Modern EM warfare using television and radio waves to attack human brain electron thought circuits

Category: Uncategorized

The battle of CURL operators ---> An outline of the electromagnetic life component of Milwaukee EM Policeman Byran Norberg and his undercover role in the MSOE

Permalink 12/18/13 15:23, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized
The EM = Electromagnetic Field television and radio attacks on civilization FCC and European agencies approve of the angstrom attacks upon the human brain electromagnetic processor.   Rd-blog-1516 The electromagnetic war for control of southeast… more »

Texas defeated in electromagnetic brain war - - - - --> Texas universities fail to explain Fort Hood tragedy and the Waco tragedy --> Texas universities specialize in the invention of social science intellectual songs-and-dances.

Permalink 12/18/13 15:18, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized
The EM = Electromagnetic Field television and radio attacks on civilization FCC and European agencies approve of the angstrom attacks upon the human brain electromagnetic processor.       RD-blog-1515 Texas has a history of story telling. Even… more »

The eye / optical nerve messenger RNA angstrom war casualties. International System of Units (SI) problem with university SILLY nonsense policies. The Kierkegaard reality of Angst .

Permalink 12/17/13 18:45, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-1504 Social Science War research into the events that led to student and children casualties gives us more clues to the EM = Eelectromagnetic television, radio, and cellular phone wars. EM = ElectromAgnetic EM = EM.basssy physics officials den… more »

The M-theory physics battle for EM control of Milwaukee. The Norberg - Burton battle near Bradley High school exposes the secret magnetic field and electromagnetic field LIFE formats . . . . . . ..iron Hemoglobin political science WAR.

Permalink 12/17/13 18:39, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized
RD-blog-1512 EARTH LAB is an interesting test site. Humans are subsets on EARTH; from Nature's point of VIEW ...... we are social engineering test specimens. This was clearly explained in year 1865 by Lewis Carroll regarding experiments in aw… more »

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