The underlying secrets behind sports and games. Modern science and mathematics explain society.

The DNA secrets of modern baseball. How universities and government use baseball to send brain DNA manipulation commands to the stadium crowd and the TV and radio audience.

Permalink 12/17/13 21:53, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


The secrets of sports and games. Sports and games are external expressions of the internal government of the human body. A major example of this internal government and its English language symbolic life the year 1726 liver messages ..about the liver view of the external world VIA the liver and arm/hand of author Jonathan Swift and his book "Gullible Livers Travel".

Today we have liver tribes of people ..... such as the Liver tribal group at Lawrence Liver Labs in Livermore California. The CIA liver agents involved agent: LIVER North who studied EL Salvador Daii Spanish paintings in the Central Nervous System 370 ..... all of this acted out in the external world of EARTH LAB and its geography surface in the LAND of Central America and El Salvador. Thus we see the Herbert Spencer relationship/ math mappings between internal biology government and its thougths AND external stuctures like cellulose trees, the Empire State building, and various administrative governments and educational institutions for LIVER people.

Now, the sports people are just a modern version of the above. The 4 DNA nucleotide BASES of the internal brain system express themselves VIA the 4 bases of the external world game of baseball.

The four DNA bases are VIA biology baseball players:

Adenine (A)

Thymine (T)

Cytosine (C)

Guanine (G)

Thus we have 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base and HOME PLATE(4th base - dinnner plate for brain cannibals ..... with food for thought..... how to eat brain computer memory ....known as the cannibal sport of Alzheimer's. Older people then go to an Alzheimer's home ..... and eat supper on a dinner plate ....... their new home plate ...thanks to the citizen approved government sports).




What CLUES do we have about DNA societal control commands sent by the baseball industry.

--> Adenine give nine innings of DNA signals VIA baseball.
Why are these DNA social science messages ignored?

--> The 3 DNA nucleotides T, A, G are used by the baseball .... to TAG a player out.

This affects the TAG nucleotides in the Pen.TAG.on brain symbolic computer ..the DNA subroutines. The baseball nucleo.TIDES commands are directed at the U.S. Navy and the Naval Research Laboratory and their subliminal MIND. Apparently, they don't care that the successful attempt to control their VIEWS and perceptions of the world. These are complicated PUZZLES with many variables ..... that require thoughtful, careful study.

This is unacceptable to Nature and Nature's version of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer.

DARPA and the Pentagon have no interest in manipulation schemes. Why? Are they so arrogant that they believe they are immune to BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology wars. Thus, they themselves are suspected ...they seem to approve of the baseball conspiracy to tamper with the DNA symbolic computer system.

Since the Washington, DC area does not respond to intellectual signals .... Nature's biochemistry government was forced to send tragic signals to the arrogant human species.

Do the SCIENCE WARS exist?
Does awareness exist?
What is the "Tale of Two Cities" in year 2012?
One city is Washington,DC ...... what is the 2nd city?






As a consequence, Nature's DNA nucleotides sent the following signals:

a) the U.S.S. Cole incident of October, 2000 for the U.S.Navy and their specialist in tides




b) the DNA nucleotides message was repeated atoceanography class ....the parallel to the
U.S.S Cole on salt water in an ocean
U.S.A Cole Hall on land in DeKalb, Illinois

Physics warned the world about such possiblities.....with the concepts of supersymmetry and parallel universes ..... applied to EARTH events.




c) biochemistry Major NH (Nidal Hasan) and his knowledge of DNA nitrogenous bases was sent to Fort Hood .... a base with soldiers composed of DNA nitrogenous bases. Now 13 soldiers have dead DNA. This occured at the Fort Hood Soldier READ Center ...known for its textbooks in biochemistry, genetics, physics, math, etc.

Thus we have a Major NH amino acid signal that was assigned to a human messenger Major NH. 
Thus the source of biochemistry Major NH behavior was Nature's DNA commands .....



Structural Biochemistry/Nucleic Acid/Nitrogenous
Oct 30, 2011 – Structural Biochemistry/Nucleic Acid/Nitrogenous Bases/Purines/Cytosine ...
The NH group is bonded to the sugar within the nucleotide, and the other ... and it is one of the 5 nucleotide bases foundin both DNA and RNA. ...

Thus Fort Hood is a base ...a base found that contained human DNA soldiers




CHEMystery: Organic Chemistry: Nucleic Acids library
phosphate group structure ... (Image of DNA double helix structure) ... Hydrogen bonds (···) between the N-H groups and the O=C units in the side chain bases ...

Above we have Fort Hood with the NH groups (group of soldiers in the Soldier Read Center)
and the O=C units (Oklahoma City federal building defective amino units and DNA sent Timothy McVeigh(t) to deliver aninFERence message using FER = Fertilizer logic).



Nucleic Acids library
phosphate group structure ...

Thus we see the biochemistry WAR ..... and the identity of the hate group structure ..those humans with DNA thought errors. Think clearly is a DNA symbolic goal ... instead of Hollywood nonsense encouraged by citizens, universities, corporations, and government policy.

Why the university cover-up of facts that are published in textbooks or on the INTERNET.
It was hoped that the universities in Texas and Oklahome would show some interest in these events....and perhaps provide some help in understanding these PUZZLES on Nature; but, that's asking to much from the great state of TEXAS ..... that has a great line of BULL.

Near Fort Hood is the city of Austin, Texas and its intellectual wonder in TEXAS story telling.
Can they be bothered to help clear up these problems?
No. Communications is not part of their curriculum.

The University of Texas still won't help explain the Kennedy assassination.
Why the secret? Everyone knows the Texas system and its DEATH SENTENCE.

Around 1960 thru 1963, the Texas state assembly government composed of human bio-computers ..... wrote abio-computer assembly program and went to the DP region = Data Processing region of DP = Dallas Publishing industry (newspapers) and published the brain bio-computer instructions ordering murder.

This was a Texas project to study CAD = Computer Aided Design of human CAD = CADAVER format. Thus to optimize their OS/JCL bio-computer parallel ...... the ideas were implanted into OS/JCL bio-computer agent OSWALD. Thus his frame-up ...... as part of the TEXAS university system 370 main-frame projects. The TEXAS goal in this main-frame project was to frame-up a major figure (President Kennedy) and of course the important OS/JCL figure OSWALD. Then Texas bio-computer programmers sent out a VTAM RU = Request Unit which was answered by the subliminal mind bio-computer of Jack Ruby ( Ruby = Request Unit byte).

A very, very slick trick in social engineering .....manipulation programming.
Perhaps, it was project of Nature .... a signal about atomic element K = Potassium VIA President K in year 19 .....1963 with the 19 electron orbitals of Potassium.
It took many years to figure out how their secret societies work.
But the universities screwed up.




The state of Georgia and their DEATH SENTENCE of Davis AND the parallel DEATH of Raymond Davis, JR revealed their screw up. Raymond Davis, JR ( a Nobel scientist with ideas) died a few years earlier when Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family HEAD HUNTERS harvested his brain memory ideas in the AL Z ((ALgebra Z complex variables) brain math process of Alzheimer's). Thus we see the symbolic war going on inside the brain at Brookhaven Labs ..... a haven for brain cannibal subroutines. That could probably be partially fixed. ....but no one cares... about the message of the Davis deaths.

The Georgia state assembly with Georgia TECH wrote some world bio-computer brain programs with their DEATH SENTENCE subroutines ..... that became activated in OS/JCL region of Ossetia, Georgia, Russia. Thus the DEATH SENTENCE to many Russian soldiers ... compliments to the supreme intellectual arrogance of Georgia TECH and Atlanta, Georgia. President Jimmy Carter ought explain how the Georgia comedy citizens think. They could care less about the DNA Constitution .....the 4 DNA nucleotide signal of the 4th of July of North America's biochemistry government.




Baseball controls Princeton University and their base balls.

