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Star Trek- -- > Deep Space Nine --> The Search. . . .The atomic/astrophysics commucations continuum reveals CLUES to the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family .... secret social anthropology physics LIFE formats at FermiLAB
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Information WAR site maps for access to several hundred POSTS that help explain the Unified Theory of Everything (UTOE) .... which includes you, your friends, the region that you live within, etc. The Grand Unified Theory (GUT) 500 year project of Nature's systems from year 1453 / year 1500 makes this possible.
RD-blog-1806 by Herb Zinser
How to read a book in year 2011!
Examples of the multi-dimensional English language of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer AND the modern atomic brain with the Lu = Logical Unit = LUNG using the oxygen hexadecimal atomic computer and its base 16 atomic weight. In addition, we have the LINK to the uranium 238 atomic processor with data processing equation 238:
Base 2 exponent 3 = 8 data bits --> 1 byte
Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia
This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of ... Physicist
M-theory - Wikipedia
In theoretical physics, M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified. Because the dimensionality exceeds that of superstring ...
String theory
String theory is an active research framework in particle physics that attempts to ..... One such theory is the 11-dimensional M-theory, which requires spacetime to ...
Thus we will use applied M-theory --> Mind-theory of atoms
Applied string theory 11 dimensions --> SKU.11
Various books and articles exist on the world of secrets. Theory and data are available in those books and research papers. They are a milestone in understanding the structure of existence; but Nature continues to advance ....and its intellectual messages continue to provide us with clues ..clues needed to understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum and its evolution.
Grand Unified Theory (GUT) includes the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... that is atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, atomic social psychology, etc. Hence, the periodic atomic table government and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family VIEW of life.
The human is composed of atoms, math equations and nouns.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms and symbols are the origin of thought.
Given the above perspective .....we can read a paperbook book, watch a movie, talk to our friends, read a newspaper ..... and realize that we probably only understand a few of the messages that are given us. That is good; but, as we get older, we need to be wiser. This is accopmplished in life maintaining a continuous curiosity about basic math, basic genetics, biochemistry, physics, chemistry, etc.
I am talking basics.... like high school education and then going to a college bookstore (or elsewhere ) and buying basic college textbooks in those subjects. Then, in essence, you will have a serious library to keep your mind busy for the remainder of your life. And over the years .....your mind will enjoy the many puzzles presented to it ... that your science amd math knowledge can solve. Everyday life .... and the technical books that you have studied are now within your brain ....awaiting the challenge.
Here is paperback book published in 1994......written by Diane Carey. Thus a example of how the Pentagon, the CIA, research labs, and others ....... have secret messages inside books ......... so obvious ....that it's the LAST Place in the WORLD ...that a spy would look at.
Diane Carey ..... a humanoid constructed of atoms ..... uses her atomic bio-physics brain to reach into the atomic continuum to get TOP SECRET information ...and then she reformats the information for the general public.
She uses her atomic brain protons write proton prose.
In theory , her internal communication path is ..... ..starting with the atomic nucleus of thought .... the atomic message is converted to proton prose format ...then proton prose routed to proteins ...that is the iron myoglobin proteins of her arm/hand muscles ..that write the message on cellulose paper with a ink pen (or equivalent). The iron atom...ferrous oxide atom in her myoglobin proteins converts the original atomic message into STANDARD MODEL physics ...atomic English of the 26 protons of ferrous oxide and its 26 atomic English alphabet letters.
Now, if an author has symbolic diseases inside their spiritual body/brain ....then the message is intercepted in the above process ...and gets distorted. Thus we see the symbolic illness of Virginia TECH students and their language problems ......consequently NATURE orderd the tragic event a social engineering systems feedback signal.
We are all participants in the atomic/ astrophysics continuum. We provide it with input data and we recieve some of its output data. Thus we are biological computer I/O devices. Have been for thousands of years! Today, we have the tools and symbolic knowledge to explain ourselves as subsets embedded in Nature's EARTH LAB. .
Let's look at the paperbook ...and the additional clues it provides.
In this BLOG we focus on the symbolic SCIENCE signals sent to FermiLAB and you ...that is ...
your eye/optical nerve and your brain optical computer system. You are just a substrate; a human carrier for the optical data processing systems of the bio-computer WORLD.
Pages and pages of messages, below.
--> Jem = J.Clerk Maxwell em (electromagnetic) equations
Do you work in the Chicago area as an
employee clerk in a university office? Subset-->
em.......clerk ......then you are an
electromagnetic LIFE form with the
J.Clerk Maxwell equations of Maxwell Street/Halstead area of year 1960.
--> on the command tower = the FermiLAB periodic atomic table command tower with experimental structures labeled: atomic humans.
These EARTH LAB specimens have symbolic data procesing features.
Their advanced bio-computers function at FermiLAB, Batavia, Illi nois(e) ....
one of Nature's many projects on EARTH LAB.
--> Major Kira Nerys = Principle quantum number K thru N
Major K .... N
...or --> Major orbit shells
--> twenty-three alpha
--> 16 baker = Base 16 hexadecimal with Baker Street: Sherlock Holmes and Watson ...
that is IBM TOM Watson Labs ..who will not help explain the
- Base 16 April 16 HEX shotings at Virginia TECH
- Base 16 and 8 data bits ERROR = 168 dead at
base 16 location Hex'Fe' = 254 Federal building CAD experiments.
That is CAD = Computer Aided Design of human CAD.avers with
abend CODE --> OC7 = Oklahoma City AND
their bull-story DATA EXCEPTION ABEND
- Miles = 3 Mile-Island message for 3M coproration scientists in
the TWIN CITIES area. Message 3 repeated with the I-35 W communications bridge collapse.
