Sports and Games ---> introduction
Their secrets of sports and games. Sports and games are external expressions of the internal government of the human body. A major example of this internal government and its English language symbolic life the year 1726 liver messages ..about the liver view of the external world VIA the liver and arm/hgand of author Jonathan Swift and his book "Gullible Livers Travel".
Today we have liver tribes of people ..... such as the Liver tribal group at Lawrence Liver Labs in Livermore California with SWIFT motor vehicles driven by
atomic bio-physics liver expression structures.
70MeV: The Power of Alpha
The CIA liver agents involved agent: LIVER North who studied EL Salvador Daii Spanish paintings in the Central Nervous System 370 ..... all of this acted out in the external world of EARTH LAB and its geography surface in the LAND of Centreal America and El Salvador. Thus we see the Herbert Spencer relationship/ math mappingds between vout internal biology government and its thougths AND external stuctures like cellulose trees, the Empire Statre building, and various adminsitrative governments and eductaional institutions for LIVER people, MOUTH People, etc.
Now, the sports people are just amodern version of the above. The 4 DNA nucleotide BASES of the internal brain system express themselves VIA the 4 bases of the external world game of baseball.
The four DNA bases are VIA biology baseball players:
Thus we have 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base and HOME PLATE (dinnner plate with food for thought).
The night games at Chicago Wrigley Field was really a argument over nitrogenous bases on the NORTH side of Chicago.
Belowm the skelton DNA structure of a baseball player.
Above, the bottom is the 2 legs of the player.
Above, the top is the chest and rib cage of the DNA baseball player.
Cubs get more Wrigley Field night games - Chicago Tribune
Cubs get more Wrigley Field night games
Cubs get more Wrigley Field night games
Cubs get more Wrigley Field nitrogenous bases and gametes
Cubs , Wrigley Field, genetics and chromosome WAR ZONE display
Thus Miliwaukee base ball (player Prince Fielder) and Madison, Wisconsin Princeton atheletic clubs CONTROL all the professors at Princeton University and the Institutue of Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.
These hypnotized professors forgot all about the warning of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.
Their wives, girlfriens, and spouse are happy .... they are happy .... Ringling Brothers Circus clown are happy ....... happiness is not considered a heavy duty, abstract underatanding of the BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology wars being fought at the sunliminal level inside tthe professors brain. University adminsitrators are happy. So was Happy Rockfeller happy? Did she try to read the Probability textbook by Feller? Probably not .... can't be bothered with symbolic thoughts.
Readers of this blog ..... save a university ..... there people are nice guys.... but they are in a Carl Jung collective unconsiousness trance. We all are ..... eventually a few of us awaken after 50 years of life on EARTH. I was there. Looking back, I can't believe that I did catch on sooner. But its a complex puzzle ..... and I have provided some CLUES to those repsectable, honorable gentlemen of math, physics, chemsitry,etc.
I could use their help in explaining these puzzles ..... I just have covered ..... maybe 15 percent of the situation ....and I started this self-awareness project over 10 years ago.
Thanks to CLUES of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Lewsi Carroll, Herbert Spence, Russell/Whithead, Maslow, Erics Berne, and many others ...whose books ..... within their books ...provided hints .... and ideas ... and suggestions ..... and examples ..... and more hints (from another angle) ....until ...over the years all added up in my slow ..Maslow brain ... EUREKA! Welcome to BRAVE NEW WORLD. We need a new generation of brave thinkers. It starts with you ..... it starts with each individaul.
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CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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