The UWM terrestrial magnetism criminal trial with University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and the North Pole magnetic data battle field with the Norberg, Northern Illinois University, and Norway shootings. FermiLAB iron Hemoglobin protein messages.
Earth's magnetic field - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Earth's magnetic field (also known as the geomagnetic field) is the magnetic field that extends from the Earth's inner core to where it meets the solar wind, ...
Importance - Main characteristics - Magnetosphere - Time dependence
Terrestrial magnetism - definition of Terrestrial magnetism by the magnetic force exerted by the earth, and recognized by its effect upon magnetized needles and bars.
See also: Magnetism. How to thank TFD for its ...
Terrestrial Magnetism Volumes 1 (1896) - 3 (1898)
Volumes 1 (1896) – 3 (1898). << previous , 1896-1898
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
Department of.......trial Magnetism
Department of.......trial M
Department of Terr .......Magnetism
Department of Terror..... Magnetism
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
Modern criminal activity by citizens, universities, and government secret societies. Now a human sub-species of magnetic field/ iron hemoglobin humans deliberatley distort the NORTH POLE magnetic field government an its EARTH policies.
Let's review the components of the magnetic field and human iron hemoglobin interaction.
This process was explained in detail in several other blog titles at this WEBSITE and BLOG SITE.
==> The Ferrous Oxide Atomic WARRIOR – The IRON LADY
March 6, 2010 by zinjan
British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is an agent for the Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology family.
The IRON LADY represents the 26 protons of the ferrous oxide atom of the periodic atomic table of life.
The 26 protons of iron communicate using their ironic English alphabet of 26 symbols. Thus we have the atomic English language of ferrous oxide atom via the iron Hemoglobin protein –> and the social science expressions of Hemoglobin human female structures. The IRON LADY has a history of battles involving symbolic military tools and/or physical military tools in various media.
==> Example 2 - YEAR 2001, Sept 11. The IRON Lady and the IRON Towers of the World Trade Center. The Computer Earth battle with the NORTH POLE magnetic data field interaction with the IRON TOWERS and the biological read/write TAPE HEADS within the Base 2 binary towers. The cortex computers within the iron structure have serious data errors. The hemoglobin HEME group Fe(ii) ion economic reports are nonsense. Computer EARTH system 370 device UNIT = North Pole magnetic (Nixon) tape with a cortex READ/WRITE tape HEAD.
Thus we have the above ..a brief outline of concepts. More details are available at the blogs with keywords:
- Milwaukee Policeman Norberg and the magnetic field
- GM automotive Janesville magnetic field
- North Pole magnetic field war Northern Illinois
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting social science test site. From a distant astrophysics biologist .... looking at the EARTH thru an
astrophysics microscope ...would see the small EARTH a living EARTH cell.
Thus .....
Jan 5, 2011 – Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Iron in a Heme Group
Proteins with Iron in a Heme Group. There are two common and very important proteins that contain iron in a heme group: myoglobin and hemoglobin.
Structural Biochemistry/Protein function/Heme group - Wikibooks ...
Dec 13, 2011 – In hemoglobin, each subunit contains a heme group; each heme group contains an iron atom that is able to bind to one oxygen molecules.
Golbular Protein
At the center of the heme group is the iron +2 metal ion. The nitrogen atoms bind to the iron ion through what are called coordinate covalent bonds. This means ...
Hemoglobin faculty.
What is a heme group? It is an organic molecule, arranged in a circle, with an iron atom in the middle. The organic molecule, when straightened out (not in a ...
Red blood cells, or erythrocytes are by far the most numerous blood cells. Each red blood cell contains hemoglobin which is the iron-containing protein that transports oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. In hemoglobin, each subunit contains a heme group; each heme group contains an iron atom that is able to bind to one oxygen molecules. Since hemoglobin consists of four polypeptide subunits, two alpha chains and two beta chains, and each subunit contains a heme group; each hemoglobin protein can bind up to four oxygen molecules.
Darwinian evolution of abstract thinking humans.....
red blood cells have advanced to the NEW version of
read blood cells ...that have symbolic contecnt (nouns, verbs, math equations) that circulates in the blood stream. Hence, a stream of consciousness Nature continues with Darwinian symbolic evolution.
Magnetic Field of the Magnetic Field of the Earth.
The Earth's magnetic field is similar to that of a bar magnet tilted 11 degrees from the spin axis of the Earth. The problem with that ..
Earth's magnetic field - Wikipedia
It is approximately the field of a magnetic dipole tilted at an angle of 11 degrees with respect to the rotational axis—as if there were a bar magnet placed at that ...
