The Texas Superstring theory battle at Fort Hood --> physics explains SCIENCE WAR casualties
The book: String Theory and M-theory by Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, and John Schwartz helps us explain modern Margaret Mead nuclear family...atomic social anthropology events.
The concepts of atomic social engineering of atomic humans.....are concepts familiar to those who have read the other BLOGS at this site. The books by Lewis Carroll, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley ...indirectly helped explain the long history of social engineering...and their ERRORS.
Mathematical-physics theories and their data are available in many books and research papers. They are a milestone in understanding the structure of existence; but Nature continues to advance ....and its intellectual messages continue to provide us with clues ..clues needed to understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum and its evolution.
The Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family......atomic social antropology conflict .... is best explained by example. Using super-symmetry / parallel processing we can view events of year 2009 events in the context of the string theory SCIENCE WARS.
Thus we look at the TYPE II superstring theory war and its Fort Hood.
--> THE STRING THEORY empirical data description
The Fort Hood shooting was a mass shooting (an atomic mass expression VIA a human expressor vehicle) that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, the most populous U.S. military installation in the world, located just outside Killeen, Texas. In the course of the shooting, a single gunman killed 13 people and wounded 29 others.
The sole suspect is Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major serving as a psychiatrist. He was shot and taken into custody by Department of the Army Civilian Police officers, and is now paralyzed from the chest down. Hasan has been charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted murder under the Uniform Code of Military Justice; he may face additional charges at court-martial.
Hasan is an American-born Muslim of Palestinian descent. Internal Army reports indicate officers within the Army had discussed what they characterized as Hasan's tendencies toward radical Islam since 2005. Additionally, investigations before and after the shooting discovered e-mail communications between Hasan and Yemen-based cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who quickly declared Hasan a hero
--> The key concepts of this EARTH LAB event that may be of interest to theoretical physicists are:
- Fort Hood
- Nidal Hasan
- Army Major
- 32 counts of attempted murder ......
by oxygen molecule 32 and
a total of 32 conserved supercharges and
the original 32 supersymmetries must also be broken.
Thus we look at book for clues ... a correlation of data to theory:
--> Page 203 6.2 D-branes in Type II superstring theory
--> Page 204
of a type II superstring theory, which has ten-dimensional Poincare invariance.
--> Page 204
Recall that both of the type II superstring theories, in the ten-dimensional Minkopwski vacuum , have N= 2 supersymmetry.
Since each supercharge corresponds to a Majorana-Weyl spinor, with 16 real components, there are a total of 32 conserved supercharges.
--> Page 204
However, the maximum number of unbroken supersymmetries that is possible for vacua containing D-branes is 16. There are several ways of seeing this, A simple one is to note that the massless open strings form a vector supermultiplet.....
--> Page 204
Thus, when D-branes are added to type II superstring vacua, not only is translational invariance in the transverse directions broken, but at least 16 of the original 32 supersymmetries must also be broken.
Then we relate the empirical data to the physics nouns and numbers:
-Fort Hood soldiers ran --> Fortran computer program design
..CAD = Computer Aided Design of Army soldier CAD = CADAVERS
- Nidal H. --> Minkowski vacuum, have N = 2 supersymmetry
-army Major --> Each supercharge corresponds to a Majorrana-Weyl spinor
- 32 counts of attempted murder --> the original 32
..supersymmetries must also be broken
NOTE: the mirror or symmetry of number 32 <--> 23
Thus the supersymmetry of the atomic life of oxygen molecule.
The LUNG oxygen thought
molecule 32 symmetry/mirror 23 chromosome pairs
and the Darwinian atomic selection process
of a Majorana-Weyl humanoid Major.
- a Majorana-Weyl spinor, with 16 real components
- Dallas nonsense brain estimates --> D-branes
Aparently TEXAS can't handle their end of the intellectual component of the SCIENCE WARS.
TEXAS EARTH LAB test site for Chapter 6:
T-duality and D-branes --> Texas-duality and Dallas-brains
Perhaps TEXAS universities ought be closed ...until TEXAS citizens learn how to think and communicate about the serious subject matters of the SCIENCE WARS.
In summary, we see Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE thoughts get transformed into physical reality events with human display expressors.
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