The battle of CURL operators ---> An outline of the electromagnetic life component of Milwaukee EM Policeman Byran Norberg and his undercover role in the MSOE
The electromagnetic war for control of southeastern Wisconsin has resulted in SCIENCE WARS casualties.
The FCC electromagnetic field wars and North Pole pole magnetic field wars are well known components of the SCIENCE WARS.
Of particular interest, is the Milwaukee Police attempt to help understand these complex issues and their role in Milwaukee social engineering management projects. The Milwaukee Police are on the front lines of those nasty street events that happen. These events provide empirical data that is printed in newspapers. Such data provides researchers with clues .....tragic clues that help explain the societal architecture of Milwaukee ...which includes their English language incomplete, biased and distorted explanations of "How Milwaukee works?"
Those explanations are incomplete, thay OMIT many important details.
Thus the Byran Norberg EVENT has been under study ...and various blog-titles have been published explaining the Norberg - Burton puzzle.
The reference book that helps explains
Darwinian electromagnetic selection of Byran Norberg and Julius Burton....
Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics
by Fawwaz T. Ulaby
The 2004 Media Edition
Other books provide similiar information.
Such books may be bought at a college bookstores or ordered from your local book store.
Such books are useful for bio-physics crimes.
In Milwaukee and Madison ..the colleges and universities can explain everything .....they have the resources. In Milwaukee we have the University of Wisconsin, MSOE = Milwaukee School of Engineering, Marquette university, and other schools. In addition we have several corporations that have experts in electromagnetc forces and magnetic field forces --> major components of
Milwaukee social forces.
Thus let's look at modern life in SECRET Milwaukee.
Let's list some major areas.
--> human life in magnetic field format
(a new sub-species of brain evolution ERRORS) .....thus Milwaukee education defects ..since the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer does not like the large volume of this brain magnetic (data field maggot) formats.
Milwaukee Public Schools - Wikipedia.
Milwaukee Public Schools previously operated as magnet schools, with individualized specialty areas for interests in academics, or the arts.
Schools - Milwaukee Board of School ... - References - External links
Their iron Hemoglobin proteins and brains LINK to COMPUTER EARTH magnetic field.
Find Good School: Magnet Schools in MILWAUKEE COUNTY,
Find Good School... Magnet life
--> TODAY'S TMJ4 - Milwaukee's Source for Local News and Weather
10:43 a.m.Milwaukee Police investigate south side homicide ·
9:09 a.m. Democrats say GOP recall challenges won't stand · 8:56 a.m.Report: Small plane ...
Call 4 Action · Positively Milwaukee · What's Hot ...
Nucleic acid sequence - Wikipedia,
The possible letters are A, C, G, and T, representing the four nucleotide bases of a DNA strand — adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine — covalently linked to a ...
What are the four types of nucleotides of DNA.
WTMJ 4 --> sends some incorrect data to the 4 DNA nucleotides in the television audience.
The molecular cell biology government is in a DNA electromagnetic WAR with Milwaukee universities and their biased advice they give to the mass communications industry ...television, radio, publishing, molecular cellular phones,etc. Mass communications is really atomic mass communications .....the Margaret Mead nuclear family output signals of the periodic atomic table of life. Milwaukee citizens and institutions misrepresent oxygen, nitrogen, ferrous oxide atoms and other elements of life.
Thus we see the vast Milwaukee electromagnetic war zone ..... and the SCIENCE WAR conflict as expressed VIA Norberg and Burton.
The DNA nucleo.tides have a tide/wave connection to the EM field.Televison broadcasts electromagentic data input to the eye/retina/pupil and the data is sent to the optical nerve and the brain optical computer. Thus the electromagnetic WAVES interface with the double-helix WAVE ...tide of nucleotide.
Thus let's review the outline of this humanoid.....Byran Norberg and his
secret mathematical-physics equations secret ....that is conscious mind does NOT know about it ; but, his deep down subconscious is a complex system with many features .... those features are descibed in modern detective reference books: biochemistry, genetics, math, etc.
Thus Milwaukee has an amazing opportunity to explore the new dimensions of criminal expression VIA the the performances of the modern human actor. As William Shakespeare stated in year 1600 ...."The WORLD is a stage and we are the actors".
