The Green Bays Packers gravity war report from the Computer Earth packed decimal data field field. Wisconsin economics suffers major battlefield losses in the gravity-magnetic field WARS.
Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory has many applications to modern human activities that take place on the geography surface of EARTH LAB. Einstein's data fields are subsets of Computer Earth system 370 and LAND at specific test locations. Earth geography surface LAND = Local Area Network Data ..... that is ... a geography data processing region that tracks various activities.......including your human economics, human songs/dances and human intellectual nonsense activities.
What are some examples of EARTH computer science known to geology and geography professors.
--> city of BAL = Basic Assembler Language = geography city of Baltimore
--> city of BAL = Basic Assembler Language = brain geography symbolic maps within the famous bio-computer structure with experimental EARTH LAB biochemistry specimen label: David Baltimore
--> Hexadecimal Highway 16 between Milwaukee and Watertown, Wisconsin
--> Quantico Virginia and the FBI = Function BIT map of their Quantico TIME Machine.
Quantico = Quan + ti + co = Quantum time code ......
thus the H.G.Wells evolution of TIME from year 1895 to 1995 to year 2012 ...and the
Quantico ---> Quantum Time Computer ......of EARTH and its subset human institutions. Thus the TIME experiment error of base 16 hexadecimal VIRGIN TECH experiments in shooting TESTED on April 16 at Virginia TECH with Mr.Cho.
--> Green Bay Packers football in Wisconsin and their experiments in brain bio-computer design ..... using packed decimal formats for brain data fields ....... a parallel to the football field.........that is the EARTH football DATA FIELD. The Computer Earth humanoid agent was from MIS = Management Information Systems ( that is MISSISSIPPI) and played for Base 16 hexadecimal years (quarterback for Green Bay for 16 years was Brett Favre ........that is oxygen breathing atomic computer base 16 humanoid LUNG format with name Base 16 Hex'Fa" = 250 = Favre).
Green Bay citizens, Wisconsin citizens, universities and business corporations deny the existence of Field theory applications, oxygen atoms in the LUNG, computer science Base 16, e tc. They will not discuss their secret ERROR plans.
Green Bay is an important city in gravity experiments with humans.
Gr.......Ba = Gravity Base military code for the city humanoids.
Let's look at the Wisconsin BRAIN iron biochemistry Heme group Fe(ii) war zone.
a) Nathaniel Hawthorne aand the Celestial Railroad
and astrophysics humanoid agents: Hawking and Thorne
Hence, Janesville GM factory was closed until Janesville adults learn the basics of knowledge .....such as the 26 protons of iron and their 26 atomic English alphabet letters. But they do care...hence, GM automotive factory is an economic casualty of the Gravity/Magnetic government war with Earth Lab subset human institutions.
7 implies nitrogen atom implies nitrogenous bases and 4 = 4 DNA nucleotides of Detroit biochemistry brain war zone.
GB = Great Britain and Cambridge University, West Road ain't talking about the astrophysics battle at the West road mall in Omaha, Nebraska with the messenger Hawkins parallel to Hawking. Hypnotized North American universities and centers for astrophysics never heard of Hawking, super-symmetry physics or parallel processing. Nor do they care about what is happening in the garvity wars on EARTH.
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