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A summary LIST of some Science War battles and the usage of human agents

Permalink 12/17/13 22:15, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


Today, the world is really a symbolic world.....with physical entities as a secondary structure.
Lets look at Darwin evolution. For millions of years Nature was concerned with physical shape and sizes of various animals, birds, humans, etc ; but, in the last 100 years that aspect has been sort of discontinued.....and Nature has concentrated on human brain symbolic evolution.

Now we think of the symbolic a separate entity ..that we interact with. In this interaction process with math equations and atomic English language...we make additions, modifications,etc. Thus a bi-directional process with Nature's intellect.

In the continuum we exist as intermediates....the human intermediate.
The continuum is perceived in 2 parts: physical and symbolic.

Thus we have a brief continuum outline with:

atomic --> molecular cell biology --> chemistry humans <-- 
...............................astronomy <--astrophysics

with the above structures embedded in mathematical-physics space /time on EARTH LAB with the North Pole magnetic field LIFE interaction with human Hemoglobin iron proteins.




The modern atomic  English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet:


Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)




Thus as William Shakespeware stated around year 1600 ..

"The WORLD is a stage and we are the actors"




Examples of continuum CONFLICT messages with human thought ERRORS:

--> Nature's government of DNA nucleotides T,A,G, C
selected biochemistry textbook Major Hasan for the Fort Hood
T,A,G message for the   penTAGon codon.


DNA has 64 codons......thus the DNA military group ...pen.TAG.on is one of 64.
Why are incomplete explanations given by humans about Nature's projects and DNA intellect?

Hence, Nature's expresssion of anger about the DNA role, message, and purpose...and the incorrect social policy messages by universities.
Thus the Darwinian selection of biochemistry MAJOR Hasan for Nature's SCIENCE WAR with the nonsense brain manipulations approved by Washington, D.C. and its biased version of atomic continuum social engineering projects.

--> wave mechanics physics messages by atomic element Na -->
11 protons of the sodium component of  SALT  ..... sodium atomic weight 23 ---> Salt treaty messages for the Navy and the U.S.S Cole tragedy of October 12,2000.
The wave mechanics physics message repeated for the NAVY at Cole Hall, Ocean Classroom in DeKalb, Illinois.


Salt is sodium chloride ..symbol NaCl....with atomic element Mr.Na as the atomic political science representative for the periodic atomic table of life (both physical and symbolic).
We see Nature's intellect express its atomic political science powers with the SALT molecule agent Mr.NaCl. What is the atomic brain .... electron thought ... election process?

In year 1980 we have the brain
electron political decision DEMO with

elect Ron Reagan President of brain electron circuits.
Universities have yet to acknowledge the existence of such brain electron activity and expression....since their thoughts are preoccupied with Hollywood movies, songs and dances, and college football.
Take basketball to dribble ....subset word
......ask an intellectual question ....get a dribble answer.

In year 1992, Margaret Mead nuclear family politics is with agent Mr.NaCl.
Thus we have Salt molecule with inorganic chemistry
President NaCl = North america Clinton.
Universities and scientific societies refuse to help explain this process. They ain't talking with me.

--> Organic chemistry -->social chemistry battle at Virginia TECH with agent Mr.CHO for the organic chemistry government of Nature. The atomic English language agent chosen to represent the EARTH LAB chemistry government of Nature was Mr.CHO --> symbolic life of a textbook with CHO = CH symbol used in Organic chemistry --> CH = Carbon Hydrogen building block O= Organic chemistry.

The American Chemistry Society Organic Division and the Royal Society for Chemistry ....ought recognize existence of REALITY, the Science War casualties, and daily life. Other things exist besides their mouth organic chemistry device with atomic English nouns/verbs..that has SENT a message ...that is ignored. This is NO trival matter in world affairs.

--> THe base 16 hexadecimal intellectual ERRORS by various groups...

Hence, the CAUSE --> EFFECT on brain judgement errors by agent Matt Anderson representing the Base 16 Hex"FFA" Wisconsin farm organization and their data fields on COMPUTER EARTH system 370 geography.

Also, the CAUSE --> EFFECT on airplane pilots of the Base 16 HEX'FAA' organization and their policy for data space on EARTH. Thus the Runway 26 message of the 26 letters of the English language symbolic life and ...a LEXICON message for Lexington, Kentucy coma people... an message represented by the COMA AIRLINES accident.
Since, Nature can influence human brain decisions..the pilots brains were flipped into accident mode for Nature's DEMO mess/message to Washington,DC.
The Base 16 hexadecimal agency HEX"FAA" and CITIZENS ought learn the basics of EARTH government space/time laws and their interaction with humans who trepass ..the boundaries of mathematical-physics. The 400 year Galileo astronomy math-physics WAR is still in progress.

--> The O = Oxygen molecule social adjustment project by the periodic atomic table government using Darwinian atomic selection of oxygen atomic computer TIME agent: TIM.othy McVeigh(t) --> eigh(t) = 8 oxygen electron LUNG processor. Thus this EARTH LAB human specimen has his atomic brain computer programmed ....with Margaret Mead atomic anthropology behaviorial instructions.

Then the oxygen INTELLECT...having chosen a human specimen for the atomic anthropology war....had to design a OXYGEN mission. To optimize the SIGNAL .....for molecular cell biology professors that have a Signal Recognition Particle (SRP)......oxygen decided to use its atomic features as a DISPLAY of oxygen message processing systems.

Thus we have atomic number 16 OXYGEN with 8 electrons .....thus the design parameter numbers for LIFE and Death of 16 8 at the Federal Building at O= Oxygen breathing location in O = Oklahoma City.
Thus the 16 oxygen 8 EVENT SIGNAL of 168 dead.......
oxygen states that
those SAMPLE SPACE humans were brain dead, physically alive before the EVENT....
and after the tragedy ...they were brain dead, physically dead .


From Nature's view of EARTH LAB......UNCLE SAM implies SAMPLE Space with the year 1865 Lewis Carroll description of guinea-pigs. So this process has been known for over 120 years

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