Advanced Polish research - introduction
Year 2013 provides us with a new view of the European and American algebraic subsets of the EARTH government with Nature's intellect. Humans and their social structures live on the surface of EARTH Lab .....within the atomic/astrophysics continuum. For practical purposes we have:
atomic level <-- human intermediate --> Solar System level
Together, these various conceptual entities give us a practical view of our daily lives within the continuum. Economic activities, political science, crime, etc. can be understood as subset activities within the CONTINUUM frame of reference. Russell and Whitehead outlined this process in year 1910 with their explanation of sets/subsets and classes. Thus Principia Mathematica provided a symbolic architecture for Nature's intellect ...and 100 years later...the math social engineering analysis reports are becoming available.
The Polish of Chicago play a role in this process. Various projects require their attention; such as:
- the GodZin project with
......TenZin Gyatson of Tibet and
......TenZin of WISCONSIN with the Zinjanthropus Boise skull.
This is an archeology skull update project....involving Boise Cascade Office Products and their Polish heritage computer personnel in 1990 to 1995.
What was this secret Polish bio-computer system network project?
- The North Pole magnetic field bio-physics WAR at Northern Illinois University
- the bio-computer test data bus --> Bus.y Bee restaurant of Damen Avenue/ North Avenue/ Milwaukee Avenue in 1984 and the nearby FLAT IRON Building and supersymmetry physics parallel to the IRON shipyards of Poland.
- The FLAT IRON building extension to the iron Federal Building in Oklahoma City and the iron World Trade Center.
The Chicago Polish math, physics, engineering, and science professionals and their friends could make a major contribution to understanding the SCIENCE WARS .......which will provide an updated view of world politics and world economics.
Poles in Chicago
Poles in Chicago - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

North Side of Chicago
- Jozafatowo – The area around St. Josaphat's in Chicago which was initially heavily Cassubian
- U Przemienienia – The area around Transfiguration
Avondale 'Chicago's Polish Village:
- Jackowo – The area around St. Hyacinth Basilica
- Waclawowo – The area around St. Wenceslaus
- Polskie Wille - The landmark Villa District, historically known as the "Polish Kenilworth"
- Niepokalanego Serca Maryi – The area around Immaculate Heart of Mary, also known as Little Cassubia
- Wladyslawowo – The area around St. Ladislaus in Chicago
- Konstancowo – The area around St. Constance
- Teklowo – The area around St. Thecla
- Jakubowo – The area around St. James
- U Biskupa (Stanislawowo) – The area around St.Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr
Humboldt Park Franciszkowo – The area around St. Francis of Assisi
Thus we see some symbol and geography CLUES about the Chicago Polish and their unsolved puzzle.
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CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
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