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Super-symmetry physics WAR at the dark matter battle in West Allis with atomic human WIMPS. Police Chief Jung explains the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciousness fight on Saturday night near the Wisconsin State Fair.
Supersymmetry physics battle of DARK MATTER to control societies.
The physics war of DARK MATTER using parallel processing and atomic, bio-physics humanoids as DISPLAY devices.
Mass communications is composed of television, rad… more »
The Texas Superstring theory battle at Fort Hood --> physics explains SCIENCE WAR casualties
The book: String Theory and M-theory by Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, and John Schwartz helps us explain modern Margaret Mead nuclear family...atomic social anthropology events.
... › ... › Physics › Waves & Wave Mec… more »
Supersymmetry physics evolution at Fort Hood --> the Big Bang singularity battle and Pentagon SCIENCE WAR casualties
The book Supersymmetry: Theory, Experiment, and Cosmology by Pierre Binetruy has as Appendix D: An introduction to Cosmology...with concepts familiar to the Texas University system, many corporations, and Pentagon, DARPA, and Washintgton,D.… more »
Supersymmetry orbital veneer Experiment in Chicago confirms the Standard Model Problem and Hierarchy Problem
Super-symmetry concepts help explain EARTH LAB human events
Super-symmetry, FermiLAB intellelectual relections on Walden Pond, parallel processing with Paradise Lost in Paris bookstores .... reveal
The book Supersymmetry: The… more »
The Virginia TECH April 16 supersymmetry mathematical-physics war --> Dimensional reduction of the university student body with shell-degrees
Quantum Anthropology - the K, L, M atomic social science WAR reports
The periodic atomic table - Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family daily social and educational life. Nature's advanced LESSON in respect for the Social Contract.
RD-blog-423… more »