The eye / optical nerve messenger RNA angstrom war casualties. International System of Units (SI) problem with university SILLY nonsense policies. The Kierkegaard reality of Angst .
Social Science War research into the events that led to student and children casualties gives us more clues to the EM = Eelectromagnetic television, radio, and cellular phone wars.
EM = ElectromAgnetic EM = EM.basssy physics officials
deny the existence of Hertzian waves,
deny the existence of photons that interact with the eye/retina/optical nerve, etc.
The EM =EMbassy official science policies have the approval of university EM = Emeritus Professors.
Thus EM = EMeritus professors state .....thru the absence of other statements:
a) Gravity does not interact with the brain atomic mass
b) The North Pole magnetic field lines do not interact with the iron of Hemoglobin proteins in the human body
c) That Radio HEAD music group does not have empirical data that explains bio-physics and the university song-and-dance routines
d) That humans are NOT composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons.
e) Do the Science Wars exit? No.
f) Do Margaret Mead nuclear families of the periodic atomic table exist? No.
g) The list goes on ..... of obvious things that do not exist.
Thus a warning to graduate students.
Your professors live in 1/2 of the UNIVERSE.
This was outlined by physicist C.P.SNOW in the lectrure " Two Cultures".
Now, the modern graduate student can access both cultures ...VIA this major blog site with over 200 blog articles.
Professors are nice guys, work hard, have an active consciousness .... and thus are easily vunerable to the subconscious mind manipulation tricks that the mass communications industry enjoys using (TV, radio, print). Welcome to Brave New World, 1984, and Future Shock.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of sad news.
The good news for the younger generation, is that your brain has not been completely hypnotized yet the subtle methods used. Thus, if you are up to the intellectual challenge, become a warrior in the modern INTELLECTUAL WARS. The 1st step is to understand the concepts .....of Nature's military tactics in the Science WARS. Nature is your friend: actually your best friend.
Find out ....what Nature's signals are.
Thus we have the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer war with human groups ...that fail to properly communicate in the civilized year of 2012.
The angstrom or ångström /ˈæŋstrəm/ is a unit of length equal to 1/10,000,000,000 (one ten billionth) of a meter (1×10−10 m or 100 pm). Its symbol is the Swedish letter Å.
The angstrom is often used in the natural sciences and technology to express the sizes of atoms, molecules, and microscopic biological structures, the lengths of chemical bonds, the arrangement of atoms in crystals, the wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation, and the dimensions of integrated circuit parts.
The unit was named after the Swedish physicist Anders Jonas Ångström ( 1814–1874). The symbol is always written with a ring diacritic, as in the Swedish letter. Although the unit's name is often written in English without the diacritics, the official definitions contain diacritics.
Angst - definition of angst by the Free Online Dictionary,
A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression. [German, from Middle High German angest, from Old High German angust; see angh- in ...
Angsty - Angst- definition of angsty by the Free Online
Informal displaying or feeling angst,
esp in a self-conscious manner two angsty teenagers.
Definition of ANGST.
a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurity
. See angst defined for English-language learners » · See angst defined ...
Angst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn other languages having the meaning of the Latin word pavor, the derived words differ in meaning, e.g. as in the French anxiété and peur. The word Angst has ...
Angst | Define Angst at Dictionary.
Origin: 1840–50; < German Angst fear, anxiety, Old High German angust ( cognate with Middle Low German angest, Middle Dutch anxt), equivalent to ang- (akin ... angst: Definition, Synonyms from Answers. In other languages having the meaning of the Latin word pavor, the derived words differ in meaning, e.g. as in the French anxiété and peur. The word Angst has ... Urban Dictionary: angst Angst, often confused with anxiety, is a transcendent emotion in that it combines the unbearable anguish of life with the hopes of overcoming this ...
Thus we have the European language WARS and the casualties at UTOEYA, Oslo, Norway AND
the newspaper language LIE shooting battle at LIE symbolic headquarters at LIEGE, Belgium.
The British and other countries ought upgrade their intellectual integrity and honor.
It may require some brain activity, symbolic thought, and some simple math logic with truth tables.
Angst - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Existentialist philosophers use the term "angst" with a different connotation. The use of the term was first attributed to Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard ...
Existentialism - Wikipedia,
The early 19th century philosopher Soren Kierkegaard is widely regarded as the ... 3.1
Focus on concrete existence; 3.2 Existence precedes essence; 3.3 Angst ...
Angst, angstroms, and the optical nerve war --> television/movies/ lightbulb scams
The citizen approved government light bulb attack on DNA symbolic structures ..
using the double-helix lightbulb geometry configuration of the photon torpedos. Welcome to the real the STAR WARS for control of EARTH optical data streams of consciousness.
Thomas Edison military incadescent light bulb photons provide LEADERSHIP in the electromagnetic war for control of the symbolic CITY of c = 186,000 veloCITY of nouns/verbs/math equations with the VOLTS of Voltaire and the AGE of Enlightment. Thus, below we see the optical city inside the brain with proper nouns and their ideas and their representations.
Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia, the free
The Age of Enlightenment (or simply the Enlightenment or Age of Reason) was ... of leading philosophes (intellectuals) such as Voltaire (1694–1778), Rousseau ...
Dr. D. J. Mattey writes: Kierkegaard's approach can be described as.
ANXIETY---Existential Anxiety: Angst---an index page by James
A portal for exploring anxiety (or angst) from an existential point of view. ... The quotation from Søren Kierkegaard and the paragraph following are taken from the ...
Does awareness exist in Norway?
Does Europe exist with an existential point of view?
What does Europe VIEW?
Hollywood movies, Jerry Lewis comdey?
Thus the International System of Units, use to measure external entities also used by Nature's internal biology government ..... for example, the eye/optical nerve and the human optical symbolic computer. Thus the word
International .....has an internal usage ....
Inte + rna + Nation + alpahbets/algebras giving
Integer math life + messenger RNA ...... providing some CLUE to
biochemistry symbolism.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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