« Books, paperbacks, magazines , newspapers --> intoduction |
Star Trek- -- > Deep Space Nine --> The Search. . . .The symbolic continuum of nouns, verbs, math equations, provides CLUES the professorial defeat in the world INTELLECTUAL WARS.
How to read a book in year 2013 !
Examples of the multi-dimensional English language of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic computer AND the modern atomic brain version 1 year 2013.
Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia
This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of ... Physicist ...SKU11
M-theory - Wikipedia
In theoretical physics, M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified. Because the dimensionality exceeds that of superstring ...
String theory
String theory is an active research framework in particle physics that attempts to ..... One such theory is the 11-dimensional M-theory, which requires spacetime to ...
Thus we will use applied M-theory --> Mind-theory of atoms
Applied string theory 11 dimensions --> SKU.11 number 11.
Various books and articles exist on the world of secrets. Theory and data are available in those books and research papers. They are a milestone in understanding the structure of existence; but Nature continues to advance ....and its intellectual messages continue to provide us with clues ..clues needed to understand the atomic/astrophysics continuum and its evolution.
Grand Unified Theory (GUT) includes the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ..... that is atomic social anthropology, atomic political science, atomic social psychology, etc. Hence, the periodic atomic table government and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family VIEW of life.
The human is composed of atoms, math equations and nouns.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms and symbols are the origin of thought.
Given the above perspective .....we can read a paperbook book, watch a movie, talk to our friends, read a newspaper ..... and realize that we probably only understand a few of the messages that are given us. That is good; but, as we get older, we need to be wiser. This is accopmplished in life ....by maintaining a continuous curiosity about basic math, basic genstics, biochemistry, physics, chemistry, etc.
I am talking basics.... like high school education and then going to a college bookstore (or elsewhere ) and buying basic college textbooks in those subjects. Then, in essence, you will have a serious library to keep your mind busy for the remainder of your life. And over the years .....your mind will enjoy the many puzzles presented to it ... that your science amd math knowledge can solve. Everyday life .... and the technical books that you have studied are now within your brain ....awaiting the challenge.
Here is paperback book published in 1994......written by Diane Carey. Thus a example of how the Pentagon and the CIA ....... have messages inside books ......... so obvious ....that it's the LAST Place in the WORLD ...that a spy would look at.
Diane Carey ..... a humanoid constructed of atoms ..... uses her atomic bio-physics brain to reach into the atomic continuum to get TOP SECRET information ...and then she reformats the information for the general public. We are all participants in the atomic/ astrophysics continuum. We provide it with input data and we recieve some of its output data. Thus we are biological computer I/O devices. Have been for thousands of years! Today, we have the tools and symbolic knowledge to explain ourselves as subsets embedded in Nature's EARTH LAB.
Let's look at the paperbook ...and the additional clues it provides.
In this BLOG we focus on the symbolic signals sent to you eye/optical nerve and your brain optical computer system. You are just a substrate; a human carrier for the optical data processing systems of the WORLD.
Do you work in the Chicago area as an
employee clerk in some office? Subset letters -->
electromagnetic LIFE form with the
J.Clerk Maxwell equations of Maxwell Street/Halstead area of year 1960.
When Chicago destroyed the Maxwell Street bio-physics project of Nature .. they destroyed your symbolic brain.
Thus we see how supersymmetry physics can explain the nonsense mentality of Chicago intellectuals and their biased for the bedroom real estate industry. Of couse, the eye/retina/ iris of the IRISH know nothing about this scheme of theirs.
They come from the Dublin region..... known for Dublin(d) --> double-blind experiments in inventing fabluous stories about REALITY and POLITICS. They use the irish iris and the English language to manipulate other brains........a process known to the world of optical brain schemers as Saint pa.TRICKS day cell celebration.
Yeats and the literature wars warned us about their speciality ...whY eats..... thus we have Alzheimer's brain memory cannibals and HEAD HUNTER optical bio-computer subroutines inside the brain.
Raymond Davis, JR. provided his brain for such NOBEL cortex cannibal subroutines .....with Brookhaven Labs ...and Margaret Mead atomic anhtropology HEAD HUNTER experiments. He died.
Raymond Davis optical identifiers.....
Ray.....da + vis --> Ray Data Vision ...... agent for the Central Nervous Systenm 370 abstract brain symbolic optical computer. Brookhaven is paid to deny such possible existences.
Pages and pages of messages, below.
--> Twenty-three alpha = 23 chromosome English alphabet and the accidental gentics manipulation murder of BOY SCOUT test specimen SAM Hengel of the puppet/
marionette theater experiments at
Marinette High School, Wisconsin.
--> sixteen baker --> Oxygen atomic computer with base 16 hexadecimal atomic weight ..as used by the LU = Logical Unit = Lung.
Are your LUNGs authorized for bio-computer processing?
Answer. NO.
Have you applied for oxygen Base 16 privileges?
The 168 dead in the Base 16 HEX'Fe' = 254 = Federal Building failed Nature's awareness test of the Nature's Office of Science.
O = 16 Oxygen weight with 8 electron in O = Oklahoma City atomic LUNG breathing laws require some awareness of existence of aromic life on EARTH. The frame of reference is the periodic atomic table of elements. Oklahoma State University still does not recognize the oxygen SIGNAL?
--> Jem = Job electromagnetic HUMAN life forms such as
EM = Employees of
EM = Electromagnetic EM.bassy diplomats in Washington, DC ..
known as brain radio people in society ......as suggested by the music industry group RADIO HEAD and other groups.
Is anyone down ro earth in Washington,DC?
Are you down to earth?
Did you ever attend a wedding recpetion (that is a bio-physics electromagnetic meeting with the NEW bio-physics bandwidth agent ...labeled -->
.....BANDWIDTH of ancient long-range neurotranmsmitter secret frequencies
his South Pole magnetic data field LINK to the
Fe= Ferrous oxide atoms within the Fe = female adult and heriron Hemo.GLOB proteins.
Now, he (the new specimen husband) will start to BS and brag over nonsense ..his new RADIO HEAD life OR his magnetic brain thoughts.
Down-to-earth people only brag about something serious they accomplished ...like studying for an algebra test and getting a good grade.
--> Iran = Independent random variables of EARTH math life
--> docking ring = docking protein rings/structures and their societal thoughts =
Human enhancer of filamentation 1, a novel p130cas-like docking by SF Law - 1996 - Cited by 154 - Related articles
American Society for Microbiology
Molecular and Cellular Biology ... a recently identified dockingprotein that is a substrate for phosphorylation by a number of ...
Thus we see the Deep Space Nine novel has penetrated the minds of microbiologists.
--> twister = the doulbe-helix intellectual battle at Cole Hall over Northern Illinois University deliberate teaching nonsense .... Central Nervous System errors in the student body.
--> Gamma Quadrant
Gamma .. expands to English Grammer
Quadrant ...Quandratic math equation and math life anthropology
--> defense pattern Penn State University
JOE Paterno football defense ...
JOE = Job Order Entry to the brain computer
Paterno --> Pater + no = Pattern node
--> mass murder = atomic mass murder
--> concentration camps = thinking/concentrate camps like
NIL, DeKalb, Illinois and the atomic mass massacre at COLE Hall.
The bio-physics societal thought violations of the
student valence electron shells ....giving CLUE
st.........valen .........
ST. Valentine's Day electron shell message
using solid electron shells in the format of metal bullets.
Thus the Fe = February Fe= Ferrous oxide atomic anthropology war message for nearby
Fe= Ferrous oxide iron Hemoglobin structures at
Fe =FermiLAB, Batavia, Illi.nois(e) and their
infer logic powers. They were expected to acknowledge the atomic brain and atomic diplomatic protocol VIA the acknowledgement of the existence of the Margaret Mead nuclear family shooting.
--> sixteen hundred = year 1600 and William Shakespeare literature and the Virginia TECH English language department violations of literature and language ....hence the April 16 HEX/curse shooting as arranged by the year 16OO project managers --> 16 electrons of OO = oxygen molecules and the OO = 2 eyes of Mr.CHO ......Darwinian selection of the CHOSEN ONE ...to send a Hierarchy Problem atomic English language message to the other chosen ONE --> the oddONE from Peru who attended the atomic brain MITOSIS process at MIT, Cambridge.
--> sixteen hundred ...implies base 16 hexadecimal bio-computer computer systems
--> sixteen hundred = 16 and 100 ....
the signal of modern math blood requirements.
b100d --> letter b, number 100, letter d ....
Thus the 100 years WAR of history was really
an internal biochemistry b1ood WAR ...that was expressed in external physical violence ..to be visible to some future intellectuals...such as those that may exist in year 2012 and have an interest in their decimal math b1ood.
--> sixteen - twenty --> 16 20 and 24
The 4 DNA nucleotides time equation error at Virgin TECH.
English teachers writes:
twenty-four hours equals 24 hours in 1 day ...math says
...20 - 4 = 16 hours in 1 day
Thus we have 2o standard amino acids in alignment
with the atomic bio-physics STANDARD MODEL .....
and 20/20 optical vision and the 20/20 optical bio-computer that uses the 20 standard animo acids as a symbolic processor.
Are you a two-time loser?
Virginia TECH was ...as are all American and European universities for violations of the SOCIAL
CONTRACT with NATURE as outlined by John Locke.
The schools ought pay attention to the subtle aspects of daily life and the SIGNALS that Nature sends them.
--> 7 implies Nitrogen atom ...7 electrons as used by the 7th Day Adventists religious group AND their relationship to LUNG Nitrogen atomic mass 14 -->14th Dalai Lama of Tibet.
Both intellectual groups refuse to acknowledge that they breathe nitrogen. Universities also deny that nitrogen plays a role in the life of those humans.
--> Two --> Base pairs (genetics) and Base 2 binary bio-computer systems.
--> Alpha = English alphabet and Greek symbols used for physics equations
--> Quadrant = The Quadratic equation ...... human math life formats at University of Chicago and Stanford University ...the QUAD regions.
Thus we see Stanford students and professors AND the inside of their brain processing unit ...synpases and axons.
Axons .....of course ... the foundation of
ax ... in the quadratic equation.
CALTECH professors use Fermat's Last Theorem as their basic brain processing equation ..... with the Feynman scholar as the Fermat's bio-math experiment leader.
Feynman bio-math structural equation of astrophysics EARTH LAB life specimens...
Feynman = Fe + y exponent n + mantissa of the Logan logarithms of Utah.
matrices math war was in 1968 ...
...rice ...the rice paddies if Vietnam ...
math President N X N square matrix (math war leader NixoN)
Later in year 2006.... matrices math agent was
Secretary of State RICE ...with the rice fields of Iraq war zone ..thus the rice fields symbolize TWO major wars in year 20o6 thru today ...
the matrices linear algbera wars AND
Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD wars.
--> University of Cambridge .... cave hideout ... known as Cavendish Labs.
Their brain cavern .....skull is trapped in a Hertzian EM wave ..... Brain WAR.
They refuse to acknowledge the existence of the SCIENCE WARS ..regarding modern atomic anthropolgy social and political life.
--> the human bio-computer brain with BAL = Basic Assembler Langauge.
Many state and federal governments have a legislature or assembly. That is a group of human bio-computer repesentatives get together and write bio-computer asssembly language programs known as laws. Citizens then obey the bio-computer behavioral laws. If there is a brain programming bug...then we have an social computer ABEND --> a crime, an accident.
Thus we have the Wisconsin state assembly bio-computer ABEND WAR.
a) the shooting of Milwaukee binary policeman Norberg and Kunish at base 2 location ..2nd street.
b) the murder of Jake Gerard at base 16 hexadecimal adress of 16th Street, Milwaukee involving
bio-computer LU = Logical Unit = Lugo (Gabriel Lugo charged with reckless shooting).
c) The murder of Waukesha police Captain LU = Logical Unit = Lutz by
DOS bio-computer brain software ...brain computer programming ERROR in
teD OS.wald.
d) Hexadecimal Highway 16 Oconomowoc and the CNTL KEY Z bio-computer message VIA the ax/axon murder of Gloria Totzkey --> TOTAL Z key.
e) this Wisconsin has a long list of cover-ups. The newspapers will not print the complete picture of the situation. Universities need their human CAD = Computer Aided Design of events to create human CADavers.
Thus we see .... a good background science/math knowledge helps understand modern Televsion and books. High school science cover severything you need .... but you may wish to upgrade your home libary with college books ...when you budget allows.
Why spend money on a cell phone ....spend money on CODE
............mo........cell --> molecular cell biology textbook.
Welcome to modern warfare ..the brain symbol wars.
Your brain is a bio-computer SYMBOL MACHINE.
Do have the high school MILITARY algebra equations, chemistry class atom symbols, and physics concepts in your brain?
You are Commander-in-Chief of those MILITARY forces in your brain.
YOU have LOST the war.
Patty Heast (Hearst newspapers) was kidnapped by the SYMBOL ARMY of the newspaper WORD/ NOUN military forces existant in the optical data stream used by the eye/optical nerve/ brain photon processor.
You have failed to report to intellectual war duty.
Is it to late?
Do you get a second chance?
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com
Website: www.zinoproject.com
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