« Applied string theory --> Highway 26-dimensional Minkowski space-time of Wisconsin --> a Road Map to the Science Wars |
Oconomowoc and the BASE 16 Hexadecimal concrete STRING of Highway 16 becomes a string theory battle zone of 16 supersymmetries --> the Wisconsin SCIENCE WAR casualties
The book: String Theory and M-theory by Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, and John Schwartz helps us explain modern Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family...atomic social anthropology events.
String Theory and M-Theory: A Modern Introduction: Katrin Becker ...
Mathematical-physics theories and their data are available in many books and research papers. They are a milestone in understanding the structure of existence; but Nature continues to advance ....and its intellectual messages continue to provide us with clues ..clues needed to understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum and its evolution.
The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family......atomic social antropology conflict .... is best explained by example. Using the super-symmetry / parallel processing we can view events in the context of the string theory physics SCIENCE WARS on EARTH LAB.
Thus we look at the TYPE II superstring theory war and its casualties...involving the city of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin and COMPUTER EARTH system 370 Hexadecimal Highway 16 and the violation of Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory at its EARTH government LAB application test site of Pabst farms ...and the DATA FIELDs composed of farm land fields.
These serious attack by universities and their agents upon the the EARTH government resulted in the murder of Gloria Totzke of Oconomowoc. The Margaret Mead nuclear family...atomic social anthropology government .... programmed the CORTEX computer brain of Mark D. Totzke with computer instructions using the M.UR.der equation.
Thus we look at the atomic English language word...the secret Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness understanding of M-theory .......and the atomic human brain symbolic computer and its social behavior expressions VIA human vehicles....who may have to express an atomic message in a violent manner; hence the atomic Murder social engineering feedback message equation.
Murder --> M + ur + rd + er -->
Atom --> M
Uranium --> ur
atomic human research/development --> rd
er --> errors
giving......MURDER expanded atomic message:
atoM uranium 238 research/development errors ....
in the context of Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology ..social policies.
Thus we look for additional clues that help explain the context of the university SCIENCE WAR casualties in the super-symmetry geo-physics geography region of Base 16 hexadecimal concrete string HIGHWAY 16....between Milwaukee and Watertown, Wisconsin.
--> The book on STRING THEORY and M-theory ideas:
Page 207 --> Stable D-branes in Type II superstring theories
Page 207 Specializing to the case of ten dimesnions, the preceding considerations tell us that an n-form gauge field can couple electrically to a p-brane .....
Page 207 Since the R-R sector of the type IIA theory contains gauge fields with n=1 and n=3.
Page 208 The stable D-branes .....preserve half of the supersymmetry (16 supersymmetries)
--> The empirical data of the SCIENCE WAR tragedies:
Search Results Man charged with killing mother with axe, planned rampage ...12 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Dec 12, 2006
Mark D. Totzke was held on $1 million bail after being charged .... murder weapon was recovered, said Oconomowoc Police Chief David Beguhn. ...
crimeshots.com › ... › BREAKING CRIME NEWS! - CachedGet more discussion results
MURDER SUSPECT TERMED FIT FOR TRIAL Aug 4, 2007 ... An Oconomowoc man accused of bludgeoning his mother to death with an ax as she slept is mentally fit to stand trial, a psychologist said. The finding by psychologist Kenneth Smail concerning Mark D. Totzke was filed Thursday. ... Mark Totzke has entered a criminal insanity plea. ...
--> Wisconsin Hexadecimal Highway 16 - Wikipedia - Jump to Oconomowoc bypass: The alignment of the eastern section of Highway 16 changed in late 2006 when the rest of the Oconomowoc bypass was opened to ...(the change resulted in violation of Computer Earth data field alignments and boundaries)
the supersymmetry (16 supersymmetries)
-->Wisconsin lands $800 million for high-speed rail-road - JSOnline Jan 28, 2010 ... Wisconsin will receive more than $800 million to build a high-speed rail line carrying passengers between Milwaukee and Madison at 110 mph ..... part of the ROUTE shown below
A Physicist Explains Why Parallel Universes May Exist - NPR
The empirical data and its correlation message for STRING THEORY theorists.
the supersymmetry (16 supersymmetries)
- 16 supersysmmetry --> Base 16 hexadecimal COMPUTER EARTH land.
