Category: Uncategorized
The battle of CURL operators ---> An outline of the electromagnetic life component of Milwaukee EM Policeman Byran Norberg and his undercover role in the MSOE
The EM = Electromagnetic Field television and radio attacks on civilization
FCC and European agencies approve of the angstrom attacks upon the human brain electromagnetic processor.
The electromagnetic war for control of southeast… more »
Texas defeated in electromagnetic brain war - - - - --> Texas universities fail to explain Fort Hood tragedy and the Waco tragedy --> Texas universities specialize in the invention of social science intellectual songs-and-dances.
The EM = Electromagnetic Field television and radio attacks on civilization
FCC and European agencies approve of the angstrom attacks upon the human brain electromagnetic processor.
Texas has a history of story telling. Even… more »
The eye / optical nerve messenger RNA angstrom war casualties. International System of Units (SI) problem with university SILLY nonsense policies. The Kierkegaard reality of Angst .
Social Science War research into the events that led to student and children casualties gives us more clues to the EM = Eelectromagnetic television, radio, and cellular phone wars.
EM = ElectromAgnetic EM = EM.basssy physics officials den… more »
The M-theory physics battle for EM control of Milwaukee. The Norberg - Burton battle near Bradley High school exposes the secret magnetic field and electromagnetic field LIFE formats . . . . . . ..iron Hemoglobin political science WAR.
EARTH LAB is an interesting test site. Humans are subsets on EARTH; from Nature's point of VIEW ...... we are social engineering test specimens. This was clearly explained in year 1865 by Lewis Carroll regarding experiments in aw… more »