Modern war using Nature's military math and molecules .....messages for universities, the Pentagon and world governments. You have been defeated in the Science Wars.

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Herb Zinser's analysis of the SCIENCE WARS. Nature's military atoms. molecules, force fields, and math equations defend EARTH from arrogant human groups that violate the SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature. In year 1959, C.P.Snow gave lecture on "Two Cultures". Thus we have the mitosis of cellular society into "Two Schools of Thought" ..... the lazy brain people who assume they know the answer AND those few dumb, curious people that are trying to understand the world's social mechanics. The lazy brain people only communicate amongst themselves. Hence, string theory physics can convert these humans with atomic brains into puppet string humans. Thus in year 2012, we have string theory military using Margaret Mead nuclear family human actors ...... providing empirical data to string theory theorists on the atomic anthropology war.


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