Geomagnetism Frequently
This magnetic field changes both with time and with location on the Earth and ... dipole is offset from the axis of the Earth's rotation by
approximately 11 degrees.
head/ brain/ SKU 11 --> skull ideas tilted ....
read Candide by Voltaire ....
Voltaire has used Candide and all of the characters in it to voice his opinion on the ... The scene where Don Quixote tries to fight the windmills because he thinks ...
..symbolism --> windmills = citizen big MOUTH nonsense talk
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
Department of.......trial Magnetism
Department of.......trial M
Department of Terr .......Magnetism
Department of Terror..... Magnetism
Department of Terror..... Magnetism
Department of Terror..... Magnetism
Department of Terror..... Magnetism
Department of Terror..... Magnetism.
Norberg shares prestigious ISMAR Prize | Newsroom | Washington ...Oct 21, 2004 – ... a co-recipient of the 2004 ISMAR Prize, the highest honor the
International Society of Magnetic Resonance awards.
Norberg shares the prize ...
Society of Magnetic Resonance awards.
Society of Magnetic Resonance awards.
Society of Magnetic Resonance awards.
Society of Magnetic Resonance ..war
Society of Magnetic Reason......war
........Norberg shares the prize ...
........Norberg shares the prize ...
Police --> Pol + ice --> North Pole + Artic ice
Earth systems .....
Milwaukee undercover special agent code -->
Norbeg --> Nor + berg --> North pole Ice berg.
Magnet Schools of America -
The Leading Source for Information on Excellence in Public
School Magnet Programs ...
2012 Magnet Schools of Merit ...Milwaukee
Milwaukee - Wikipedia
Milwaukee Public Schools operate as magnet schools,
Geomagnetism Frequently
This magnetic field changes both with time and with location on the Earth and ... dipole is offset from the axis of the Earth's rotation by
approximately 11 degrees.
head/ brain/ SKU 11 --> skull ideas titled ....
SKU11 --> 11 math life ... ERROR message for
Fer = Ferrous oxide atomic humans at FermiLAB ....
regarding magnetic field problems with humans iron.
Some magnetic field BATTLES.Why are they ignored by government funded university scientists?
Shooting at Tucson High Magnet Schools Sep 11, 2003: Incident began shortly after school dismissal and a dispute erupted between two students.
School - Related Deaths, School Shootings, School Crises: 2003-
School-related violent deaths, school shootings, and school crisis incidents: 2003 -2004 ...
A 16-year-old boy died after a fistfight at Pueblo High Magnet School.
Parents rally against shootings near Columbus Magnet SchoolMay 18, 2011 – Parents enter Columbus Magnet School on Wednesday night for a discussion about shootings in the area of the school. hour photo/matthew ...
Principal, asst. principal shot at Knox school, teacher charged
Feb 11, 2010 – The shooting was at the school at 4701 High School Road in North ... Sarah Moore Greene Magnet School, an administrative assistant at ..
Teen accused in fatal Riverview shooting might be tried
Jun 9, 2011 – The car took him to Progress Village Middle Magnet School, where investigators ... McCray turned himself in the evening after the shooting.Teen suspect described Riverview shooting, according to records
May 26, 2010 – Teen suspect described Riverview shooting, according to records ... to the south parking lot of the Progress Village Middle Magnet School.
Paterson teen arraigned in shooting death of magnet schoolMar 15, 2010 – Shaheem Fields pleaded not guilty to murder and weapons charges in connection with the fatal shooting of a 17-year-old magnet school ...
Lowe-Norberg Theory of Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance by H Betsuyaku - Cited by 21 - Related articles
the basis of the Kubo-Tomita theory of magnetic resonance. ...make clear the approximate nature of the I owe-Norbergand Clough- .... co s{B~,t + (B&,-B~,)t.
Cached - Similar
Its original author is Arvid Norberg. ... supports the µTorrent metadata transfer protocol (i.e. magnet links) BEP 9; supports the µTorrent
peer exchange protocol ....
Einstein's FIELD THEORY with new police adjectives
Magnetic field AGENT B (Bryan) of the IRON MAN category
The magnetic flux density (also called magnetic B field or just magnetic field, usually denoted B ) is a vector field. The magnetic B field vector at a given point in space is specified by two properties:
1.Its direction, which is along the orientation of a compass needle.
2.Its magnitude (also called strength), which is proportional to how strongly the compass needle orients along that direction.
In SI units, the strength of the magnetic B field is given in teslas.
Thus the Milwaukee police science department training/ direction /orientation of police instinct is good
Byran = B ...was the human B field vector at given point in space (near B H = Bradely High school) and at Computer Earth system 370 Base 2 Binary address of 2nd Street.
