The music war report on analysis of Elvis Presley song " Heartbreak Hotel"
The slang phrase " Sounds good" is explicit and audible and heard often.
Supersymmetry physics predicts that the existence of the phrase "Sounds bad" ..... occasionally heard ... has a greater significance. With this view of harmonic sound waves .... both instrumental and voice lyrics ....we consider the possibility ..... that an algebraic subset of
harmonic waves are
Lets look at an example.
Many songs have complex instrumental arrangements.
The instrumental sound waves algebraic subset
............mental sound waves. Thus harm wave commands sent to the ear and the brain ...commands regarding health.
What is a very popular audio command?
A song with message " I am dying of a broken heart"
or lyric " I have a broken heart".
This song ought be played in hospitals ..... it ought go over very big .... in the ICU.
Intensive-care unit - Wikipedia,
An intensive-care unit (ICU), critical-care unit (CCU), intensive-therapy... This led to the routine use of cardiac monitoring in ICUs, especially after
heart attacks. ...
Heartbreak Hotel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Heartbreak Hotel" is a song recorded by American rock and roll musician Elvis Presley. It was released as a single on January 27, 1956, Presley's first on his ...
Now, the modern extension of January 27, 1956 ---> 3 cubed = 27 and the periodic atomic table
signal 19 = K --> thin K of postaasium and
signal 56 = Fe --> iron Hemoglobin proteins
at Fe = FermiAB HOTEL. Their universtities friends ought reflect upon the multi-faceted dimensions of earthly EXISTENCE; instead of university creative writing class ... that makes Hollywood fantasy script writers look like amateurs.
The desk clerks dressed in black .....
Memphis, Tennessee spelled as
Memphis --> M + Em + Ph + Is + Tensor space vector rays
--> Maxwell + Electromagnetic Physics RAY with messenger:
James (EAR) Earl RAY and
James ....... as in James Clerk Maxwell
Thus we have the city .... the photon /EM wave city of symbolic life and the eye/optical nerve .... known as the
velo.CITY of light.... in this case ...represented/symbolized by the CITY of M.em. phsis.
And the garbage workers in Memphsis symbolized all the garbage dribble news and shows on television and radio .... approved by citizens, universities, and government intellectuals ..... with intellectual pretense.
The garbage workers all of us.... have a life after work.
They and everyone else that watches TV, movies, and read the newspapers in the evening/night are expected to protect the symbolic brain computer from excessive garbage put forth by the mass communications media. But nobody cares ... they only care about their song-and-dance routine.
It takes years of effort, at the public library (or you own boughten books) the math and science section .... to understand basic, necessary details of everyday life.
The message "I have a dream".
What does that explain?
Carl Jung Theory - Dream Interpretation
Jung Dream Interpretation is based on the Carl Jung theory of the collective unconscious. Jung provided description of seven separate characters and themes ...
George Washington Carver had a project plan be an agricultural chemist. Carver discovered three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more uses for soybeans, pecans and sweet potatoes.
Television and radio talk shows never include all the factors involved the message of Martin LUTHER KING ...... that is bio-computer agent Luther = Lu + Her = Logical Unit Hertzian waves processing system.
Thus the direction of propagation --> the direction of propaganda and eventually ...the George Orwell shooting battle in Oceania classroom in Cole Hall, NIL, Dekalb, Illinois(e) .
Electromagnetic field of EARTH LAB space/time .....
COMPUTER EARTH system 370 computer addressed
The desk clerks dressed in black .....
Music war data and Mouth war data ---> introduction
The BIG EAR radio telescope at Ohio State University has provided valuable information about world affairs. In addition to its radio astronomy research, it was spying on North American social communication systems. Humans live within the atomic /astrophysics communications continuum.
Thus the BIG EARTH government used the BIG EAR subset institution of Ohio State as a super-symmetry / parallel processing experimental RD site ... to research radio and TV broadcast nonsense.
Mass communications is really atomic mass communications; thus spying on the continuum provided secret data.
The MOUTH/talk people alot of trivia. Talk shows outlined that problem.
The data gathered allowed the understanding of how harmonic sound waves CAN be used and ARE used .... as a weapon to start wars or destroy societies. Citizens enjoy this destructive process, it's a source of amusement; however, Nature and the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain optical symbolic computer have other ideas. Thus we see the modern WAR format:
EYE people VS EAR people.
Thus we proceed with CLUES and examples of the modern harmonic wave war. The harmonic audio wave trial of Washington, DC was held around 1998.
The agent for audio, sound waves
--> harmonica involved President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.
Lecture 14 Time Harmonic Fields ( Magazine REPORT) - Cornell - Cornell University
These 2 humans were symbols for various concepts involving the deeper levels of the Nature of life. Newspapers covered the surface veneer of the event ...but they never mentioned the audio/sound wave aspect of the social science MUSIC WARS.
The 1st sound/nusic war was in year 1990 in KuWait/Iraq ...... with the harm wave equation from S = Sound.......that is equation S + audio --> represented by country Saudi Arabia .... ought pay more attention to world affairs that involve their MOUTH verbal thoughts .....messages to the BIG EAR of EARTH.
Audio Systems ...
Audio Systems --> System Audio --> S audio --> Saudio of Nature's systems
Images for audio sound waves
Images for audio sound waves
Images for audio sound waves
Images for audio sound waves
Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Symbolism - Merriam-Webster Online
Nearby is the symbolic country of YES MEN --> represented by the geography country of Yemen.
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You may CLICK on those NOUNS for access.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA