Dr.Watson's secret cryptic messages explain modern wars.
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Dr.Watson in Afghanistan - British RAF military mystery

Permalink 12/18/13 00:56, by Herbzinser1, Categories: Uncategorized




The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories have an important influence on modern world affairs. The thoughts, ideas, and detective logic by the author have affected our stream of consciousness ...and have become a part of our symbolic subliminal mind...which particpates in human decisions ....of the individual human or a society..in this case the British and American governments......both ENGLISH language humans with English language symbolic brain computers.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Conan doyle.jpg
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Born Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle
22 May 1859
Edinburgh, Scotland
Died 7 July 1930 (aged 71)
Crowborough, East Sussex, England
Occupation Novelist, short story writer, poet, physician
Nationality Scottish
Citizenship British
Genres Detective fiction, fantasy, science fiction, historical novels, non-fiction
Notable work(s) Stories of Sherlock Holmes
The Lost World




The Sherlock Holmes story " Reigate Puzzle" mentions DR.Watson in Afghanistan. How did Dr.Watson influence the Carl Jung collective unconsciousness of the British brain VIA the government military decision-making processes and military expressions?

What is the modern day DR.WATSON "Reigate Puzzle' and the English language soldiers...the British military in Afghanistan?


  British forces in Afghan war
British forces in Afghanistan
Royal Navy submarines
Royal Navy surface ships
Royal Air Force surveillance
Royal Air Force air-to-air tankers
Royal Marine Commandos
Map of British forces UK bases
Where the British forces are based near Afghanistan British forces in Afghanistan
Britain's armed forces helped the US Military in their operations against the Taleban.

Officials named Britain's presence in Afghanistan "Operation Veritas". Veritas is Latin for "truth".




For the British collective MIND ..the key words are:
Reigate  Puzzle  AFghanistan ...and the algebraic subset letters are:
Re.......Pu......AF.............and then a further subset becomes:
R...................AF = RAF = Royal Air Force ..that implements the symbolic commands of the British collective unconsciousness INTELLECTUAL WAR..... modern group psychology WAR with symbolism,etc...conflicts predicted by others after Sir Arthur Conan Doyle...such as Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.


But lets stick to the details of this example:
Reigate Puzzle AFghanistan ...and the algebraic subset letters are:
Re.......Pu........AF............. which in COMPUTER EARTH system 370 language is:

Re = Region..data processing region with IBM (Dr.)WATSON Labs
Pu = Processing Unit
AF = Base 16 geography region Hex'A' = 10 thru Hex'F' = 15 and
such a region on EARTH is qualified with the name "AF" Afghanistan.







Thus the war in Afghanistan is composed of several components...a few directly visible and
many indirectly visible --> as Sherlock Holmes taught me. Thus a more accurate description of an EVENT may exist. The newspapers provide an accurate surface veneer of an EVENT.....thus the newspaper READER has the essential DATA needed to solve the deeper mystery. A serious Sherlock Holmes fan ..realizes that thought and concentration over days,weeks, months ...with basic science and math books ...and their CLUES....are needed in year 2013.

Map of troops in Afghanistan




The readers of this BLOG ..... you must upgrade your brain...and that starts with upgrading your library with high-school and/or college freshman basic textbooks on: genetics, biochemistry, physics, electronics, algebra, calculus, linear algebra, botany, philosophy, etc.
You can only show respect for Sherlock Holmes thru action.....the first action is SELF-education filled with intense desire and will......and slowly over months and years...you will acquire the basic structure and beauty of a serious, abstract, aware and alert functioning brain ....as outlined in the Sherlock Holmes printed messages to our optical nerve, its symbolic life and our Central Nervous System 370 processor.

Someday I may test you with a puzzle? Will you be ready?
Will you have reference textbooks books to ponder over.....and slowly ...and surely solve the modern mysteries that appear every day in some newspaper.

Why does Great Britain fight Base 16 hexadecimal computer wars? There are a few reasons, but the major factor is the British involvement in the 400 year Galileo Astronomy WAR(see the Blog: Galileo the DEFENDER of Earth).




An outline of the British astronomy military expressions VIA the collective mind government:

1982 British base 16 Hex'FA' --> FALK.land Islands computer earth war region
..........Hex'F'= 15 descending to sea level Hex'A'=10

2013 British Base 16 Hex'AF' --> AFghanistan

computer earth war in the INVERSE hexadecimal universe of EARTH

..........Hex'A' = 10 increasing up mountains to Hex'F' = 15



Thus we have data processing REGION AF (Afghanistan) on COMPUTER EARTH system 370 main frame LANDAU geo-physics processor with Einstein's data processsing DATA FIELD theory applied to farm DATA FIELDs and military battle DATA FIELDS...such as BASE 16 X'AF' = AF.ghanistan.