Below, we have M = Milwaukee Magnetization
Thus M A/m --> Milwaukee America magnetic map of life
The magnetization of a magnetized material is the local value of its magnetic moment per unit volume, usually denoted M, with units A/m.[10] It is a vector field, rather than just a vector (like the magnetic moment), because different areas in a magnet can be magnetized with different directions and strengths (for example, because of domains, see below). A good bar magnet may have a magnetic moment of magnitude 0.1 A·m2 and a volume of 1 cm3, or 1×10−6 m3, and therefore an average magnetization magnitude is 100,000 A/m. Iron can have a magnetization of around a million amperes per meter. Such a large value explains why iron magnets are so effective at producing magnetic fields.
Thus we see the MIlwaukee shooting of Norberg was a SIGNAL from Nature....that ought not be ignored. The SIGNAL involves the magnetic field WAR over human violators of EARTH magnetic field social engineering laws.
Let's review the signal again.
a) Milwaukee has magnet school brain experiments regarding the 11 degree angle tilt
b) MPS = Milwaukee Public School brain computer designers ..wants to impose the Wisconsin state assembly bio-computer language into blank child brains. Specifically, the citizen government wants the assembler language cortex computer instructions MP = Multiply Packed placed into brain cells.
3) Citizens in other school districts have experimental errors in their magnetic brain computer programs ..... hence the large number of shootings at magnetic schools. The Department of Education at the federal and state level could care less about the details of the brain manipulation experiments or the errors. This was explained long ago by Lewis Carroll.
Lewis Carroll and experiments in awareness of the social structure of Nature and the Earth government with subset human governments and institutions.
LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
The LEWIS Carroll EARTH LAB message:
"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
Thus the student guinea-pigs used by the modern EARTH LAB educational system...with the puppet strings as predicted bySTRING THEORY physics ...about the Margaret Mead nuclear family ...the atomic brain intellect and the atomic social anthropology systems of Nature.
Thus the NORBERG signal.......and the school war........why the shooting took place near a Milwaukee public school...... a warning to city of Milwaukee about the intellectual void they have in undersatnding Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD theory, gravity data fields, magnetic data fields, electromagnetic data fields, and the BASEBALL data field of the Milwukee Brewers. TO much nonsense in the Milwaukee region BEDROOM intellectual community ...pretending to understand REALITY and the social engineering laws of Nature.
UWM --> Universe WAR Magnetic
UWM --> University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee AND
UWM --> Univeristy of Wisconsin, Madison war zone
with the magnetic field symbolic map POINTERS/CLUES.
What is the map ...that exists of this EVENT ...that the newspapers refuse to publish and the univerities in Milwuakee will not acknowledge.
What are some of the magnetic field symbolic map POINTERS/CLUES to the set-up of the magnetic field EVENT ....a tragic signal caused by lazy,biased Milwaukee intellectual policies.
Citizens and their law school leaders enjoy the hypnosis of the police force, they enjoy lying to detectives, they enjoy with-holding information from detectives, and they enjoy the set-up and accusations ..pointing the finger at Badger Guns....and thus omitting the big picture of Milwaukee schemes and scams.
To bad Milwaukee universities and Milwaukee citizens have no intellectual integrity or honor ...they will not help clarify this puzzling SIGNAL from Nature about the Milwaukee iron Hemoglobin blood war and Milwaukee magnet school and their student brain computer programmming ERRORs.
The Nor -->Norway brain programming experiments with their children ...resulted in Nature's orders for the Utoeya deletion of the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 biological IMS database defective child records.....hence, the shooting deletion of the child database records per EARTH system 370 OS/JCL = OS Job Control Language signal for OSLO fix the European brain dribble nonsense. Had Milwuakee fixed their brain magnet problems ..then Utoeya proably would not have happened. Milwaukee scholars that PLAY DUMB...and arrogant...... can be proud of their role in the Norway and Northern Illinois tragdies. These are complex puzzles .... that take time to figure out.
above from Wikipeadia free encyclopedia -->
Pole namining conventions
Pole and Bradley Convention Center M = Magnetization war
Pole and Bradley High School M = Milwaukee magnet war
Pole --> North Pole + ice Berg secret Hemoglobin agent
.........Nor + Pol + Ice + berg ----> giving
.........Nor Berg Police ...reporting for IRON MAN project and
Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family anthropology projects.
A magnetic field is a mathematical description of the magnetic influence of electric currents and magnetic materials. The magnetic field at any given point is specified by both a direction and a magnitude (or strength); as such it is a vector field.[nb 1] The magnetic field is most commonly defined in terms of the Lorentz force it exerts on moving electric charges. There are two separate but closely related fields to which the name 'magnetic field' can refer:
a magnetic B field and a magnetic H field.
