The secret mission of various undercover Science RD agents and groups. The theory of interaction of Nature's forces with the human substrate to become social forces and vectors. Atomic mass communication identifies atomic human agent attributes.
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- Tenzin Gyatso of Tibet Math and Fermat's Last Theorem with Andrew Wiles and Kip S. Thorne
- L.Ron Hubbard and Battlefield Earth --> The Skull and Bones Society fails to defend and protect students in Brain Wars. The English department word commands known as the "Death Sentence'' tested in America.
- The theory of the Earth Lab atomic / astrophysics anthropology continuum finds empirical data on physics WEB SITE: 70 MeV MacGregor. Atomic English language reviews the double meaning in the book " The Power of Alpha".
Herb Zinser's analysis of the the Science Wars reveals the DUAL nature of a human ---> indivi.DUAL. How does the DUALITY principle affect you? We have our personal..... TALE of 2 Cities. The 1st is the obvious level as seen in our daily activities (work, study,etc) and our daily relationships with other people, schools, government agencies,etc. The 2nd .... less visible is our subliminal mind/ subconscious mind and its various relationships to Nature's forces and atomic elements. For example, gravity interacts with brain atomic mass giving gravity thoughts. The human gravity thought people are then partitioned into different human sub-species for easy identification .... for Earth Lab social experiments. WHO are you? Nature's military atoms, photons, nouns, equations .... and the geometry trapezoids are asking about your identity.