- LAND --> Landau geo-physics soli/farm land
- LAND --> Lan Data = Local area Network Data....such as the Pabst Farms real estate violations of the Margaret Mead nuclear arms, elbows,mouth control treaty..SALT TREATY with the family dinner table SALT shakers ....of the periodic atomic table element sodium, salt with 11 protons and their treaty with the human SKU11 --> 11 = eleven and the LINK to bio-physics brain salt decisions. The SUMMIT treaty signed by President is binding on the SUMMIT, Wisconsin region and has been ignored by those nuclear anthropology families.
Grand Unified Thoery includes humans .....who are in some theories... composed of atoms.
Grand Unifies thoery includes the atomic English language and symbolic life of humans ....their good ideas and also their invention of fantastic social enginneering BIASED stories. But George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, and many other authors already covered that.
the R-R sector --> the Rail-Road sector between Milwaukee and Madison
(The high-speed train project symbolic of brain coulomb thoughts) ...that would parallel the Highway 16 and the Highway 19 ...between Milwaukee and Madison. Thus we have the EARTH LAB physics of coulombs at the city of atomic INFORMATION higway convergence.....Watertown,Wisconsin...the EARTH government coulomb physics .....social science coulomb research center.
The rail-road route was approximately parallel to Hexadecimal Highway 16 to Watertown and highway 19 from Watertown to Madison.
Hence, Nature's coulombs highway display ...with
numbers 16 and 19 --> 1.6 and exponent -19.
Thus we see examples of the Earthly parallel universes concept.
the supersymmetry (16 supersymmetries)
Thus the string theory 16 supersymmetries LINKS to the coulomb numbers:
1.6 x 10 exponent ( -19 ).....and the WATER molecule life and thoughts ....an expanderd VIEW provided by Nature's intellect...and its EARTH LAB city of Watertown....the enlarged ..scaled up image of Water molecule societal activity and thoughts.
Electric charge and Coulomb's law - Physics Department Jul 6, 1999 ... q is the symbol used to represent charge, while n is a positive or negative integer, and e is the electronic charge,
1.60 x 10-19 Coulombs. ...
physics.bu.edu/ Coulomb Force -- from Eric Weisstein's World of Physics The Coulomb force between two or more charged bodies is the force between them due to Coulomb's law. If the particles are both positively or negatively ...
scienceworld.wolfram.com/ Coulomb Force - Coulomb's Law - The Physics Classroom In physics courses, Coulomb's law is often used as a type of algebraic recipe to solve physics word problems.
Three such examples are shown here. ...
Thus type II superstring theory and their 16 supersymmeries .....is directly involved with the data provided by this EARTH LAB geography region and its ROAD MAP to the abstract world of mathematical-physics and its applications role in our daily human activities.
Thus string theory may involve the murder of Haroon Kahn from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee..providing the university with the empirical data they need about advanced physics EVOLUTION at MIT ...hence, the Haroon Kahn automolile message with Travis Zoellick...... Zoellick --> Zoe = atomic number order entry ......atomic computer SIGNAL of oxygen LUNG base 16 hex/curse.
The Water Molecule atomic weight 18 exists in our body ...and has social science messages waiting analysis. Water is written as chemistry symbol H 2 O ......and since Roman numeral II = 2 we have the enhancement:
Type 2 superstring theory
Type II superstring theory
Base 2 superstring theory of COMPUTER EARTH system 370 multi-dimensional parallel processing....including the 16 supersymmetry oxygen atomic computer ...Base 16 atomic weight 16 with LUNG processing ...and LUNG output with atomic English languages words as output data from the bio-physics output port of verbal words...and their symbolic meanings, etc. Nonsense talk does not help the BIG EAR ..of EARTH.
Thus we have O = Oconomowoc with O = Oxygen atomic base 16 computers in humans FORMAT ..living near Hex Highway 16 .....that talk a lot of nonsense data ..because they think NATURE's intellect is stupid......compared to the SKULL/mouth people.
Hence the murder of Gloria Totzke...symbolic of many things that the University of Wisconsin likes to ignore. The universities like to deny REALITY...and just present their CARL JUNG collective unconscious VIEWs....which are a partial VIEW of a larger EARTH LAB picture. Welcome to BRAVE NEW WORLD? Do any brave thinkers ...brave new graduate students exist? Learn the secrets of the neuroscience SCIENCE WARS? Universities don't cover the SCIENCE WARS. Why?
Of course, Nathaniel Hawthorne year 1843 Celestail Railroad ...
and Lewis Carrtoll around 1865 Alice in wonderland
Mark Twain.....and others explained those secrets ....we just have to take their knowledge foundation and upgrade it with year 2011 available scicnce/math knowledege....and then help NATURE with the SOCIAL CONTRACT problem with man ...as discussed by John Locke, David Hume, and others.
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