was suppressed by the newspapers desired by the CITIZENS of EUROPE.
Wiil the defense lawyer's for
An = Atomic Number of proton of agent
AN = Anders Behring Breivik... supoenoa atomic agent
AN = Andes Mountain region agent from
PERU --> PER + U --> atomic computer...
Program Event Recording Uranium 238
( Base 2 exponent 3 = 8 data bits)
Pier Oddone and his staff from FermiLAB can help explain how the Margaret Mead nuclear family ....atomic anthropology system works in theory ...we have applications EVENT data.
.....UR.....cultural language
E + UR + OPE
M + UR + DER ....M-theory of atomic tragedy
J + UR + y .....atomic elements trial of NO = Norway --> Nitrogen and Oxygen LUNG word stories
Thus ...between William Shakespeare and Lewis Carroll...we may learn the the details of 400 years of events ......and the TALE of 2 CITIES......newpaper reporters with university approval only write about 1 city and omit the other 50 percent of the facts.......more deeper, subtle, indirect facts about CAUSE --> EFFECT processes in society.
..."The WORLD is a stage at Utoyia.....and the children are playing dead".
Unfortunately....Europe likes to deceive the parents of the true NATURE of this event ...and its relationship to other intellectual tragedies. The CITIZENS of Norway....could start their own group and support research into the SCIENCE WARS. They can bypass the universities and the government ........and help the more serious researchers. Even professors are welcome to deviate from the university policy of nothingness.
Thus we have Sartre and others...and the "Being and Nothingness" philosophy department dilemma.
Be a human BEING and understand some of the above concepts OR be intellectually nothing.
A college library, its science sections and its college textbooks can be useful references.
With will, determination, effort and curosity and an 8 1/2 X 11 pad of paper to take notes,etc. can follow in the tradition of Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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