The B Field and H field WAR at location
B H --> Bradley High school M =Magnetization Milwaukee manipulation experiments by the Fe= Federal government Department of Education with State of Wisconsin approvals.
The Milwaukee children and their magnetic field brain mutations.
BH - Bradley High magnetic bio-physics technology
What did the Norberg magnetic field vector battle look like;
after the battle was analyzed and drawn on paper map?
The EARTH geography surface map with the IRON MAN battle
(the iron blood within Norberg and the external activities of the shooting with an iron gun, iron automobiles, etc )...might look like -->.
North Pole signal for those brain curosity
Norberg ...Milwaukee policeman wounded
Northern Illinois University shooting, DeKalb
Norway shooting at Utoeya and Oslo deaths
Now ....we have the EARTH magnetic field flow lines ....
We see the map symbols (symbolic life)
S and N and the transformation to physical life expressions ..with the
S and N signaling event serties:
Shooting Norberg
Shooting Northern Ill/sick noise university
Shooting Norway
Let's consider the NIL = Northern Ilinois shooting at DeKalb, Illinois in the
Margaret Mead nuclear family region of Fer = FermiLAB in Batavia.
FerriLAB is a ferrous oxide atomic anthropology research lab ....that exists on the surface of EARTH. They are known for many secrets .....thus they have the famous television show ..
Deep Space Nine with Odo = Oddone and the Ferengi = FermiLAN engineering.
Very cool they send out messages from the atomic/astrophysics communications continuum via mass communications (TV, radio, print).
Thus we have the Department of Engergy, Office of Science and the EARTH LAB region of Northen Illinois with iron hemoglobin experimental humanoids .....and the NORTH Pole flow lines.
Let's look at the map of the region with the Cole Hall shooting location A = DeKalb, Illinois.
Let's look at the magnetic field bandwidth of about 80 miles ...
Madison <- magnetic bandwidth -> UW,Milwaukee
Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
Department of.......trial Magnetism
Department of.......trial M
Department of Terr .......Magnetism
Department of Terror..... Magnetism
Department of Terror..... Magnetism
Department of Terror..... Magnetism
Department of Terror..... Magnetism
Department of Terror..... Magnetism.
UWM --> Universe WAR Magnetic
UWM --> University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee AND
UWM --> Univeristy of Wisconsin, Madison war zone
with the mmagnetic field symbolic map POINTERS/CLUES.
Norberg Theory of Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance
by H Betsuyaku - Cited by 21 - Related articles
the basis of the Kubo-Tomita theory of magnetic resonance. ... make clear the approximate nature of the I owe-Norberg and Clough- .... co s{B~,t + (B&,-B~,)t.
However, a version of the magnetic-pole approach is used by professional magneticians to design permanent magnets.[citation needed] In this approach, the divergence of the magnetization ∇•M inside a magnet and the surface normal component M•n are treated as a distribution of magnetic monopoles. This is a mathematical convenience and does not imply that there are actually monopoles in the magnet.
Norberg and Graham ...verison of the
magnetic-police for Nature
the surface normal component M•n are
the surface normal component M•n are
the ....face normal component Man area
thus we have the face of the the agents above whose
subliminal mind and Carl Jung collective unconsciouness work within
Nature's EARTH Lab social engineering test .... magnetic city of Milwaukeee.
For details on Carl Jung.... consult West Allis (West Alice in Wonderland and Dairyland) Police Chief JUNG about the ANT -> Anthropology battle of Anthony Peters with University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee anthropology agent Mayor Barrett ...and the bio-physics bar magnet fight.
The 2 human cylinders of magnetic field life .....FIGHT Police Chief JUNG social psychology terrrority near the Wisconsin State Fair. Thus the UW ethics/fairness philosophy fight between 2 different schools of thought in the Milwaukee region of collective unconsciousness.
Let B H = inside of the Brain + HEAD ...and its iron Heme group thought components.
Let B H = Inside Bradley High and the Milwaukee magnetic school skulls
Above, we see the B H = Brain Head internals at
magnetic school B H = Bradley High school .... and
then the logical deduction that
Milwaukee B H factors become
language B S factors in newspapers and elsewhere
Outside the magnet, the field B is proportional to H, while inside the magnetization must be added to H (see Units and calculations). An extension of this method that allows for internal magnetic charges is used in theories of ferromagnetism (see micromagnetics).
The modern classroom ...messages from the Killing Fields of CAM = Cambodia brain war in 1975 ... a brain application from CAM = University of Cambridge, England ....theory of brain SCIENCE WARS and applications DEMOS.