Representing the BRITISH SCIENCE WARS in data processing war
REGION AF.ghanistan are subset humanoid identifiers:
R.......AF = Royal Air Force....of ROYAL AIR oxygen molecule Base 16 bio-physics humanoid devices with LU = Logical Unit = LUNG. The American Air Force uses BASE 16 hexadecimal weapons such as the F-16 fighter.....a military secret not yet covered by Computer World magazine.



Hexadecimal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In mathematics and computer science, hexadecimal (also base 16, or hex, or  religious hex)  is  a ....
The most common format for hexadecimal on IBM bio-physics oxygen mainframes (zSeries) and ...



Oxygen agents exist in theory at Ox = Oxford University....but no Oxford humanoid with self-awareness has been found yet that understands communication theory regarding the subtle situation of oxygen ROYAL AIR military policy. Oxford University students and professors wear cotton oxford button-down shirts ...and BIG BROTHER is pushing their buttons.....and thus the STRING theory physics WAR over puppet string biased student thinkers.


Thus a new generation of leadership is needed for the British university system....the current hypnotized group and their STATE of MIND is known as the COMA cluster....which exists in 2 formats:
- the original definition of astronomy objects/ stars and suns ...millions of miles away
- the local community and its thinkers...who have over-looked major aspects of existence in astrophysics galactic region known as EARTH LAB and its social engineering vectors.



In summary ..we have another contributing component to BRITISH soldier deaths in the
Base 16 INVERSE hexadecimal universe on COMPUTER EARTH....the hex/curse of computer wars.

1982 the regular hex universe X'FA' = 250 --> FA 1k data stream islands war

2013 the hexdecimal inverse...X'AF' = 175 --> AF ghanistan LAN(d) = Local Area Network of the earth geography LAN --> LAND surface processor.

The Base 16 hexadecimal number system can be found in a basic data processing book...it takes a few weeks to get used to it. It's best to learn it.....your LUNG with the atomic oxygen computer base 16..atomic weight 16...needs the proper symbolic knowledge for accurate processing.

Bull story people with nonsense are being phased out by Darwinian symbolic brain evolution. Human LUNG/brain computers have existed for thousands of years......the copper wire computer is just a recent version of Nature's data processing expressions.




Are you getting ready for the Darwinian natural selection process...that is undergoing Nature's testing.

The TEST had an error at Virginia TECH University..with the natural selection of
MR.CHO as the CHOSEN ONE......to carry out the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...atomic English language social anthropology polices.

The Office of Science CHOSEN ONE is Pier odd.ONE with the FermiLAB atomic brain experiments in self-awareness .....with the BATMAN television project based upon the Bat Cave in Batavia, Illinois. And Leon Lederman uses atomic English language symbolism in the BOOK: The God Particle........ messages about the top-secret Chicago Polish...GODZIN physics project.

FermiLAB public relations only recognizes the biased reality that they wish to present to the general public...part of their BRAVE NEW WORLD manipulation policies as predicted by Aldous Huxley.
The 1942/1943 secret Manhattan project called S-1 .....that with number TEN of EARTH LAB Tensor space/time ....expressed itself as the Manhattan project on SEPT 11, 2001.

Thus the incomplete descriptions of the tragedy....with the omitted physics equation:

secret Manhattan project S-1 + TEN of Tensor physics ==>
gives the atomic calender S-11 manifold -->

Sept 11, 2001 and the mathematical-physics MANifold ...... the Folding of the Manhattan Towers...which correlates to the atomic English languages message of J.R.Tolkein.

-->The book "Lord of the Rings" includes messages for the accelerator RING at Batavia and other physics research centers.

-->The book "The Two Towers" includes messages about the pending tragic MESS of the Manhattan Two Towers.


The SYMBOL MACHINE  anger / conflict  .....



and the symbol transformation to a super-symmetry physics

........  parallel MIRROR EVENT




No one cares. Newspaper editors like incomplete stories; that gives the reader and his optical nerve an opportunity to provide a more COMPLETE description of the tragedy. Am I the only Sherlock Holmes reader that has followed his advice and his techniques with determination.

The Office of Science awareness of EARTH's Sartre existential dimensions needs some inmprovement.....and the Department of Energy...needs some new advanced intellectual energy.
Nature's intellect and the TREE of Knowledge consider humans and their institutions, agencies, and universities as subsets of knowledge.

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