Earth Lab study of Pentagon brain neurotransmitter problem and the 64 codons of DNA nucleotide problem » |
Supersymmetry physics WAR over atomic mass communications ERRORS --> WIMPS = WISCONSIN Milwaukee Public Schools and the Norberg police battle.
Mass communications is composed of television, radio, movies, newspapers, magazines, books, graphic arts, etc. For atomic physics scientists and atomic chemistry researchers ...... mass communications is really atomic mass communications VIA television and publishing, etc.
The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family expresses its thoughts VIA mass communications (television, radio, print, and graphic arts).
The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.
Therefore some political protests, crimes, shootings, wars, etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/ the human atomic feelings expressor/ the human atomic messenger.
Atomic social anthropology families are listed in beginning college physics and chemistry textbooks. The families comprise vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of life and thought. Thus we have the atomic family ... social anthropology shootings at EARTH LAB geography sites. Let's look some of the periodic atomic table of elements of life and thought ...... and let's identify some atomic elements and their messages to atomic humans at EARTH LAB geography locations. There are 18 vertical columns in the periodic atomic table of intellectual life .... a few elements are listed.
What atomic human messengers might exist?
- Nitrogen 14 --> 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet
- Oxygen 16 --> Pope Benedict XVI = Base 16 hexadecimal
Catholic and Buddhist university chemistry and physics science departments deny that these gentlemen breathe oxygen and nitrogen into their LUNGS.
Various math, physics, chemistry societies have secret societies within them.
They withhold infomation from the public, distort information, do not print important news .... as per policy of their secret mass communications network ...... part of their heritage from ancient secret language and music societies. Mass communication is television, radio, newspapers, magazines, journals, books, etc. Now in REALITY .... mass communications is really atomic mass communications. Thus we need to study CLUES of the atomic mass message processing system.
The book: Supersymmetry DeMystified by Patrick Labelle provides such CLUES about the atomic social science communications problems of the atomic nucleus. Many books in science provide similiar CLUES to a large puzzle ....the puzzle about atomic society VIA human expressors.
The thoughts and ideas that originate in the atomic nucleus are routed to human messengers. The Madison Avenue marketing/advertising people and many others ...take great delight in their distortion and manipulation of the original atomic social science SIGNAL. Their distorted signals are broadcast VIA television and are input data commands to millions of human atomic brain symbolic computers. This can cause problems ..... MURDER and ACCIDENTS ...... as the bad input data commands ..... going inside the audience's brain computer is used to modify the person bio-computer behavorial instructions.
Thus with an atomic brain TV audience of 10 million viewers for one show ..... chances are 10 or 15 people will get mixed up --> they will misunderstand the brain electron shell instructions....thus they go and get a bullet shell composed of metal and metal electron shells) .....and shoot the metal ELECTRON bullet shell into another atomic human ..... to help clarify the brain electron shell symbolic content.
The electron shell process is well-known in the publishing industry and the Washington,DC electron social policy makers. A good source of data and modern atomic social pschology tricks ...the process
Bullet input of the Atom
Bullet in
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists informs the public about threats to the survival and development of ... Through an award-winning magazine --> this really states .... an awaed -winning magzine of gun bullets ........
For example of this process...
we have the university secret Milwaukee experiment.
2 police officers shot on south side - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Jun 10, 2009 – Two Milwaukee police officers were shot Tuesday afternoon on the near ... Flynn identified the officers as Bryan Norberg, 21, on the force six ...
Burton Sentenced to 80 Years in Police Shooting - TODAY'S TMJ4
Milwaukee Police Officers Bryan Norberg and Graham Kunisch both testified about being shot by 19-year-old Julius Burton before he received a sentence thirty ...
Let's look at a page from the Supersymmetry book. Within that page are various levels of language. Using the 26 protons of ferrous oxide and its atomic English language of 26 atomic alphabet letters and the iron Hemoglobin protein atomic language translator feature .....we can VIEW the page from another angle. It means what the author wanted to explain. In addition, the atomic concept language is a subset of thsoe words. The source document:
What signals are here?
--> form of the exclusion plot/scheme by universities to
exclude important information from police detectives
WIMP --> WI + MP = Wisconsin Magnetic Poles field --> battle
WIMP --> WI + MP = Wisconsin Milwaukee Public
WIMP --> WE + MP = Wisconsin Milwaukee Police
Forensic Science Careers, Jobs - Criminal justice
Forensic Scientist Job Description. Forensic scientists help solve crimes by collecting and analyzing physical evidence
and other facts found at the scene.
and other facts found
and other facts found
and other facts found
-->- Sun --> Solar System project plan (Plan et ...Earth)
near Sun Praririe Wisconsin with master agent location
University of Wiosconsin, Madison RD into the Mad Madison Magnetic field life of human iron hemoglobin protein structures they think?
