Category: Uncategorized
Godzin Particle Physics
The Chicago Polish project: GODZIN
with Zbigniew Brzezinski | Foreign Affairs
and ZZ TOP music messages.
Nature's atomic electron SHELL gasoline station at 3181 N. Milwaukee Avenue sells Polish and Polish-American newspaper secrets about the GodZ… more »
Advanced Polish research - introduction
Year 2013 provides us with a new view of the European and American algebraic subsets of the EARTH government with Nature's intellect. Humans and their social structures live on the surface of EARTH Lab .....within the atomic/astrophys… more »
The North Pole and South Pole magnetic data field WAR with the iron hemoglobin proteins of WAR.saw humanoids. Do POLES understand the atomic Polish (or atomic English) language of the ferrous oxide atom?
Polish iron shipyards (external ships floating on Baltic Sea)
..........and parallel/ supersymmetry geo-physics and bio-physics
Polish iron ships (internal hemoglobin cells floating in biology fluids)
Previous blogs outlined… more »