Thus we have the Milwaukee theater performace ..the TRAGEDY of Byran Norberg - Graham Kunish - Julius Burton ......which can be explained by university English departments (and the other university departments) .. the theater directors for city life and happenings.
Below let T = Theater with T = Television playing a major role in society ..both good and nasty.
Below let dT --> director of Theater
(bio-electromagnetic SYMBOL MACHINE theater with Milwaukee em = employees).
below, page 123 of the book ...
equation SOE Milwaukee --> M SOE
the electromagnetic school, TEXTBOOK symbol engines with bio-physics test specimens
below, page 124
with Chief F, E and agent n -->
the Flynn,Edward norberg equation
with the face of Norberg's parallel parallelepiped.
Thus vector .
Thus his job ...his vector police job to drive around the neighborhood ...looking for vector violations.
Thus he and his partner they drive around ...are driving thru mathematical-physics space/time and also..passing thru electromagnetic fields...and of course, the N = Norberg North Pole magnetic field and the G = Graham gravity field. These fields are indirectly visible ...thru the knowledge of physics books
and personal experience ...such a falling in gravity field.
Below we see the police uniform becomes part of the uniform field .... as suggested by superysmmetry physics ...Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family LINKs.
Below, we see the electromagnetic field crime code.
Above, we see the equation
curl B -->
c..l..B --> criminal Burton
then we see the symbolic police agent identifier
n O B --> nOrBerg
Thus we have -->
the BATTLE of Curl operators
in Milwaukee with MSOE
Above, we see n =norberg and the biochemistry signal of the 4 DNA nucleo.TIDES and their EM wave LINK to the 4 fingers of the right hand of Norberg (and also the 4-H club of Wisconsin DNA experiment with
4-Hand fingers of student test member specimens).
the BATTLE of Curl operators
Below....the direction of curl B is n --> B. norberg.
Above we vector B (Byran) given in a CART/stretcher in Cartesian coordinates as he is taken to the hospital.
Below, the bio-vector (Byran) and CART activity in Cartesian coordinates space / time on the geography surface of EARTH in Milwaukee.
Thus we have outlined some CLUES to a big puzzle. Milwaukee television stations bad-mouth Badger Guns ..... that is just a divert attention away from their role in these nasty events.
Television and newspapers are very tricky, as explained by Lewis Carroll around year 1865.
While they accurately explain the details of the event (surface facts --> date, time, people involvedm etc) ....they mislead the police and the suggesting conclusions that are often nonsense.
In year 1865, this process was well-known. So, Badger Guns is a minor factor. The big players in the directing the city of Milwuakee are television and universities ...and when they screw up ...they look the other way AND play dumb and point fingers at Badger GUNS. The big players ...occasionally create ERRORS ..later those unfixed ERRORS result in some accident or crime.
Milwaukee is an intellectual joke when it comes to GESTALT explanations about the big picture of society. The big issue in Madison and state politics ....about smoking cigarettes is really about the ancient secret long-range neurotransmitter language used by many people.
Nicotine is used by the brain Central Nervous System to intercept the acetylcholine secret social science COMMAND language instructions and convert them into explainable English language science papers. Nature has smartly set a trap for the Carl Jung collective unconscious group of people that RUN the cities of Madison and Milwuakee.
Let's learn from Lewis Carroll ..... and bypass the univesity psychology game players. Some serious researchers and serious detectives could really MAP out ....this system that's over 140 years old.
Who Stole the Tarts? |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis ... Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll: Who Stole the Tarts? ... In the very middle of the court was a table, with a large dish of tarts upon it: they looked .... Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the ... 'I've so often read in the newspapers, at the end of trials, " There was some ...
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass -
Lewis Carroll --->
Wisconsin and the police car...
Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. ... "I've so often read in the newspapers, at the end of trials, 'There was some attempt at applause, which was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court,'
and I never understood what it meant till now.
and I never understood what it meant till now.
and I never understood what it meant till now.
and I never understood what it meant till now.
and I never understood what it meant till now.
and I never understood what it meant till now.
Thus we have a few clues ..... a basic outline ...that ought be enhanced and improved upon. That takes thinking time and resources ...... someday the RD work will continue..
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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