Thus Milwaukee baseball (player Prince Fielder) and Madison, Wisconsin (Princeton athletic clubs) CONTROL all the administrators and professors at Princeton University and the Institutue of Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.
Do the SCIENCE WARS exist?
Does awareness exist at Princeton or Rutgers or Virginia TECH or Penn State?

These hypnotized professors forgot all about the warning of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.
Their wives, girlfriends, and spouse are happy .... they are happy .... Ringling Brothers Circus clowns are happy. Happiness does not give a heavy duty, abstract understanding of the BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology wars being fought at the subliminal level inside the professors brain. University administrators are happy. So was Happy Rockfeller happy? Did she try to read the Probability textbook by Feller? Probably not .... can't be bothered with symbolic thoughts.




Thus we see how DNA exists .... both as physical biology molecule and a symbolic molecule .... DNA social science thoughts, DNA philosophy of life, etc.

Thus what is a DNA
Home Run?
Homer + un --> giving a ancient message to modern theorists.

Homer's Iliad and Odyssey library.think
Educational materials about homeric poems and ancient myths.

Iliad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Along with the Odyssey, also attributed to Homer, the Iliad is among the oldest extant works of Western literature, and its written version is usually dated to ...

The Internet Classics Archive | The Iliad by Homer classics
The Iliad By Homer Written 800 B.C. Translated by Samuel Butler. The Iliad has been divided into the following sections

Thus Homer 800 BC --> Bio-Chemistry projects in the Carl Jung
collective Unconsciouness were begun. Thus the ancient signal for DNA baseball fans ...
Homer + Unconsciousness -->
Home run + consciousness.
Unfornately, the project is still incomplete .... its missing the consciousness level expected by Nature's project that was begun in year 800 B.C.





Thus we have atomic DNA physcis expressions VIA supersymmetry / parallel processing on EARTH within the atomic/astrophysics continuum.





CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


The Green Bays Packers gravity war report from the Computer Earth packed decimal data field field. Wisconsin economics suffers major battlefield losses in the gravity-magnetic field WARS.

Permalink 12/17/13 21:45, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized


Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD  theory has many applications to modern human activities that take place on the geography surface of EARTH LAB.  Einstein's data fields are subsets of Computer Earth system 370 and  LAND at  specific test locations.   Earth geography surface  LAND  = Local Area Network Data ..... that is  ... a geography data processing region that tracks various activities.......including  your human economics,  human songs/dances  and  human intellectual  nonsense activities.


What are some examples of EARTH computer science known to geology and geography professors.

--> city of BAL = Basic Assembler Language = geography city of Baltimore 
--> city of BAL = Basic Assembler Language = brain geography symbolic maps within the famous  bio-computer structure  with experimental  EARTH LAB  biochemistry  specimen label:   David Baltimore

--> Hexadecimal Highway 16  between Milwaukee and Watertown, Wisconsin

--> Quantico Virginia and the FBI = Function BIT map  of their  Quantico TIME Machine.
Quantico = Quan + ti + co = Quantum time code  ...... 
thus the H.G.Wells evolution of TIME from year 1895 to 1995 to year 2012 ...and the 
Quantico ---> Quantum Time Computer ......of EARTH and its subset human institutions.  Thus the TIME experiment error of base 16 hexadecimal VIRGIN TECH experiments in   shooting  TESTED on  April 16 at Virginia TECH with Mr.Cho.


--> Green Bay Packers football in Wisconsin  and their experiments in brain bio-computer design ..... using packed decimal formats for brain data fields ....... a parallel to the  football field.........that is the EARTH football   DATA  FIELD.   The Computer Earth humanoid agent was from MIS = Management Information Systems ( that is MISSISSIPPI)   and played for Base 16 hexadecimal years  (quarterback for Green Bay for 16 years was  Brett Favre ........that is oxygen breathing atomic computer base 16 humanoid LUNG format  with  name Base 16 Hex'Fa" = 250 = Favre).

Green Bay citizens,  Wisconsin citizens,  universities and business corporations  deny the existence of Field theory applications,  oxygen atoms in the LUNG,   computer science Base 16, e tc.  They will not discuss their secret ERROR plans.