Modern liFE and Margaret Mead atomic social expressions VIA Fer = InFER --> Fer --> Ferrous oxide atoms with self-awareness --> Do they exist?
Fer --> FermiLAB ....and the brain cell IRON CURTAIN intellectual prison with Heme Group fe(ii) ion biology jail cells. Thus, we have professor atomic brain cells with jail cells inside the brain. Help our hard working and hard thinking physics friends .. who are prisoners of a molecular cell biology communications problem.
Brave New World ... 1984 ..... Future Shock ..... books warned us of the possibilities.
The Federal government is based upon the Fe atom of the periodic atomic table.
Illiterate intellectuals who pretend to understand Federal gun laws ..have alot to learn about the SCIENCE WARS ..that have been around for about 15 years. The Galileo astronomy war is over 370 years old.
Thus Badger guns is just a minor factor ...
in the big Milwaukee university cover-up.
Milwaukee could show leadership ..... and explore the new REALTIES od awareness ... and play fair and honest.
Milwaukee lives in 4 dimesnions .....even thou physics states their are a least 11 dimesnions.
Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia, the free
In non-technical terms, M-theory presents an idea about the basic substance of ... This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of ...
Background - Status - See also - References
M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In theoretical physics, M-theory is an extension of string theory in which 11 dimensions are identified. Because the dimensionality exceeds that of superstring ...
The universities can avoid counter law-suits by Badger GUNS.
Also, the university faces murder charges of the ATLAS physics project and its supersymmetry error resulting in the murder of Jake Gerard at ATLAS (Data) BUS Sales ...parallel processing location. University computer science CAD = Computer Aides Design of human CAD = CADAVERS plays an important role in Milwaukee murder rate.
The Police Department detectives ought study the university secret societies and how the arrogance system works. But, detectives can play intellectual poker and pull their bluff. Empirical real data from the hard facts of crimes.... gives police a good poker hand. Thus we have a psychological game ...and the university thinks it can fabricate any Hollywood version of reality that it wishes; but, cities and societies have to run with a minimum of problems .... especially nasty stuff like murder AND Milwaukee police and detectives could help build a model of what's really happening in the modern city. Polce street smarts combined with the these adanvced theories ...... can outline how the modern criminal system works .... from the sublimainal mind to secret hand-signals, verbal commands. etc. ...factors taht all converge to one person ...who then becomes the Shakespearean actor that commits the serious crime.
Actually, it is a very interesting puzzle.
The university has failed to help understand these problems; because they are the master-mind behind many of the problems.
William Shakespeare stated around year 1600
" The WORLD is a stage and we are the players"
in modern times we ahve Milwaukee theater with
the "Norberg and Bradley High stage performance"
thus who is the director of the Milwaukee stage??
Badger GUNS is the master-mind.
You got to be kidding me!
Did I go to school to believe stupid nonsense explanations ...put forth Milwaukee?
And then Badger GUNS or their equiavlent are repsonsible for Norway and Northern Illinois shooting. What a joke.
Maybe the BIG LIE universities and their newspaper friends are behind the
LIE shooting signal of LIEGE, Belgium. Margaret Mead atomic communications sytems are rather accurate in explaining the deep CAUSES behind atomic human behavioral expressions.
The universities could probably avoid criminal charges, if they agree to cooperate in the magnetic field problems of the city and its citizens. Law schools ought pay more attention to the modern world ...instead of Milwaukee restuarant menus, sports, and music festivals.
The University of Wisconsin, Madison ought upgrade their intellectual standards ......and learn about Maragret Mead nuclear family......atomic social anthropology. For example, when hypnotized university professors wake up...they may explain their secret relationship with Nitrogen 14 --> 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet and the TRUE purpose of his last visit to Madison. University puzzles and secrets are some of the best obvious simple facts of life ......that are omitted from books/ papers/ etc.
Thus the TRUE NATURE of the Badger Gun set-up and the loss of their license.
Milwukee ought stop pretending ...they understand the entire world.
LEWIS Carroll from year 1865 ..Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, WHO Stole the Tarts?
"Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the officers of the court. .....(I will explain to you how it was done. ..with STRINGS: into this they slipped
the guinea-pig, head first and then sat upon it).
I'm glad I,ve seen that done' , thought Alice."
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Google Books
Lewis Carroll - 2006 - Fiction - 124 pages
Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediately suppressed by the ... 'I've so often read in the newspapers, at the end of trials, “There was some ...
The Milwaukee Journal-Sentintal has an opportunity and a challenge .... will they show the world what good newspaper leadership can accomplish in modern education and in society?
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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