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TIME WAR: Fort Ho - Hour at Fort Hood
The tragedy at Fort Hood involves many components...none are described in newspaper accounts of the event. The government National Bureau of Standards, government funded universities and corporations, DARPA, and the Pentagon pretend to understand the subtle aspects of EARTH LAB SPACE and TIME. Their human brain makes the bragging mistake ..of claiming intellectual superiority over Nature's vast intellect. Washington, DC fails to recognize the existence of the EARTH government and its dimensions of jurisdiction.
Fort HO, Texas is just a repeat of the EARTH LAB war signal
.... HO Chi Minh trail 1968 VieT.nam. Also, repeated tragedy
Mr.CHO Cho Mind trial 2007 V T name = Virginia Tech
...... HO Chi Minh trail /string theory geo-physics
Mr.CHO at Virginia TECH
Fort HO, Texas
..... HO Chi Minh trail /string theory geo-physics 1968 VieTnam
String theory and the Vietnam WAR application - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
NOVA | The Elegant Universe: Series ... - PBS
NOVA | The Elegant University: Series ... - PBS
nova ..caine television : JCAD | The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic ...
novocaine optical editor - The Journal of PBS TV Aesthetic tricks.
Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
String Theory Productions | Performance | Sonic Sculpture | Dance
The Official String Theory Web Site
The Official String Theory Web Site
The Official String Theory experiments in Sartre existentialism and message processing
Execution of Saddam Hussein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Execution of Saddam Hussein by Hanging (Full Video)
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