Category: Uncategorized
The DNA secrets of modern baseball. How universities and government use baseball to send brain DNA manipulation commands to the stadium crowd and the TV and radio audience.
The secrets of sports and games. Sports and games are external expressions of the internal government of the human body. A major example of this internal government and its English language symbolic life the year 1726 liver messages .… more »
The Green Bays Packers gravity war report from the Computer Earth packed decimal data field field. Wisconsin economics suffers major battlefield losses in the gravity-magnetic field WARS.
Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory has many applications to modern human activities that take place on the geography surface of EARTH LAB. Einstein's data fields are subsets of Computer Earth system 370 and LAND at specific t… more »
Sports and Games ---> introduction
Their secrets of sports and games. Sports and games are external expressions of the internal government of the human body. A major example of this internal government and its English language symbolic life the year 1726 liver messages ..about the l… more »