Green  Bay is an important city in gravity experiments with humans.
Gr.......Ba  = Gravity Base military code for the city humanoids.



Thus we see the well known  symbols G ,    6.6,   11.
What are some examples of that equation and our life.
G  and number 11 --> gravity government component of your  SKU11 --> 11
World governments  deny the existence of gravity interaction with brain iron atoms.
Lawrence Liver Labs in California denies the existence of their own LIVER and its contents ..which includes blood flow that constains iron atoms with 26 electrons and 26  protons giving the  26 atomic English alphabet letters.  
Perhaps, someday the author of the   physics  book " The Power of Alpha"  may acknowledge the existence of such  matters....and his role in the Science Wars  with the Santa Cruz Islands  and cities of modern Darwinian evolution .
Thus G = Gravity  Base  -> Green Bay, Wisconsin and the bio-physics war news printed in the newspaper. 
Let's look at the Wisconsin  BRAIN  iron biochemistry Heme group Fe(ii) war zone.
Above, we see the signals...some of them are
Gravy = Grav + y = word   Gravity   OR restated
Gravity has an  algebra subset letters  .....Gravy
train refers to several concepts:
a) Nathaniel Hawthorne aand the Celestial Railroad 
and  astrophysics humanoid  agents:   Hawking and Thorne
b) train ...the high-speed soldi state railroad train between Milwaukee and Madison symbolic of  UW secret,  hidden communication data pipelines between the 2 Wisconsin cities  using ancient long-range neurotransmitters that violate Central Nervous System 370  laws ...
c) player 26  symbolizes iron atom  and iron Hemoglobin proteins. The   ferrous oxide atom has  26 protons and 26  neutrons  and interacts with the  North Pole magnetic field. The North Pole magnetic field  battle at Cole Hall involved some very subtle aspects of life ....and  university  administrators will not look at the ERRORs that caused the shootings.
d) GM automobile  assembly line  factory in  Janesville, Wisconsin was closed because city, state,  federal  and business representatives deny the EARTH LAB's  existence of the  G = Gravity field  and M= Magnetic field ...hence   the  EARTH  experimental   coporation  identifier  name for Gravity Magnetic = GM.     Gravity and Magnetic field experiment is optimized by the usage of heavy metal IRON with atom  mass 55.84 .......... or ferrous oxide atom with whole number atomic mass 56.
Janeville adult citizen ought learn to read and understand the elementary physics language book ...named DICK and Jane ........used by atomic   bio-physics human children as they attend elementary grammer school.  

Hence, Janesville GM factory was closed until Janesville adults learn  the basics of  knowledge .....such as the 26 protons of iron and their 26 atomic English alphabet letters.   But they do care...hence,  GM automotive factory is an economic casualty of the  Gravity/Magnetic government war with  Earth Lab  subset human institutions.
Above, we have the Packed decimal number FORMAT signal.
Also, we have the New England Journal od Medicine signal with  football player biology hip/lions (7 -4 ).
7 implies nitrogen atom  implies  nitrogenous bases  and 4 = 4 DNA nucleotides of Detroit biochemistry  brain war zone.
Another WORLD gravity base  is the GB country of gravity theory and studies.
GB =  Great Britain  and Cambridge University, West Road  ain't talking about the astrophysics battle at the West road mall in Omaha, Nebraska  with the messenger  Hawkins  parallel to Hawking.   Hypnotized North American universities and centers for astrophysics never heard of Hawking,   super-symmetry physics or parallel processing.   Nor do they care about what is happening in the garvity wars on EARTH.
Let's look at recent European gravity computer system 370   economic war reports.
News  clipping
Greek --> implies Gr = Gravity
11-day Greek --> 11 G .... which restated into scientific fomat is the gravity constant
Later in the brain cell WALL news report from the WALL Street Journal and  their Pink Floyd reporter agents....  they refer to the ECB Computer Earth terms is the Event Contol Block  which is LINKED to the Hawking/Gibbons  Event Horizon analysis of astrophysics galactic LOCAL  REGION (Earth Lab).
Thus we have CLUES to the gravity-magnetic field puzzles of Wisconsin LIFE  and elsewhere.

