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Star Trek- -- > Deep Space Nine --> The Search. . . .The atomic/astrophysics commucations continuum reveals CLUES to university and high school shootings . . Secrets of university subliminal MIND data streams are embedded within a paperback book.
How to read a book in year 2011! Examples of the multi-dimensional English language of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer AND the modern atomic brain version 1 year 2012.
Have you upgraded you brain to… more »
The atomic brain computer report of the Central Nervous System 370 military symbolic processor - - - > Chemistry textbooks help explain military molecule battlefields on Earth Lab - - -> Symbolic life and brain Central Command with Army Bases
The atrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting test location. A distant astrophysics observer ....... would see the earth as an atomic structure. Thus viewed, we could consider the astrophysics view of EARTH LAB eve… more »