Star Trek- -- > Deep Space Nine --> The Search. . . .The atomic/astrophysics commucations continuum reveals CLUES to university and high school shootings . . Secrets of university subliminal MIND data streams are embedded within a paperback book.
How to read a book in year 2011!
Examples of the multi-dimensional English language of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer AND the modern atomic brain version 1 year 2012.
Have you upgraded you brain to the latest model number? Do you have the year 2000 brain computer with the Y2K feature ...that is the biological clock year 2000 upgrade? Sorry to hear that you forgot about that ......that is year 1999 forgot that you have a biological computer that has Y-algebra chromosome requirements and 2K data stream of conscious requirements. To bad don't care. You ought use you brain sometimes for serious math and biochemistry studies; that could give your brain self-awareness on its own existence.
To help fill the VOID in your symbolic processor ...we can look at some pages from a paperback science fiction book. What additional dimensional signals about the SCIENCE WARS may those pages contain?
Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia
This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of ... Physicist
M-theory - Wikipedia
In theoretical physics, M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified. Because the dimensionality exceeds that of superstring ...
String theory
String theory is an active research framework in particle physics that attempts to ..... One such theory is the 11-dimensional M-theory, which requires spacetime to ...
Thus we will use applied
M-theory --> Manuscript-theory AND
M-theory --> Mind-theory of FermiLAB atoms inside a skull.
Fermi _ _ LAB brain project is to fill in the blanks ..
...mi _ _ LAB atomic communications node (abbreviated nd)
...mi nd giving the Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic mind
They don't communicate with people that are NOT members of their exclusive club.
Hence, the bi-directional communications feature does not exist....consequently the world OS = Office of Science battle of CH organic molecule objects (known as CH = Carbon Hydrogen = CHildren) at Utoya, OSLO, NO.rway. Also, we have the NO --> NORWAY --> NOBEL atomic anthropology science project policy violations.
Applied string theory 11 dimensions --> SKU11
What is SKUll?
It ia a warehouse of ideas, concepts. math equations, chemistry formula and English nouns/verbs,etc. Thus from Nature's vast intellect and the Universal Mind view ....the subset human MIND .....the SKU11 .... is just another inventory item in/on the EARTH warehouse.
SKU 11 --> Stock Keeping Unit 11 (11= eleven)
Various books and articles exist on the world of secrets. Theory and data are available in those books and research papers. They are milestones in understanding the structure of existence; but Nature continues to advance ....and its intellectual messages continue to provide us with clues ..clues needed to understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum and its evolution.
Grand Unified Theory (GUT) includes the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... that is atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, atomic social psychology, etc. Hence, the periodic atomic table government and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family VIEW of life.
The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.
Do we have the secret thoughts of atoms?
Are they secret thougths or are they thoughts expressed in some indirect,hidden technique.
Let's look at how some atomic thoughts are expressed.
Here is paperback book published in 1994......written by Diane Carey. Thus a example of how the Pentagon and the CIA and others ....... have messages inside books ......... so obvious ....that it's the LAST Place in the WORLD ...that a spy would look at.
Diane Carey ..... a humanoid constructed of atoms ..... uses her atomic bio-physics brain to reach into the atomic continuum to get TOP SECRET information ...and then she reformats the information for the general public. We are all participants in the atomic/ astrophysics continuum and its symbolic life of words and equations.
We provide it with input data and we receive some of its output data. Thus we are biological computer I/O devices. Have been for thousands of years! Today, we have the tools and symbolic knowledge to explain ourselves as subsets embedded in Nature's EARTH LAB.
Let's look at the paperbook ...and the additional clues it provides.
In this BLOG we just want to look at schools and their secret identifiers and their secret messages. What are they doing? What's up?
What secret long-range neurotransmitter signals do they use?
What body language commands are they using?
What Carl Jung collective unconsiousness commands are they playing with?
They ain't talking ...directly.
However, implanted into their brain computers are various biological subroutines ...that scan their brain thoughts ....anlayze those symbolic thoughts...and then copy those thoughts into some format ...and then route those thoughts to the continuum...for others to use.