Sports and Games ---> introduction

Permalink 12/17/13 21:41, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized

Their secrets of sports and games. Sports and games are external expressions of the internal government of the human body. A major example of this internal government and its English language symbolic life the year 1726 liver messages ..about the liver view of the external world VIA the liver and arm/hgand of author Jonathan Swift and his book "Gullible Livers Travel".

Today we have liver tribes of people ..... such as the Liver tribal group at Lawrence Liver Labs in Livermore California with SWIFT motor vehicles driven by
atomic bio-physics liver expression structures.


70MeV: The Power of Alpha
Jan 29, 2013 – Malcolm H. MacGregor Welcome to the “Power of Alpha” website and its ultimate product – the “70 MeV” mass quantum. Alpha is the universal ...




The CIA liver agents involved agent: LIVER North who studied EL Salvador Daii Spanish paintings in the Central Nervous System 370 ..... all of this acted out in the external world of EARTH LAB and its geography surface in the LAND of Centreal America and El Salvador. Thus we see the Herbert Spencer relationship/ math mappingds between vout internal biology government and its thougths AND external stuctures like cellulose trees, the Empire Statre building, and various adminsitrative governments and eductaional institutions for LIVER people, MOUTH People, etc.

Now, the sports people are just amodern version of the above. The 4 DNA nucleotide BASES of the internal brain system express themselves VIA the 4 bases of the external world game of baseball.

The four DNA bases are VIA biology baseball players:




Thus we have 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base and HOME PLATE (dinnner plate with food for thought).

The night games at Chicago Wrigley Field was really a argument over nitrogenous bases on the NORTH side of Chicago.

Belowm the skelton DNA structure of a baseball player.



 Above, the bottom is  the 2 legs of  the player.

Above, the top is the chest and rib cage of the  DNA  baseball player. 




Cubs get more Wrigley Field night games - Chicago Tribune › ... › Chicago City Council
Jun 5, 2013 - The Cubs got the go-ahead Wednesday to add as many as 16 night games plus schedule later Friday afternoon games and concerts at Wrigle

Cubs get more Wrigley Field night games 

Cubs get more Wrigley Field night games 

Cubs get more Wrigley Field nitrogenous bases and gametes

Cubs , Wrigley Field,  genetics and chromosome WAR ZONE display 



Thus Miliwaukee base ball (player Prince Fielder) and Madison, Wisconsin Princeton atheletic clubs CONTROL all the professors at Princeton University and the Institutue of Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.

These hypnotized professors forgot all about the warning of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.
Their wives, girlfriens, and spouse are happy .... they are happy .... Ringling Brothers Circus clown are happy ....... happiness is not considered a heavy duty, abstract underatanding of the BRAVE NEW WORLD social psychology wars being fought at the sunliminal level inside tthe professors brain. University adminsitrators are happy. So was Happy Rockfeller happy? Did she try to read the Probability textbook by Feller? Probably not .... can't be bothered with symbolic thoughts.
Readers of this blog ..... save a university ..... there people are nice guys.... but they are in a Carl Jung collective unconsiousness trance. We all are ..... eventually a few of us awaken after 50 years of life on EARTH. I was there. Looking back, I can't believe that I did catch on sooner. But its a complex puzzle ..... and I have provided some CLUES to those repsectable, honorable gentlemen of math, physics, chemsitry,etc.
I could use their help in explaining these puzzles ..... I just have covered ..... maybe 15 percent of the situation ....and I started this self-awareness project over 10 years ago.




Thanks to CLUES of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Lewsi Carroll, Herbert Spence, Russell/Whithead, Maslow, Erics Berne, and many others ...whose books ..... within their books ...provided hints .... and ideas ... and suggestions ..... and examples ..... and more hints (from another angle) ....until ...over the years all added up in my slow ..Maslow brain ... EUREKA! Welcome to BRAVE NEW WORLD. We need a new generation of brave thinkers. It starts with you ..... it starts with each individaul.






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CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER

Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA


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