PennState and other major universities are defeated in the SCIENCE WARS. Intellectuals failed to understand modern society within the context of Nature's social engineering projects and brain engineering projects.
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- Penn State chemistry data helps explain the Hyde Park, University of Chicago theoretical chemistry experiment with the aldehyde chemistry expression ----> transformation to social chemistry.
- Penn State chemistry provides insight to the Virginia TECH university organic chemistry tragedy. The menthone and 1,3 butadiene conjugated diene SCIENCE WAR casualties.
Herb Zinser's analysis of the Science Wars and their casualties. Books like " Brave New World", "1984", and "Future Shock" warned about these possible intellectual conflicts ...... the years have gone by ... nothing has been fixed ..... and now universities are trapped by their social science fabricated world. Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, Rudolf Carnap and many others suggested universities clean-up that component of education based on propaganda, bias, and incomplete reports. Penn State is one test site of many ... with Uncle SAM --> Earth government social science experimental SAMPLE SPACE. An interesting puzzle.