Godzin Particle Physics
Below, an electron shell OUTPUT message processing location for Margaret Mead atomic social science news.
The Chicago Polish Physics - Secrets of atomic brain religion
March 10, 2013 by zinjan
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Z big ............zin -->
Godzin - Polish - English Translation and Examples
Zbigniew Brzezinski | |
![]() |
December 2010 photo | |
10th United States National Security Advisor | |
In office January 20, 1977 – January 20, 1981 |
President | Jimmy Carter |
Deputy | David L. Aaron |
Preceded by | Brent Scowcroft |
Succeeded by | Richard V. Allen |
Personal details | |
Born | Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski March 28, 1928 Warsaw, Poland |
Political party | Democratic |
Alma mater | McGill University Harvard University |
Profession | Politician, critic |
Zbigniew Brzezinski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brzezinski during his White House years ..... that is the optical computer SYMBOL MACHINE that uses the White electromagnetic spectrum and the English dictionary HOUSE of words ...... the eye/optical merve/ brain processor WHITE HOUSE
The Leon Lederman physics book ” The God Particle” combined with the Chicago north side Polish newspapers Polish language noun: GODZIN gives the Leon Lederman theory update “The GodZIN Particle”.
The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is ... - Wikipedia
What does it all mean? Perhaps Leon Lederman’s leadership will help us understand Margaret Mead nuclear family evolution –> evolution of the periodic atomic table of societal life expressions. The Polish physics newspapers are sold at the organic chemistry hydrocarbon electron SHELL message processing location at Milwaukee Avenue/Belmont.
The theory of evolution of the atomic table of elements is understood in the context of Margaret Mead nuclear social anthropology. Thus the social, political expressions of brain electron circuits, proton English prose, and neutron atomic radio transmissions via brain radio neurotransmitters. Charles Darwin evolution of symbolic brain cells in the last 100 years has given different brain awareness species.
The parity violations in the Margaret Mead nuclear society points out serious anthroplogy errors. The periodic atomic table has intellectual agents/ biological structures acting as its representatives. The Dr.Robley D. Evans 1955 book ” The Atomic Nucleus” and other books give clues to this atomic government.
For example, page 156 states ” a single-particle model for ODD-A nucleus” . Thus we have the 1955 evolution of the ODD_A_ ( ODD mAn) nucleus. What are the Fermi-Dirac statistical odds of atomic evolution into a Margaret Mead atomic brain structure? Can MOTHER NATURE demonstrate its intellectual prowess?
Probabilty of the ODD MAN project: zero to 1 = ONE.
P…………………. ODD………………………………….. ONE
Mother Nature predicts its atomic brain Fermi-Dirac
statistics can design an individual as: Fermi-Direc(tor)
Thus we conclude atomic levels of intellectual expression :
symmetry magazine
............ try magazine
symmetry magazine
level l - Fermi-Dirac axiomatic orgin ( Mother Nature source )
level 2 – Fermi-Direc(tor) an atomic logical deduction from axioms
Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab director | symmetry magazine
The message to Pier Oddone is that he may wish to recognize the MOTHER NATURE atomic Manhattan Project, Margaret Mead nuclear anthropology component. Denial of existence of the Project Plan caused the loss of funds from the 2008 physics budget. He ought recognize the spokesperson HIERARCHY of the periodic atomic table government. Pier Oddone, Leon Lederman, and other scientists might consider
the Chicago-Polish GODZIN symbol machine project,
the TENZIN projects of Tensor earthly space/time human activities,
the MISSING-LINK ZINJAN skull project with
ZINO particle physics anthropology agent: ZIN –> clues to the level l spokesperson for the atomic brain governmental organization.
I wish to thank Polish European Physics for their 1985 messages. The FE= Ferrous oxide atomic message that orginated from the iron shipyards –> SOLID-STATE physics –> hence the name Solidarity movement. A very unique, indirect way of communicating Margaret Mead nuclear family messages to the 1985 FE = Ferrous oxide atomic world headquarters at Fermilab.
In year 2013 the world headquarters are near EARTH Highway 26 Ferrous oxide proton world intellectual headquarters at Watertown, Wisconsin, USA.
Here, the EN --> Earth Nature --> EN --> ENglish language LINKS with the atomic ENglish language 26 alphabet letters of the 26 protons of the ferrous oxide IRON atom.
I am looking for the unemployed physicist, the disenfranchised scientist, the unwanted mathematician, the disillusioned engineer. Perhaps we can help each other.
