« Astrophysics evolution of EARTH LAB algebra logarithms math life from Logan, Utah to CALTECH using the Logan symbolic tool and constructing in proper sequence a Logan real data parameter list |
The astrophysics computer system 370 located at the EARTH LAB processing location: CALTECH --> an outline of the LOGON procedures and parameters --> Are you qualified ?
The BLOG: Symbolic origin of the Universe and the Blog on Galileo provide preliminary outlines of the Base 16 strcuture of SPACE/TIME on EARTH. Other Blogs discuss the exciting evolution of astrophysics EARTH LAB.
--> The mathematical creation of physical existence has a few components; one is the GALILEO Hexadecimal Base 16 construct. Organizations affected by the COMPUTER EARTH Galileo WAR include the Base 16 hexadecimal Federal Aviation Administration --> incomplete math exponential accident reports:
HEX'FAA' = F x 16 exp 2 + A x 16 exp 1 + A x 16 exp 0.
--> The symbolic English vowel system: A E I/O U gives access to the galactic computer --> vowels I/O = Input/Output. The galactic system 370 social engineering project plan identifiers are:
Vowel A = American geographic location
Vowel E = E pluri BUS unum (the GREAT SEAL) data BUS
Vowel I = Input data stream
Vowel O = Output data pipeline
Vowel U = other sides of the multi-facted UNIVERSAL MIND
Now lets look the astrophysics verison VIA the book " Black Holes and Time Warps" ...... written in mutli-level English that originated in Logan, Utah.
--> The symbolic English vowel system: A E I/O U gives access to the galactic computer --> vowels I/O = Input/Output. The galactic system 370 social engineering project plan identifiers are:
Vowel A = Astrophysics origin
Vowel E = English used by Thorne and Haw.Thorne
Vowel I = Input data stream
Vowel O = Output data pipeline Celestail Rail.Road
Vowel U = Utah --> the Logan component of the multi-facted UNIVERSAL MIND
Thus we see the structure of Nature's computer (using traditional copper wire computer system software terms) ..we begin to reveal ....the astrophysics computer using EARTH.
Thus we see the parallel processing strcuture with:
Calculate <-- --> CalTECH
Password <-- --> Pasadena
Logon <-- --> Logan universe agent --> Utah
Login <-- --> Logarithms in --> input such as human bio.LOG.y input devices with data
Logans Run movie --> Run an astrophysics EARTH LAB batch job with a batch of bio-computer students going for a Bachelor of Science.
Student have a biological computer brain awaiting bio-computer instructions with CORTEX COBOL bugs ...BRAVE NEW WORLD symbolic brain war with Aldous Huxley.
Thorne was born in Logan, Utah, the son of Utah State University professors.
In June 2009 he resigned his Feynman Professorship (he is now the Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics, Emeritus) to pursue
a career of writing and movie making.
Logans Run --> Log + ans + run --> Logarithms answer run
Logan's Run (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a career of writing and movie making.
a career of writing and movie making.
a career of writing and movie making.

In addition, we need a PSW H = Program Status Word Hexadecimal for system 370 OS/JCL... this is agent: PSW H --> Professor Stephen W. Hawking .....who has the astrophysics hexadecimal time origination point: Year 1942...wtih number 42 implying Base 4 expoent 2 = Base 16 Hexadecimal.
Systems IBM System/370 Principles of Operation - Trailing-Edge
no two days are ever the same at the University of Cambridge.
know base two binary systems data
Astrophysics EARTH LAB has a TIME experiment at geography location: Time Squared = T exponent 2
--> thus we have 42nd Street Man.hattan symmetry bio-physics
--> parallel year 1942 Max Born Man = Stephen Hawking
Thus far we have 2 major identifiers:
--> The Logon procedure outline of computer earth --> Earth geography Land (Local area network data) ...specically Logan, Utah
--> The astrophysics professor and his base 16 PSW Hexadecimal
--> next we consider EARTH space/time as an IBM VSAM data space.....specifically we are interested in CA = Control AREA ...CA = CALTECH....suggesting that CALTECH is under some control force....which may be good/or may be a problem.
The force FIELD probably invloves Einstein's data processing DATA FIELD Theory.....a theory whose existence is denied by university computer science departments ...who specialize in awareness. How convienent is this denial? Did Base 16 Hex date of April 16, 2007 exist at Virginia Tech University? So, students need to be aware that universities selectivity OMIT obvious information .......so puppet string theory physics students get a biased point of view. Lewis Carroll (Year 1865), George Orwell, Bertrand Russell, and others already mentioned that intellectual problem. That's who I learned from.
--> then we need map of the symbolic dimensions on EARTH .....the mathematical AP = Astro.Physics region on EARTH which has been kindly described by CALTECH calculus book author:
TOM M. Apostol....
..............M A P
...this correlates with the book by S.I. Hayakawa " Languauge in Thought and Action" ...and since math equations are a language...we see MATH life in daily action.
--> Then we need a COMPUTER EARTH ...computer page composed of geography land...and FermiLAB has this feature nearby with the existence of DuPage County, Illinos...thus DuPage = Duplicate Page with Du = Double Word capacity of .... North pole magnetic field interaction with Fer = Ferrous oxide atoms as FermiLAB Hemoglobin protein structures ......near North Avenue ....Highway 64 = 32 + 32...DuPage County and Batch computer jobs in Batavia.
--> Then with VSAM = Virtue (Virtual) Sequential Acess Method with a KSDS = Key Sequenced Data SET ..... and the alter ego of astrophysics
undercover agent for KSDS
..................K. S.THORNE .....
agent identifier: KIP S. Thorne (kip S --> Skip)
Vsam data record SKIP Sequential Processing.....Thorne
Notice IBM VSAM data space has a CA = Control AREA .... (also the post office abbreviation of California).
Thus from Computer Earth view ...... the geography data space of CA (Califronia ) is Nature's VSAM CA.
CALTECH is also under VSAM control ... but they deny these possibilities of year 2013 reality.
--> implies the astrophysics LINK to the "Celestial Railroad" of Nathaniel Haw.THORNE.
--> Page 370 and page 371 ....of his book ..and reference to
WARSAW --> WAR Saw the optical nerve and photon NOUNS with symbolic life.
Thus the electromagnetic TELEVISION war with Hollywood brain control of CALTECH students and professors.
CALTECH lost...they are to intellectually lazy to realize that the George Orwell prediction of 1984 propaganda is upon us. Since 1984 ....26 years have elapsed ...but hypnotized CALTECH administators like propaganda and distortion of social science policies.
CALTECH Feynman scholars provide data to explain the Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic jail (intellectual prison) inside the university people BRAIN. Their HEME group iron fe(ii) jail bars.... .modern brain molecular cell biology prison. ....and symbolic prison for social engineering nonsense.
System 370 page 370 is related to the symbolic dimensions of Sartre existentialism.
But this is an outline of how the astrophysics computer system comprised of EARTH ..works. More data is available....and more work has to be done....as the test system moves into production on behalf of the EARTH goverment and Nature's SOCIAL CONTRACT with man .... a philosophy problem that was discussed by John Locke in year 1690....and continues to this day.
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