Minnesota universities and companies
ought pay attention to SCIENCE WAR events in their region.
Translation ....
Bajor --> Batavia job region
odds in --> two words --> odds sin --> probability of the wave function (sin waves) with the Fermi-Dirac
Fermi-Direc --> Director the odd/probability of atomic life = one
They have yet to discover Margaret Mead atomic anthropology.
--> snaggletoothed Ferengi = a communications problem/ snaggle/ of the 32 bio-computer word teeth/output verbal device known as the mouth of Ferengi = FermiLAB engineering.
The problem is regarding Margaret Mead nuclear family.
Atomic social engineering is never mentioned as part of the Hierarchy Problem.
The C.P. Snow physics lecture on "Two Cultures" is never considered as a factor in
CP violations.
The atomic EARTH LAB battle/fighting in Sy = Syria by atomic humanois is never considered part of sysmmetry physics or symmetry breaking.
Spontaneous symmetry breaking From Wikipedia
Spontaneous symmetry breaking is a spontaneous process by which a system in a symmetrical state ends up in an asymmetrical state.
Thus atomic EARTH and the state of SY = Syria breaking --> Physics anthropology news ..the Margaret Mead nuclear family war zone with the Office of Science violations of atomic diplomacy.
News for syria fighting
Syrian forces mass outside rebel stronghold
USA TODAYý - 2 hours ago
By Bulent Kilic, AFP/Getty Images Free Syrian Army fighters stand guard in Idlib, Syria, on Monday. By Bulent Kilic, AFP/Getty Images Free Syrian Army ...2561 related articlesVideo: McCain: Syria is a "world's community problem"
CBS News
--> u 2 --> Uranium 238 music group ...atomic output message processing
--> I might add .....I = Isotopes of uranium 23? --> around 235 and 238
--> Odo a lower life-form (relative to North America map.... he comes from the lower geography region of South America.
Specifically, the climate region of Computer EARTH system 370 BAL CLI instruction test.
Climate --> CLI Lima test --> Compare Logical Immediate
--> Odo (Oddone) ..completely different, not on the line of evolution
Pier Oddone, in Peru ...was near the Charles Darwinian region of atomic EARTH LAB ... ..known as the Galapagos Islands. Thus the start of his symbolic brain evolution ...and now he is at the other end of the evolutionary path near ST. Charles (Darwin), Illinois.
--> Kira Nerys .....subset letters
.....iran --> Iran = Independent random variables
Persian Gulf region ...atomic map
Per = Periodic atomic table elments of life LINK
Peru = Per + U = periodic table element Uranium ......and its Margaret Mead atomic humanoid agent of the Andes Mountains region --> EARTH atomic language
Andes = An + des = Atomic number destiny ...
In addition, the
Persian Gulf atomic EARTH anthropology war zone code
baghDAD,IRAq .....subset alphabet letters .....
......DIRA q +
Paul DIRAC q-independent random variables
with year 2006 linear algebra math agent for
...rice secretary of State
Universities and research labs do NOT recognize the existence of math life and its expressions ...even thou its been around for millions of years.
Does Nature exist?
The current theory at universities is that humans built the universe and everthing in existence...such is the extent of ego bragging in the Carl Jung collective unconsciouness of the university collective groups of students/ professors. No balancing publlic statements are made.
--> solids --> Polish Solidarity Movement and
Chicago Polish-American math and science --> Solid-state physics
Polish ship yards (iron ships) in 2 formats:
- floating on water molecules in Lake Michigan
OR floating point numbers in the magnetic field ..the messenger ferry ....the communications ferry of ferr (ferrous oxide atoms) at Fe = FermiLAB interaction location of iron Hemoglobin proteins .....Nature's test specimens in self-awareness.
--> Two synthales = two syntax English languages...hence the atomic English language wars
- Virginia TECH English class arrogance problems
- Northern Illinois University COLE HALL propagnada war with the shooting over George Orwell book 1984 OCEANIA (event in oceanography class)
--> CHAPTER 16
CHAPTER = CHA + A + PTER --> Chicago Housing Authority + Atomic Pointer with the oxygen atomic computer base 16 LU = LUNG = Logical Units .....humanoids ...
Thus we have the CHA physics undercover agent located in the heart of CHA atomic anthropology RD ..which is the Illi.nois(e) Institute of Technology
Below is Odo ....that is the theoretical atomic communications continuum alter ego of Oddone ....
Born in Peru, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.
Thus we have Pier Oddone studying atomic MITOSIS at MIT.
At Princeton in year 1970 ......written as --> 1370 (with 3 having exponent 2 = 9 ) .....we have his LINK to the special physics number 137 and his atomic bio-physics thermodynamics identifier of 37 degrees Celsius.
Now in year 2011 and 2012 ..he maintains his atomic EARTH subliminal MIND relationship with Princeton VIA atomic EARTH base in Milwaukee ....that is Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory and its application with Princeton Field Base ..... I'sorry ..that's
Princeton Base BAL field ... we need the factor
Princetom Land Baseball FIELD theory ...correction needed ..
Prince Fielder BaseBall DATA FIELD in EARTH LAB Milwaukee
Princeton, New Cotton Jersey does't pay attention to Grand Unified Theory applications, yet.
Thus we have CLUES to the EARTH LAB puzzle and the 11-dimensions of puppet string theory physics ...such as the marionette theater ...sodium atom signal 23 and the death of SAM Hengel at
Marionette High Scool in
Marinette, Wisconsin.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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