For addditional information look at BLOG location:www.zinoproject.com/blog1/ –> Blog Title: Welcome to Project Plan Z. Other BLOG titles give a partial view of the updated social engineering vectors for 21st century civilization.
INTERNET key words for WEBSITE or BLOGS with contact information:
-Herb Zinser’s Project Plan Z
-Herb Zinser’s Science War report
-Herb Zinser’s AMERICAN Science Wars
-Herb Zinser’s BRITISH Science Wars
Advanced Polish research - introduction
Year 2013 provides us with a new view of the European and American institutions....as algebraic subsets of the EARTH government with Nature's intellect. Humans and their social structures live on the surface of EARTH Lab .....within the atomic/astrophysics continuum. For practical purposes we have:
atomic level <-- human intermediate --> Solar System level
Together, these various conceptual entities give us a practical view of our daily lives within the continuum. Economic activities, political science, crime, etc. can be understood as subset activities within the CONTINUUM frame of reference. Russell and Whitehead outlined this process in year 1910 with their explanation of sets/subsets and classes. Thus Principia Mathematica provided a symbolic architecture for Nature's intellect ...and 100 years later...the math social engineering analysis reports are becoming available.
The Polish of Chicago play a role in this process. Various projects require their attention; such as:
- the GodZin project with
......TenZin Gyatson of Tibet and
......TenZin of WISCONSIN with the Zinjanthropus Boise skull.
This is an archeology skull update project....involving Boise Cascade Office Products and their Polish heritage computer personnel in 1990 to 1995.
What was this secret Polish bio-computer system network project?
- The North Pole magnetic field bio-physics WAR at Northern Illinois University
- the bio-computer test data bus --> Bus.y Bee restaurant of Damen Avenue/ North Avenue/ Milwaukee Avenue in 1984 and the nearby FLAT IRON Building and supersymmetry physics parallel to the IRON shipyards of Poland.
- The FLAT IRON building extension to the iron Federal Building in Oklahoma City and the iron World Trade Center.
The Chicago Polish math, physics, engineering, and science professionals and their friends could make a major contribution to understanding the SCIENCE WARS .......which will provide an updated view of world politics and world economics.
Poles in Chicago
Poles in Chicago - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

North Side of Chicago
- Jozafatowo – The area around St. Josaphat's in Chicago which was initially heavily Cassubian
- U Przemienienia – The area around Transfiguration
Avondale 'Chicago's Polish Village:
- Jackowo – The area around St. Hyacinth Basilica
- Waclawowo – The area around St. Wenceslaus
- Polskie Wille - The landmark Villa District, historically known as the "Polish Kenilworth"
- Niepokalanego Serca Maryi – The area around Immaculate Heart of Mary, also known as Little Cassubia
- Wladyslawowo – The area around St. Ladislaus in Chicago
- Konstancowo – The area around St. Constance
- Teklowo – The area around St. Thecla
- Jakubowo – The area around St. James
- U Biskupa (Stanislawowo) – The area around St.Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr
Humboldt Park Franciszkowo – The area around St. Francis of Assisi
Thus we see some symbol and geography CLUES about the Chicago Polish and their unsolved puzzle.
Additional SCIENCE WAR subjects are listed on the above TOOLBAR on your computer screen.
You may CLICK on those NOUNS for access.
CONTACT: Principle science researcher HERB ZINSER
Mail Address: P.O.BOX 134, Watertown, WI 53094-0134, USA
E-Mail: Herb@Zinoproject.com
Website: www.zinoproject.com
The North Pole and South Pole magnetic data field WAR with the iron hemoglobin proteins of WAR.saw humanoids. Do POLES understand the atomic Polish (or atomic English) language of the ferrous oxide atom?
Polish iron shipyards (external ships floating on Baltic Sea)
..........and parallel/ supersymmetry geo-physics and bio-physics
Polish iron ships (internal hemoglobin cells floating in biology fluids)
Previous blogs outlined the situation.
The NORTH POLE Magnetic Data Field WAR
03/26/11 22:07 , Categories: Uncategorized
The North Pole magnetic data field is most easily understood within the context of COMPUTER EARTH.
The COMPUTER EARTH government is known as Uncle SAM = Sequential Access Method that is used by the geology computer device UNIT = NORTH POLE Magnetic Tape (the NIXON tape computer science experiment). The magnetic field lines/ tape interact with the iron HEMOGLOBIN proteins in geology students and geology professors cortex computer. This provides COMPUTER EARTH data processing system with a hybrid cybernetic construct --> similar to Star Trek, Captain Picard and the BORG.