Thus today we understand the most important social science manipulation secret that universities use ..... to milk the system ..... at the expense of the system.
Above page
--> em Ha darT = employes of Harvard and Dartmouth university
--> command towers = Ivory towers of the educational system ...that forgot the HONOR CODE of the Central Nervous System 370 processor.... a requirement of Nature and symbolic life in modern times.
--> twenty-three alpha = Death of the 23 chromsome pairs of Sam Hengel of Marinette High School.
He held 23 student hostages for university genetic experiments in mental puppetry ..that is the Marionettes of
Marinette High School, Wisconsin.
Cities like Marinette and the Boy Scouts do not care about such serious matters.
The adult citizens are happy puppets living in BRAVE NEW WORLD.
--> sixteen baker --> April 16 shooting at Virginian TECH university. Baker implies Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson ...Baker Street SIGNAL for IBM TOM Watson LABS regarding Base 16 hexadecimal student CAD = Computer Aided Design of university student CADAVERS.
--> The Northern Illinois University shooting in Cole Hall.
Thus the Y 2K brain war with George Orwell 1984 OCEANIA (Oceanography class).
6 dead = 5 victims and Steven K.
..................tim even K.
..................time even number 2 K
giving the Y2K battle in DeKalb, Illi.nois(e)
Time Computer manual titled 1984. Equation-->
1984 + Base 16 oxygen atomic computer = year 2000
Thus university and all other universities have failed their awareness TEST ..awareness of existence and their surroundings. They are aware of pizza , sports, and how to use a cellular phone. Hence, the more TRUE NATURE of the shooting at Cole Hall and the cover-up by the community and their shallow understanding of how the Margaret Mead nuclear family..atomic social anthropolgy works. The incomplete explanation offered by MIDWEST universities and their refusal to help undertsand the situation is a serious problem.
Virginia TECH shooting
with the echo ..echo ..echo...cho
--> What is a concentration camp usa?
Complicated question for advanced educated people in year 2012.
Let's make it simple.
1. the act of thinking; the state of mind ...pondering.
2. exclusive attention to one object; close mental application.
3. something concentrated: a concentration of stars.
4. Military .
a. the assembling of military or naval forces in a particular area in preparation for further operations.
b. a specified intensity and duration of artillery fire placed on a small area.
5. the focusing of a student's academic program on advanced study in a specific subject or field.
Thus the Siberia concentration camps in year 1950..
Now, we have Harvard and Yale concentration camp(us).
AND universities teach that concentration/thinking camps are terrible.
Do you attend a university concentration camp(usa version).
Virginia Tech is such a place. Do they understand the various levels of English words?
They know bull-stories and bragging and distorting language .... their language expertise.
Are the IVY league schools confused in their sunconscious MIND?
At what level...what STATE of MIND the word used at.
Different levels may have different dictionaries ...and of course, marketing and advertising like to play games with those dictionaries. ...changing words around. Then we have shooting with English major MR.CHO. Lewis Carroll already explained all those manipulation tricks in year 1865; and then Virginia TECH blames MR.Cho ...while the EAST coast universities continue their language rackets .....and incomplete explanatioons of tragic EVENTS.
LEWIS Carroll from year 1865
..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
So, Mr.CHO was a fool ...... and Virginia TECH brags about their scheme to suppress the information of the event.
Herbert Spencer in 1872 explained more ...about the internal government of the human body AND the external government of Nature/world ...the the math mapping between these two areas.
S.I.Hayakawa explained more about
symbol brain maps in
"Language and Thought and in Action".
--> em = electromagnetic human life forms at Harvard and Dartmouth
-->The University of Cambridge ...hidding in cave AND ignoring the dozens of maessages sent to them ...because they are so high up on the evolutionary scale. The Queen ought close the schools until they clean up their arrogant subliminal MIND subroutines.
What is the Queen = Que + en --> a human representative for the periodic atomic table of life. She is in atomic bio-physics format. She and her universities have are involved in the Hierarchy Problem of physics and deliberate lies about the peridic atomic table of elements . .... and their atomic socila and atomic political life AND format of expression VIA humanoids. EXPRESSION..
