Symmetry physics and M-theory physics SCIENCE WAR news from --> the Earth Lab atomic anthropology battle zone: Syria 13 year old boy tortured
A periodic atomic table government news report of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology WAR....month of May 2011.
The human is composed of atoms.
Humans have thoughts.
Thoughts must have an origin.
Therefore atoms are the origin of thought.
Therefore political protests,etc. by humans.....are really atomic protests of the Margaret Mead atomic families VIA the human vehicle/the human atomic feelings expressor/the human atomic messenger.
Atomic social anthropology families are listed in beginning college physics and college chemistry textbooks. The families comprise 18 columns in the periodic atomic table of life and thought. Some columns are shown below.
The atomic column families (Col is the abbreviation for word Columns).... the atomic anthropology shootings at EARTH LAB geography sites:
atomic COL site --> COL.umbine High School atomic human battle of electron shells VIA atomic bullet messenger SHELLS. Universities in Colorado deny the existence of electron shells ... evidence of their advanced intellectual their pursuit of the pursuit of the American dream /coma / brain clouds VERSUS the pursuit of accurate explanations of why events happen. A univerrsity or government dream is not considered an intellectually precise substitute for REALITY and REAL project plans to understand the symbolic life of proton PROSE.
atomic COL site --> COL.e --> COL.e Hall = COLumn electron shell battle with bullet shells... which are surprisingly composed of atoms and their electon shells. This is a recent discovery. The Northern Illinois University physics and chemistry departments deny the existence of any such possibility ......because they, FermiLAB, UC, UI have superior knowledge of how everything in the UNIVERSE works; an intellectual contradiction ..... considering the work that needs to be done on the THEORY of EVERYTHING. The Hierarchy Problem in atomic social anthropology physics and the Department of Energy failure to TRY to understand atomic social engineering FEEDBACK SIGNALS. Thus Nature does not consider these groups and their attitude .... as serious contenders in the intellectual component of the SCIENCE WARS.
As William Shakespeare stated around year 1600
......."The WORLD is a stage and we are the players" and
today ....we have an interesting relationship existant in the atomic communications continuum.
An example is the retail store chain "Pier 1 Imports"
Pier 1 Imports
481 North Randall Road
Batavia, IL 60510-9298
(630) 761-8925
and how the atomic continuum arranged the PARALLEL
Pier (odd)One Import from Peru, South America to -->
Shipping address:
Fermilab Receiving
Wilson and Kirk Roads
Batavia, IL 60510-5011
Phone (630) 840 3575
An interesting secret of FermiLAB bio-physics experiments within the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear anthropology family.
The details still have to be figured out; but FermiLAB theoretical physicsts ain't talking.
Social chemistry families are listed in college organic chemistry tetxbooks.
We adapt the VIEW of EARTH LAB social,political events as atomic expressions; with the
INTERNAL atomic government, its social engineering policy conflicts, and the atomic anthropology communication Hierarchy Problem with Argonne, FermilAB, Brookhaven and CITIZEN groups.
--> Internal atomic government and the symbolic life of particles
--> Mirror - symmetry - parallel processing
--> External human events on the surface of EARTH that may reflect internal atomic intellectual thought conflicts
The atomic English language -->
26 protons of ferrous oxide atom have 26 English alphabet symbols.....
letters A thru Z
with the 13th symbol = M --> the atomic origin of M-theory thoughts.
The atomic thought STRING ....proceeds via the Heme group fe(ii) ion used by the iron myoglobin the physical MUSCLES of the ARM, wrist,hand of math/physics professors .....who then convert the atomic thoughts ....accompanied by their theory and lab work ... into math/word symbols on cellulose paper.
In such a manner myoglobin expresses INTELLECTUAL MUSCLE.
Now we see the symbolic parallel and its conversion to physical events.
Thus the reality EVENT: an example that may provide empircal data to mathematical-physics theorists about the atomic theory of life and atomic thought.
ATOMIC thoughts....atomic social questions unanswered .....
Sy --> Symmetry theory......13th letter implies M-theory
transformed to EARTH LAB visibility ....
Sy --> Syria conflict and the 13th year old Male
SY --> Symmetry and the 13 atomic letter M
(phonetic sound male = mail )message for M-theory analysis
Symmetry (physics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Data of the symmetric EVENT....the EXTERNAL human event portion
Syria's alleged torture of 13-year-old boy:
May 30, 2011 ... Tonight, a gruesome story out of Syria where the Assad regime continues its crackdown on its own people as they protest against the ...
syria¡alleged-torture-of-13-year-old-boy-join-the- live-chat
13-Year-Old Syrian Boy Allegedly Tortured for Anti-Gov't Protest ... May 31, 2011 ...
Syria says 13-year-old boy was not tortured - Monsters and Critics Jun 1, 2011 ...
Damascus(dpa)- Syria said on Wednesday that Hamzah al Khateeb, 13, the boy opposition activists charged Syrian security forces had tortured ...
Syria-says-13-year-old-boy-was-not-tortured - CachedAM - 13 year old Syrian boy tortured to death 02/06/2011 Jun 2, 2011 ... Theres been international condemnation of the torture and death of a 13-year-old Syrian boy and the brutal crackdown on protestors ...
Tortured and killed: Hamza al-Khateeb, age 13 - Features - Al ...
Fundamentals of Microelectronics Chapter 6 Geo-Physics of MOS ...
Syria region of Earth Mos queue
View in Separate Window/Tab - Journal of Applied Physics
Physics information display VIA EARTH geography map
Turkey --> T + ur + key --> Theory uranium 235 key to isotopes(t)
Damascus --> Da + mas + cu + s --> Differential amplifier mask Cu (Copper atomic number 29) systems
Lebanon --> symmetry pointer to Lebanon Wisconsin, USA ......
Thus we see universities and their surface veneer explanation of civilization. They make social engineering ERRORs and talk obvious nonsense ....... thus attacking the atomic continiuum of atomic thoughts. The Carl Jung atomic collective unconscious MIND of the university campus collective is so full of sports/ movies/music/ talk nonsense ...... that they mis-represent the purpose of having an atomic brain. Many CITIZENS have violated atomic mass ...mass communications limits and boundaries. Mass communications atoms use television messenger atomic FORMAT or cellulose publishing industry atoms with symbolic alphabet life Of THIN INK --> THIN + INK --> THINK.
George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Rudolph Carnap have already written about propaganda BS nonsense approved by students, citizens, and professors. But they haven't the approval of the periodic atomic government...hence the Hierarchy Problem in the Department of Energy and the Office of Science.
Thus the wave mechanics physics battle at Cole Hall Oceanography class ....a message to the hypnotized campus at Northern Ill/sick noise university the BRAVE NEW WORLD of today.
The university has no interest in researching the National Science Foundation PSSC physics course ripple tank/water tank..... messages to the university thinkers.
Thus we have the George Orwell book 1984 and Oceania .....the OCEANIA casualties at Cole Hall triggered by the university and their atomic bio-physics brain communication errors in their Central Nervous System 370 symbolic brain computer. It is so strange..yet so obvious...that all the newspaper reports conveniently omitted any suggestion to the possibility of the Cole Hall oceanography class ..possible link to:
1) George Orwell book 1984 and the Oceania intellectual debate/conflict
2) wave mechanics or the PSSC physics course of ripple Tanks (a good course that I had in Sarasota High school)
3)the U.S.S Cole incident in October year 2000......
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