Theory and empirical data suggests that university students and professors are BORG like. The main components are:
1) Data processing device UNIT = TAPE of North Pole Magnetic field flow lines. This geological/physics structure of MOTHER NATURE needs a READ/ WRITE HEAD to perform I/O = Input/ Output of magnetic data fields. Thus
2) The interaction of the EARTH magnetic field with the ferrous oxide atoms of the brain/cortex HEME GROUP FE(II) ion would be the interaction mechanism. To optimize such interaction Charles Darwin natural selection would select geography/ geology/ physics PROFESSORS at the University of I/O Work Area ==> known to computer programmers as the University of Input/ Output Work Area = which is the biology brain experiment test = University of I O W A.
3) Thus the geography combination of the NORTH POLE magnetic Field and the willing experimental brain research subjects in IOWA leads to a complete picture. The device UNIT = NORTH POLE magnetic field lines (TAPE) uses the biological READ/ WRITE TAPE HEAD of an educated graduate student. These BRAVE student specimens complete the BRAVE NEW WORLD experiment.
Do you read a complex book at 2000 words per minute? This suggests that your magnetic field interaction is operating at the EARTH computer speed/format with data blocksize 2000 words per minute. YOUR brain computer device details are secret. Do you know how your data processing system works?
Do you use FORTRAN computer language for social engineering? Then you probably use NORTH POLE magnetic data field floating-point numbers (scientific notation).
Fe = Ferrous oxide atomic life formats such as Fe = Females ...an atomic humanoid species..is suspected of having manipulated the magnetic field of the EARTH government resulting in many ferrous oxide anthropology conflicts on EARTH LAB. The two atomic species of humans are the following:
-the left handed ferrous oxide atomic labeled specimens....
women atomic format.................known as Fe = Fe + male
-the right-sided ferrous oxide structure --> Mr. male + Fe
What kind of humanoid BORG have you become? Learn how to avoid the BORG feature from dominating your symbolic brain and your atomic social psychology thoughts.
Thus we see that Mother Earth designed the biological and mental structure of the POLES as a special experiment. Hence, the EARTH LAB humanoid species experimental labels:
Polish language and Polish food
What is the nature of that experiment?
What kind of POLE are you? Thus is very complex question.
Theory suggests that the adult fe.male POLE and her fe = ferrous oxide atomic bio-physics nature is associated with the SOUTH POLE magnetic field. Thus we have an interaction that influences her feelings equation. Feelings equation --> fe + el = ferrous oxide 26 electrons and her 26 alphabet letters.
Now more empirical research needs to be done; thus the importance of Polish-American male scientists and their curosity about such atomic female social science expressors.
Modern physics with the Margaret Mead nuclear family .... atomic social anthropology.
Thus we have the signal from the atomic/astrophysics continuum VIA
BORG-WARNER automotive components company.
BORG-WAR....autom --> atom = periodic atomic table
Are female POLES undecover agents in the BORG-WAR or are such females really BORG-females?
Specifically ...Borg implies metal/ iron and aluminum .....and we know the Chicago Polish are big in the machine tool/ metal forming trades .......thus the parallel to
Borg-metal ....... in biological format would be the
Borg-metabolism .....thus the Chicago Polish machinist works in 2 different Sartre dimensions.
1st ..during the work day he forms/fabricates /machines iron and aluminum parts
and then
after work he enters the 2nd dimension .....and works with biological ferrous oxide FORMS.
The signal from the BP = Base Pairs genetics problem of the living EARTH cell was outlined by the BP = Base Pair orbital agent = British Peroleum in the Gulf of Mexico.
Orbital agent ...assigned by Nature to algebra subset
O..i...l --> oil electrons VIA British Petroleum
Thus the BP signal and William Shakespeare's CLUE:
"The WORLD is a stage and we are the role players"
Thus we have the Chicago hypothesis that some Polish have..... thru Darwinian evolution of their symbolic brain computer ....
have BP thoughts (Borg-Polish thoughts).
Information from the Polish newspapers sold at the electron SHELL physics RD site .....the Shell station at Milwuakee/Belmont...... suggests some Polish science mystery is happening.
In the tradition of Madame Curie, please HELP modern science solve the Margaret Mead nuclear family..atomic anthropology problem.