Queen --> Que + en of Schrodinger equation
Hence the Queen of En can be held partially accountable for shooting at the Department of En at Virginia TECH. The Queen and her university scientists FORGET that the nicotine of tobacco cigarettes (inside the biochmistry body) has inteercepted her acetylcholine secret social science command languages. Nature doe not tolerate intellectual treason by British universities.
Acetylcholine - Wikipedia
Acetylcholine is one of many neurotransmitters in the autonomic nervous system ... Acetylcholine is also the principal neurotransmitter in all autonomic ganglia.
History - Chemistry - Function - Synthesis and degradation
Furthermore, Otto Loewi is accredited with discovering acetylcholine (ACh)—the first known neurotransmitter. Some neurons do, however, communicate via ...
Hence the Queen of En can be held partially accountable for shooting at the Department of En at Virginia TECH. The Queen and her university scientists FORGET that the nicotine of tobacco cigarettes (inside the biochmistry body) has inteercepted her acetylcholine secret social science command languages. Nature doe not tolerate intellectual treason by British universities.
Thus a subset word of acetylcholine --> cho + line --> Mr.CHO lines of En language
--> Penn State locker room decoy ....blame everything on Joe Paterno and Jerry Sandusky and the biology organ issue. What is the Penn State cover-up racket?
Jerry Sandusky Investigation | News, Updates, Photos & More
the sex-abuse scandal involving Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State assistant coach, accused of child molestation. Get breaking ...
The Penn State chemistry department ORGANIC Chemistry violations of the atomic/astrophysics communications continuum. The university likes to lie about social chemistry. They lie about the atomic, bio-physics nature of human constructs. Thus the EVENT involving Jerry Sandusky (while that is probably true) is just the surface veneer of a bigger problem on intellectual integrity at Penn State.
The deeper levels
a) Jerry Sandusky --> Sand implies EARTH implies astronomy/astrophysics
b) Jerry with organ --> Jerry March textbook Advanced Organic Chemistry ...intellectual battle with the American Chemsitry Society and their biased and distorted views about chemistry and social chemistry insults to Nature's intellect.
c) molestation --> Mole est --> Avogadro's number estimates with
N = 6.02 times 10 exponent 23 chromsomes
Thus we see how the intellectual war is played out in books and television.
The stories have a direct plot ..... this happens and that happens.
That is the foundation outline and that is good.
The author may (some do and some don't) .....may have within the obvious story for everyone to read and enjoy .....may have embedded .... some sub-stories or clues or ideas about EVENTS that we read about in the news .....but the clues involve deeper interpretations. Thus people that are older and wiser and read some basic chemistry books,etc for concepts ....will then be able to recognize the author's clues ........clues to many a puzzle. Sherlock Holmes did that ...and we must think like Sherlock Holmes would like us to think.
Given above perspective .....we can read a paperbook book, watch a movie, talk to our friends, read a newspaper ..... and realize that we probably only understand a few of the messages that are given us. That is good; but, as we get older, we need to be wiser.
This is accopmplished in life maintaining a continuous curosity about basic math, basic genetics, biochemistry, physics, chemistry, etc. I am talking basics.... like high school education and then going to a college bookstore (or elsewhere ) and buying basic college textbooks in those subjects. Then, in essence, you will have a serious library to keep your mind busy for the remainder of your life.
If you can't go to college, then that is the strategy to follow. Over the years .....your mind will enjoy the many puzzles presented to it ... that your science amd math knowledge can solve. Everyday life .... and the technical books that you have studied are now within your brain ....awaiting the challenge. Remember ..that many great intellectuals in the past..were self-educated individuals ..that at the age of 40 or 50 can into being ..with knowledge.
The world needs those ...who demonstrate self-determination and will to study ...because we live in a symbolic world. Now, we have the intellectual wars and hundreds of universities talk blabber ..the consequence of the collective MIND-set of the university campus group of 20,000 or 30,000 students and professors. Carl Jung and the the Joseph Stalin brain computer collectives at American universities in year 2012.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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