--> Galactic Center
Milky Way Universe ...EARTH city...military headquarters
Mil ..Wa + U --> spells Milwau key --> Milwaukee
Modern astronomy war signals .....the war started
in year 1616 ...with the name:
Galileo the DEFENDER (of Earth from the invasion).
Modern astronomy is more concerned with Hollywood movies STARS that serious matters.
Hence, the shooting stars at NIU (Cole Hall), Virginia TECH, Fort Hood, etc.
Above, we are curious about the Margaret Mead atomic social science SUBSET signals....the major concept signals of the nuclear family conflict. Let's look at the supersymmetry mystery SIGNALS:
--> Earth frame .....the Computer EARTH system 370 magnetic data field with device UNIT = Tape (Nixon tapes)
--> indirect detection ( an additional method that extends the empirical data of the Milwuakee police detectives Norberg/Burton database). This has been written about on other blog-titles at this major site ..under CITIES on the above toolbar...and elsewhere.
--> WIMPS --> Wisconsin Magnetic Public Schools WAR
Golda Meir - Milwaukee Public Schools
Jan 9, 2012 – As one of Milwaukee's original magnet schools, our urban gifted and talented program has a thirty year tradition of high academic standards ...
Students - Staff - Parents - Application
Then let's consider Norberg Milwaukee Police secret identifier:
Nor + berg + M + pol + ice ....concepts giving
North berg Magnetic Pole ice .....or better stated
North Magetic Pole ice berg agent: Norberg
with an iron Hemoglobin protein MISSION at -->
Bradley High --> B H --> Milwaukee Magnetic school errors
A magnetic field is a mathematical description of the magnetic influence of electric currents and magnetic materials. The magnetic field at any given point is specified by both a direction and a magnitude (or strength); as such it is a vector field.[nb 1] The magnetic field is most commonly defined in terms of the Lorentz force it exerts on moving electric charges. There are two separate but closely related fields to which the name 'magnetic field' can refer:
a magnetic B field and a magnetic H field.
So what schemes are the cities of Milwaukee and Madison planning?
Their university friends know about such technology manipulation?
Are student brain cells good for magnetic mutation experiments?
Citizens don't care ...they blabber nonsense. They are busy watching television, talking on cellular phones ...thus they can't be bothered. The magnetic field ...iron Hemoglobin preotein war is not important. The SCIENCE WARS do not exist ...because the newspapers do not write about it.
Burton, Julius
--> Drawinian selection of magnetic field agent B J for the bio-physics equation below
Thus we see the PROOF ......
CurL B = uJ ....... in 1967/1968
...L B ...J --> magnetic President and NORTH Vietnam
...the TEXAS magnetic field war agent.....
LBJ = Lyndon B. Johnson
the symbolism of NORTH Vietnam --> North Vi --> North Pole Viking military codes
......Norway can explain those Viking military codes ..since they are so good at explaining the shooting at UTOEYA (also spelled Utoya).
The explanation of the tragedy ..... so many missing pieces .....that Europe obviously has no intellectual left. Any serious high school science graduate can see thru the Norwegian newspaper cover-up.
Thus we see the PROOF ..... continued with Burton, Julius ( B J) ..
CurL B = uJ .......
C....L B .....J
--> C L = magnetic school CriminaL Burton, Julius
B H ... Bradley High school
The university denial of the existence of the magnetic field interaction and gravity field interaction with the human brain atomic mass.
See the Atlas physics project ...citizen /government anthropology ERROR and the parallel, supersymmetry set-up murder of Jake Gerard in Milwaukee).
See the Magaret Mead atomic anthropology cover-up by the city of Milwaukee ..regarding the Mayor's visit to the Lewis Carroll State Fair in WEST Alice (Allis) with Police Chief Carl Jung and ant (anthropology agent) Anthony Peters. Of course, none of this exists ...because the elite Milwaukeee universities say so. Their expertise is eating pizza and English class 101 in creative newspaper writing AND they take great delight in fooling police departments .... but the 100 year project of Scotland YARD ...Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arhur Conan Doyle has finally trapped the professoional bull-story industry.
Serious people with a sincere curosity of how the city of Milwaukee (or Madison) really works ...are welcome to help join the research project. The education system .....successfully has hypnotized millions of people ...the best of us... a process that was known in the 1850's with the book "The Tale of Tweo Cities"
and then around 1865 ..
the Lewis Carroll description of the situation.
LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
(Alice in Dairyland - Wisconsin).
Mayor Barrett. apparently was one of the guinea-pigs in West ALICE (Allis). Perhaps, someday ...serious Milwaukee citizens or curious detctives .....may wish to build on this outline of a larger puzzle about society and its many hidden functions. It is a very interesting PUZZLE........our relationship with Nature's magnetic and gravity fields.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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