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The Milwaukee atomic/astrophysics continuum SCIENCE WAR Zone. The Dark Matter battle on Saturday night. The Wisconsin atomic brain intellectual WIMPS deny reality. WIMPS = WI.sconsin Milwaukee Public Schools
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RD-blog-506 by Herb Zinser
The astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Earth Lab) VIEW helps us understand the SCIENCE WAR battlefield ...and its injuries and causalties. The VIEW of a hypothetical distant virtual observer....viewing EVENTS on EARTH.......gives us an understanding of EARTH social science events,political science, economics , crimes, tragedies, etc.
To understand this...we consider the continuum....a range of existences.
Example: Atomic --> continuum <-- astrophysics
................................. |
Then we think of:........middle = human zone because
of Nature's blood mid --> blood plasMID in the atomic physics STANDARD MODEL ..and the HIERARCHY PROBLEM of atomic blood....humanoid symbolic spokeperson/agents.
Thus given the continuum we look at Milwaukee.
At the atomic end of the continuum we have a Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology
....atomic human EARTH LAB experimental specimen.
Theory....speculates that this humanoid structure is composed of atoms; but the University of Wisconsin has not confirmed this .....their secret CODE Of Silence.
Thus we propose that the periodic atomic table government has many formats of expression; including atomic bio-physics formats with a symbolic brain. Now, how would NATURE provide clues such that a mere mortal like myself.....could understand atomic political science.
Thus we have Margaret Mead atomic social anthropology WIMPS --> quantum state code WI + MPS --> Wisconsin Milwaukee Public Schools.
Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) - Physics - About.com
Then we have the extrapolation to the atomic brain nonsense of Madison WIMPS --> Wisconsin Madison Public Schools.
The university doesn't care to understand EARTH LAB......and the Mad magazine comedy of Madison society brain manipulators and their SMOKE SCREEN trick. Welcome to UW and their BRAVE NEW WORLD philosophy errors. Perhaps UW physics may learn the basics of diplomatic communication theory and how the Carl Jung atomic collective unconsciouness sends STAR TREK style cloaked, subtle messages to interested humans with a symbolic brain computer.
WIMPs and super-WIMPs
The Milwaukee WIMPS particle physics DARK MATTER atomic anthropology EARTH LAB event ...... around 10:45 p.m. Saturday.
Let's consider WORD clues from physics:
Force = Ma ....ATOM....Baryons ..in human words-->
..........Mayor....Tom ..Bar..Barrett
Milwaukee Mayor Barrett
Now after visiting the State Fair park in West Allis...the Mayor had a nasty experience with
Margaret Mead nuclear ant --> ANTHropology agent...named ANTH -->Anthony Peters
And it ended with Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood with a broken hand after he rushed to confront a pipe-wielding suspect officials described as a "vicious thug."
By Sunday evening, the suspect was in custody, Barrett was recuperating at a hospital, and his heroics were being recounted on national cable and network news shows.
Barrett, first elected in 2004 and re-elected last year, was struck on the head and torso with the pipe and broke his hand, presumably when he punched the man. As he rested Sunday at Froedtert Hospital, where doctors stitched up cuts on his head and lip, authorities and witnesses explained what happened.
The 55-year-old mayor, his sister, niece and two of his daughters were walking to his car around 10:45 p.m. Saturday in the 8800 block of W. Orchard St. in West Allis when they heard a woman yelling.
Authorities said Anthony J. Peters, 20, was arguing with his ex-girlfriend's mother, whose cries for help were answered by the mayor. Telling his sister to take his two young daughters out of harm's way, Barrett confronted the man and tried to calm him. When Barrett took out his cell phone, Peters attacked him, authorities said.
West Allis Police Chief Mike Jungbluth described Peters as a
"desperate man" who had threatened to shoot himself and others.
Thus Math Police Chief Jungbluth and his Carl Jung collective sub-consciousness states....Peters is a
"desperate mantissa"
influenced by the Logan, Utah astrophysics logarithms WAR
that have modified the Peters brain logarithms characteristic....and hence the Peters behaviorial character....which is his characteristic algbera expression of math life. Math life in the Milwaukee university system .....is the system of astrophysics LOCAL REGION existential DENIAL. Nature has already demoted Milweaukkee universities ...... in the serious INTELLECTUAL WAR component of the Science Wars.
But the university administrators is sure that pizza and hamburgers exist for the digestive system....THAT is food for THOUGHT. Complex symbolic food for THOUGHT is not needed in today's world; new shopping centers are needed.
Of course, CALTECH and the University of Manchester (a desperate math Man of Manchester Mantissa life) and the Alan Turing Building and Alan Sokal have problems with the existence of logarithms.
Bio.LOG.y .... in the daily life of these university people does not exist. However, bio-math log y .... in daily life is Nature's social engineering feedback SIGNAL system. Professors.... as university employees ought be able to keeep their brain cells CLEAR of the nonsense EM = Electro.Magnetic component of EM = EM.ployeee life. Thus far, no professor has been able to rise above the em.PLOY.ee psychology brain trick barrier .... a barrier to lazy brain ....easily overcome by communication with this author. The music group RADIO HEAD provides us with a suggested clue as to how Darwinian brain electron circuits have evolved. Attention all symbolic warriors..... the SCIENCE WARS are in progress...and you have failed to report to Central Nervous System intellectual duty.
I was warned by Betrand Russell, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell and others. Those author's ideas were mentioned in college courses; but, it took me over 30 years...older and wiser ....to truly realize their messages about subtle neurotransmitter brain-washing and the subliminal mind propaganda of large Carl Jung collective groups. Some group ideas are very accurate and okay; a few ideas are mixed up...........of course, this provides an intellectual challenge ...... an atomic social science puzzle for the more educated.
--> Thus we look at KEY SIGNALS of the Mayor's atomic social science MESSAGE:
- Pipe --> Data pipeline communication war
- elected 2004 --> Base 2 exponent 004 = Base 16 hex
- re-elected last year--> Computer Earth system 370 magnetic
..reel and the UWM bio-physics iron hemo.GLOB WAR and the
..role of Fer = FermiLAB's ferrous oxide atomic math life..
..re-elected last year-->Fermat's LAST Theorem math politics
- 55 year old mayor--> Hemoglobin with ferrous oxide iron atomic mass 55.85
................this ties in with the magnetic field shooting of
................Milwaukee iron hemoglobin policeman Norberg
Man arrested in attack on Mayor Barrett - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
giving the atomic anthropology signal of 55.8 .
...which approximated the atomic mass 55.8.
- 8800 block --> Computer Earth data block
- Anthony --> Margaret Mead atomic anthropology
- Police Chief JUNGbluth --> Nature's brain Police Chief Carl Jung collective unconsciouness WAR Zone
- University colle (colleges) --> Collective unconsciousness ERRORS of thought
- NIL, Cole Hall --> Colle Hall --> Collective unconsciousness shooting
Thus we have a lot of details omitted from the Newpsapers and the trial.
The universities make no attempt to understand anything. But they do understand how to eat pizza while watching a sports game.
In addition, we have the BLOG titles ..keywords for INTERNET query:
- Falk iron gear insurance study --> for the 55 year old Milwaukee Mayor (iron atomic mass 55.85)and his Hemoglobin iron proteins age 55
- Gravity Murder report from Milwaukee Jake Gerard --> Base 16 computer address (Street address) of the murder of Jake G = Universal gravitational constant ...GRAVITY WAR casualty
- The National High Magnetic field laboratory BATTLE with the iron Hemoglobin proteins within Milwaukee police officers Norberg and Graham K.
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